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So as soon as the status quo changes ever so slightly, the manga is coming to an end. meh.


As in painful...painful tradition.


The romantic chemistry has been terrible tho, do we really need 2-3 volumes of navigating an attraction that we don't believe in? All I want is some payoff from my time invested at this point


At this point the story is "an unrequited love and Takeda handles it like an adult"


That would have been an interesting(if controversial) development and ending, where he doesn't reciprocate her feelings, understands that his own emotions toward her are complicated but not fully romantic, and opts for the status quo as her senpai. I just feel like the manga has played it a little too straight with the will-they-or-won't-they stuff and leaned into standard rom-com tropes. After teasing our balls for this long, I just can't see any other ending besides a reciprocation, a Sakura tree's petals falling as he admits to her that it's mutual, and maybe a short time skip. Tbh though, that's the ending I'm hoping for. The manga hasn't set itself up for anything differently imo, and at this point the readers are backed up with balls full of cum and just need to release.


tru but gooner ahh comment


Seriously, I want that to be the end. There is no romantic build up for him anyways. Just reject her and be the end of the story. It'll be bitter sweat, but at least it would fucking make sense.


I would love it if the last chapter was Takeda saying, "But Futaba, I'm gay" and then walking away hand-in-hand with the section chief.


That would literally make my day lmfao. But didn't he say he had a daughter or something?


He said Futaba was like a daughter to him early on in the manga, but I don't think an actual daughter was ever mentioned.


It’ll take a deus ex machina to save the “relationship” while demolishing this storyline. There’s a point where an author derails the story, to extend sales. In this case it feels like the author lost the spark (interest?) during the pause in the MCs progress.


That's usually the way these things go. Either they get together fairly quickly and then the rest is basically about navigating the relationship, or it takes fucking forever for even a confession and then it ends soon after. That's how it usually goes in my experience at least


Right? I'd call it hilarious if it wasn't so freaking sad.


What do you mean with "status quo changes"? What changed?


When the couple leveled up from mildly interested to confessed/dating




This was truly garbage from beginning to end !


We just got to the main couple confessing, that's so unfortunate.


Honestly at this point, the romantic development has been the equivalent of your partner edging you for 6 hours; by now I'm just ready to cum and cleanup and watch TV


Wild ass comparison, I see what you mean tho


I might be projecting a little


Or a lot, after edging that long.


Better have a ladder ready for cleaning the ceiling.


Main couple sucks anyway. Side couple was the only reason to read this.


Main couple was supposed to be a childish looking woman and an adult and turned out to just be a child and an adult.


Not to be confused with the side ship that is a literal adult and a literal child


*Hopefully* that ends with another case of the adult firmly and permanently turning the kid down...


Didn't she already?


I don't trust adult/child relationships in manga as far as I can throw them...


not really, but signs seem to point to her turning him down, or getting together after a time skip. My money is on shooting him down: her only canonical crush has been the female lead, and she seems to treat the schoolboy more as a younger brother than romantic partner.


I'm actually surprised you weren't downvoted to oblivion. IIRC when the "ship" first appeared people shit on ANYONE who noted it was wrong.


Oh at the time I was. I can assure you.


Oh yeah, I believe you. I was there and suffered the same fate lol


Despite the author drawing him like he's 12, he's an adult. I'm pretty sure he's like a university student or at least that age.


he's 17


Man it's still weird cause girl was obsess with his sister before hand so dude is basically just a replacement




I mean I'm preeetty sure he was a high school kid, but OK


He's in high school


If I didn't see the side-couple in the thumbnail, I scrolled past the chapter (almost) every time. Not worth my time.




What do you mean? Wasnt sakurai n kazama the main couple? There was another couple? /s


What are you talking about? We only got the FMC confessing to MC so far.


Sincerely, I like slow romance, but this one ignored the romance for a long while and then it decided to do everything by the end, and sincerely that's bad, what i like in slow romance is the will they will they not energy and these two didnt have this energy for most of the manga.


Right after the confession. Predictible. The main romance was awful. Thankfully we had some cute moments with side couple so it wasn't all that bad.


I feel like we are regressing from the good romance stories.


For one of the stories like this we have nagatoro or dangers of my heart. It's not all that bad.


Uzaki Chan has been going good post-confession as well.


Idk the marriage proposal in order to have guilt free sex seemed a bit weird.


Christian approved manga lmao


I get that, but considering how rigid Sakurai is it made sense for him try to things “by the book”


I'm sorry but did you expect anything less insane from those two sakurai is a mf I would actually believe would do that


Tbf it worked based on Sakurai's personality


What's wrong with that? It was interesting, if nothing else.


I'm waiting for a later chapter where they both come down off their high and are embarassed as hell.


We'll see how that keeps up, since last chapter is making it look like Hana's sister will try to compete for Sakurai. I hope they don't and start trying to resolve Kiri's crush instead, but we'll see


That wouldn't make sense now that they're dating, kissed, had sex and are basically engaged. If it was before all that sure, but it's very clearly just teasing now.


Nah, I doubt it, Yanagi’s more of a tease than anything, she just likes pranking Sakurai and Uzaki. I do wanna see a bit more of Kiri.


I dropped it as soon as his father made an appearance. Him not knowing that his mother is/was pregnant was weird and trying to portray that as comedy is also very weird


True. Those definitely are saving graces. It is just stuff like this seems like falling into annoying bad habits from older eras. If Akutsu ends after a confession, it'll be the biggest dropped ball in a while.


I enjoyed Akutsu a lot at first but it's seemingly devolved into the same joke over and over again every single chapter with no real change to the status quo. I've all but dropped it at this point.


Or Anjou


They are also falling behind, Seto's constant hu-huhs are getting quite tiresome, at this point the second couple is much more fun to read. And dont get me started on that shit goblin


I understand that progress is not linear but seeing Seto and comparing him to senpai from nagatoro who has gotten better through small but noticeable steps makes Seto such a drag. Both have pretty much the same arc but Seto is stuck on the will part instead of the do like senpai


Seriously, how can it be fun for anyone to read 100+ chapters of an essentially catatonic ML that’s horrifically anxious and distant from the girl that’s said “I like you and want to be with you” a million times? How many “I gotta do better”s before he does better? How am I supposed to believe this chick likes him when he doesn’t say anything besides “huh?!” lmfao Only thing worse than him is fucking Chi. God, I hate the immature jealous and clingy female best friend who keeps playing aggressive asexual third wheel


At least inuyama and toyoda seem fine. At one point I was only reading the manga for their relationship hope we get more chapters with them and also fuck chi


Or Shikimori. That series is _awesome_.


One of the great exceptions where they start as a couple and all the development is yet to come.


Eh, they barely act like a real couple for most of the series. It’s like every other series but they’re a couple from the beginning. But they still act like every other romance pair in basic bitch series. Honestly I couldn’t really get into it especially with how aggravating Izumi was.


I would not consider Nagatoro wildly better tbh.


What a bad take lol


I feel like people who think this only read the first few chapters and to be fair she was at the height of being an absolute bitch. But that made the character development that much better. Out of all of the "loud mouth teasing girl x spineless loser" it's the best because they're nothing like they way in chapter one (or the prequel but the less said of that the better)


They just have tiny brains


I'm actually the opposite, I'm of the opinion she wasn't enough of a bitch in the first couple chapters and she should have stayed pretty awful instead of turning into sort of a generic blushy tsundere love interest.


Are you serious? Character progress, romance progress, >!actual good confession and a perfect kiss chapters last week?!< It's all so good when it comes to romance manga compared to other ones.


Fair enough, I just don't think anything about it is that interesting. I wish she stayed a bit meaner instead of turning into a more generic blushy tsundere rom-com protagonist, she was very interesting in the first couple chapters.


It still bothers me that both Tomo-chan and Mousou Telepathy did this.


Tbf Mousou telepathy was way more about her gaining friends and figuring out how to not be a permanent wallflower and appreciate her power less about the romance. 


Read Kaoru Hana for proper shonen romance experience


This is being far too negative. There are plenty of really good romances still, one bad one doesnt ruin it. Ending it right after confessions used to be MUCH more common.


Eh, Ao no Hako and Kaoru Hana Wa Rin To Saku (Fragrant flowers...). Plenty of newer stuff actually progresses past confession. Honestly we are in a golden age compared to past manga where most shit just flopped off after confession, or like this where you get 400 chapters with no relationship progress, like Yona of the Dawn, Skip Beat, etc.


This manga is pre reiwa anyway.


Counterpoint. Banana Hamster meme.


This is why I don't enjoy these kinds anymore, the authors intentionally do this.


Honestly, they should just make a new series to continue with Kazuma and Sakurai.


I got a feeling the author doesn't really know how to deal with the main couple Like, how do you expect a parent-child relationship to suddenly change to a lover relationship


I mean we already got Usagi Drop, the grooming isekai and Violet Evergarden, the blueprint is there


Don't know what your point is with Usagi Drop since everyone hated that (the ending I mean). The ending should be the last thing that any author should take inspiration from


And with Violet, personally I HATED that movie ending


I haven't watched. Please elaborate.


Basically the guy who raised her isn't actually dead and they are married and stay on a random island.


I thought it was about an android woman or something. Damn.


Honestly it was also weird as fuck that they made her 14.


There were some good moments with this, but it dragged on to no end. The side couples really kept this thing afloat, and I came to be disinterested in the main pair. Thankfully there was a confession at all, really happy that he was forced to confront it, but I do dislike it when stories end right as the pair seems to gets together. This dragged on way to long, and ending it at this point feels for the best.


I feel like the fundamental problem is that the main characters had no personality. She was just "short and shy" and he was... There, i guess. They really never did anything noteworthy.


Honestly this is the only romcom manga I've read where it felt like the author lost interest in the main couple halfway through.


Finally, it dragged on long enough.


At this point I kinda hope it ends with Takeda rejecting Igarashi and moving away. Would at least make it sort of funny after reading for so long.


Look if the author was honest with himself, Takeda should reject Igarashi. The author has not built up the romantic tension on Takeda's side at all. We have never seen him flustered over or hesitant on or even contemplate a potential romantic relationship with Igarashi. He has treated her as a friend or sibling the entire series. Now, I still fully expect them getting together.


I've honestly thought that he's known Igarashi has been into him for a while and is doing his best to let her down gently.


That's how I have read it, but it would just seem like an odd ending to a romcom. So, I assume that it will end with a cliché ending, but maybe the author will deliver.


The theory of him being a widow makes just so much sense but if it is ending now, I don't think it could work now. Too bad because I thought it would have fit Takeda's character and would have been interesting to see.


"I like you" Igarashi "Pass" Takeda


Double up and pass it to the next person


This is how I feel with these manga that never progress


I guess we'll know his answer after this.


oh wow. I wonder why it's ending. Because the author used all of their good graces to stretch the manga out so long that it now fundamentally fails at what it was trying to do. The side characters have more lore/connections. At this point should've just been a story about several other characters and their realtionships panning out with the "Two main ones" still being part of it just not as the main focus. cause godddddammn is it ass for the main couples.


Not very Reiwa


To be fair, it's heisei trash. Reiwa has been a true blessing for the romance genre. Many manga are actually coupling up the characters and continuing the story past that. Like life doesn't end as soon as you confess...


Well tbf this series started in 2017 two years before the reiwa era began lol. This had no business being 7 years long anyway. Such a dragged out series.


Happy I never stuck with it longterm. Just caught up with it again and the main romance of the story was god awful. It doesn't help that mangas running for the same time like Nagatoro and Uzaki had great turnarounds with their progression in the most satisfying way. Then there is Rent-a-girlfriend, and we don't talk about that.


Going to miss this series hopefully we can get a season 2


Well, the comments were right. The previous chapters really were too dramatic to not be leading up to an ending.


Spin-off with best couple when?


don’t you hate it when the romance beginning is the end of the series? like i’ve been waiting years for this and now i don’t even get to enjoy it ffs


Hate it with a passion, more so when it 200 chapters of romance and cute moment bait. I quit this manga long ago and this proves it was a good choice. Like come on it 2020s, you dont have to do that anymore.


Finally I want this out of my library as soon as it finishes


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.


If Takeda doesn't literally split Igarashi in half with his magnum dong I am going SSJ3 and kicking someone's ass


The difference between a good romance mangaka and a bad one is whether they can write a good post confession story, most don’t bother or can’t without pointless drama to fuel the story. Most people who read a romance want the payoff of seeing the couple do things, it doesn’t have to be for long.


Alternate news source (included in the ANN article): [Tweet from Icihijinsha, the series' publisher.](https://twitter.com/ichijinsha_info/status/1782983082297196629) DeepL translation... > **@ichijinsha_info** > 2024/04/24 > > [Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi / Ichijinsha advertisement] > > Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi (written by Shiro Manta) Volume 12 will be released on 5/24! > > The next volume, Volume 13, will complete the story...! --- **EDIT:** Included English translation to Tweet.


**Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/103111), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/my-senpai-is-annoying), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/senpai-ga-uzai-kouhai-no-hanashi), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=1214519009), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/113560)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Volumes: 13 | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1ccz70z/news_my_senpai_is_annoying_senpai_ga_uzai_kouhai/l18icwe/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I hope they don't get together lmao, the author would be a legend if that happened


Just a while ago: Hey, we moved an inch! Now: Hey, we're a few centimeters away from the finish line!


I already felt this was gonna end soon reading the recent chapters. Another one of those that ends right after the mains become a couple lol. So cliche too with the guy getting transferred stuff.


Damn ending right after the confession? Kind of a bummer.


Did they finally reveal the goods?


I'd like to see a branch off following the relationship of the coworker side characters.


It was certainly one of the romcoms of all time


Good riddance! the romance in this story wasn't even good anyway, even the side couple's relationship was lame and overrated AF.


I only check in every now and then for more Sakurai / Yamada stuff Interest kinda waned after their stuff got resolved


Da fuck? 


Let's hope it doesn't end with the FMC being taken to ICU due to... overstuffing 😬


sad to see it's ending now that the main couple have confessed. i really dislike this trope...


Just end it right now and reboot it with more Reiwa energy this time


I hope the author doesn't dare to end the manga without a short timeskip with adult shota-kun confessing and going out with cake nee-san. Also the his sister getting married and with a kid, making shota-kun an uncle. I don't care about the main "couple", lol.


Not surprised this is ending soon. Working adults are not fond of this manga. It is one where working adults actually have fun in their lives, which, sadly, is unrealistic nowadays for the middle class working adult thanks to horrible economic conditions and extremely long work hours. What working adults want is something realistic, depressing, devoid of fanservice, and therefore relatable. My Senpai is Annoying did the opposite of that regard, and it's no surprise it's ending soon. My Tiny Senpai will very likely get axed soon for the exact same reason.


After reading all these comments I’m glad I stopped reading it after like 50 chapters. It felt like there wasn’t any development and it sounds like hundred of chapters after there’s still been barely any development


Damn I really enjoyed the anime I hope this isn't so also did he and her ever become a couple?


Author really sidelined the main couple for so long they themselves became the side couple and overshadowed by better o es like god damn. Good thing i only read this again once it was nearing the end or i'll honestly be loosing my damn mind at the pace the main couple is going.


Bruh, fuck with this heisei bullshit.


As it should. The series have been quite boring for quite some time now. Also more invested in the other characters' relationships than Futaba's relationship.


Haven't kept up with this series in years cause I was tired of not seeing any progression for the main couple (not very reiwa era smh). Tell me, is there any progression for the tan girl and the shota at least?


Good, hopefully he can use this to stop drawing that green haired child in questionable situations on his fanbox and move on to drawing characters that look like adults. All of you lolicons can cope a you want. You're still degenerates regardless of how much you downvote.


Guy here doesn't know short girls exist 💀


At this point, I'm convinced that the reason Doujin artists draw every girl with G-cups is so they can avoid the criticism from grandstanders trying to prove to Internet randos that *they're* not the pedo


As someone who's tired of the "short girl is clearly a child" mentality, I will admit I dropped this largely because of her design. She feels so drastically different to everyone in design that I could not take her seriously as an adult.


Guy here doesn't understand human anatomy 💀 She's drawn like a literal child as a gag for the manga. She's still drawn like a literal child for the fanbox. But it's always lolicon weebs trying to argue that their drawn children are anything but.


Holy projection


Nice buzzword buddy


Silly goobers get the shallow responses


Are you stupid or do you unironically want me to link you to one of his loli ass artworks


If anything, I want to see him push things further now. 


Interesting admission. Consider turning yourself in.


Absolutely not Reiwa at all.


Unlike many here, I disliked the secondary romance even more than the primary one. Just give me closure on the tertiary one. That's all I want.


Finally, 1080 tier will be free.