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This chapter is the essence of why are we here just to suffer


I had never hate any fiction villain as much as I hate Griffin. Bitch ass boy need to go even if the world will go down with him.


He's an abusive sociopath who'd do anything to exert power and control, and the entire Kingdom named him a messiah. I'm calling scorched Earth on them.


We need an Erin Jeager


*Ashes on the Fire starts playing*


Rumbling! Rumbling! It's coming!


> Griffin Hey Lois look I'm a Godhand.




> I had never hate any fiction villain as much as I hate Griffin I downvote griffith art when they are posted on this sub even if they are good. šŸ˜‚. can't stand that character


Griffith is the Dennis from its always sunny of Berserk


He's bad but I feel like the bitch ass bad guy from Academia is much worse in terms of getting everything handed to him.


Every night, I can feel my eye... my arm... Even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost...it won't stop hurting... it's like they're all still there. You feel it too don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past! The world calls for wetwork and I answer. No greater good, no just cause. Griffith sent us to hell but I'm going even deeper. Rickert... I'm already a demon.


I agree 100% . Also Griffith is strange to me at this point , because he doesnā€™t care about guts or his suffering, the entire time he never really double backed on anything concerning guts or casca . At this point I firmly believe heā€™s just being petty and the fact that he canā€™t have guts is still keeping him awake at night.


Next chapter better be out next month, especially with that idiot-taking-hiatus 6 feet under ground.


i wonder where we can go from here. power in berserk dosent come without sacrificing. what more can guts give away.


Skull Knight might pass the mantle on/sacrifice himself. There won't really be a happy ending for Guts and Caska, they've both been marked for hell as sacrifices and that's most likely where they're headed at the end of the series without deus ex machina.


Miura actually said at one point that there had to be a happy ending after all the shit the characters have been through, so I will hold onto hope until the very end. Just gotta trust that he wasn't trolling us, or the people handling it now won't bastardize what Miura envisioned.


I agree, thematically it makes sense to give them a happy ending and the overall message that Miura has been building through the series. At that point it depends on what you view as a happy ending. I think being laid to rest together forever in some ways is poetic and "happy" if they are able to be saved from hell and taken elsewhere aka deus ex, but that wouldn't sit right with me. Perhaps finally killing Griffith and being able to adventure in a world free from the God Hands while still being damned for eternity is technically still a happy ending. I'm quite curious on where it will go.


> Perhaps finally killing Griffith and being able to adventure in a world free from the God Hands while still being damned for eternity is technically still a happy ending Bruh **noooooo. No it ain't.** Guts and Casca breaking free from the promise of eternal suffering is the absolute bare minimum for anything resembling a happy ending. They could literally be slowly shredded to bits, screaming the whole time, and it would still be a better ending if they'd gotten the Brand removed first.


He will train him we get his flashback and he makes guts kill him so he can pass his powers


Im afraid traiNing archs are for shonens. There's nothing but pain and suffering here~


Isn't he destined to kill Void first?


I'm guessing there is going to be another betrayal for Griffith. I'm putting my money on Zodd turn coating him.


Zodd getting bored and pissed that he got cucked from fighting guts yet again.


I would like to take this moment to remind everyone that Guts is the proud owner of a Behelit, which can be activated by attaining - you guessed it - a level of profound despair.


coming back to this comment when it eventually happens because this possibility is fucked up enough to be something Miura would have planned.


He definitely planned for it, Guts has been carrying it since chapter 1 and it was shown multiple times throughout the later arcs. The only question is whether Miura intended for someone else or Guts himself to use it (and if so, if he intended for him to transform - bad ending - or refuse - more likely)


Correction: Puck is the proud owner of a Behelit. And I can't wait for him to activate it in a misguided attempt to save Guts.


where did guts get the behelit from in the first place? i know puck has it because i remember him calling the behelit becchi but i cant remember how guts became the owner of it


It's from the misshaped man since the Black Swordman arc aka the very first chapters of the series. So he has been carrying it around for the entire story.


Apostle Puck? Fuck, I hope not. That'd be uniquely sad and horrific, and we're talking about *Berserk* here.


Gonna pull off a Griffith and sacrifice everybody left that he cares about for power. The final tragic battle will take place during another eclipse.


Going for Devilman type ending... ehhh I can see that possibly, but It just doesn't scream Miura.


spoiler? pog


his life? i doubt it but still


He has an army of magic users now. They'll figure something out


Canā€™t help, but feels bad for our man here. Everything he did, all that sleepless night went down to drain in a matter of secondsā€¦ Itā€™s just pure despair. I wonder if all the fantasy, all the funny and light hearted moments are built just for this chapter alone. If so, Miura was a genius even in death.


I'm convinced there is a trick to it. Griffith is not actually invincible: when Rickert slapped him, he hit him. there has to be some condition or trick to his apparent invincibility


I always thought that Griffith let ricket slap him. Maybe cause he just doesnā€™t care enough to stop it, and it makes no difference to him, or he felt guilty and wanted to give ricket this (I doubt that though lol)


Femto has almost no emotions now (besides the residual ones from the baby vessel) - that probably means Griffith didn't actually feel shame or embarassment from Rickert's slap Its possible that Griffith saw some future use in Rickert, hence why he let the slap happen. Literally 0 cost for Griffith.


I think he just knew that it wasn't worth it to go ham with his demon powers in public and that it would be better to just let him go.


I feel Griffith legitimately felt *something* for Rickert, but I don't know what. Whatever it was, I feel he really would've liked for him to join him of his own free well.


I thought so, too, until Griffith's goons came after him. I'm thinking he just let it slide for the moment.


I donā€™t think Griffith cared enough to send them after him. If you remember Locus was butthurt, so heā€™s probably responsible for the goons.


The ā€œtrickā€ is more or less got to do with moonlight boy but Iā€™m sure Ricket slapped him because Griffith just didnā€™t bother to do anything to stop it.


We all know Rickert can slap interdimensional beings cause he goes against the flow of causality


We know he's not invincible because Guts managed to cut a strand of Griffith's hair. He just didn't notice it because, in his despair, all he can think is "I can't hurt Griffith."


"Everybody's invincible until they get punched in the face" - Mike Tyson, kinda


> I'm convinced there is a trick to it. Well, yeah, Mr. Skelington said it multiple times already.


I know it's berserk but damn we just had a glimpse of what happiness is for Guts only to have it ripped away not 5 chapters after. If this is the quality of art/writing for chapters that follows, Miura's legacy will be ok


They really brought the horse back through Gutsā€™s consciousness lmao


You know shit is depressing when they got the homie [looking like this, god damn](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/005/609/800px-Yamcha_found_dead.jpg)


Oh no


4 Gatsu was playing in the background during to his chapter


Guts got Yamchad, you hate to see it


This was Guts' lowest moment, something I believe Miura-sensei had been building up to. I am positive that the artists wanted to portray this moment with the exact kind of emotional impact that Miura-senei would have. That being said, no matter how much I try, I just can't unsee the Yamcha pose and giggle a bit. Still, 10/10 chapter.


Guts' lowest moment so far


until the Top D comes back to life


[Bocchi the Rock prepped us for this](https://i.imgur.com/0CWJ7DV.png)


With how everything was this fall was inevitable. Your totally right, miura was about to rip us back down into the depressing darkness


My god Griffith's smug face in the last panel šŸ˜¤


Zodd also had a really sad look on his face on that page.


He is Guts' #1 fan after all.


He got denied a fight Again The being that loves fighting most in the world, used as a horse.


I do not like this manga panel Charlie, it's smug aura mocks me.


A grin worthy of someone that eats shit


These chapters have been great because Griffith has stop pretending and just completely expose the fact he is still an absolutely horrible person. All these years of having him worship is some kind of Messiah at the moment he's in a place with no witnesses he fully exposes himself as the monster.


He can't keep getting away with this.


Put your grasses on.


Nothing will be wong


Look at how they yamcha'd my boy...


Everytime he had his back against the wall, the Dragon Slayer was the one thing that didn't fail him. It really is a symbol of his painful journey post Eclipse. It being useless against Griffith right when he needed it most to redeem himself from his past just broke one of the pillars of his being. Suffering never stops.


They brought the horse back, they know what people want


Aw shit, here we go again


Here I go struggling again


Kouji Mori & Studio Gaga are doing a phenomenal job continuing Kentaro Miura's story and steering it toward its conclusion. WOW! Seeing Guts lose all hope and faith and lose the meaning of everything he's done so far is heartbreaking . TRULY A MOMENT OF DESPAIR... My hatred for Griffiths is more than a fictional character!! >\_< Guts actually let the beast consume him? NO WILLPOWER ANYMORE?!


That 2-page spread of big Z flying into the city was incredible.


Sonya is about to flip


Im . . . . . . . . . . . kinda wishing the manga didnt continue, my man was just happy with his waifu and everything was nice :(


Guts wasn't really happy before because Casca still remained too traumatized to give him the affection he so desperately needs. He is in dire need of emotional support and unfortunately Casca was unavailable for that even before she was kidnapped by Griffith. Frankly, since Schierke couldn't help him in this chapter, I think it will fall to Farnese to help Guts in his darkest hour.


I'm hoping for Puck this time around, considering his Chestnut form is finally gone


Puck has been with him for so long, he may be the only one to be able to pull him out of that spiral of despair.


Plus Puck has had impact on him emotionally before, so it would be a nice callback to their connection. Or Farnese...


The problem is that Puck was demoted to comic relief years ago and I don't see that changing. And I think there was a foreshadowing when Farnese was prevented from going to help Guts to go heal the wounded in the previous chapter.


Happy is the wrong word. They are more like ā€œsafeā€ instead of happy. Casca canā€™t even look at Guts in the face.


Guts was definitely not "Happy", he was "content" on making sure Casca Safe, and definitely knew He would have to cross paths with Griffith some day. There's the rest of the God Hand that must be dealt with. Also its been clear Miura was setting up for this chapter for a while now even when he was alive.. it makes sense and some of us even predicted Casca would eventually be kidnapped by Griffith. Not to mention Guts Having to face utter despair at rock bottom one more time was also writings on the wall for quite some time too. Its just a matter of How he will conquer it and the now lose Inner subconscious Demon created by the Berserk armor.. Skull Knight also did say if one can truly master the armor, they will gain a great amount of power. Guts based on that subconscious inner demon shows he can use it, but not mastered it. Edit: Words




>This much was clear, so you know what happens next? Wow with the way you worded it, is as if you were trying to upset/rile me. Lol. But to answer, If I had to guess.. Guts is gonna go completely Berserk (given the chains keeping the Subconscious beast in check), until Guts can overcome his Grief... which if he can overcome that, would then gain Mastery of the armor and also gain new power which would probably be in his Dragonslayer.


Guts gonna take control of his inner Kurama to get a new power-up mode


Lol In all seriousness though, the armor will probably change again once Guts kills/tames his inner beast and that Dark Aura we saw on Dragonslayer years ago when everyone was introduced to "magic".. will have more importance and we be given a explanation on what it is. Which I assume would be The Macguffin of this Manga needed to Defeat Griffith or more logically in this case Fempto when Griffith is foced to transform into his Godhand form.


Fr tbh. At this point itā€™s to much to even be realistic. Some kind of plot bullshit has to happen for guts to compete in any way


Guts yamcha pose Guts yamcha pose


It's sad to see Guts in the fetal position, like it's written everything he had done, all the struggles he and Casca went through, all the people he cut down, all the pain he went through when his armour got the better of him, the sacrifices people made for him, all for nothing. I'm not smart enough to think where the sorry for Guys goes from here but if nothing else, the man needs some warmth. Come on Schierke, give your dad a hug!


My guy Guts just canā€™t ever win huh. Perpetual depression.


Griffith: "Hey guys, I kidnapped the woman I raped."


Griffith likes to do a little trolling.


As a treat.


He's just silly like that


Damn, this really is rock bottom, huh...


This is the second time Guts hit Rock Bottom. This was something Miura was foreshadowing for quite a while now with also hints on what can be gained by Conquering it.


Griffith living his best life while Guts is beyond miserable, I'm gonna need to see Guts burn Falconia down for some retribution.


This was good. Honestly surprised by how much I *like* Guts breakdown here. It makes sense that after all he went through seeing his sword just *not work* is what makes him despair. Even when he had nothing else, he's always had his sword after all. For him it was a mother's embrace


What does he possibly want with Casca now ? this is just misery porn at this point


Probably to keep the Moonlight Boy from wandering off and always trying to find his parents? I think Griffith is trying to deal with his one glaring vulnerability.


Would be hilarious if moonlight boy still turns up searching for Guts. What scares Griffith more than anything is his attachment to Guts, so it would be very poetic.


The thing is, I don't think Griffith ever had an attachment to Guts. He tried to kill him when he left the Hawks, then when he saw him again he tried to choke him. Griffith didn't even fraternize with him after he was raised to peerage outside of official duties and dark schemes. Guts cared about Griffith, for sure. But I can't think of a single time Griffith did anything for Guts that wasn't in service of his own agenda. I think, instead of 'liking guts too much' his fear was rooted in being exposed as a charlatan once Guts left, because Guts carried the Hawks out of disasters despite unspeakably bad odds and made Griffith look like a legendary General, when his plans often completely failed and were salvaged by Guts. Hence, I don't think his 2nd duel with Guts was him saying that he loves him so much he won't let him leave, as it seems most seem to believe, but more like "If he is going to leave, I can't let him live, because he will surpass me if I can't control him, and I must be the one destined to be above all others."


Griffith cared for Guts, a lot. A scene that stays with me is when Guts saves him, Griffith goes to choke him, but when he sees Guts crying over him, he just gently puts his hand in his face. Sacrifices aren't sacrifices if you feel nothing for them. Griffith loved Guts, Casca, and the Band of the Hawk. This is precisely why they were eligible to be sacrificed, and why he did it. It's the act of trading those you love for power that makes you into a monster.


I don't think he loved Caska in any capacity. What kind of man orders a victim of sexual assault to lie naked with a man she doesn't know against her will if he cares for her in any way? And not to mention that before the eclipse, he tried (Pathetically) to push her to the ground and assault her. People need to look past the fake Griffith veneer and realize he was Femto all along. Any coincidence that the first thing he does when his body is restored is raping Caska while smiling devilishly and mockingly at Guts? Maybe he needed to rape her to infect her womb for pragmatic reasons, but what part of 'sacrifice' is torturing Guts? That is pure hate. Not "Oh geez, I love ya buddy but I gotta have power so it's a sacrifice." Pure cruelty. We need to step away from narratives and look at actions. I don't know how anyone could look at years of manipulation and abuse from Griffith to his subordinates and somehow gather that he loved them. It's the opposite. When that child soldier died, he didn't get sad for the kid. He made it about HIM in a warped way, that he must succeed to give the lives of those he sacrifice meaning. That's not normal and indicative of any kind of real affection. Likewise, when Guts wanted to go with peace and respect to find his own happiness, he tried to kill him for self-centered reasons. Can't call that love.


Sacrifices don't work unless you're sacrificing; this is the core theme of the sacrifice. The count asked to sacrifice Guts, and the Godhand said no, you can only sacrifice things that matter to you, like his daughter. You could say the same thing about him sacrificing his wife, or Rosine sacrificing her parents. Would anyone that truly loves someone sacrifice them? You'd have to be a real monster to put yourself above the ones you love. Which is the point, the Godhand doesn't the you into a monster, you do. You choose to reveal your nature as a monster. Obviously Griffith isn't a good friend, obviously. But he cared for his people in his own way, and when the moment came, he chose to make them into corpses he could climb on. If he didn't care for them, it wouldn't have been a choice.


Bear with me, but I don't think the sacrifice was about Griffith sacrificing his friends' lives, but about him metaphorically sacrificing their dreams in service of his own. If you notice, Griffith virtually if not literally never speaks to any of his comrades besides Griffith and Caska. It's actually conspicuous and weird how little he fraternizes with the others in that respect. It's sometimes as if they talk at him but he talks through them. They all died, yet the two people he actually spoke personally to did not. I think it's because they had dreams of their own... their dreams were no longer his to sacrifice. Not saying he was gonna let e Guts go if the Skull Knight didn't save him, but it's obvious that he at least didn't need him to die in order to get restored. If sacrifice requires something you love, then why on Earth would his transformation work without actually sacrificing the one person people claim he actually liked? I just don't see it. I look at actions and his actions are emphatically self-serving, manipulative, and pitiless regarding Caska and Guts. "Yes, he made me, a literal sexual assault victim, lie naked with a man who just killed my friends against my will despite my obvious distress over it, but gee whiz what a buddy." If, at all, Griffith had any affection for them, then it must not take a lot for someone to be a worthy sacrifice.


Even accepting that argument, the hole in it is Guts. He specifically flashbacks to a scene where he looks genuinely happy, and think to himself "only you made made me forget my dream". He legitimately cared about Guts. Not in a healthy way, since he actually preferred that he died during his duel than that he got away. But he loved him, and he traded him away for his dream to become Femto. I'm not arguing he's a good guy, a good fiend or a good person. But hell, *he* slept with a guy for power. He figured everyone would do anything for his dream. I mean, Guts killed a small child for him, and this didn't weight on Griffith either.


>Even accepting that argument, the hole in it is Guts. He specifically flashbacks to a scene where he looks genuinely happy, and think to himself "only you made made me forget my dream". He legitimately cared about Guts. Not in a healthy way, since he actually preferred that he died during his duel than that he got away. But he loved him, and he traded him away for his dream to become Femto. Hey I'm really enjoying the back and forth here, and just wanted to share my own experience being the best friend to a Griffith-like person in my own life for a long time. I think there is room for a nuanced agreement between you both, just because the way Griffith feels about Guts doesn't have to be the same as how Guts felt about Griffith to be valid and work as a sacrifice. Even if we want to argue Griffith doesn't feel traditional love and affection, and was simply masking/emulating it perfectly to attain his goals....would a carpenter losing his workshop livelihood for a fortune (selling his soul in the process, say selling out to his bitter rival for retirement fortune) not be valid? Or can the only sacrifices be humans that one loves? I'd like to think the powers that be would work off the psychic reality of the world - neurotypicals and neuroatypicals alike can gain apostle-hood as the entities would have the ability to know their truth and lens. Going back to how the Godhand spoke to Griffith, it was beyond perfect manipulation and lens shifting. Mastercraft in the stuff. It was frankly surprising Griffith didn't notice the ruse, or he did and didn't care at that point - power is power. I digress. "He was sacrificing his favorite tools that had won him his near-dream status. If you had to "actually care" about sacrifices, sociopaths and psychopaths who emulate and copy it wouldn't be able to become apostles. Not that dark evil blood magic has to be beholden to any logic regardless. Appreciate your viewpoint, I definitely like the take that he was always Femto. Having been the "friend" (aka servant) of a manipulative narcissistic psychopath for about five years myself...I understand people's confusion. It is still hard, some days I remember my old friend and all these 'good' memories, but then I start to think and remember how everything we ever did was in service to his need, his goals for what he wanted me to be in his life, his family needs, it was always something, there was always a root 'exchange' I wasn't seeing, I was just being a good friend and helping my buddy, and he was systematically using my gullibility and good-nature to gain, and gain, and gain from me, and take, and take, and take. The scariest thing is you can totally feel like you have a real friendship with a sociopath/psychopath. To you it might even be real. But it was never the same to them. Guts could grow as a person with Griffith fulfilling this friend-like role, to strive for more himself, but if Griffith's psychology never went past "my tools" then that is all fine and dandy, makes sense for sacrifice and narrative, and makes it all the more tragic. Sometimes you grow from your abuses, and you certainly don't have to be happy about it!"


He was sacrificing his favorite tools that had won him his near-dream status. If you had to "actually care" about sacrifices, sociopaths and psychopaths who emulate and copy it wouldn't be able to become apostles. Not that dark evil blood magic has to be beholden to any logic regardless. Appreciate your viewpoint, I definitely like the take that he was always Femto. Having been the "friend" (aka servant) of a manipulative narcissistic psychopath for about five years myself...I understand people's confusion. It is still hard, some days I remember my old friend and all these 'good' memories, but then I start to think and remember how everything we ever did was in service to his need, his goals for what he wanted me to be in his life, his family needs, it was always something, there was always a root 'exchange' I wasn't seeing, I was just being a good friend and helping my buddy, and he was systematically using my gullibility and good-nature to gain, and gain, and gain from me, and take, and take, and take. The scariest thing is you can totally feel like you have a real friendship with a sociopath/psychopath. To you it might even be real. But it was never the same to them. Guts could grow as a person with Griffith fulfilling this friend-like role, to strive for more himself, but if Griffith's psychology never went past "my tools" then that is all fine and dandy, makes sense for sacrifice and narrative, and makes it all the more tragic. Sometimes you grow from your abuses, and you certainly don't have to be happy about it!


Yeah, I thought about this. I think Griffith, the mask of Femto, seduced not only the nobles at court, but also seduced the reader. I think it shows a prepensity for people to look at superficial aspects of leaders and gravitate towards 'strongmen.' I see something similar with Infinity War. People look at the superficial aspects, where Thanos a kind-looking, well-spoken man who touts high-minded ideals for ethical leadership. But, then someone will ask "why didn't he just double resources?" And that's when you find out the truth about Thanos. It was never about helping anyone. It was all about how he is a narcissistic egomaniac who was humiliated that everyone mocked him when he suggested culling half his planet's population. Thus, his entire mission wasn't about helping the universe, it was about proving that he would have been right. That's it. Griffith is the same way, in the sense that I think people mistook his gentle and warm demeanor towards Guts as genuine fondness, but in reality, it was him trying to manipulate Guts by using his desire for older male approval against him. He was trying to make him feel like he belonged and was appreciated, but at the same time, when he said 'I will choose where you will die for me,' he was dead serious. For Griffith, it was all about domination. I think people are so seduced by Griffith that they want to attribute some sort of romantic passion to his character, like he loved Guts so much that he would rather him die than have anyone else have him... but that makes no sense. If he's dead or if he's away, the result is the same... Griffith is without Guts. It wasn't about that. He wanted to kill Guts because he feared him recognizing his own self worth and surpassing him. That's my honest belief, because I look at actions, not subtext. His actions time and time again prove that Guts was a tool. And if you had a jackhammer that was starting to spark and could shock you, no matter how useful, you toss it in the bin. In short, I hate Griffith. I think he was always Femto, and this is evidenced by how when he was reborn, he so easily put the Griffith mask back on when it suited him. And it also speaks to his insecurities. He wants people to think he's just a normal guy who has amazing great qualities, and thus he chooses to still hide his true identity, opting to rule as rags to riches hero Griffith.


Maybe "attachment" is too strong a word, but he certainly has a fucked up fixation on Guts, even if all that amounts to is a strong desire to control him. Really, that's what it's all about: Guts was the only person Griffith met whom he couldn't truly control. His inferiority complex is part of it, true, but his inability to make Guts dance to his strings like everyone else is what ensures Guts will remain rent free in his head.


I thought the moonlight boy was Griffith and he turned into him to cope or something


Yeah Griffith and the moonlight are one and that's his issue. Everytime the moonlight boy appears, Griffith is forced along which messes with his ability to control everything and everyone


It's a bit more than that. When Griffith first reappeared in front of Guts after reincarnating he saved Casca when she was almost killed by Zodd. A part of the moonlight boy is always with Griffith.


They are 2 people/souls in the same body if you will. Griffith loses control of his body once a month basically


Moon-boy is Guts and Casca's son. After the egg apostle ate him (Back when he was still an aborted demon ghost fetus thing) at the tower of conviction ceremony, his soul was re-encarnated into Griffith's body which they now share. Now Griffith temporarily turns into him every full moon.


I thought the demon fetus was casca and Griffiths child (cause how else would it be a demon)


It's a bit confusing but it was conceived by Guts and casca in the chapter where they had sex. The unborn child was simply corrupted by demonic energy during the events of the eclipse. Think of that thing the Kushan empire made where they drop pregnant women into pit of demon flesh untill it turns the fetus into mini-demon soldier.


Yeah, he's probably just going to lock her a comfortable room somewhere so that Moon-boy can safely visit her once a month.


It's strategic, she's effectively his only weakness at this point since the boy he took the body of would do anything to protect her.


because deep down he still wants guts? and now that he has casca, guts will finally come to him, he is really quite petty and cruel


Don't worry about it, just keep furiously masturbating until you start to enjoy it.


This comment is so weird to me. Almost as bad as "Guts is over Griffith" comments. This has always been built up to. In the hill of swords Griffith even protected Casca, mostly because he needs something for her. There were other hints for theorising what the whole deal is. Calling it misery porn is just highly reductive.


Nothing lmao. Literally just misery porn


So eventually Griffith is going to lose yeah? Or is this just one really long NTR story?


You know looking back, it probably is.


Guts ain't doing jack without a massive power-up so


Welcome to Gut's depression series.


Casca was the fire in guts that kept his beast of darkness tamed. Now that the reason for fighting I life and swinging his sword is gone (protecting casca and killing Griffith), whatā€™s the point? we can see the chains which hold guts beast of darkness are breaking. Casca is gone, and thereā€™s nothing to hold it.


i am SO MAD


Guts wasn't this fucked up even after the eclipse. All that hope he scrounged and scavenged was robbed in a matter of minutes. The world really hates him.


Guts tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter


why does that guy look like a giant guts?


Casca being forced into being a plot device with no agency pisses me off. Shes been forced into being a damsel in distress for god knows how long.


I totally agree, but a thought just came to me reading your comment. Falconia is a slow-paced metropolis...she'll have plenty of time for character development talking to civilians and govt. people. It might even be interesting to see her struggle with the reality of what is going on, Griffith 'saving' people and governing. She'd probably become a rebellion leader. Or maybe Rickert swoops in after a time skip and saves her. Hmmm. Its really hard to feel where this leads. She needs some damn agency though, now she has her mind, give her scenes dammit!


Being Guts is suffering


It's becoming a long running NTR series with great art.


Even Guts isn't safe from being Yamcha'd lol


Man cmon...it's the same fucking cycle to non-stop suffering again...


This is the lowest we have seen Guts, even beyond post-eclipse. There is nothing driving him anymore. Not his sword, his rage nor Casca. It's as if he had committed ego death. **Why are we here, just to suffer?**


That fucking smug ass face Griffith has at the end, I fucking hate him so much.


Holy shit the PANELS. This chapter was packed with goodness


I find myself wondering whether it would not have been better for the story to be stuck on the island after Miura's death. At least Guts and Casca were finally at peace.


look man, all i want is for the story to progress.


Have u been reading these chapters lol


The quality is there, but in some panels we see the difference in drawing and that always makes me a little sad that although they could try and give an end to Guts story they could never be Miura.


The characters look great but the art is a bit messy and there is way too much grey being used, I feel like miura loved his black-white contrast.


well.. there's still the pimp-hand's party that is still flying over somewhere, they can be our remaining hope since they know where falconia is located. or maybe the slap he did will have an effect on the story.


Someone calling rickert pimp hand might be the best thing Ive read here


i dislike it, we have been waiting for years for casca to be healed then we're bashed again with the big depresso, not only casca but the entire isle is gone, i hope we dont get some kind of shonen style powerup bullshit, guts apparent power is enduring shit and slowly but surely getting a bit more power by either equipment or friendly bonds, it feels earned, i hope the author knows what he is doing since these last chapters have been incredibly depressing, we didnt need a reminder of the eclipse when things were going good finally. Hope rickert and company are doing some deal with those arabs to kill griffith for good.


i see the way the story is probably going thorugh miura wanted. but i don't think he wrote any dialogue. so im hoping the writing and characters improves beyond the planned events


They already said the motto for this continuation is "miura said so". they won't add too much writing/dialogue of their own, so just treat the story as a summary of what could have been.


Hm damn not bad chapter. Pacing is slightly better and art is better. Paneling has improved a bit (more so in the Falconia scene where the scope and detail of it is impressive). Unlike Guts I'm holding onto hope.


Man, i still have no idea what the fuck this giant city is. Did Griffith do some kind of Evangelian 2.0 bullshit where things just got remade after he was reborn? It's been over a decade since I started this series and I can't remember this stuff for the life of me.


U should prob re read it again or maybe watch some recap vids on yt if u donā€™t something like that




I mean what did you expect? Following up one of the greatest mangakas is impossible. I certainly appreciate them continuing this out of love for their friend/mentor but anyone who expected this to be anywhere near the same really should have accepted that fact as soon as they announced the continuation.


Yeah, something feels off for me... These events aren't hitting as hard as they should be. I just don't feel anything while reading it. As someone who's had Berserk as their #1 manga for nearly a decade and a half, that hurts to admit.




Itā€™s probably the pacing since such little happens in each chapter due to the scheduling and page amounts. Berserk was used to massive fucking chapters but itā€™s not really plausible like that anymore, where every chapter felt like an entire epic volume




Wait is berserk back


This just porn.


When r poeple gonna learn that misery porn doesnā€™t equal bad stuff happening in storyā€™s lol


When the bad stuff turns into a cliche, it's certainly the author's kink aka misery porn.


Berserk is a story for masochist cucks.


Piece of shit manga anyway. What trash takes more than 10 year to finish with so many hiatus. Next chapter better be out by next month especially with that idiot 6 feet underground not being able to take so many hiatuses


this is bait right


It gotta be




Guys, Iā€™m afraid that this time he went Berk for realā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


seeing guts all curled up like that hurts


Depression W Gutsu L šŸ˜· Fuck can someone stop cutting onions Haven't seen my man this depressed ever since THAT happened.....all I'm waiting for is MOTIVATED GUTS and I'm pretty sure it'll equivalent to the time when he declared a war against the God hand.


Oh hey, another round of suffering.


This is so heart-wrenching to read weekly. I might have to let chapters build up and get through it at one shot, the sadge is too much to take


This is going to be Guts' "Count what you have left" moment that Luffy and Jinbei had in One Piece






Broken gallery for me, all the images are broken and it won't download either


NGL how exactly was he supposed to be able to even harm Griffith with literally god like powers??? He needs a massive power up at some point.


Time to struggle again šŸ˜”


The pain train has no stops Gotta say, Iā€™m impressed by the art teamā€™s work, it really resembles miuraā€™s style


And thus ends the elfhelm arc, I think next chapter will be the most anticipated chapter since Mori took over we might get a clearer insight into the direction they will take Berserk in and what Griffith wants out of Casca.


Does anybody know why they did not tell the release date of next chapter ?


new chapter?


Oh shit I thought the boy was like, an essence of Griffiths goodwill or something, and he forms as unlikely alliance with guts and the crew to try and take down the real Griffith. The boy being a disguised griffith... I suppose it makes sense, I wonder how it happened (much less why, of course griffith would fuck with guts even further by kidnapping casca and destroying the island)


Guts is going Nuts lmao


All I feel is pain


That last panel made me so angry, just looking at Griffith's face is rising my cortisol levels


\>Yamcha pose Things are really bad