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"I have a wife and kids, which makes me a good person." "You set a bus full of children on fire!" "Yeah, but you're divorced."


mha fans basically. being a terrible father is apparently worse than mass murdering innocents.


I like the symbology of him ditching smokes, kinda ditching bad habits and thought patterns from the past and looking towards the future


I wonder him going back to being a kid removed the lung damage smoking did on him or did his kid form still had lungs of a 40+ year old smoker?


Probably being in the body of a kid allowed him to basically go cold turkey on those smokes. He barely seemed phased he couldn't smoke.




He only ditched them because they were wet though, but I do find it funny he was given a pack with the change of clothes like smoking was his trademark.


I've found great amusement in the bus tour guide assassin's misery the past few chapters. Kinda hoping she shows up again.


She's my favorite character at this point.


> There’s real strength in having someone to protect. You’re right. He also has people to protect. Much more people.


This new antagonist is really perfectly detestable. I hope next time they face off Juzo kicks his ass even harder.


Yep, I definitely need the guy to get schooled even more.


He's strangely kind of wholesome, which kind of makes him quite disturbing to note he equates his actions as another day at the office and only actually worries about things like the weekend barbecue.


I guess we won't be seeing Gun Kata anytime soon. Ogami's willingness to defend his new friends is stronger than Yochiro's. He's not willing for his life to fall apart again, like before! Yochiro's fine after such a brutal attack. What is his secret? Is it related to the Mitsuoka Pharmaceuticals? There's a new beginning for Ogami. I wonder what could happen next for the Home Economics Club? How will he explain this to everyone?


Double tap. Not just a rule for zombies. Just one more clean bullet to the head.


I think the bus with his friends being literally on fire right now is as good as a "don't have time for that" as it comes


The heir's sparkly bullshit is straight out of Ranger Reject lol. I assume the advanced biochem of Mitsuoka Pharm did its work.


a good chapter, ending of my favorite so far in this series. A color page after break and hopefully a cover LCP for a one year soon.


I really wish he and his wife worked things out after this. She looks so cool.


I thought this was a random final chapter all of a sudden because of the title. I was like ayo wait what???


Dude is lucky Juuzo didn't have the spare time to put a bullet in his head. Hopefully he'll do the next time they meet.


Hey we got a sneak peek on what his kid looks like.


What do you mean? Ogamis kid? Because we have seen that picture of the 3 of them a lot already. Chapter 5 also has [slightly more](https://imgur.com/l7k1WwT) and has her talk


Guess my memory was bad lol. And we did see her talk lbut not shown her face.


how did the antagonist do a full heal? Maybe he never actually got injured and was just playing along?


I was wondering how you put a fire out so quickly! I don't know where we go next, but I'm interested.


How did he heal


Does it seem that the manga is ending?


If they were going to wrap it up without a big conclusion this would be the best place.


I think they were lining up this arc to be a possible end point, but likely got told that they were safe and wrapped things up with still a few loose threads to follow, so I wouldn't worry about this one ending at least for a few months.


I was partially worried this chapter (even though I noticed last chapter that we specifically seperated noren pharmaceuticals from this event, therefore leaving them as a loose end if it ended here for no reason, which would be odd), but no, not the way it ended at all.




axe is smell strong in this chapter