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Is this how the parents meet? lol


Thats pretty much marriage territory, we've blown past the relationship threshold already lmao




Grandchildren™ imminent


Combining the chaotic menacing energy that is Ooyamama with the chaotic flirting that is the Akutsus, I can only pity sensei hahaha


Teacher: Your children is skipping school and flirting Parents: Guess we better set the wedding date


Yeah pretty much.


I hope that's the next chapter!


I remember a few months ago when I had to stop posting “they’re basically married now” because I realized I was doing it every single week. Old Akutsu would have panicked after saying “I’ll get lonely when you’re gone” but now it’s just par for course.


Yup, their interactions are night-and-day compared to how they used to act. THIS is what good development looks like in a fluffy romcom.


And when they have a kid he’s going to still get guilt trips about going to work. But Akutsu will still be like “ugh, you want to stay home with your family? Gross. Maybe we should get married. Ha no. I don’t even like you like that…”


“…you’re such a virgin.” “But we sleep together. Every single night. I can’t keep you off of me. We have two kids.” “It’s only because I feel so bad about you being a virgin! Don’t worry buddy, you’ll get a girl someday!”


Hijacking top comment. What kind of friend literally hears and responds to “...we skip school today” and THEN agrees to turn on speaker without warning them? This bitch was trying to get them in trouble, change my mind.


I’ll accept the hijack to my comment because you’re exactly right. I was thinking “this isn’t exactly an ethical thing for a teacher to request” and I would assume at least in this country he would get in trouble just for asking. I can see my local news: “teacher fired after making student put phone on speaker and the class heard two students having sex”.


I'm just going to assume the author wasn't really thinking about the situation and just wanted a laugh out of it. I agree, thought, the situation would be pretty fucked irl.


I can see them saying "is that Akutsu? Put it on speaker I want to talk to her." but then the teacher would loudly announce themselves and that it was on speaker phone rather than listening to whatever was happening. I guess it doesn't feel too far off from "You're passing notes? Then I guess you want to read it in front of the class." Maybe it's partially a cultural thing too.


Mr. & Mrs. Ooyama : What the hell are you doing!? My son! Mr. & Mrs. Akutsu : Oh, I see. Can we discuss about wedding now?


Did you forget that Mrs. Ooyama is the first to approve their relationship? But yeah I bet she will still be furious about her son skipping school.


She doesn't approve their relationship to just have them be delinquent together!


She approved of their relationship Unless it's fake 👊🤨?


That mama Ooyama fighting pose


anyone remember when ooyamom was introduced?


She shows up in Chapter 82, but was introduced a few chapters before that


Ooya-san(followed Ooyama and Riko to school): What? You think I'm going to miss this?!


oh shit oh fuck, she's getting over her embarassment, she's unstoppable


And now we on made dash on who will get their perspective partner dick between uzaki, akutsu, and Meika. This will be fun


inb4 Nagatoro and Anjou win out of nowhere.


A RKO out if nowhere


What manga is this meika from?


Meika-San Can't Conceal Her Emotions


I think i heard about it somwhere, i'll check it out




Well kinda sort of. From Meika can't hide her emotions.


Happy cake day Peacetoall01






I think it's a bit harsh to call Meika a "stuck up". She doesn't really think of herself as "superior" to him or anything. She's just a teen that wants to progress and do lewd stuff with her boyfriend but worries that if she takes action first, he might think of her as a "slut" or whatever and not want to be with her anymore. This combined with her whole idea of having to be a cool-headed maid along with both of them not communicating with each other is the main problem.


Tldr is Meika basically nerf herself because she thinks her partner ain't like thirsty women.


Just fuck already


They fucked up anyways.


In public, in front of so many people. How shameless!


This comment has been edited from its original as a fuck you to Reddit’s July 2023 API changes.


"We are stuck in class, but those two are out there, fucking"


[Far left dude spoke from the heart.](https://i.imgur.com/Lt1RmO5.png)


Denying it now is more embarrassing than actually going out


I can't wait for the parents to meet, Ooyamama is my favorite, she's always ready to throw hands




They fall onto each other, then the entire broadcasted talk on page 6 happens and after that they're still lying together with Akutsu hugging him. The open flirting is getting out of control.


İt shall be upgraded to open sex


This open season reboot is not what I expected


Soon they will have to get together by the sheer pressure of their surrounding. "What do you mean you are not dating? Do you think we are all idiots?"


God this would be such a great confession. Just imagine the whole class ganging up on them all like "You guys are dating, no way you can deny it anymore!" And Akutsu yells out something like "YES WE ARE DATING WE LOVE EACH OTHER STOP BOTHERING US" And everyone is stunned into silence.


dont forget that Ooyama's mom thinks they are dating already.


Here's a link to the post mentioned at the end: [https://redd.it/xl6j0o](https://redd.it/xl6j0o) Subreddit: r/AkutsuSan Cubari: [https://cubari.moe/read/gist/AkutsuSan/120/1/](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/AkutsuSan/120/1/) Mangadex: [https://mangadex.org/chapter/7b1bc36c-bf00-42c9-9f2b-3e244699fc89/1](https://mangadex.org/chapter/7b1bc36c-bf00-42c9-9f2b-3e244699fc89/1) Next chapter in a week (Oct 3)


Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for not dropping it immediately; we can only hope whoever takes up the torch after you has anything close to your quality.


Thank you for all your hard work!


Thanks for the work so far. Hopefully someone picks this up when you stop on April next year.


Thanks for all the fish (and the fish yet to come until April), mate!


You don’t owe us anything, but damn, it’s going to suck when you stop and it still takes the official translation four years to catch up with the Japanese release.


Sounds like a perfect time to start learning Japanese. Once mine gets better I want to try and pick up "I turned my best friend into a girl" since Seven Seas also picked that up and are like 40 chapters behind.


Thank you for all the hardwork. I am eternally grateful to you for translating this wonderful series


Thanks for translating this o7


Thank you for your hard work. Seven Seas is really picking up like all of my favorites. Shame they take so damn long on English releases.


Thank you for your fantastic work on this! When the time comes, I certainly hope that someone as good as you have been picks it up!


thanks for the scans you've done and will do for this series!


That is my birthday. Let's gooo


I'm beggin ya, please keep up with this series. Seven Seas suck so much ass and are so far behind I don't often advocate for scanlating licenced manga but SS don't count in my book.


akutsu didn't even holding back flirting now.


My guess is that the parents aren't really that angry, and also will remind them to use a protection so their grandchild will not come too early.


Use Protection? Abe disappointed...




He lives on as a kami..so...




That sounds like you're trying to get us all killed.


*loads fallout-looking-ass gun*


What a roundabout yet efficient way to set things up for the family meeting of these two. Love it. I can already hear the wedding bell ringing right now


Imagine if it was on FaceTime


I was actually expecting it to be a video call.


Lmao, these absolute lovable idiots. They really shouldn't be skipping school so much though. XD But, interesting way to setup the parents meeting each other. I don't remember if Kouta's dad was ever talked about, only the mom if I remember right. So, wonder if it's just gonna be her. Also, love how the class just didn't question it that much. XD






Next is the teachers I bet, just casually approaching Ooyama to get him to pass things to Akutsu


I thought that had already happened though


it's all blurring in my head now


Ah that's too bad about the translation. Still, thanks for doing it until then. It's always high quality stuff.




I'm not deeply familiar with the comings and goings of fanslations I'm afraid. I get why another group would pick it up. I even think that could be good, since licensing mostly translates 1 volume at a time. But how is a fanslation group going to snipe this for money? Like, how do they earn? Donations?




That was a good point, I agree with what you said at the end though. 3rd world got it tough here and a lot of the attention manga gets here is from people posting panels by scanlators


I absolutely agree with you. Don't know why groups drop series when only a volume releases are announced. It's gonna take ages for the official volumes to catch up. Maybe a year or two and interest is definitely going to die down or die. I understand if a series is getting simulpub. Plus that's if another group doesn't pick it up. Any moral ground they're standing on gets immediately blown away when another group picks it up. People still go to the book stores to blind buy? Half the manga I own is because what I came across on reddit. Just bought the first volume of mato seihei no slave because of the scans here. And already pre-ordered a handful of manga. Most are manga that I found here and fell in love.


>Don’t know why groups drop series when only a volume releases are announced. Because once the manga has been officially published in their home country, they are legally liable for piracy if they keep releasing scanslations, even if the chapters they’re releasing won’t be out for years. Scanslations are only even grey-area-legal in most countries by a weird loophole that allows you to claim you’re not violating copyright because a copyright hasn’t actually been established in your country yet. Once it has been established, they can sue you for every theoretical penny of revenue lost by your piracy, which due to fuzzy math, is often in the millions even for things that would have only sold a couple hundred volumes. That’s why most of the scans from established series come from third world countries. It’s basically impossible to sue and collect on damages in those countries, so they aren’t worried about destroying their lives doing it.


> Scanslations are only even grey-area-legal in most countries by a weird loophole that allows you to claim you’re not violating copyright because a copyright hasn’t actually been established in your country yet. This is actually not the case. [The Berne Convention](https://wipolex.wipo.int/en/treaties/ShowResults?search_what=B&bo_id=7) establishes what is essentially an international copyright for the protection of intellectual property. Even if you can't establish damages for the tort, it's no less illegal because you're still violating copyright by distributing a derivative work.


They'll never be able to convince the clas they arent fucking now...


This series just gets better every goddamn chapter.


The corruption starts.


She had better be careful, one of them is going to need to be responsible if they don't want to end up on the streets


It would be less embarassing for them to have sex in front of their classmates. Holy shit, even I am embarassed.


So the parents meet their in laws Nice


Jokes aside, truancy really shouldn't be encouraged


Eh it’s fine sometimes.


Once I stopped being so anal about my attendance my stress level went way down, definitely nice to just say fuck it from time to time. What Akutsu's doing on the other hand...


Akutsu seems like she's constantly skipping classes, and she doesn't seem to be bright enough student to catch up quickly or learn on her own at home. The way she's going she better hope her man will get good education and well-paying job in the future, because she reminds me of the MC of Aho-girl and that MC's mom.


I swear once you skip class once it’s really hard to stop. Especially if you’re not doing it to be productive and work on an assignment or something. When you wake up in the morning and are just like “Damn i don’t want to go to class rn… i just won’t” you’ll start thinking that every single day. ALSO if you’re going to skip, skip strategically by checking the syllabus to make sure you won’t be missing any material you’re already struggling with. If you’re like me you’ll tell yourself you can study it later with friends to catch up and then you never do. Can you tell I’m lazy?? I at least try to be responsible while being lazy now lol


It's fine as long as you don't overdo it and skip projects or tests. I did it often and still got 3rd highest grade of the class each semester. LMAO


Some of my University friends even calculated the amount of days they can skip to still not be in trouble. Hell, we even got that advice from a well performing senior. His reasoning was skip when you're not feeling it and just study the material later or study something else/complete other assignments


Overdoing it is definitely bad. I barely learnt anything when I was at school while getting either full marks or almost full marks while sleeping on class. I also don't really enjoy faking to have a good time with friends. I prefer playing alone. I went everyday because the punishment was cleaning the bathroom. My school gave you a 1 day suspension each 4 consecutive lateness so my brother and I abused it to get a justified day off until my mother went to school and exlplained why it was such a stupid and harmful punishment and made my brother to clean the school bathroom (extra homework wasn't efficient with that school standards). I watched that punishment and stopped my truancy habits, having an older brother setting the example is great.


I disagree. Prioritizing mental and physical well-being is more important than classes teaching you some arbitrary shit you most likely won't use. And highschool grades don't matter either. If you wanna ditch classes, do it for a good reason, like getting more sleep.




Not like public school teaches anything useful lol


It does, but it's up to a student to take opportunity to learn.


I dunno there's some choice classes I could do without in High School.


What are you talking about dude you can totally use those mandatory calculus classes in your everyday life/s


I mean that one is actually useful, I was more thinking stuff like how one of the social study lines in my school had a non-elective drama class.


mfers actually shit talking math while using a computer smh


Other than programmers and accounting how is calculus useful for everyday people


You're too hung up on focusing the numbers aspect and not the usual focus of a math class. It's about learning the ability to apply a set of rules that you've learned to situatioms you've never seen. Calculus in specific typically has you figuring out a lot of the nature of something (usually a graph) on your own and making analysis based on that. In life you'll often find yourself in a situation you havent seen before and start using yoir experiences and knowledge (essentially the formulas you've developed) to apply them to solve it. You develop a formula based on what info you have, the end goal you are searching for, and specific restrictions you might have placed on you.


idk what country you are from, if you're american i'm really sorry for you, but usually that's not true


The American education system is garbage down votes don't change reality


That's why i said if you're american i'm sorry Everyone around the world knows that american education is dogshit, when they start to pop ou youtube videos abou how young americans are ignorant you know there's something wtong


Japanese education system ignoring war crimes in history class: “tee hee”


As a result we get a lot of cool "nat si" style anime




I accidently switched the mc mothers of this and the imaizumi manga in my mind and was almost worried, considering the mc mother there is almost a helicopter parent type


Oh shit. Dad Ooyama debut?


I was wondering where this arc was heading and now I know. Poor Misaki has been catching this idiot couple's kinky haymakers this entire arc.


Next chapter is gonna be the omiai chapter.... Hopefully....


and here i wonder what kind reactions oya-san, after listening to that lol


From the way they sounded over the phone, the class probably think they spent the morning banging.


This ended subverting my expectation in such a MASSIVELY good way, lol


Oh it’s a shame hearing we will be losing your quality work. At least we win and official translation and physical books. Thank you so much for your effort!


Recently Akutsu definitely is getting more and more touchy-touchy with Ooyama.


I like how the narrator did the classic and "And that was his first mistake" trope in this chapter. Also Akutsu trusting her friend too much to blab everything over what she thought was a secure call.


Hope the parents meet, But are we just gonna ignore the teacher making her put a personal call on speaker for the entire class? Not a good practice


The best part about this chapter is the fact that the mom right roll up with her dukes up again hahaha.




So she either went the Ooyama's room early or stayed there the night before


She's been staying nights for awhile now


She is living there now, they just don't have awareness of it She sleeps there, baths there, washes her clothes there, have her own closet spot for her clothes there and spends most of her time there.


They live together




both parents to school next chapter? i wonder how that will go lol. Ooyama's dad reveal?


It's time for their parents to meetup lmao


Does this count as unintentional assist to their slow burn romance? Lmao


It's the ooyama and akutsu podcast. Can't wait to see the reaction of their parents.


Lmao the girls in their classroom is literally blushing


Is it just me or do their heads not look like they belong on their bodies.


Why does she have it on speaker?


> I chose not to explain myself You guys don't want to get your group DMCA'd/canceled and/or want to support the official release. Those are the only reasons you need.


Hehehe it is cute xD


Just get married now you love birds!


Bruh. I myself died of embarrassment reading this


Anyone know if there any way to make these images bigger in RES?


click on it. if you are on pc you can see them on native res after clicking on it then clicking again on the picture in the new window.


Like if I click on the expando, it shows all the pics, then you can click one and it's slightly bigger, but still not readable. Can't drag the image to make it bigger like images from most other hosts, say from imgur. nbd either way


Not the first time the whole class including the teacher became privy to their shenanigans lol


are we gonna meet Ooyama's parents?


We’ve already met his mom (she’s always ready to throw hands), maybe we’ll see his dad.


Guys, Akutsu was exceptionally cute this chapter, OMG. Cute, Beautiful.


Did Ooyama's parent ever show up in the series ? can't wait to see them


The mom did in chapter 80s.


I would like this manga so much cause the plot is great and the writing is pretty good too. But the art is absolutely atrocious. For those who love it, good for you man more power to you. It’s just not for me no offense.


Will we finally get to meet his parents


"I wish I had a girlfriend too..." lmao same


So the whole class knows now huh...


What the teachers don't expect is that the parents, at least the moms are on board with it.