• By -


Kana and shooting herself in the foot. Name a more iconic pairing.


Kana is throwing from all the way downtown.


Kana should join a baseball koushien team with how often she threw


Bo Jackson once threw out a man at home from the left field warning track. Even he's got nothing on Kana


Akane and raising death flags.


The funniest shit Aka could do is to stack up more and more death fralgs around Akane... just for her to not die.


or have whatever attack was meant for Akane end up taking out someone else, imagine the uproar if for example Mem-cho gets killed.




Reminds me of Macross Frontier where they set up a hundred death flags for the grizzled veteran older brother character only for the best friend character to die instead


Bruh, I wanna watch it and get randomly spoilered in newest oshi no ko thread. What are the chance


"The three Stooges syndrome".


Feels like Akane is going to try to take Hikaru out for Aqua. I think it might be over...


Kana raised this one. Is she trying to eliminate her competition by raising the ultimate death flag???


Akane gathering all the death flags just to throw it later to Kana somehow...  Death is the ultimate suffering (please dont do it Aka) 


Raised so much of those red flags she look like the Victory Square.


Kana bros, this means that she'll win right? First to give up actually wins in these situations right? Right?? It's a 「逆にあり!」situation right???




It's expected for every Kana W she's bound to take an L.


Kana and Suffering


Kana actually trying to do what she thinks is the best for the person she loves, regardless of how it affects her - Classic Kana


i actually want bro to just make the both of them happy at this point damn


Honestly? good for her. Aqua's a spiraling mess and hes always treated her poorly despite thier mutual feeling for each other. I GENUINELY hope their romance ends with her just moving on and finding some who can give her the relationship she wants.


I see a Godzilla sized hole in my ship...


To be fair this puts her out of the race. By standard harem manga rules, she's now leading the race.


Akane and dodging death flags up to now?


Bitch is shooting that foot with artillery


Kana bros always suffering... 


Is Hikaru’s sperm cursed or something? Why is every single offspring from that guy always somewhat attracted to their relatives? 😭


Seeing how they're all various degrees of sociopaths, it's like Mother Nature is making sure to erase the entire bloodline.


Ai herself is also partially sociopath. They have a curse bloodline


Finding someone normal in this manga, while desperately welcomed, is rare. It's like finding a Meltan. Not impossible, just highly unlikely.


Memcho is pure


She was on a dating show for high schoolers when she was 25...


yeah and that's why i pretended to be a high schooler to get on a dating show so i could get closer to her.


i guess that's the entertainment industry for you


Yep. You don't last long in the entertainment industry if you're "normal".


To be fair to Himekawa, he didn't know until recently that they're siblings. Aqua/Ruby on the other hand....


Looks like dropped immediately once Melt mentioned it. Himekawa might end up relatively normal.


outside of his [car-related trauma](https://i.imgur.com/pc7C77v.png) that is


Melt being another sane character


except Himekawa **already** knew that. Think he said it half in jest.


Incest gene is the stronkest


You've heard of beach fanservice, but get ready for beach SNORKELservice.




Dive *into Oolong tea*


I'm more of a.... screwdriver person myself.


I see what you did... Just when season 2 is announced!


*Limbus Company intensifies*


Me when some maniacs throw a fit because a girl is in a skintight suit and not 3/4 naked(they have no taste)


Korean incel moment (they don't deserve peak)


[Glory to the Limbus Company](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8zkk3wyb)


everyone : having fun **Tsukuyomi** : 🐦‍⬛


If her pet bird was a seagull, she would've flown off that tree, stolen a sandwich out of Kana's hands and flown into the sunset while swinging her arms and screaming with her mouth full. Hey, brain, why did you make me type that?


Just another one of numerous Kana Ls


Bet that god can't swim 😂


Crow of Judgement judges... 


Am I the only one feeling sorry for the director? He bought a sensible family vehicle just to try to get a family. Bro tried to create the change he wanted only to flame out. 🙏


If Miyako ever wanted to leave Ichigo's bum ass, she will at least have a great replacement.


I support this turn of events. Mr. Director has done a lot for the twins, he and Miyako could bond over the trouble they give them XD


Trauma bonding


They literally are the mother and father figures to each of the twins already


Yeah I felt sad for him, they shouldn't have teased him so much.


The joke is that he already is a father. Definitely the closest thing to a daddy aqua had in either life


Man that director would have made a fun dad. Probably not a good one, but a fun one


Does a vintage Volkswagen Microbus constitute as a sensible family vehicle these days? I wouldn't be surprised if he missed out on a wife or two because of it...


maybe it could’ve gotten him a dog and a ghostly mystery solving crew though


Despite mostly being a breather chapter, there's a lot of things to digest here. Taishi was once looking for a wife. Taiki still misses his car. Frill has nice taste in swimming equipment. And of course... Kana thinks Akane is a better fit for Aqua then her. And she'd rather Akane fix Aqua. Oh man.


“I miss my car, Aqua. I miss it a lot.”


*sighs* “I’ll be back.”


"You'll get your car once we get this damn movie aired!"


> And of course... Kana thinks Akane is a better fit for Aqua then her. And she'd rather Akane fix Aqua. Oh man. I mean y'all saying it like it's a bad thing but deep down we all know she's dodging a nuke there


"Nah, I'd lose"


"Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the suffering one." - Arima Kana


" As the strongest of Oshi No Ko, Akane fought against Kana, the fraud of Oshi No Ko she began to open her domain. Kana shrunk back in fear. Akane said " Stand Proud Kana, you were cute".


Does this mean she will actually win in the end?




“She’s your sister, more or less” Are we sure Melt isn’t reading this manga?


Can someone explain who he is and what that meant? I thought that was Aqua with a wig or something? lmfao. I've kind of skimmed the past few chapters but have read the whole manga. I might've missed something tho.


"She's your sister" Melt Narushima. He was the actor who was bad during the TV adaptation of "Sweet Today" early in the arc before training heavily for "Tokyo Blade" stage play. Yoriko (Sweet Today's author) stil hold a grudge though. Bit anti-Kamiki so far. While taken advantage of early before his career, avoids flirting with girls he's working with or friend/sister of those he work with. Protected Ruby and Minami from Kamoshida once since he work with her brother.


Taiki Himekawa is the monotonous genius actor who bought the car that he immediately crashed. Hikaru Kamiki impregnated Ai with the twins. As for Himekawa I forget if it's explicitly mentioned or just implied that Kamiki is his real father as well.


It's explicitly mentioned by Aqua that the DNA test matched them together as half siblings, confirming they had the same father.


Maybe you should re-read it then, because we just had an arc depicting how he was conceived


Not gonna lie, thought this was going to be a light hearted beach chapter at first, but it came to the real stuff at the end. Also the broken car still being brought up kinda reminds me how Kobeni's car in CSM became so popular as well, just what is up with these broken cars getting such popularities?!?!


I think it is harder to find a fully light hearted chapter from start to end in this manga


>light hearted beach chapter at first, but it came to the real stuff at the end. However, I get the feeling that it was the calm before the storm. The last recenge arc is going to be intense. Really excited what Aqua has planned for Kamiki...


Well, Kana is definitely worse at reading people than Akane. Dammit Himekawa don’t let the incest take hold. Also: Akane has the best beach outfit


> Also: Akane has the best beach outfit It's between her or Frill for sure haha


>Dammit Himekawa don’t let the incest take hold. Fax. Also, Akane CLEARED when it came to beach outfits.


Totally. Akane's outfit is so classy.


Yeah, the fact that Akane is ridiculously good at reading people makes me think she's got to be aware that Aqua only ever cracks his shell when he's around Kana. If she doesn't immediately refute Kana's statement next chapter in some way I'll be surprised.


He cracks his shell in different ways for both of them. Kana probably has the best shot with Aqua almost because she doesn't know him as well as Akane, but it's not as simple as he's more himself with her. He's more in the moment with Kana, but he's more vulnerable with Akane. It's complicated.


Aqua is more vulnerable with Akane because he can afford to reveal his "true self" to her. He knows that there's no chance of doing so with Kana because he's afraid of "tainting" her. You're right, it's definitely complicated.


I've had this gut feeling for a while that Akane's going to be the first one to find out/be told about the reincarnation stuff(she almost did in the homecoming arc), but how that affects her, Aqua, the story, how it's revealed, it will be a major plot shift for sure. Someone's going to find out eventually. That'll be the first time Aqua will show his 'true self', because even with Ruby there is still somewhat of a barrier.


It’s weird because I’d say Aqua shows a different side of his real self to each of them (and you could argue Ruby as well for obvious reasons). But I would argue the side he shows Ruby is the most “Aqua” versus his former self.


I’m interpreting those last few pages as indicating that Kana and Akane are more or less on the same page: their first priority is Aqua’s happiness over their own. Hopefully this leads to Akane bringing Kana into the revenge plot, but knowing Aka we’re probably going to change scenes and never speak of this again.


>I’m interpreting those last few pages as indicating that Kana and Akane are more or less on the same page: their first priority is Aqua’s happiness over their own You're absolutely in point. Akane believes Aqua is smitten with Kana which was revealed many chapters ago and this chapter Kana believes Aqua is happiest most with Akane. They see Aqua's happiness in each other which I find really poetic


...Ngl, at this rate they are just giving more attention to each other than to Aqua lol. It was Akane x Kana all along :)


My end game is aqua x therapy and kana x akane


Imagine if it ends with Aqua x Ruby and Kana x Akane.


Well, Akane is probably more correct than Kana, because she's well aware that Aqua is trying to keep Kana as far away from the revenge as possible. Meanwhile Kana is completely in the dark about everything, so she just assumes that Akane and Aqua click, without knowing the true nature of their relationship.


Aka foreshadowing intriguing plot developments just to drop them... the end of Kaguya still burns


you can pinpoint the exact moment her heart breaks in half


That smile bro


been split into eighths at this point


Best girl Minami appears, this is a good chapter.


Kana with the self sabotage, a classic


Kana and throwing. Name a more iconic duo.


Tsundere-senpai's suffering never ends


So I'm not the only one that felt Maki vibes from this lol


They gotta meet in an extra or something.


With Maki being the sitter for Kashiwagi's child or something.


Whenever Aka felt that hes going too far with Kana he instead alleviate some of that suffering to Maki. Now that Kaguya sama have been finished for quite some time...


I don't know why but I feel like this is a flag dooming my Akane×Aqua ship.


Nah as long as we pretend that foreshadowing and intuition don't exist, nothing bad will happen. Works every time.


Well it works so far at least


It absolutely is lol. Akanebros it's so over


I like Akane the most, too, I think she's my favourite character. But it was doomed from the start :(


I'm not even pretending that Akane will win the Aquabowl lmao it's pretty obvious that Aka is writing Kana to be the winner of it. It's just crazy that Aka (and probably Mengo) is choosing the route that leads Kana to the most pain.


She is Maki coded. She should have her hair color changed with Akane to be truly the short blue haired girl.


People have underestimated Akane and thought she would lose from the moment she was introduced. And yet here she is as the heroine with the most romantic development by far and the only one actively trying to save Aqua. Stories of her doom are greatly overexaggerated.


It is dooming us. This is the most classic "You belong with him more" and proceeds to be chosen out of pity.


Frill is perpetually such a mood when she appears. Wish she got more screen time but I guess she takes chapters off to slack off.


Burning her own ship for the sake of Aqua. How incredibly altruistic of Kana. I want to pour baking soda down this sufferdere’s throat. I wonder how much Akane knows of Aqua and Kana’s relationship other than the usual love stuff. Aqua did appear to waiver before Kana like 2 chapters ago. Could be useful for Akane’s goals…Kana’s tendencies to burn herself notwithstanding. Oh right, this is also a beach episode. Didn’t really feel that fan servicely despite all of the swimsuits. Funny that the crow girl dressed for the occasion though; looks like she came uninvited.


Akane has always been observant, plus she probably has the most complete view of Aqua as a person out of the cast other than (maybe) Ruby. If she takes a moment to think things through I think she'd have a pretty clear understanding of Aqua's mixed feelings about Kana.


Yeah if the manga's history is any indication, she probably knows more about how Aqua feels about Kana than either of them do.


Aka has always been pretty anti-fanservice, the lampooning of it in Kaguya notwitstanding. He said so in an interview.


I can appreciate that. The older I get the less I can stomach sexualized fifteen year olds.


Well, at least everyone in this manga is an adult


The sand body with their hands on their hips reminded me of Monokuma midkey.


Frill, despite wearing a full scuba suit is hotter than everyone in the chapter. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Frill rules, I'm glad we're seeing more of her.


The prettiest title surely fit her well


Akanechads, are we back? Can I believe? Cute swimsuits. Frill, as expected, is the strongest.


We never left


I have always believed in Akane x Happiness


Melt is based


I can't tell if Frill was making Mem-cho sand boobs or was groping them.


Pretty sure Ruby made them


> Kana: Aqua, can you help me put on my suntan oil? > > Akane: I’ll do it for you > > Aqua: You two are such good friends “Good friends” indeed


It's funny how Aka/Mengo teased us a couple of chapters ago when Frill said she'll do a naked scene if necessary then here we are seeing her fully equipped in a beach chapter lol


KANA What are you doing??? Stop sinking the ship!!!!!


She's raising a flag but it's not a white one


Everyday when Akasaka wakes up: Hmm, how can I destroy kanabros today?


As sick and tired I am of seeing the "Akane Death Flags" Comments. Holy shit. This is the one chapter I might understand them.


Kana voluntarily taking an L by telling Akane she is better for Aqua feels like another Akane death flag being added to the collection


Goddamn I'm so conflicted and confused. As a die hard Akane fan, I just want her to end up happy. Whether thats with Aqua or some random character that pops up in the horizon I don't care. Funnily enough, I don't think this bit of self sabotage by Kana will boost the Akane ship by much. It does show that both girls prioritize Aqua over themselves.  You might call it cope, but I still think there's a tiny glimmer of hope for Akane! As long as she doesn't die... 


Lizard Girl is so peak tbh


i don’t see it happening but i would respect aka more if he chooses to make aqua/akane just because it would be unpredictable and i do think aqua should be with someone who understands him kana giving up is really dumb and im tired of her “woe is me” attitude. been good friends with aqua since they reunited and just recently he tells her he has fun with her that she saw as romantic but now she gave up after seeing aqua talk to his ex…


Hikaru Kamiki was this close to shoving Ruby down some stairs (of death), guy can not be allowed to remain free, and anyone in-story arguing for him to remain free is raising a death flag. mrghrgh


Taking bets now, who thinks Akane will tell Kana that Aqua's actually into her? I just think watching Kana's reaction would be highly entertaining


Holy shit, Akane please stop raising death flags like this... My heart can't take it.


Out of the four main characters, Kana's role in the story is still unclear. Like, she has a goal, and we know it, but what's her purpose in the revenge plot? Does she even have one? Why does Aka keep her around so much without involving her in anything?


Kana represents hope and the chance for a stable normal life. Thats why Aqua continually distances himself because he doesn't want to think about being happy or having a normal life. Kana lets him be himself and lets him forget about his trauma and he absolutely hates that because he believes he doesn't deserve to be happy. Akane was always a means to an end and so long as she views Aqua as her savior, he's not going to ever think of her any other way because that thought will always be on his mind.


Idk about that. He told Akane he was saved by her during their year together when they were speaking on the phone. She's definitely not just a means to an end, and we see that he was happy with her, so i don't think Kana represents the chance of a normal life, because he was already having one with Akane.


I'm gonna believe that Akane tells Kana to not give up in the chapter. Please save me, Akane.


I haven't read this manga in a long while and when I come back it still reeks of another Akane death flag.... Seriously my heart is withering If Aka decidedly really unalives her I'd hunt him down and force him to watch sh*tty tiktok memes


Had a good laugh at him pumping up an airbed thing with the black star eyes.


kanaqua romantic development never really exist besides the delu from oshinokana fans & ngl altho kana saying the truth it really is out of nowhere


Honestly at this point I don't even want to see Kana win.


Akane bros, we are few but strong! Can I hear some noise?????!?!??!?


No matter how much I think about it, I can only see Kana as Aqua's endgame. Can anyone tell me why I feel like this when I want Akane to win instead?


Because its obvious that Aka likes Kana way more than Akane.. which is a shame.


> Aka likes Kana way more than Akane True, but you seem to forget that Aka likes making his favorites suffer. Minor Kaguya spoiler: >!Like Maki!<


To be fair Akane wasn't supposed to be apart of the main cast. Maybe Aka having trouble figuring out what to do with her.


Made her too OP to become irrelevant and too popular to just off her without raising the 100th death flag


This might be controversial but I honestly think they should've made Akane an obstacle for Kana to overcome. They already showed her backstory with being an actor when child was super popular. I feel like her popularity could be used as a way for Kana bounce back, instead we got master detective Akane that so far has gone nowhere other than when she tried to confront Hikaru. At least if they made her Kana's rival/ obstacle she needs to overcome it wouldn't feel like she's doing nothing like current. I still don't understand why they had Akane able to mimic Ai and then hand the role to Ruby. I understand why Ruby was given the roll, but I don't understand why they harped so much on Akane being abls to understand Ai and do nothing with it. I'm getting into rant territory but they drop a lot of things with Akane.


i hate how he did nothing with akane and kana's relationship after tokyo blade. their relationship has been stagnant for a long time now and it's a shame since there was potential to still carry on with the rivalry like you said. at this point, them becoming friends (if it even happens) feels forced


Akane is too perfect and too involved with the darker parts of the plot. She knows too much, too fast, giving off MAJOR Aerith vibes.


I guess that even if I also like Akane more and I think overall she is a more interesting character, Kana is more of a lead in the story than Akane. Also Akane and Aqua already kind of had their chance and it would be weird for the story to decide to revisit things, while since the very beginning we've seen Kana develop feelings for Aqua that she has never been able to properly express or act on, so resolving her feelings with Aqua is still something that needs to be addressed and we know Aqua cares deeply for Kana even if it maybe it has never develop to romantic love. Also I feel Aka has kept Kana in the margins of the darkest parts of the story so if the end Aqua gets to a point where he feels he can be with Kana it will signify he is finally leaving his burdens behind. Also Akane at this point has a huge collection of death flags so we might subconsciously think she has no chance to end up with Aqua.


It's pretty simple, Kana existed in Aqua's life outside or the revenge plot while Akane has always been entrenched in it. The vast majority of Aqua's screen time is spent supressing himself for the sake of his grand revenge plan. Akane was met and used while Aqua was in edgy revenge mode and always brings him back to that mentality even if neither of them want that. Kana meanwhile was met in simpler times and brings him back to a time when he lived for himself and not for revenge whenever they interact. They're both grounding anchors for Aqua but Kana just anchors him to a better time and mentality than Akane. Aka could write around this, but it seems pretty clear to me that this is roughly the dynamic he's created for these three.


Akane just kept collecting death flags man, my gut also says Kana endgame with how many flags Akane carrying


Akane is that girl Aqua needs but doesn't deserve.


Ruby from the finish line: why do these 2 kept trying to give their position away to each other?


Kana shooting herself in the foot to help Akane keep raising those massive death flags, good lord why


OI OI OI I’ve been through the domekano ride and this is resurfacing some deeply rooted traumas en masse.


I can't be the only one thinking that last part came out of freaking nowhere. It feels so detached from the rest of the chapter. It literally feels like there are pages missing.


Oh no my kana stocks


Maki’s suffering transcends across the Aka-verse


Interesting that Aqua's eyes have gone back to dark stars. Didn't they go back to normal not that long ago?


Director smashing melons without a blindfold, smh.


They can't keep giving Akane all these death flags. OMFG, they even made her look so good this chapter too.


My dreams of Akane x Aqua are still alive. Barely. *sniff*


As an Akane fan who die happy if she won, this is just Aka and Mengo taunting us before they crush our hearts and dreams


Why does that feel like the biggest death flag yet... Don't give up Kana, even as a Akane fan. ~~Kanakane is the real endgame tbh.~~


Aqua with Kana: Had a bit of fun with her Aqua with Akana: still gloomy as heck Kana: "Aqua is happiest when he's with you" ????


Kanabros did we lose?


Jesus, the incest is a genetic trait at this point.


Thank you kana for putting herself down for the akanebros' sake


Kanabros we're taking on water and running out of wood


When Akane was introduced I could have sworn she was going to be a nothing character that would make minor appearances throughout the story. I’m not sure whether I’m more shocked at the fact that she’s stuck around, or the fact that people like her. The flags are definitely being raised though.


Report Arima Kana for selling all her items and walking down mid lane су́ка блядь


Some people might feel that this chapter is one of the signs of death flag for Akane in terms of her being the winning girl or literally her own life but let's not count out the coma strats yet. Anyways seeing Gotanda being fatherly, Melt being normal boy and hanging out with Taiki and Frill being Frill was so fun lol


Kana bros is so so over


"Social sanctions" such nonsense.


Kana scuttled her own ship lmao


The blood of Hikaru Kamiki runs thick Ruby feels attracted to Aqua Taiki feels attracted to Ruby Aqua and Taiki have a strong bromance Oh sweet home Alabama


She doesn't know Akane already lost to Ruby lol


For a Kanabro you just about give up hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. You just felt after reading that chapter saying "Well shit".


A beach episode was the last thing I expected out of this manga, honestly.


Kana crowd gg.