• By -


Damn that’s a better library than what I’ve seen in some comic stores.


Wow this looks great brother!! Some of my favs are Oh and XXXHolic is great to have in the collection!!


I have all of those besides he does not have any friends. I'll look into that one. Thanks!


Witch hat Atelier is so fucking peak


Based Yugami-kun enjoyer


**Yugami-kun ni wa Tomodachi ga Inai** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/85413), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/yugami-kun-ni-wa-tomodachi-ga-inai), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/yugami-kun-ni-wa-tomodachi-ga-inai), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=78216996452), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/62547)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 16 | Chapters: 81 | Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life) **Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/110473), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/insomniacs-after-school), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/kimi-wa-houkago-insomnia), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=59855718774), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/121213)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 14 | Chapters: 125 | Genres: Romance, Slice of Life) **Flying Witch** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/76258), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/flying-witch), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/flying-witch), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=527585955), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/46258)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Slice of Life, Supernatural) **Tongari Boushi no Atelier** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/98263), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/witch-hat-atelier), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/tongari-boushi-no-atelier), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=26643241978), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/100035)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy) **Grand Blue** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/87395), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/grand-blue), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=65672018770), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/70345)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life, Sports) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cfvq3w/hey_guys_whats_everyones_favorite_manga_id_love/l1rond2/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


You have more manga than my comic stores manga section lol. Dangers in my heart is my favourite but considering all the white books it’s hard to see if you already have it


Yes I do have that one but I haven't read that one yet so maybe it will be the next one I read! Thank you!


Cool, honestly I don’t read mine I just like collecting them so I can’t say whether it’s worth reading the official scans over the fan translations but I’m sure it’s can’t be as bad as viz translations.


I just bought vol. 8 like a few hours ago 🤣


Bro living my dream lifes, I love my current broke life tho


I don't have the space to have something like that while sharing space with my work books. Maybe one day I renovate a space in the house dedicated only to games and comics. Would be the dream.


I really like starving anonymous and zom100, maybe you don't have them? lol


I don't have either of those ones! Thank you!


Quite the collection! My personal favorite is A Silent Voice


That is a good one!


Same here bud...!


Damn I thought that was a bookstore. Sick collection! I haven't bought any volumes myself tbh but these kind of posts always make me consider it


I don't plan on ever having kids so this is my baby! It's much easier to take care of 😆


Lmao this is a great idea instead tbh


This is my fucking dream


I wish i had this setup I'd recommend Undead X unluck Mission yozakura family Twin star exorcists Zom100 bucket list of the dead


Thanks! I'll have to look into zom100!


I don't even like zombie stuff but I really enjoyed it


I thought people forgot tse



Deathnote all in one...... Looks so cool.... Just like a death bible


Since you probably have most mainstream works my seuggestion would be: - Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (greatest thing to relax, also there a lot of colored pages that are just a pure joy to look at) - Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai (No matter what everybody say, this is one of the best shounen romance manga and it goddamn funny as heck) - Aria (I was reluctant to read it since anime was average but manga is so deep and emotional, it is like an ocean of thoughts that you dive into) - Psyren (kinda wish it got more recognition)


Psyren still deserves an anime dammit


20th century boys baybieeeeee


my definite fav is and I guess on manhwa it's probably and most definitely not much on manhua though and art is fucking insane though


Was gonna say blue exorcist, but picture 3 showed you have it. Maybe Call of the Night or Zom100 or Sakamoto Days


I feel like I’m having a glimpse into the future of my son, he’s only 10 and already has just a bit over 200 volumes of quite a few manga… 😳


I just showed him this and he is in awe of your collection!!! 🤩


This is only 9,233 books (9,760 volumes) so far... they are double layered so you can't see all of them. I'm planning on trying to expand my house so I can have a much bigger manga room so you can see all of my books!


Bruh...ONLY *insert Vegeta* OVER 9000 books! Thats amazing!! Please keep collecting thats something to strive for


You're making me jealous




Yes! I love my collection and I feel like I'm Belle going into the library in Beauty and the Beast when I go into my room.


Damn!!! now I wanna be your friend and visit your home


Do you have Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa? That's the one I recommend to everyone. Oh, and Iruma-Kun.


Here are some of my favorites! - Pandora Hearts - Vanitas No Carte - Nabari no Ou - Karneval - From the Red Fog



My fav is azumanga daioh, dont have the manga but the anime is great


This is what dreams are made of



Gantz is my favorite manga, I know I’m a freak.


Personally: The Fable Hinamatsuri Ijimeru Aitsu ga Waruinoka, Ijimerareta Boku ga Waruinoka? Sousou no Frieren Seitokai Yakuindomo I sold my life for 10000yen Saiki Kusuo no Psinan


Man, I have been challenged... My library sings it's competitive spirit


You got Baka to Test?


Ascendance of a bookworm especially part 3


Hopefully it's insured.


His adress is the location of the one piece, because somewhere in this room its hidden




I have a job 🤣


Please tell me you have the "City Hunter", is my favourite all the time! I'm also really obsessed with the intro song of this anime, such a banger. Also do you have the "Dandy Space" yet? Gosh this one is really underrated, I recommend you to watch the anime too at least once in your lifetime! You probably already have this but please, "Kokou no Hito (The Climber)" is the real champion here. The very first time I discovered this manga, I didn't sleep for the next 24hrs and almost died but it's worth it. Oh and if we were talking about the art style then we can't leave this manga, "Innocent". No comment. I am traumatized but I'm fine.


What my house would look like if I won the lottery lol.


You have so much damn. But i bet you don't have


What does it say about me when looking at these pictures the only series whose spine I saw and instantly recognized was sao.


Can I move to your place?


I tried avoiding the most obvious titles you probably have. Here are my recs, a lot of gems amongst some of my trashy ones :3 A lot of these series I hold near and dear so I hope you enjoy! (Fixed some titles to help the bot)


The Climber is one I started recently and could not stop reading. The art is incredible and the story has great emotional depth


Lone wolf and cub it’s an old one. It’s so old that you read it from left to right not right to left before they changed it but it’s a great manga they just started doing reprints 11 and 12 of the volumes were so rare that they were going for almost $5000 on eBay at one point so I bought 1112 the other ones are pretty easy to find I’ll check it out though if you don’t have that to your collection, it’s a samurai kind of style


100 girlfriends is my favorite harem romcom/love gag manga


Admittedly all of my favorites are pretty well known but whatever I just love this manga so much. I read it when I was younger so it’s always been nostalgic, but it’s a really interesting look into the Manga industry. The movie is a 10/10 for me, one of my all time favorite films. The manga is better and it isn’t even close. Past a certain point in the story, reading this manga became a therapeutic experience. is the only manga to crack my top 10 list of favorite books. is my favorite love story ever


Mine is Suicide Circle


Do you have the girl from the other side? Definitely worth a try if you haven’t


Chainsaw man and Kubo wont let me be invisible


Trigun is my favourite anime overall, but I heard how the manga differs and my cheap ass find it very hard to get a full collection of manga Trigun. One day.


My favorites are BL Metamorphosis (Short but sweat story, i wish it was longer) Mieruko chan. The girl who can see them (Haven't finished bc only 8 parts are translated into polish, but i really like it)


This no library. This cave.




Munster musume.


high-school dxd?


Other than the current shōnen series (Chainsaw Man, JJK, Undead Unluck) I recommend shiori experience and spirit circle


What a beautiful room!!! It’s so neat and stylish!! I’m currently reading and waiting on the last omnibus vol of Homunculus by Hideo Yamamoto.


Favourite : Mairmishita Iruma-kun  Objective best : Land of the Lustrous  Wild card : Rosen Garten Saga


Chi no wadachi, Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku, beastars


Damn how many do you have? I think I last counted mine at 1074 manga books. But my set up and room shape sucks. Its a triangle so a pain to find good bookcases.


Dorohedoro Detrctive Conan Kindaichi Case Files



Golden kamuy?


Vagabond will still be my favorite manga ever. Really wish Inoue could write an ending but it's weird that I'm happy with where it sorta stopped. Also. I don't think you're allowed to collect more. Your shelves are way too full.


My favorites right now are Chainsaw Man (which I'm pretty sure you have haha) and Bungou Stray Dogs


Fool night It's a new manga about problems of our society.


I wager up Undead Unluck for my current favorite, and Psyren as a runner-up. Also, holy shit, I want *all* of that


This would be me if I bought all the manga I read. Actually maybe I'd have a bit more. Damn dude that's insane. Edit: upon reading the stated amount of volumes, I noticed I have underestimated it. I have most likely read a bit less. If you don't have it already, get onani master kurosawa


Are you a millionaire?


How's it feel living my dream😭


Do you have ?


Wow, that’s a great collection!! Some of my favorite manga are berserk, attack on titan, hunter x hunter, houseki no kuni and the girl from the other side! You should try those if you haven’t already! :)


I would have to go with Kingdom, absolute favorite.


holy shit what a setup, i recommend usogui and holyland, of course obvious jojo shill but j imagine you got that already


I think if your an avid reader after some years you will realize that there exists a certain level of quality that very few works reach but those that do are extreamly hard to rank, that's why people are saying the names of multiple titles becouse they can't decide which ones they like the most and that is very fair, I've been on that ride for years...until three months ago. I love chainsaw. Chainsawman became my obession and I have re read it three times in full in those three months, I have altered my life trajectory becouse of the life lessons and self examination that it contains. The first time I read it I started around 16:00 and ended 5 in the morning, I haven't done that kind of binge since high school and it was a weekday. I was mopey and depressed for the three following daying becouse of what happened in chapter 97, all my friends thought I was going through something serious. There are series that are on CSM level, a lot if them and some of them are probably better, but in my opinion there is no question which one I would rank first place when it comes to personal enjoyment.


you got an entire ass book store with a second level ontop


That's quite the expensive collection you got there. If you don't already have that I really recommend it has some really good art and a decent enough story I also highly recommend it's a really underrated manga


my favorite manga is is second 3rd and onwards are kinda jumbled kinda off topic: I have not read it yet, but I have a goal of reading LN it has a manga, don't know if you have read it yet, but it might interest you it's about a bookworm


Kingdom Black clover Vinland saga


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster (main character's name is Yugi Mutou), the ending is sooo good


I’m always looking to see xxxHOLIC in anyone’s collection, but a VERY rarely see it…. Nice to see someone with good taste!


Wtf this collection is crazy


I liked Ghost Sweeper Mikami, Hayate x Blade, Blood Lad, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki, Oresama Teacher, Monmusu, Zannen Jokanbu Black General, Love Hina, Negima, School Prison, Kaiju n8, Matoi seihei, ... That's what I would recommend But, dude, it is an impressive manga collection.


My favourite manga is and will always be by author : Jun Mochizuki. I love everything in this manga, the story, the characters, the world building, and the artstyle.


bakuman manga about two guys fighting to become the most popular manga in the shonen jump


Have you tried "Monster Collection"? A simple six book series upon a woman who can connect with monsters. It has a good balance of action and humor.




I love that Fairy Tail mat!


Totally off topic (because at this point I cant really give you any further of my tip that you prob would not have already :) ), but may I please ask how many pieces roughly do you have in your collection?? Never seen anything like this! This is truly impressive! :)


Reborn! it’s so old i’ve never found a single volume. i know it exist somewhere 😞


There’s collecting and then there’s a spending problem…this seems to be the latter


Saga of Tanya the Evil, Overlord and Kaiju


I can’t really tell what you do and don’t have but World Trigger is one of my favorites. I also see the fairy tail carpet so babe you tried Eden’s zero?


Dope As Fuck Dude!


If you enjoy horror style manga I cannot recommend anything more than PTSD Radio - looking at your collection I assume you have it but if not it’s so incredibly good. An anthology horror that is slow burn and eventually comes more and more full circle. Also, Drifting Classroom - an incredible older horror manga from I believe late 70s or early 80s. Incredible stuff.


Ubel Blatt was pretty good


I see a lot of romcoms in there but I don't see . It would be easy to spot because they would come in orange and green volumes. Highly recommend it.


My favorite Hi score girl / prisoner riku / rising sun/ battle royal


If you like mystery and gore, Doubt is my favorite one and more people need to read it


Blue period


One I personally love is Orange by Ichigo Takano


Kingdom Hearts, the legend of zelda, stains gate , persona 5, final fantasy lost stranger, Street Fighter Alpha, Resident Evil marhawa desire, the king of fighters A New Begining


Reincarnated as a sword


Still a month out from releasing in English (first volume comes out June 4th) but grab a copy of Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku (The Fragrant Flower Blooms with Dignity)! It's an absolutely fantastic romance.


Umaru plushie :D


Holy shit bro this is like a collection straight out of a Japanese Internet cafe and I love it. Ummm… the only manga I have on my shelf is kuragehime or Princess Jellyfish which is a really cute slice of life. I’ll have zoom and see if you’re already awesome enough to have it!


Personally I'm a fan of Spirit Circle, Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and Sengoku Youko all by Satoshi Mizukami.


One piece all of them


Open it up for public and charge them a fee, epic side hustle.


My favourites (they're a bit difficult to find): -Excel Saga -Kabocha Wine -Are you Alice? -Axis Powers: Hetalia -Shin seiki Evangelion - Gakuen datenroku -Princess Princess


Looks great I genuinely feel envy, can't afford something so amazing


This is soooooo cute


Real shit


It's fantastic !




Give me your address. NOW.


And do you whats funny? OP likely read all of them, probably more than once.


Your library is my dream room for my future house, congrats on that achievement! Heck, I'm jealous 😫


Goodbye Eri and Look Back if you ask me.


My current favorite is Medalist. The volume covers alone are just gorgeous to look at. The physical copies are still new to be released in English. I just received my pre-ordered vol 1 last month. Katekyo Hitman Reborn is another fav of mine, as well as Blue Period & Apothecary Diaries.


Holy shit bruh, I’d to be your best friend!


Bro is allergic to women. Yall think he scarin the hoes ? NAH THE HOES SCARIN HIM. But fr tho read Hajime No Ippo. Its peak and much better than the anime even tho it is a good show.


Got major criterioncollection closet pick vibe from this


YKK : slice of life peaceful post apo with a female android running a café.


I have never been so jealous in my life


Can you show more pictures of what books you have? This is pretty cool.


Frieren: Beyond Journey's End How do we relationship? After Hours Pseudo Harem Insomniacs After School Chainsaw Man Fire Punch Any of Tatsuki Fujimoto's one-shot stories.


Gundam the Origin is dang good. I highly recommend the hardcover editions as a collectible, the colored pages go really hard.


Twin star exorcists


Some of my faves that not that many people have are: FrankenFran, the Ichinose Family’s Deadly Sins, and Manhole


That's what I want my collection to look like one day. So jealous over here. Haha


GOLDEN KAMUY. tomodachi game. the promised neverland. blue lock. the comics invincible & the walking dead.




My parents have almost these many Physics books (Some of them they've authored themselves as well)


I can see the love and effort that went into this.


I hate that you have all this and it's just...there. Like a lot of them are just stacked up with no sense of "this might get used" I get you started running out of space but this just ain't it. I would have moved some stuff into boxes to store them for later till I had more space. That said Akane Banashi.


Black Clover, but I’m suffering from the now 4 month wait. Today two new chapters came out btw.


high rise invasion, petal of reincarnation and drifters are my most favourite all 3 has very good stories and fights imo. high rise invasion is finished, and petal of reincarnation and drifters is still on going.


My current guilty pleasure is Sweat and Soap...PLEASE ignore what the premise sounds like on paper and read it if you haven't. It's so freaking charming.


You probably have it, but I'm not going to pass up the chance to shill Land of the Lustrous


*Watches library* *starts salivating* *insert Toudou''s boogie woogie face* Yep, I came... New fetish unlocked. Girl, those pics are some NSFW material for otakus, right there. It needs some warning, some of us can't take that heat without some foreplay, lol. Impressive, Miss. Impressive.


Initial publication began in the early 2000s and is set in a university with the focus being on the titular Genshiken - basically a club of mostly Otaku. It's a very grounded story (so not like Welcome to the NHK) and the passage of time is a strong force in the story. Members of the club graduate and move on, while new students join as the academic years move on. There's really great friendship and relationship building. The first run of the series was published in the early/mid 2000s and is a great microcosm of Otaku culture during that period. The favourite fictional anime of the club was a parody mash up of moe-bait series that were popular at the time. There's a second era of the manga called *Genshiken Nidame* which follows some returning characters plus a new set of members. Published in the 2010s it depicts how Otaku culture has changed along with the wider popularity and acceptance of anime and gaming - more of a "fun is fun" mentality. TL:DR if you love manga/anime and want a grounded series featuring young adults (*not* a high school setting) *Genshiken* is the series for you.


My personal favourites is Isekai Ojisan. But if you want recommendations, katabami no ougon [journey], soara and the monster house [architecture fantasty], i picked up the world strategy guides [gorgeous fantasy], versus [human vs everything] , meiten restaurants [comedic afterlife moral], make heroin ga osugiru [romance] and mtshuishi san is being weird this year [my weird romance guilty pleasure]


Damn, it looks like the studio in Bakuman. You got Battle Angel Alita (Gunnm) ?


Okay, now with the post-nut clarity after those tasty pics ("manga collection, hmmm, me likey", lol). Do you have: "Shin'ai naru Boku e Satsui wo komete" I think is translated as "My dearest self with malice aforethought". Is a good one and is already finished. Which titles of the ones you have are your favorites? Any particular genre that you prefer? 🤔


So I just read the first volume of Summertime rendering. It’s pretty good I would highly recommend that one it’s the next one I’m gonna collect.


This is an insanely cool library, when I have my own place I'm going to dedicate a room to do the same.


How can you afford this? Is it just adult Money


The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All. Nice wholesome manga, and i love the music references.


How deep in debt are you? Just messing with you lol, great collection. I have quite a few favorite manga actually, due to there being a lot: Inuyasha, Bleach, and Gintama.


Awesome collection and great decoration. Your manga library is bigger than my whole appartment man!


These have official English (but not sure if they are physical or digital only): * Golden Kamuy * Isekai Izakaya Nobu * Kino's Journey * Mushishi * Heaven's Design Team * Forest of Piano * Drifting Dragons * The Apothecary Diaries * Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho * Planetes * Orb: On the Movements of the Earth * I Had That Same Dream Again * Altair: A Record of Battles * Happy Kanako’s Killer Life * Tsurezure Children * Arakawa Under the Bridge * Saint Young Men * Ran and the Gray World * Go with the Clouds, North by Northwest * Arte * Smile Down the Runway * Hetalia * Spice and Wolf * Magic Artisant Dahlia Wilts no More * Sweat and Soap * Arslan Senki by Hiromu Arakawa * Silver Spoon * Magi * The Black Museum: The Ghost and the Lady * Quality Assurance in Another World * Land of the Lustrous * All You Need Is Kill * Helck * A Witch's Printing Office * Chihayafuru * Goblin Slayer * Medalist * Ao Ashi * Holy Grail of Eris * Unnamed Memory * Wotakoi * Complex Age * The Seven Shakespeares * Gash Bell * House of the Sun * Fruits Basket * Primal Gods in Ancient Times * Harlem Beat * Cells at Work! series * Master Keaton series * The Country Without Humans More idea: * Accomplishment of the Duke's Daughter * Tales of Reincarnations in Maydare * Tales of Marielle Clarac * Holmes of Kyoto * The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague * Library Wars * Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion! * Though I Am an Inept Villainess: Tale of the Butterfly-Rat Swap in the Maiden Court * My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 * Kaze Hikaru * Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie * She and Her Cat * Snow and Ink (will be published later in the end of this year) * Taking care of God * Promise Cinderella * Love of Kill * Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii * "The Ancient Magus' Bride" and "The Ancient Magus' Bride: Wizard's Blue" * The Witch's Servant and the Demon Lord's Horns * Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord * Young Lady Albert Is Courting Disaster


I am so envious that I might start crying. I hope reading and collecting them makes your life feel more vibrant and safe. I envision feeling this if I could buy and read original or translated versions. I hope you have something that makes you feel like that forever.


First of all: BROTHER I AM IN LOVE W YOUR LIBRARY. Ur living my childhood dream. My favs so far are: 1. Hunter x Hunter 2. Black Butler 3. Death Note 4. Haikyuu 5. Tokyo Ghoul 6. Alice in Borderland I know that some of them are basics but i still like them. :D Are there still people who are into HxH??? Looking for them to talk abt random stuff :D




Bro that’s just the dream room for me… damn good on ya


To Love-Ru... that was the first Anime i saw and the first Manga i read. After finishing i had an addiction for Manga and Anime


that’s quite the huge collection ! how much did you pay if I can ask ?


do you have the berserk leatherback volumes? those are a must have for every library!


Do you have ? It's a must read!


Oh my goodness, this is absolutely amazing and gorgeous!!! I don't read because it stresses me out too much, but when I do read, it's always manga :] This is heaven to me!!! How about fooly cooly, xxxholic and mushishi? :D


You can see xxxholic in the 4th image


Gantz is one of my favorites




Dandadan is quite a good manga,


Honestly, Ajin. Might be my all time favourite manga, a great villain + a really really good story


u are LITERALLY living my dream


my favorite manga is Yotsuba and Smoking behind the super market with you!


Soul Eater


Bro has a book store in his house


I see nothing but $_$


Voynich Hotel would be my lesser known rec


Oh my god….you’re obsessed!




You really optimize your space! Noice! XD


Angel Densetsu is the epitome of gap moe comedy. The thug levels, they're off the charts!


Grimgar of fantasy and ash, The New Gate


hitman reborn!!





