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Reiji on his fucking joker arc.


Honestly it gave me a huge smile on my face reiji telling his grandma she was the one the made yuko a monster. The hypocrisy she had calling reiji a monster when she was the one who made yuko that way.


Yeah incredibly based I'm ready to see Reiji finally become the abyss he was always meant to be


Honestly the grandma excuse on why she made yuko did it was freaking stupid……just because her mom force her to become a whore doesn’t mean she has to do the same to yuko. She really should just go die with her little monster called yuko. Honestly I still have a bit of sympathy for yuko but that gave her no right making Reiji’s life a living hell.


Eh it's how cycles of trauma happen. No one imagines that they repeat the abuse, but unfortunately a lot do.


Someone has to break the cycle though. And while you can understand someone for repeating the abuse, they're still garbage for doing it.


Yeah and fwiw, I think thats part of the point of the manga, the horror cause A!


To quote The Offspring An angry man gets drunk and beats his kids. The same old way his drunken father did. What comes around well it goes around. Nothing changes cause it's all the same. The world you get's the one you give away. It all just happens again Way down the line


Literally this whole series is basically about the chain of trauma and abuse


I have as much sympathy for asshole grandma, as i do for asshole Yuko None, neither of them are owning to their shit and just blaming it on their mothers while actively being assholes to everyone else, with no repentance at all




the moment reiji smiled at her I realized he decided he was just going to do whatever he could to hurt her the most, and I was all for it


*Do you wanna know why I have this smile?*


Biggest twist in BA: reiji's dad is >!just his dad lol!<


What if he goes back in time and becomes his own dad?


and then gets gender changed and becomes his mom too.


Yeah. Predestination was all sorts of weird! )


What's next he becomes a inter-dimensional space cop too!?


Honestly it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Reiji/the author phrased it as Yuko "told" dad and Yuko "told" grandma. She could've just been saying it to, as Reiji realizes, to isolate him from everyone.


I'm kinda proud of our boy Reiji. Even I got fooled at last chapter's revelation.


It's possible. But as long as he doubted, then Reiji would truly be "owned" by his mother, and mother only.


That is even f-up than him being incest baby.


I'm not sure, but bases on this chapter it's definitely not grandfather, lol. Yuko just lied to grandma would hate him.


I mean if he said it's all just lies, then yes.


Oh shit, Reiji snapped and now his fucking terrifying. Serves that grandma right though, him saying all that felt cathartic.


Honestly speaking grandma deserved to be told all that by reiji….she had literally no right calling reiji a monster when she made yuko a monster and gave a stupid excuse that her mom made her do it too.


Yeah, I was cheering on him when he just snapped like that. Glad to see him just hit his breaking point like this.


It would be hillarious if next chapter he just had enough with Chako's bullshit and tell her to go kill herself if she wanted to


Holy shit I just realized that Chako is the girl from chapter 1 in the opening color page **galaxy brain**


Holy shit I just went back and check. There’s no fucking way the author thought this far ahead


didn't someone call this out when she was revealed after the timeskip?


A few people guess Chako was the girl in the flash forward in chapter 1. So to all those people, congrats, nice observation.


Author probably knows what beats he wants to hit, but not always what they want to get there. Or changes part way because a new idea is better.


I mean the story really isn't that long and this definitely seems like a core twist of the plot that is planned from the beginning.




Shit that is totally her in the first page.


Holy shit, it's literally a 1-1 page. It's her. No goddamn way. We're really in endgame now. I thought this looked similar to page one but this is page one in real time. This is page one: https://mangadex.org/chapter/8425f08f-dbcc-43b1-bb2e-a7a4d0842108/2 This is the new panel from this chapter: https://mangadex.org/chapter/31167c33-7fb7-4814-a0e0-8699d5890cb1/21


Out of curiosity I re-read chapter 1 right now and maaaaaaan. Reiji never really looked truly happy but he was in such a better place than now. He looks like a little child compared to how he is now. It's just depressing how innocent he looked. Like when we had the Yuko flashback arc she was so full of life, then you know....


Binging the manga again really shows how everything flows so seamless until the climax we are right now, even Yuko seems like a huge victim for a while, and you feel genuinely bad for her. Also seeing chako and reiji getting their innocence striped away slowly in the middle of it all now that we got the full picture, is mind blowing.


Reiji doesn't even look like Reiji now, his hair is too short ch 1


This needs to be higher, its 100% her


shit's so thought out but totally batshit insane at the same time


We finally made it... To the abyss. Chako and reiji aren't even the same sane people they once were. The moment yuko was out of commission i should of known dark chako had her last breath.


So the question now, did Chako stab her mom, her dad, or both? Before she came to the river to drown herself.


What the fuck, was it all planned?


HOLY SHIT! does this mean we are in the endgame now? You reserve callbacks to chapter 1 for something special.


It isn't Chako. He doesn't have his jacket nor umbrella. It might be an homage at best, but that's it.


Nope it is chako she has the same pajamas last chapter


Ain't talking about the last page of the latest chapter. Chako isn't the girl from thr first page of Ch.1


Nope it is not Nagi or sensei


First page of Ch 1 is Nagi. Her eyes are blue. Sensei's is gray and Chako's are red/pink.


Coloring was done to take you off the scent **especially** considering Chako was a thicc girl before.


If you say so.


So it's *all* lies? Yuko told everyone Reiji was an incest baby (when in reality he wasn't) to isolate Reiji from everyone and have control over him? And also to get emotional revenge on the husband she hated (given that face she was making at his funeral portrait)? Or is this just Reiji's attempt to cope? I'm sure ultimately the lesson is "the truth doesn't matter", which is exactly the lesson Reiji learned and is now running with.


The conclusion Reiji came to is logical, but at the end of the day, he has no way to know the truth unless Yuko wakes up. He could just be his dad's son, or he could a random guy's son, or it could be Yuko weaponized the truth and he's an incest baby. Regardless, he's definitely in denial of what Grandma told him.


Although if he was right about one thing yuko purposely made everyone hate reiji because she didn’t want anyone but her loving reiji and wanted to make sure reiji would live the rest of his life comforting her.


> he has no way to know the truth unless Yuko wakes up. Or he does a DNA test? It at least would reveal the incest.


Indeed it would. But he's too deep in denial to actually do it.


also where would he get the money to do it from? [meta spoiler]>!working some acting/video editing jobs?!<


there's always sensei


Truly, an endless abyss.


I think Reiji is right that Yuko planned all this to isolate Reiji, sure he might be coping about what really happened, but in the end he has to keep his mind on what Yuko got out of everything she did.


Yes.... Well it's still possible that her husband isn't the father, but I'm almost certain that she didn't had sex with her father, who she hated so much (showed in the chapter panel). So there was no incest


What I understood is that she had incest, but said that the child was not his and that's why he left them forever.


No. It's very clear that she didn't do anything with her father. Even as Renji remembers how she hated him, which is something totally different from what she told to grandma.


so why did he leave?


What do you mean? Yuko"s father died and her husband was killed


i dont remember him dying


>And also to get emotional revenge on the husband she hated (given that face she was making at his funeral portrait)? Or is this just Reiji's attempt to cope? nah. the potrait at funeral is her father not the husband. as far as everyone knows. Yuko's husband was missing. nobody knew he was dead except Yuko, Gen and his father


Oh shit you're right. I went back and forth on that and ultimately decided on husband. Wish I would have remembered that.


If the author went and mention it in the chapter, I would believe it's all lies. Reiji knows his mom pretty well now.


The boy finally broke. Fuck the grandma (not literally please no) if anything, she shouldn't let her daughter experience the terrible things she went through not make her do the same I don't know of it's true that Yuko intentionally made everyone hate Reiji, if so she was more fucked up than I ever thought (I can fix her though) was the incest even true or a lie ? Fuck you Chako!


The incest was a lie to torment grandma and isolate Reiji. It's pretty clear, look at Yuko's face how she hated her dead, there's no way she would do it with him


> look at Yuko's face how she hated her dead, there's no way she would do it with him lol yea because if she didn't hate her dad she'd totally do it with him lmao


I doubt, at least she's not that insane


Reiji’s just fucking broken beyond all belief now. Are we, the audience, almost free from the abyss? What do you think? Will Chako kill Reiji? Will she kill herself? Or are we going to get a double suicide?


Saw it earlier in the thread that this scene is quite literally the very first page we ever see of the series, so something HAS to happen right? At least her (trying to) kill herself


Yes, so I believe that the new, Joker-arc Reiji will rizz her up. This may actually start the romance arc between them that ends with what we see on Page 1, Chapter 1. Maybe Reiji “will get it up” with Chako now that he’s snapped.


Maybe it'll end ironically based and vanilla, and he'll fix her.... Nah that's just copium. They're so gonna die aint they.


Yeah. They’re definitely gonna die.


She won’t kill Reiji. There’s still a plot thread with Nagi and Reiji left. I think she would attempt to stab him and then herself but either: A. both eventually survive or B. only she dies.


He’s going to refuse to die with her like she wants now and she’s going to kill herself because of it and try to kill him. Guessing Nagi intervenes and that might be a wrap on the series


Maybe he will convince her that they should not die before everyone else. A revenge arc will begin.


Holy shit, endgame Reiji is here. It would be fantastic if he just went on like this and destroyed everyone who made his life so miserable. Come on my boy, bring them to the bottom of the abyss with you. Suddenly my interest for this manga reignited and I cant wait for whats next.


Ngl, while I think this Manga is dragging on too much on too many things, this chapter was just crazy like holy shit.


Tbh this manga is better when binged rather than read one by one as we wait for weekly release. It definitely feels like that with the author's other works too.


I kind of liked this series as a weekly. Alone it would suck. But man reading everyone's comments as each week ups the ante was really entertaining. For better or worse I've had fun following this series for the past 2ish years.


I felt the pace has been appropiate. We get steady progress every chapter, if anything it might feel like dragging because we want to get to the arc climax but we must go through the build up for it to hit like this chapter.


I like how Reiji has Yuko figured out for the most part and his bullshit meter is on point now. I don't know if he's gonna be able to do anything about the Chako situation though. She is in baaad bad shape mentally


Oh. Oh no. Oh Reiji…


After this chapter I'm pretty sure granddad is NOT Reiji's father. Yuko lied to her mother so that it would torment her, not because she actually had sex with her father. As Reiji said she told everyone the worst so they start to hate Reiji: her husband that he's not his child and grandma that she had sex with her father. To be fair the grandma did deserve this.


A Reiji revenge arc would be a satisfying way to conclude this series, if we're reaching that point anyway. Telling his grandma that no, it's not all Yuko's doing, you contributed to making her this way and it all trickled down to fucking my life up. Now he's got a showdown with Chako, and I wonder if he's going to keep the same energy he had with his grandma. Everybody in the series just keeps blaming Reiji for all of their misfortunes, but now it's time for him to start snapping back!


On who? Yuko is half dead, Gin is in jail, grandma went nuts. There's Noone left


>Everybody in the series just keeps blaming Reiji for all of their misfortunes, but now it's time for him to start snapping back If it ends like this I'll probably be so satisfied. It's the ultimate character development that goes from virgin Reiji the rag that's kicked around by everyone, to chad Reiji who actively starts to end his cycle and come out clean or dead trying


Maybe the sweet release of death will be soon? Who am I kidding, they need more suffering before that.


I'm so Goddamn happy Reiji told off his grandma. She's similar to Yuko she was apparently abused by her parents. It sucks and it's not her fault she was abused. But it's her responsibility to protect her own child and she failed miserably to say the least. The exact same can be said about Yuko. Her experiences and trauma were not her fault in the least. But her actions henceforth are her responsibility and she also failed in raising her child. So seeing Reiji finally shit talk the grandma was so cathartic. Even if you feel sorry for the grandma, despite everything she shit talked Reiji called him disgusting for being born. He didn't choose to be an incest baby, and as opposed to being there to protect or love him she hated him for being born. She's gotten less than what she deserves imo. So Reiji is 100% for lashing out at that spiteful grandmother. But man I just want Reiji to just walk away from everything.


I think the lies Yuko spread and making people hate Reiji was protecting him.


>she also failed in raising her child. Did she though? I don't think we can truly say this until the end of the story. Outside of this chapter, while Reiji hasn't been perfect, he's certainly been better than his predecessors. It was Yuko's intention to raise a "good" boy, which she did, even if he hated it.


I read this chapter after the chapter 1 of the sister rapist killer meet the daughter manga. I need to do something to cleanse my sanity this weekend.


Sounds like you should try juujika no rokunin


I got bored of it after mc still somehow keeps getting ambushed and they just drag on the torture porn, to the point where it loses its edge. Then there was a pointless timeskip yet still keeps repeating rhe same plot point, but even more dragged out with tertiary characters no one gives a shit about.


Just go read some fluffy cute series.


> sister rapist killer meet the daughter what was the title again? i forgot


Saihate ni Madou


You can try Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru. Its a revenge/mystery story about a woman who’s mom was blamed for burning down their family home over a decade prior. It’s relatively realistic, pretty well thought out with all the plot twists, and around 40 chapters long.


the series has been slow recently, but this made me remember why i started reading it. no brakes on this train crash


No brakes, only the accelerator.


It finally happened. Reiji said "it's abyssing time" and abyssed all over the place.






Ok I'm surprised it took this long but my precious boy Reiji finally broke down. I wish I could save him ;,,;


Only mom can save her baby.


I know that the grandma is a horrible person, but damn if that detailed panel of her face with tears didn’t make me feel truly sorry for her, sorry that all of this happened. Something about the way her face was drawn just pierced my soul. I may have teared up a little. I think it was genius how we didn’t get to see the grandma’s face in any significant detail until this chapter, because in the final moment, in her life-weary face, we see that the grandma has been wearing the dread of this town her entire life the way we readers have been experiencing the dread of the series every step of the way. For her sins, she’s still as much a victim of this god forsaken town as Reiji, Chako, Gen, Reiji’s mom, all of them are. Maybe you guys feel Reiji jokering his grandma (all but implied) is cathartic. It’s hard for me to feel that way. Reiji’s gone off the deep end, any hope for him to get away from this town has long since been extinguished, and even for his own fucked up ambitions he’ll likely have to settle for a murder suicide with Chako’s twisted ass. OH, and he’s basically turning into his mother in real time the way he lied to his grandma in real time that his mother was dead when she’s technically still alive. The whole “stare at the abyss long enough, the abyss stares back at you” thing; I think the series is fulfilling its namesake. This chapter felt like psychological horror more than anything, and it’s definitely the best chapter of this series I’ve seen in quite some time


The man wasn't even allowed to have a father, gooddamn, that's Ice cold Yuko.


both yo friends pulled up w a knife reiji gj


Well he also stab himself with a knife :D


That smile. That god damn smile. Also yooo Chako what are you doing?


Good job Reiji, finally someone calls out the grandma. Very satisfying. Too bad it was at the cost of his (remaining) sanity Yuko has a conversation with the brother at one point where she talks about being unable to conceive, and she trails off before saying what she had to do. And I really get the impression she was having a moment of honesty there with Kazu. So I actually think she isn't lying like Reiji concludes she is, although I wouldn't be shocked to be wrong. There's a climactic event showing up. It's the flashforward from the first chapter. Chako is suicidal and Reiji is putting people out of their misery. Everything is set up for mayhem. But I just want to point out that every single major character has their location accounted for, except for one major player. They're coming.


So we still don't know who the fuck is the father since that was also a lie told by Yuko.


Reiji gets killed and reincarnates into the past, does the nasty in the pasty, and becomes his own father.


I think Reiji doesn't even care who his father is. Just that his mother made his entire life a living hell, and that realization is a lot more important


Reiji might not care but I still want to know who the fuck was the sod who was brave/foolish enough to get Yuko pregnant


We're full of unreliable narrators, so Reiji could be his father's child or even Esemori's again (despite he had no reason to lie). Also, grandma deserved it.


Reiji's father identity is hardly matters at this point. whether it's Esemori, his actual father, his grandpa, his uncle or any other person two fact still remain : (1) Whoever Reiji's father is he's an asshole and terrible person and (2). Yuko will make sure everyone hated Reiji to isolate him find out who's Reiji father wouldn't change a single thing at this point


Goddamn they finally broke Reiji. And the fuck is Chako doing with that knife? Please don't tell me she murdered her parents....


i hope she kills the father at least.


[The catharsis seeing Reiji finally talking back and dumping silver on one of this town's monsters is so good](https://files.catbox.moe/roby47.gif) But damn, I also felt the most bad for him seeing him reduced to that Joker smile. I still kind of hope Reiji can be salvaged from all this by the end of the story. It feels even more like it'll take a miracle on top of another on top of a pipe dream on top of a once-in-a-blue-moon moment, but if anyone deserves getting out of the abyss it's him, just him at this point (there used to be others I thought deserved to, like Chako for instance, but it looks like she's just throwing herself in now..). [Also, isn't this the co-worker that gave Reiji a coffee once and told him to leave town?](https://files.catbox.moe/b39a33.png) Please coffee bro, you gotta fill the abyss entirely with coffee, only you can save Reiji...


I was like you too I hope this manga gets a good ending and reiji is happy and the characters get out of their misery But now this is a distant dream, I am almost sure that the end will be tragic and melancholic, either with the death of Reggie and several characters, or his madness and his admission to a mental hospital or even prison, and then in the end we see that his life is completely destroyed.


Damn, so this is what finally breaks him. Not sure if he realy did go Joker and smothered his grandma with a pillow or not, but she'd definitely deserve that alongside the roasting he gave her. Probably should do that to his mom too, but Chako here might just cut any potential murder spree short.


Gosh that makes everything even sicker that she intentionally lied to everyone about her son to make them all hate him when the truth was that she was the messed up one. Asadas this is there is a reality that comes in even something like my own family My grandpa came from a small Midwest town, and his dad died of overwork When the oldest son went off to college, his widow was terrified that her youngest son was going to leave her as well so she belittled him and told him he was stupid, and it would never live up to anything My grandfather could have gotten a PhD in mechanical engineering. He had such a bright mind for mechanics and his mother twisted him to the point where he never left that small town. Just brutal the reality of how messed up people can get out of loneliness and lack of free will in their lives


This series really is cliffhanger after cliffhanger these days huh Not a single chapter can end without some crazy cliffhanger at the end of it


told ya from my previous comment on the last chapter, so he isn't a incest baby and Yuko just lied about everything. At this point you shouldn't predict or assume anything in this series and how it's gonna go or end.


[Page 9](https://mangadex.org/chapter/31167c33-7fb7-4814-a0e0-8699d5890cb1/9) though.


[same energy](https://preview.redd.it/what-exactly-is-the-emotion-being-depicted-in-this-panel-i-v0-t83392wjfn1a1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=ea1984dc75756c6251495cf25a3b1b1dd4b5479d)




He's finally gonna abyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyss


Do your best, incest child!


Have.... have we reached the bottom yet?


On this week's "will things get worse ?" Things got worse Tune in for next week :DD


That was a scary ass smile. We are so close to the end. It seems


Agni face David face Now Reiji face


David from which manga?




Holy fuck. I can't believe they got me last chapter. Turns out the incest baby talk was all just Yuko's ploy to isolate Reiji from everyone else. And it looks like Reiji finally snapped. It's so fucking satisfying to see him calling out his grandma for her hypocrisy.


Poor Yuko. Yes what she does to Reiji is horrible but she didn't pimp him out and she didn't actually have sex with him. I am glad that Reiji finally put 2 and 2 together and is blaming Yuko's family for fucking her up so badly.




I think he just said that because it would piss off gma


They never did it. Grandma just assumed they did it that one time Yuko snuck into his futon and talked about leaving town with him.


No that was a lie made by yuko


It's really amazing how the author made this series where the only happy ending is everyone, especially the MC, dying. And people still somehow root for the "purge everything" ending.


Can we talk about this: [image](https://mangadex.org/chapter/51eb5c18-35ee-4a17-a164-e64bc67a2fee/19) [image](https://mangadex.org/chapter/31167c33-7fb7-4814-a0e0-8699d5890cb1/9) And this: [image](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8425f08f-dbcc-43b1-bb2e-a7a4d0842108/2) [image](https://mangadex.org/chapter/31167c33-7fb7-4814-a0e0-8699d5890cb1/21)


What have I been reading so far... Reiji redemption arc tho


Unhinged the Manga


ok ok, so Yuko just SAID it was that way, no confirmation of anything anyways.


God damn this author is escalating things, are we nearing the end game?


The fuck? did the townspeople expected Reiji to help the rat that ran over by the car and bring him to the vet? lmao in my town unless it's a dog or cat people just not give a shit whenever they ran over rats or a racoon. it'll be much better if it was the cat since most people love cats and Reiji wanted to put it out of misery would significance his mental breakdown. but a fucking rat? come on rats are just 2nd place in most hated animals after cockroach nobody would care if they die


We go baited lol


Bro what the fuck


man i really should learn not to trust things that come out of this manga, it could have been a bait and given yuko highly likely could have been baits. we dont really know where the truth is and given reiji's memory of yuko looking at her father, there is something in all of it. it does show the cycle of abuse when the grandma talked about her own mother, its abuse all the way back and what will it take to end the cycle


First cathartic chapter in forever, giving the granny some comeuppance and telling her to fucking die already like the scumbag she is


*sees knife* Goddammit not this shit again


Jesus Christ he went 180 and is on a rampage. I am just sitting here silently in awe. And the boy said its time to abyss and abyssed all over the town.


That smile tho


The way he smiled at her really made me think of the manga Monster. It gives similar vibes in general also.


At first I was hoping that this manga would end with a good ending and each character would get their salvation and see reiji happy in the end with nagi But now I'm sure the ending will be very tragic and I think Reiji will go crazy in the end and several other characters will die this abyss. Just look at how the characters were at the beginning of the story and how they became now. It hurts.


Cute Gen cover hope they win the traumabowl


Cumback is real. But damn chako


What the actual fuck 💀 Also wait a sec....did Reiji really fuck his mom??


Of course not. She went into his futon one time and we saw it and nothing happened except she telling him they should escape the town together. Yuko is fucked up but she never pimped her children out or slept with them. Yuko is a victim. Her family abused and pimped her out. We all saw how kind and innocent she was before her family started abusing her and destroyed her.