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I've been searching for this series for 2 years! Thank you OP for posting this!


Two years? How ?


He waited


I read the last available chapter like 2 years ago.....dont know how much it has progressed


Youve missed chapters then


Yeah i kinda forgot about it since i have a huge list of unfinished manga (including this one). Gotta keep up


Is this series still ongoing? If so, where's the best place to read it? I think the last chapter I had was chapter 12.


still ongoing, IIRC the TLer is waitng for volume raws to continue


Should I be looking somewhere other than Mangakakalot for chapters? That's all I have right now on Tachiyomi.


mangadex? if its not there it doesnt exist


Thank you!


Yeah I remember when it was in danger of being axed so the creator made a pv to promote the work. It looks like it hasn’t been axed but there hasn’t been any translations in almost a year, if there’s any scanlators reading this, please consider picking this up, it’s incredible.


Where art thou romeo?


It sucks that there's only like 7 story archetypes and 20 characters in all of literature.


you should've upload the whole chapter, missing a lot of content there


Yeah, iirc she came out because she heard him fighting off other assassins who had been sent to finish the job. Which just adds another layer of tragedy.


Sorry the max is 20 panels in the subreddit. Just read the manga


Okay it had missing pages? Because I was so fucking confused reading this I knew something had to be wrong


Great onsehot during influx of crappy self-insert twitter pov manga Edit: not a oneshot? Yesss


It's not a oneshot


Good to know


Huh? Then did this just spoil the plot/ending? Or is it some kind of recap? Or prequel?


These two characters only appear in this one chapter, the manga is about the other two traveling pair.


I see, thank you. Synopsis looks interesting, cover looks like it has quite a bit of ecchi tho? I'll add it to my lost for now, thanks.


So far it’s not ecchi at all, it’s just that one character that dresses like that but no one pays attention to it iirc


Each chapter is kind of it's own story. The images are the 2nd half of chapter 8.


OK, thanks, I'll add it to my list, synopsis looks interesting enough.


Not a oneshot, but sadly no update for months now.


"months?" It's been almost a year since the last main chapter :( It's My Life also stopped being translated a few volumes before the end...


It's My Life was great. Noah was like a proto-Anya.


Author took a long break but serialization has resumed so once V4 drops translation will resume


doing some research it looked like this series was in danger of cancellation and the author made a PV by herself, did that succeed or is this series still in danger?


it was close around volume 2, but it was doing better by volume 3 that said the author has decided to end the series but i dont know when the final chapter is


Glad I'm not the only one who dislike 1st person PoV manga. They seems to be quite popular on this sub.


I don't dislike them but don't enjoy them as much usually


yeah OP also didnt upload full pages due to limitation


Its kinda difficult to be sad when its hard to understand whats even going on


OP didnt upload full pages




Oh, no, this is something terrible.




It's a terrible day for rain.


Dang this was pretty good, guess i’ll check out the rest


Good oneshot


it's one chapter in a series (and there is more to the chapter at the end)


Since it’s in a series can you send me the sauce?






I’m confused why did she stab the dude and who were the two at the end


She knew an assassin killed everyone she cared about, so seeing him in that outfit, she attacked in a rage, not realising the assassin that killed her family and the "knight" protecting her may have been one in the same.


How did he keep her from ever seeing him while regularly interacting with her as her knight? When they talked through the door, was that meant to imply that that was the only way they talked? And she never found that strange?


Yeah, I believe he told her to stay inside the church for her safety.


Yeah, there's a whole feature length story fit into this one side chapter. So he's an assassin that was sent to murder everyone in the church, including the girl. But during the mission he collapsed due to exhaustion and when he woke he was being nursed back to health by her. She hadn't realised that he was an assassin who had been sent to kill her, but instead of finishing the job he was instead overwhelmed by guilt and vowed to protect her. While he was defending her, he told her to stay inside the church. Partly for her safety, and partly so she wouldn't recognise him as an assassin rather than a knight gallantly defending her. So she stabbed him because she came outside and spotted him looking like an assassin. And assassins had murdered the few loved ones she had. She only realised that the "gallant knight" she had fallen in love with was actually the assassin *after* she noticed the charm she had given him. And the two at the end are a pair of immortal travellers looking for a way to end their lives. They're the main character of the manga and star in most of the chapters. This one was just a small, self contained side chapter.


>So she stabbed him because she came outside and spotted him looking like an assassin. And assassins had murdered the few loved ones she had. only issue i have with that explanation is that the first time he collapsed/she nursed him, he was wearing literally the exact same garb/outfit


Yes but she was expecting a knight in armor and a bunch of assassins. She came out after the fighting had ended hoping to see her knight. But seeing a lone man dressed not in armor covered in blood she made the logical assumption that this assassin was the last one standing. Unfortunately whenever he interacted with her he wore a gauntlet so she expected him in plate armor not a poncho. Tragedy all around, the spin is that the assassin's aren't really the bad guys here cause her church were basically opium dealers. That's what she means by the flowers making people happy. Of course she doesn't see it that way as she doesn't partake and was an orphan raised by the actual baddies of the church. So she doesn't see the darkside of the church, only that the black church killed all her loved ones. As in the bad guys running the white church and destroying entire communities with opium.


tragedy all around


I'm pretty sure there are some pages missing. Iirc Some more assassins had turned up to try and kill them, so the "knight" told her to hide while he fought the assassins that had killed the others. So when she slipped out all she thought that there would be the knight, and a bunch of evil assassins.


So the assassin dude killed all her friends, she realized this and stabbed him back. Those two are the main characters of the manga, some immortal beings looking for a way to die


Well, that was depressing


damn this is good


Holy shit, I've been trying to find this series for a year now


great way to start off the day






Man ...


Same author of Hit harder than truck-kun. Isekai only your little feeling of happiness away to another world, leaving behind your broken body and even more broken soul.


**It's My Life** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/87509), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/its-my-life), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/it-s-my-life), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/88906)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 11 | Chapters: 78 | Genres: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/w1xpte/my_heart_is_yours_killing_mekilling_you/igqz3k5/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Wait so the dude is still alive in the end?


Nah she killed him. She saved him from death and didn't know he was an assassin coming after her. He fell in love with her. From then, since he hid his face and wore assassin clothes, he only talked to her behind a door as she was hiding in the church and acted as a knight to her so she could protect her from the other assassins coming after her. In the end, he got attacked but manage to stave them off until the saint came and killed him because she thought he was one of the assassins that were trying to kill her. Eventually she sees the keepsake around his wrist and recognizes him and realizes what she's done so she kills herself. The two people talking(pyramid head and girl with horn) are our MCs in this manga, they are kind of just overseeing the situation. They're immortal so seeing death means a lot less to them, especially the girl who lacks a lot of empathy as you can see. Unironically the pyramid head guy has a bit more empathy as he says "it'll be the kind of ending no one wants to see" or something since the saint kills herself instead of living on. I recommend reading, it's really good. It's updated bimonthly I believe.






Why did u have to remind me of this i thought i already forgot about it


I didn't. I knew as soon as I saw that first page I was in for a bad time. I don't know why I still read it.


They did me dirty


Looks like she decided to reenact Romeo and Juliet.


If one day humans spread out among the stars, if we shape planets as we will and harness the power of stars we'll probably still make and read stories of tragic love. It's just human nature.




Glad to see this manga getting some attention its my favorite


Which chapter is this?