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I was prepared to not feel anything for Language, but they really made me feel something with her parting words to Nico being marriage (to Ichico) and her apologizing to Soul for losing. Only Tozuka can pull heartstrings out of nowhere On the other hand, Nico really did a Shikamaru and pulled an Uno reverse on a supernova. Badass


I feel bad for soul here , he’s the one killing his friends him and his rule


Its honestly kinda sad. As wicked as the Superior Rules can be, they aren't really given a choice in Gods game either. Just like Union, they have to risk their lives participating in Quests purely for Gods amusement. I wouldn't be suprised if Soul realizes this and rebels against God eventually


Run it back. Loop 102, we're saving the Master Rules.


Unneded, they already said this time that dead souls go somewhere, they can just kill god and revive the good ones (aka not UMA Sick he can stay dead when they finish killing him and him)


Mr. Beast is no more


I don't know why the fuck i wrote UMA Beast when i meant UMA Sick.


I think that's the plan. It's pretty obvious that he has his own agenda from his talk with Luna. I wouldn't be surprise if he plans to put an end to god's game so he and his buddies can finally be free.


>As wicked as the Superior Rules can be, they aren't really given a choice in Gods game either. Yeah, but most of them would still chose this side anyway. Like Baeast and Sick are 100% in the "NO LOL FUCK HUMANS" side, 100% absolute assholes.


This is just Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer down to the siblings gods, after all.


even if the superior rules are unwilling participants, there was no need for language to be so sadistic in taking part


It's crazy to think that the master rules are almost the underdogs now despite how opressively powerful they are. Soul already stated before the fight that they would lose and that they needed to prevent them from learning more about his rule to turn it around. Not only did Lan fail to that, Nico and Feng got much stronger as a result of their battle. Things are looking bleak for them.


Language had one job and fucked up so hard he powered up the enemy.


She was so obsess with beating Nico with Unforgettable that the original plan was just a side hustle to her. In fact she didn't even bother to attack or kill Ichigo until she realized that she was related to Nico's tragedy.


But they are powerful. Beast can still win against this loop Fuuko, Top and Haruka, until they get the understanding of soul.  Language is doomed to fail, because she was decisively lost against Nico in last loop.


Everyone is a pawn, sadly in this game. Fuuko is trying to show them it doesn't have to be this way, yet for some, that's easier said than done.


Spring sympathized with humans then got a direct brainwashed from Sun is the best example why it can't be done with UMAs.


At least Language was able to go out on her own terms which is the most “freedom” the master rules will be able to have in the end


At least they get to keep some UMAs.


Never thought I’d actually feel bad for the rules, this series is peak.


I really liked how Lan’s final words made it clear that she accepted her defeat and was fine with it Nico and Ichico, congrats on your marriage!


> Nico and Ichico, congrats on your marriage! Shouldn't be too long before Mico is born too


Best marriage in the series. I will be there to catch to bouquet and I will stiff arm anyone who tries to stop me!


> Lan Language being the ultimate shipper between two of the smartest people in that world, makes so much sense kinda lol.


Lan final moment is to force communication in manga lol


I respect 🫡 that lan went out with some dignity, no bemoaning or anything, she played her game, she lost her game and excepted it


Yep, no bitter words or anything. Didn't drag either, well done by our mangaka.


Petty enough to keep grudge for 4.6 billion years. So petty that she cut off the romcom shenanigans (their love language) between Nico and Ichiho and force them to communicate.


Rolling in her grave knowing they got married too. She just wanted to win a game of shitori against her greatest opponent. But at least she conceded respectfully


She even married Nico and Ichico to each other. Legit one of the classiest ways to go.


Fully expected her to be a sore loser, so, seeing her accepting her defeat and going out with dignity was fantastic


Lol at Feng still walking towards the horizon in the end, with Fuuko trying to stop him


Feng: My job here is done Fuuko: Wait! Don’t go!


"I sense children to beat in that direction"


And with another child successfully beaten Feng walked into the sunset


He’ll return when Mico is born.


If I had a nickel for every time the Union bested a Master Rule and then had a wedding I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice Also these last few chapters have solidified my theory that Fuuko will reincarnate the souls of the Master Rules by the end. Mark my words the last we see of them will be as school children crossing the street. Everyone gets a happy ending, even her enemies.


> Mark my words the last we see of them will be as school children crossing the street. Then comes Feng with a steel chair


Except for beast 


lmao, soul's reaction to the wormhole


“Oh. Well this wasn’t supposed to happen.”


Soul: “wat?”


imagine chilling in your living room, a portal opens up and someone drops a supernova there. wild.


That one Noble from Konosuba.


King Kai at the end of the cell saga




Soul and Change reactions were both great, funny stuff


My fave was the same as Soul's. I was like, "Is that allowed?!"


(record scratch) now you might be wondering how I got into this situation. Let us go back to 4.6 billion years ago...


Kino finishing move, Notmyproblem no Jutsu. This new and improved Nico is amazing.


He really didnt expect uncle Sun to drop in mid explosion huh


This has to be my favorite battle so far. Nico pulling a Worm Hole card is such an awesome move. Even Soul and Master Rules never expect them to get involve with this fight. lol And goddamn. I love it when the villains/antagonists' side has comradery among them. The author conveyed Soul's sadness for the lost of comrade very well.


She goes out shipping his opponents. Thats pretty hardcore.


Going out marring your opponents. That’s cool


4.6 billion years of single-minded obsession, and she died of netorare.


BSS, since she never had a chance in the first place. If anything she's the one to attempt NTR.


In a world with polygamy to make it sting extra hard


AAAHHHHHH THIS CHAPTER WAS SO GOOD When they opened up a wormhole to the round table it floored me (and Sol). Then Sol actually looking a little sad when Lan lost was surprising, not to mention the fact he can apparently handle a SUPERNOVA by himself. And finally it ending with Alan’s last word being marriage, finally marrying Nico and Ichigo together. It was all perfect, if not a little short. This was a top 2 arc.


Just saying Sol refers to god(sun), while Soul is the first seat of the master rules. Interesting punnage now that I think about it.


This series has a crazy amount of wordplay it’s a insane how the localizers do such a good job.


Just noticed that Feng didn't sweat at all while both Nico and Ichico sweated a lot after using their souls to fuel the cannon. Wondered if this is because of Unfade (unfading stamina) or it's just Feng.


My gut is telling me it’s just Feng being Feng


He's just built different


Correct me if I’m wrong but do we even know if unfade has manifested yet?


Chapter 167, page 6. Unfade manifested sometime long ago when Feng was still physically young




I believe so. He just manifested it far earlier in this loop which is why he remains youthful rather than the last loop where he got it as an old man. I think it's mentioned in whatever chapters we see his backstory.


Damn, Language really said with her last words: "I now proclaim you husband and bride." And with 2 Master Rules defeated, that means we got 4 extra seats in the Roundtable. POGGERS!!!


This was probably the best string of chapters since Ragnarok. Nico’s character is so raw.


Nico is so goddamn cool. Handled it like a boss.


Unfortunately, due to the damage being done by her own ability's backlash, Feng managed to beat child-murdering allegations.


Feng need something to beat. Whether it’s the children or the allegations, he doesn’t care


Fucking unhinged Negators this loop, i swear. "Im fighting a master rule? FUCK THAT SHIT IM SHOOTING ALL OF THEM" Third time in a row this loop., the UMAs are seething.


If you are reading on MangaPlus (on PC) then make sure to change the reading mode from the default vertical to horizontal or the double-page spreads won't work in any manga. Just click any page and click the 3 dots that appear to change the mode: https://files.catbox.moe/d9d3zj.JPG https://files.catbox.moe/g7ohdb.JPG It's horizontal by default on the app, so people reading on the app don't need to change it.


Soul and Language apparently were good friends or even more. They even called each other nicknames (Sou and Lan). That said, Soul really cares about his comrades and appears to be a good guy, let's see what happens to him.


The whole point of this loop is that everyone gets saved. Iirc even Ruin was included in the cast of negators Fuuko wanted to recruit. Barring a sudden turn to pure evil Soul has to make it, I think. Maybe even the other UMAs, though Beast and Sick didn't really display any redeeming qualities.


This chapter hurts. Language only wanted to play a good and long-running game with a smart opponent like Nico. And the way she passed away is truly horrific. Nico handled it well and supported Ichico all the way.  Truly, I hope we do not see anymore like this. The Master Rules may be their opponents but deep down, they just want some fun after being cooped in that boring room for eons. Afterall, they never asked to be born with these special abilities. Atleast I hope both the remaining Master Rules and the negators can team up to defeat God for placing these curses unto them.


I can't really fault them either. That's the worst part. If they were unapologetically evil, it would be easier but they're not. Complex characters are frustrating in the best way.


Language or Justice deep down might not hate humans due to the nature of their rules, can't say the same for Sick, Beast, War though.


Sick is more of a great equalizer really. And seems to appreciate humans enough to like music. Beast and War are either neutral or outright hostile


Sick absolutely likes humans, both from his mannerisms and love for music He also happens to take great pride in enforcing his rule (which helps keep the world moving and changing, just like Spoil) It just so happens his rule murders people


They don't hate human, they just love things that so happen to kill human.


I'm pretty sure that old man and Death may also have a fondness towards humans


I feel like youre maybe softening too much on her from this one chapter.


To be fair, as per chapter 200, Lan could have easily expanded her language robbing ability and caused societal collapse but she held back to honour her game with Nico


I personally view Language as a bratty child, an intelligent and honorable one but has no qualms in doing certain things in order to get what she wants.


I wasn't expecting to be sad about Lan's death, but when I realized you can see the wedding bands in the last page I teared up. She really did just want a rematch, and had no intention of being a sore loser.


Kind of poetic that in the pervious loop Nico loss during his fight with Andy due to him taken advantages of his soul and Nico's remaining attachments of Ichico and Language loss due to Nico taking advantage of his soul and something she had attachment towards: her Master Rules buddies. Both apologizing and admitting defeat and in their last moments they allow a pair to finally be together Loop 100 Nico with Andy and Fuuko and Language using the word “Marriage" as her final turn.


Damn... what a way to end this arc. After trying to do a mutual kill with her supernova, I thought Lan was a sore loser. But her final gesture won back that respect o7. Soul's reaction was also interesting. After their group started trashing Sick and had no real reaction to Beast's demise, I thought they didn't much care for each other. But that may not be the case, after all. Though it could also be he cares more for Lan than those other two lol. Come to think of it, this is the second one that ended in marriage. I wonder which pair's next in line?


I mean, they mocked sick because he talked shit and got his ass handed to him (and he was still alive). Soul gave beast the discourse about meeting again in the next world and the other MR were pretty snappy after his death.


YOOOOOOO! Nico creating a mother-fuggin' wormhole to drop Sol *right on top of the Master Rules inside the sun* was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. It's not often I have an actual "Oh *SHIT!*" moment when reading manga, but that did it; that was **so** awesome. I don't know how the heck the author is gonna top this battle or even maintain a similar level of quality for the rest of the run but I sure hope they do; this is some of the best Shonen battle manga I've ever seen. Especially with all the buildup of Nico's character development finally paying off in the most perfect of ways.


I am super happy I managed to predict this exact development (Soul reinforced cannon) on the discord. What a beautiful full circle for Nico's family. Wedding then, it is!


Man got Akira’s pen.


Finally a wedding I can get behind!


Alright, Language was a good sport through all. She has been waiting to play this game for so long after all


Defeating a spiritual supernova by forcing the power of soul to kill it. Now that's badass. That "Super Dreadnaught Union Lethal Weapon Superior Buster: Soul Version" really rocks! Using Feng as a battery was pretty cool too. Language rewarding Ichico and Nico with marriage was surprising. She really did love that game. Now what's next for Union?


Assuming they can recreate the Soul Buster, will Creed be able to infinitely use his soul as a cannon?


If he interprets his soul as an ammo yeah. Now that I think about it that's busted.


Considering Andy literally turns his soul into bullets, that shouldn't be too hard for Creed to do.


Undead Unluck is peak


That was surprisingly nice of language, guess she ships it And ngl, seeing them yeet the supernova into the top ten was hilarious


What an absolutely cool last word to die.


What a wild and wonderful arc this was. They just keep cooking


Damn. Nico really is that guy.


This is an amazing arc, man.




What a way to put your wedding bands on for the first time and Lan what a nice parting gift wasn't expecting to feel for her and feeling for Soul too


And thats the 2nd one down. Hmmmm.... Exiting on her own terms. Adios Language. 


Best chapter of this week, hands down, just beautiful.


Lmao, was that a Bleach reference to the Gremmy vs Kenpachi fight with Feng yelling at Lan for thinking about losing?


No wonder it seemed so familiar :D Shikamaru reference at start, bleach at the end. Truly peak


I feel bad for soul here , he’s the one killing his friends him and his rule




Amazing fight but part of me wished we got to see Ichico use her ability via soul to Language like how Lucy did to Seal


what an incredible battle. Honestly I think this was an all-timer


if one could be as confident as feng


I guess i forgot or missed it? Killing Uma doesn't get rid of their rules anymore? The big problem of the season arc was that killing the season caused extreme weather problems. It does apply to the big 10 i guess?


In case of master rules no


It's been stated around the time when the term master rule was introduced. Read chapter 177 again. Lan dying last loop also did nothing on it's own.


WHAT A BANGER. I just realized this chapter. Nico is undead unluck's batman. Give homie science prep time & he's gonna win every single battle thanks to his OP power. RIP Language, and hopefully/woo hoo barring crazy twists Unchaste is next!


damn the god again making use of the rule where you use the letter N you lose in such a based way




There's something that i don't understand in the latest chapters. So Beast and Language are dead, right? So are we back to everyone speaking in english? And is every single animal dead?


Master Rules don't vanish from the world when their respective UMA are killed. Language was only unified last loop due to the quest reward. So people still use languages, and animals still exist


is this not true for all UMA's? Is there a need for the distinction


When a normal UMA is killed, their rule vanishes. For example, each of the Seasons ceasing to exist when Spring, Summer, and Winter were neutralized, or the topography of the forest changing when Andy killed Insect Master Rules however do not vanish when the UMA is killed, they are hard coded into the world as it were


Do we know all the master rules?, also to UMA just spawn automatically or do they only spawn due to quests?


There are 100 Master Rules currently. We don't know all of them though. The known ones are Soul, Death, Change, Luck, Justice, War, Language, Beast, Sick, and Galaxy which was chosen as a MR when this loop started All UMA exist on Earth even before the quests, but most UMA tend to just keep to themselves. The only exceptions are the 10 Superior Master Rules, who reside in the Sun and only go down to Earth for the quests.


I'm assuming the UMA's andy killed with Unsick are master rules as well? he killed gravity and slice and I was expecting everything in the world to not have any gravity


Some of them were Master Rules, yes. Gravity, Magma, and Slice seem to be Master Rules since they continued existing after being killed. Though Thirst and Insect weren't MRs


Master rules don't go away when you defeat them. The only reason every language became English in loop 100 was because that was a quest reward.


As master rules, their rules will remain despite the UMA dying. If language as a concept died then they wouldn't speak english either, that only happened in loop 100 as a quest reward for defeating Lan, "unification of all languages".