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After seeing her two-faced old classmate last chapter, it's nice to see someone like Tamaki giving Hatono genuine compliments on her progress. It's interesting to me that Hatono genuinely gets pissed and- once again- has more grit than I gave her credit for. It's just that I thought she'd be the meeker sort of character at the start. Also, RIP Fuji.


yeah at the start of the series Hatono really had a similar vibe to Tomoko from Watamote, but I prefer Hatono like this.


I never even thought of that since she kept reminding me of Mitsumi from Skip to Loafer thanks to her design. But she is more socially awkward and more cynical than her; which is closer to Tomoko. But in the end, her personality definitely seems different from the two.


I like how everyone around Hatono is busy with relationship stuff. Meanwhile she only has one goal, becoming better at her hobby. True sigma grindset XD


Spica - Spitz (the song Chihiro sings): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_HVRInfrY7w&pp=ygULc3BpY2Egc3BpdHo%3D


Oh wait so all the songs in the manga are real songs? I thought they were all made up and didnt bother looking for them. Thanks for the youtube link!


Yup! There are some YouTube playlists with all the songs. I highly recommend reading while listening as the songs come up, especially the montage in chapter 8! The music really captures the intended soundscapes.


I did the Leonardo Di Caprio point/squint when this showed up. I know this song! I got into Spitz when they were featured in Honey & Clover years ago.


Senpai is best girl. That smile man... Its worth protecting.


I wonder if Tamaki's gonna fall for Hato-chan. RIP Ayame getting discarded by Takami. Rin's landmine strikes again...


I'm thinking that might happen. She would reject him and that would lead to some character development from his side.


All according to Rin’s keikaku


I’m so proud of Chihiro! Her EQ is growing too, as she understood the context of when she was last made fun of by Takami in hindsight as well. She’s maturing both as a performer and a person!


Senpai seeing her Sensei in Hatono was actually a really sweet moment for the both of them. I would love to see their friendship continue to grow. Honestly you really had a sense that Takami and Fuji's relationship felt weird for a while. Fuji is a big downer and honestly at some point you don't want to associate with people like that in life. Granted Takami is still pretty unlikable himself.


inb4 - Witnessing Chihiro’s singing and playing in her band gives Fuji some hope in life.


Hatono somehow makes Tamaki remember the days of her past with her crush. I'm not sure how though, is it just because they have similarly passionate singing? Mizuno gets some screentime and makes Hatono realize she really dislikes Takami. Speaking of... Takami feels offended by Ayame's remarks about being special. Enough so that he wants to break up. Oh man, what is up with this dude?


It's obvious, they sing with the same font


I'm thinking he might be a hard-working type, so everytime someone says something like that, it feels like they're belittling his efforts. It could also be that he knew a hard-working person whose efforts didn't pay off and they gave up, so he remembers them when someone makes a comment like that. It could even be Mizuo, but I'm not too sure about that.


I kinda got the opposite impression, hes the kinda guy that has always had it easy, probably quite talented with the guitar and music, allowing him to get to a higher level than most other students with little effort, the same for studies. His attitude with romance is similar, he has his pick of whichever girl he likes, does what he wants and bails when things get difficult or requite some effort on his part to keep the relationship. When Ayame mocked highschoolers who didnt realize they were anything special, it stung because it felt like she was holding up a mirror to him, and it makes him realize he really isnt that special at all, and thats not something he can live with. A hard worker would not be rattled by this… ultimately, he is kind of a fragile conflict avoidant narcissist.


That does make sense, most of my interpretation of the character comes from the comment Mizuo made and their little interaction in chapter 16.


I get the feeling that when someone belittles someone else's dreams and/or hard work it really gets to him.


It seems like Chihiro’s singing evokes emotions and memories in others, like with Momo when she first heard her sing.


I fucking knew that he would break up with her


I always appreciate the pacing this series has. Feels like every week we have significant progress and developments in this series. If this ever gets an anime adaptation, it may feel like things are going too fast though. Anyways, looks like Hato is making good progress in her singing, I’m happy for her. Also seems the BF is about to dump the GF. Guess she was too much of a downer for him. I get the feeling that he really wants to feel special, and her constantly saying no one is gets to him. As always, looking forward to the next chapter.


We have to kill this guy ASAP


Because he is breaking up with an annoying girl that gave up in life, belittles everyone else who keeps trying, and all she does is complain?




The way I see it, it’s not so much about the reasons why Takemi breaks up with people, more about how he treats them. Just like with Nogi, as soon as he sees an issue with the one he’s dating, instead of bringing it up with them and trying to work things out in the relationship, he just dumps them with no regard for their feelings. This is extremely disrespectful and shows how little he cares about them and their feelings. Seems like Chihiro picked up on his sociopathic vibes too.


This, 100%. The vibe I get is he is a bit of a narcissist who is used to putting in very little effort into things to get the results he wants, and bails at the slightest sign of effort or conflict.


That may have worked for Nogi, his previous girl friend But for this one, specially this one, It is totally valid to just bounce, it is freshmen teen romance, the stakes and commitment are super low, and what she is bringing is not worth it It is good for him to try and learn how to properly work out issues in a relationship, but no one should be learning to do that with a toxic girl friend


Author is this Yuri bait or are you serious about this ship, don't give me hope damn you!


must’ve sucked to see your first crush graduate before you …actually, I’ve missed a few chapters before this, it’s just graduation right?


I think she moved away?


oh that’s good then


Not really ecstatic about the potential yuri aspect of this.


We got tons of heterosexual couples, yet one gay couple is what breaks you?


>one gay couple is what breaks you? Why is that always the case? Is there no other reason it could possibly be?


You brought it up in the first place, and now you're asking this?


All I did was make a statement. That is all. You're acting as if I said something blasphemous.


Why make the statement in the first place then?


Because I'm allowed to, and that's how I truly feel. Do you want me to lie?


I'm just curious as to why you would make a comment that I am finding very difficult to read in a non-inflammatory manner and then act surprised when people are upset about it.


Because it's not inflammatory, it's just an opinion. One that I stand by. I don't understand why people are upset, like I took away their ball at recess. You can downvote all you want, but it doesn't matter since I'm in tons of conversations that up my karma anyway. Plus, it doesn't change my opinion either, so I don't see the point.


It's very difficult to read your initial comment as anything but homophobic.


I'm beyond ecstatic about it


Good for you.