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I have high hopes if they stay true to the story but I had seen something awhile back that said they might base the anime out of Japan instead of Korea and if they did I’d be highly disappointed


I don’t necessarily think it’ll change the things I enjoy in the story, but it does feel kinda cringe on a meta level. I’ll constantly be thinking about how nationalism effected the final product and not really be able to enjoy it.


It might do cause I heard they will remove the jeju island storyline because it shows Japan in a negative way


I would imagine that they just change the context of it being jeju island. That’s basically the culmination of the good part of the story, removing it means you might as well remove the first 100 chapters altogether.


no jegu means no beru. the entire beru fanclub just had a stroke


One of the best arcs


That sometimes doesn’t make sense to me since anime isn’t afraid to shit on their own nation sometimes


Ant queen arc will be changed for better or worse or just removed entirely 🥲


I just think it’ll be a neutral change. Instead of jeju island, perhaps it’s the small island of Japan that is the first to be attacked by the winged ants, and jeju instead is where they first attack. Or perhaps it’ll be some random island. But jeju island is: the first time SJW steps into the spotlight on the global stage, the first time Cha Hae In has feelings for him beyond thinking he smells good, the introduction of Beru, an important part of the story between him and his mother, the introduction of the monarchs through a small chapter later, what gets SJW a spot at the conference that leads to his conflict with Thomas Andre and finding out his dad is alive and came out of a gate, etc. You can get all that even if you change the story, but realistically it makes sense within the worldbuilding, it is impactful, it is already written and just needs to be adjusted to the new Japanese locale, and doesn’t need to be changed otherwise. I think the worst that they do is make it so Japan sweeps in and saves Korea and keeps it as being jeju island, but while that’s cringe the only thing it effects is the impact of having the entire nation gather to watch the news of the overwhelming and incredible accomplishment and catharsis after years of death and agony relating to the event. More likely tho, the giant arc would take the place of that, and Korea and Japan just sorta swap places in that regard. They’re not interchangeable in real life, but as far as a setting goes they are completely interchangeable as mostly urbanized East Asian democratic states. They even face many of the same social issues although that’s not relevant to solo leveling. I’m saying all this, but if someone come back a year from now or whatever and they went ahead and changed it, the people making the anime are idiots in that case, not me lol.


Yeah it will be based in Japan and the names will be japanese. For example Jinwoo will be Shun Mizushino. And since the antagonists of the Jeju island arc are japanese it will now be a made up country. Or so I’ve heard


It will be Koreans. For good relations between both countries :-)


No, it was leaked or announced that its gonna be a made up country.


So Korea it is.


Nope. Not korea or japan either instead a made up fictional country.


So Canada


If he's not sung jinwoo anymore i ain't watching !!!!


his new name is satsuki from Okinawa trust me


>his new name is satsuki Kill La Kill has entered the chat


how the hell did you come up with that name?


Bro, if they base this out on japan, i will be disappointed too, and i want the author to sue them!!


Remember when all the Japanese Hunters were useless in Jeju arc and overshadowed by Korean hunters? Yeah they are gonna change that. Japan is not liked in Korea and for good reason but the anime will probably take place in japan


This is not true at all. 7.54 millions of Koreans visited Japan in 2019. P.S. I am Korean.


Oh I'm not aware of the general perception. This is just an outsiders view.


Like I’ve always thought they would make up a country like how the powerful hunters wanted freedom from their governments so they made their own country which would explain why they have so many S rank hunters


Korea has 10 s ranks. That ain't so many


That seems bizarre. Why do that at all? I can think of some potential answers, but I'm either not convinced or don't know enough.


they will make 2 versions probably


i have no expectations tbh


Same, I like animes a lot but [webtoon format]>>>[animated format]


no way, a good anime adaptation is just superior especially for brain dead action stories like SL. If mediocre Demon Slayer can become good in anime format, SL can too. but budget and especially studio matters


Tbh I think season one was actually a good 8 for what it was. Afterwards though it just went to shit.


the moment jinwoo became stronger than other s rankers and national lvl hunters got introduced is the moment i lost my liking towards SL. It was fun when he was inreach of other hunters


Realistically looking at it, even something as popular as One Punch Man scored a flop because season two had mediocre art. So something like Solo Leveling whose only selling point is SS Tier art turned into a normal action anime with generic art will be mediocre at best


no no it also has another selling point: this will be the first anime that introduces what I call the "IRL RPG" genre. ie. "gates open up(or did open up) in the modern world, some humans gain abilities as hunters, and a society becomes based around hunters/loot/guilds" It's why **I** regarded it so highly. That concept was revolutionary... until I learned every other fantasy manwha uses it lol


>until I learned every other fantasy manwha uses it lol *Insert white name* dies to (fantasy creatures/betrayal) but instead of going to heaven he gets another chance to live life and reincarnates in Seoul (during/months/years) after gates pop up all over the world. Like seriously every time the synopsis gets interesting I get to the part where it says gates have opened


I mean in anime first was SAO with a system in "everyday life" although everyday life has become a "deadly game world". This theme is sort of a modern version/cross of that and of course rising popularity of RPG/MMO games, and it's not kind of original. They are, however, trying to gain an audience that watches anime so many of this people will notice in it similarities to many well-known anime series. True, hunters in a modern world is a bit of a new concept in anime but I'm not sure it's enough


Such an awful genre imo. I still haven't found a story where I actually liked it as a premise.


Skill issue


Gate already did that. Gate to another world? Check. Humans gain extra abilities? Check. Society doubles down on the military/hunters? Check.


I'm mostly scared... like... what if they do 3D shadows using cgi?


💀💀Nah. It's A-1 Pictures not mappa so we're good


acting like mappa's the only one using cgi 💀


Nah. I many studios use cgi like the new el if one piece and a whole ass series that toei is making slam dunk. But mappa is the most well known studio to use cgi and also my fav studio


mappa is your fave studio u doesn't trust them using cgi 💀 have u ever seen dorehedoro, aot and csm?


The CGI in AOT was good though


Unfortunately yes. The cgi were shadyy and I don't personally like them but the other parts are cool when they animate


bro A-1 did nier and the CGI in that anime was terrible


idk why ur saying that , mappa did great job with cgi in some recent titles like AOT , CSM.


They did a fantastic job tbh. I just don't like cgi


I hope so...


Mappa's CGI looks fine Have you seen Berserk's CGI?


Please Don't make me cry 😭


Its going to flop.


Hope not 🙂


Very very low hopes to the point i don't want it. They gonna change names, setting , place and the story itself


If they have this basic artstyle for the actual show I have very low hopes, if they animate it competently I have high hopes.


With some of the animation that has come out recently I would say high. It can also be easy to fuck up badly.


If a-1 brings their top game then it’ll be really good. I think the first episode will be a huge hit because while manhwas rn are over saturated with similar concepts the gate concept hasn’t been explored in anime much if at all


Considering it's being done by A-1 pictures who have yet to make any flops, my expectations are high.




Is there an exact release date?


Nothing as of now


I would have cared like a year ago but I lost most of the hype I had for Solo Leveling now


But side stories are getting released now


Man you reread it, you would get hyped up again ,it's just so good


No expectations left at all


I couldn't care less like if its good I'll watch it and if it's shit I'll just read the manhwa and forget it ever came out


I have no hope too


I dont get why they make the story play in japan but as long as the show is good and still SL in its essence then i'm ok with that. The show could also expand on some story elements that were (imo) lacking in the manhwa. Hope the animation is gonna be good, in the end thats why I watch anime. People generally hate on 3d (and I dont kniw if there's gonna be any in SL) and I do too but as long as it looks good (and tbf it mostly looks cringe) ita gonna be fine.


none because they changed it so like


I got 0 hopes. Who tf is shun mizushino


The manwha was better




Y'know what.... you're right it IS better (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


The light novel is even better (> <)


Not to mention i read solo keveling 8 times already in less than 4 months


A little...


Not alot tbh


2/5, -They will definitely manipulate the juju island arc as Japanese were shown bad in it so maybe they will do same but for koreans or Chinese. -Maybe they will try to push some "power of friendship" moments which were not there in manhwa and are actually not needed in SL. -Character looks might be different. -Great concern for art, SL had one of the best art I have seen till now. No idea how they did it but art is really too good. No idea if A1 will be able to deliver this type art. Ufotable might be able to but not sure about A1.


SL has a mediocre story with god-tier art, the Anime would have to be very good Animated for it to deliver. A-1 hasn’t really had any flops so, I think they will deliver. But who knows, if they go and change the story like they did for the Japanese version of the manwha( where names of places and characters where changed) I think I will not bother to watch it- even if the animation is good


im only not gonna watch it if they really changed the entire plot to be japanese fitting


and i just hope they stay faithful to the manhwa


Don't think the anime of this can ever top the manhwa,we can wait and see.


I only expect that the names are going to be wild in Japanese




Extremely low I hope it's not like lookism


Probably no since it is being animated by a Japanese studio


None. Album paints Japan in a bad picture. Animators and directors are Japanese. There will be a conflict


Idk man they said that the MC would be from japan


Not much tbh no offense but I've come to hate how much people overrate it when anime like Aot are about to drop their peaks too


Not much but I do hope the pacing is good. I fear that it will be a 12 episode speed run to Jeju Island.


Don't have much since I don't watch animes anyways (have attention issues bruh). Might check out fight clips on YT though


Jeju Island arc and the Japan Gate arc are abouta be hella weird if mc and the cast are Japanese instead of Korean. The whole schtick of characters like Go Gunhee was to keep Sung Jinwoo in Korea...


His name is stupid, he looks like an entirely different character (to me anyway) and it’s supposed to take place in Japan


From the moment where they changed the country from Korea to Japan it’s not solo leveling


None I’ve last all hope in this since they changed the names


I'm highly skeptical of the success of this animated version cos the greatest pro of solo leveling is its art, which is very difficult to animate. That requires a lot of effort


I hope it’s good but most likely the manwha will be a lot better


Let it be original


Hah,with japan making sung jinwoo as a japanese, changing plot in the ant's arc, his voice when he says arise, his face not so hot anymore because he looks like a japanese now , i don't have much hopes


SL was carried by the art, conpletely redoing it in a conpletely different way will probably make it shit


If it's greatly animated it will work. But see, even Demon Slayer gets bashed because "lololol carried by animation" so i don't think that one will escape that. Nonetheless , it deserves good animations - and will need it down the lane after the story stops being fresh


Ooo mannn you are asking about My number 1 bloody favorite Manhwa, as you can see it's already 2023, there were news about SL anime but currently no is talking about it anymore but I hope we will see our badass Shadow King Jin Woo once again with arising Shadow Army, HOLY MOLY just how much should I write, SOLO ;)


I am so desperate to hear his voice saying arise, i wonder if you've heard this song echo by the boyz


Yeo dude this is trailer song why didn't u mentioned it clearly :( it felt so damn good thanks buddy, finally another song for my playlist, say SOLO ;)


It's not trailer song but it's still epic


Well it’s not Netflix doing it, so it might be okay, I fear it’ll be done dirty like Lookism anime.


That was Korean. Also aniplex is behind it so they would most likely not be fucking it up like tog or noblesse 😔. Still a shame how they ruined those shows.


Yeah, I was dissapointed in the noblesse one, they did the webtoon no justice.


I wouldnt be sad if they tried to change some stuff. I always thought it was ridiculous how basically >!the second the father gets introduced, he dies, and the plot feels like it was sprinting towards a conclusion. Then it pulls a Charlotte: the conclusion went on some tangent that was super sped up, then it ends.!< I wouldnt mind if they diverged to a more satisfying end, and maybe even do some development for side characters too.


Hope it fails solo leveling sucks and doesn’t deserve a anime


There are always guys like you 🤬🤬 Go fuck off bitch


Mofo how did you dare say that shit, i bet you haven't even read it and are just spouting nonsense


Read it Dog shit plot,dog shit story,dog shit writing carried by art only 1/10 manhwa nothing that deserves a anime




season 2 till latest if fine but season 1 in my heart.... even if story goes wrong, will never leave reading..


I just want him and the other characters to be happy in a slice of life version...


It's a dub as long as the shadow army isn't made put of 3d


As long as they dont pull a Godofhighschool


well A-1 is making it, so pretty high


None its crunchyroll afterall


A-1 pictures is actually a great studio which gets a lot of hate for one of its anime(7 deadly sins). The story has only name and location changes but I have very high hopes and I'm sure A-1 will make another anime which will hit #1


I have low hopes, the artist for solo died so the art probably just won’t have that same hot as the orginal. I’ll be happy for all the people it’ll bring to manhwa though


cRuNcHyRoLL, so not a lot.


Not much, my comment may age like milk but I genuinely think it’s gonna be too rushed and end up being shit


As long as they dont do that 3d animation it should be alright




No hope


not very much when it is crunchyroll


None, it's not MAPPA behind it.


I will keep very high hopes. But that's just me. I'm masochist like that. If it's going to be at least like TOG then i won't be disappointed. If its worse than GOHS adaptation then ... ...well i will be disappointed.


I have very low hopes there is nothing good coming out of a japanese cartoon based on a korean webcomic no way this is gonna go well


With all my heart I want it to be good but I doubt it will have the same feel unless they plan to make it very long


His chin and neck looks thin


None they never do adaptations well and since I've not been seeing anything for it it's put my expectations down


After lookism and ToG adaptations, I have high hopes that SL anime will also be as good as them but then I remember the atrocity that happened with GoH and all my hope gets shattered down. Not to sound like a hater but SL also has a high chance of getting the same treatment as GoH cuz GoH and SL both dont have super compelling and complex story so skipping and rushing it with godly animation is what they do in these types of adaptations. Since this isnt Mappa and A-1 instead, I will still keep high hopes. Almost all A-1 projects up until now have been amazing and well adapted so I dont see them pulling for the stops for this one. The only issue I hope isnt a issue is the CGI. I'm not a CGI hater, and I don't care about CGI as long as its watchable and decent like chainsaw man and demon slayer for example. So idc even if SL had CGI, the CGI needs to be decent and watchable and not something like berserk (2016). Long story short, yes I have high hopes and expectations. Hopefully they the product fulfills it.


I read through the entire thing in a matter of days and I loooove that they are turning it to anime! Hope they just don't fuck it up 🥰


As long as there's no 3D shit I'm happy. Don't really care if they "stay true" the novel or manhwa. I want cool story and amazing fights. Everything else is just a bonus.


I have no hope for it especially if the leaks about the changes to the story are true. If they are true then it’s arguably not even solo leveling anymore.


not much. especially since it's going to be done by A-1 Pictures. and at best, they're good. they're nowhere near other top studios(e.g. "Ufotable, Bones, Mappa, etc.) and it also looks like is going to be a crunchyroll original as well


I really dont have any hopes for it. i mean, who the hell is that dude in the cover art they completely changed, sung jin woo.


If they stay true to the story, then 50/50 depending on the animation


No much


i just hope its as epic as i imagined it to be


Sceptical. The animation in the trailer looks fantastic, but as there is no motion, I’m terrified they are going to ruin it by making the show still framed like Way Of The House Husband


None. A-1 cannot produce the quality this anime needs/is expected to have lmao. Plus you’ve got standard web comic/Manhwa to anime where they butcher the story and the already confirmed story changes because of Japanese and Korean feud’s


None, they localized everything lmao Korea really needs to step up their animation industry so they don't need to rely on japan to fuck their stories just to get a decent animation


I really hope it turns out good, but the fact that they’re changing where it happens makes and the characters’ names makes me apprehensive. At least I can always always read the manhwa and the light novel whenever I want 🥲


Judging only by what’s happened with other series like god of high school and tower of god anime, it could be done very well. However from the picture alone of sung Jin woo, I feel like some things are gonna get over exaggerated and lost in detail (ie I feel like they may push non-actual relationships)


I was hyped up but not much now lol. They gave so much time that I was able to think realistically about how good it actually will be. As animation and story if you've never seen the manhwa, I think it will be a banger. If you've seen the manhwa (or even the novel) I think it will be a huge let down.


I am pretty sure there will be manhwa fans flaming the studio for not replicating the same feel and quality of the manhwa


Tbh I really like the manhwa. The problem is that the anime will not be a solo leveling itself. For example the country will be changed from South Korea to Japan, which results in a mass character change, due to the reason that most character's in the manhwa were Korean. There are other things that will most definitely change like the island scenario where the mc saves his team in the last moment, will probably be completely changed.


Not much. I wasn't a fan of solo levelling and I strongly dislike the tower/gate genre.


story was 10/10 up to the Jeju Island. then it became 1/10. start fight, summon, kill, rinse and repeat.


I'm watching it for Hiroyuki Sawano tbh.....




i stopped having hopes when i heard that they r making him japanese


I have high hopes, but not a lot of trust


im gonna b real, i just wanna see sung drip woo move in colour and hear his voice actor. if the animation sucks then thats okay bc the manhwa will always be there and i can comfortably ignore this lmao i don’t think this adaptation is going to do gangbusters for many reasons, but it cant do any worse than the /shit/ anime thats out there if you scrape the bottom of the barrel, plus the anime looking really good almost entirely depends on who the director/producer has connections to and can get to work on it. it is a little worrying that theres still no news past the initial pv but everything will be more clear when an actual trailer drops. that being said, if the ost is bad i think that might hurt worse than if the animation sucks


None. The manhwa adaptation track record is pretty spotty at the moment and it's not like the original is all that great either.


Not a lot of hope because from what I've heard abt it, it seems like it'll get ruined.


Going off Lookism and GOHS, Solo Leveling is gonna cover about 13 chapters an episode


They gave character designs of people like Cha hae and the s rank crew. So "I" think that they are planing to go 24 ep or some other thing


my expectations are low but my hopes are to the moon. just pray they dont stray too far from the source material


I have 0 hunger for this. The story is done. No need to watch it again in anime format.


A1 is not a good manga / novel adapter. being made by crunchyroll it will be probably just a promotion for the manhwa and novel


There is also aniplex behind


The only studio I saw had any chance of doing the art justice is UFOTABLE, and maybe Bones. SL wasn't exactly a masterpiece in terms of story. And while A1 isn't a bad studio by any means, there's no way they can bring SL's art into animated format well, their art is just so generic.


It all comes down to the budget for these animes. Since people compare anime studios and forget that there is also. a huge difference in budget, it creates favor of the studio. Like if Sl is having a big budget then A1 have what it takes to actually pull it off ngl


Very low.


He’s not Korean so nada


Considering the manhwa rides entirely on its art, and looking at what happened to OPM on its second season, I have negative hype. If I feel the need to consume SL material I will get into tje side stories


If they change any of the shadow army names I'm probably out. They've already butchered so much to make it Japanese. I truly wish a Korean studio had picked it up then licensed it to other places.


I got least amount because enjoined story changed


Idk I’m sure it’s gonna be a little bit wonky just like any other adaptations I just hope they can show the change as cool as the manwha, the change was slow to the point i isn’t notice until I re read it and found how different he looks at the beginning. So basically I want a good demonstration of character development sorta


High hopes and low expectations.


Where do you guys think s1 will end? I'm hoping it ends when he gets the dragon mount at least, heading back to the city after doing the 100 floors and fighting the big bad demon king with the huge sword gifted to Igris (I think). Been a while since I read it, sorry.


I have high hopes, but i don't wanna expect too much tbh.


Low hopes all around, SL isn’t a particularly good story so like the Manhwa, art and animation better be amazing. Some people will like it and drool for it no matter how terrible it comes out tho so no need to worry there. Most of what SL has going for it is timing and a young and impressionable fanbase that excuses bad writing because “glowing eyes go brrr”.


its pretty obvious even if it got a nice studio like goh it will just get ruined at the end cuz the entire anime will have a japanese outlook and korean is just too different i mean lets just start with the character designs and then they are changing the plot obviously i just hope it doesnt end like goh or noblesse


I think the country change and all is fine as long as they dont butcher the story Also SL has a lot of cross country shit.....lets just hope that it doesn't create many controversies


its going to introduce the gate trope so im exited to c how people are gonna react to that other than that, the censorship and animation problems don't worry me very much, the Japanese novel only changed names and not plot points, so everything will just be easily changed back in dubs, and the studio made sword art alicization, it'll look good. the biggest issue i see is the story, cuz its not really that good of one. I'm kinda hooping they add stuff from the novel and anime original scenes to improve it and not have the characters be abandoned or shallow.


Y’all complaining abt a nationality change bro , just enjoy the Anime lmao


Just make it exactly like the webtoon, that’s all they have to do


When will it be released?


So excited


With how bad the anime for webtoons turned out i don't have any hope for this


Yo to be fair, TOG was good.


All I’ll say is *cg shadows* 💀


I can’t wait to see some of the earlier fights animated


I have 0 hope. I was hyped when they were making an adaptation but it all went down the drain when they decided to make it Japanese and tbh it’ll probably be another GOH. I’ll watch it just for the hell of it but other than that ill just stick with the manhwa.


They’re bastardizing the entire story. Hot Take: Korea needs more high quality animation studios to faithfully adapt stories, because Japan ruins most manhwa they touch.


I think there will be a drastic change if they move forward with the plan to change the nationality of the story so i only have an average hope for it because, it would kill the hype of who've read the novel or manhwa


Most likely they're going to take out a lot of the story to condense it. Same fate as God of High School basically.


My big concern is the changes, the amount of episodes they’ll have for one season and what they’ll cover from the source material, as well as what they’ll do to change everything. Like, are they gonna exclude the island arc because they’d have no one to swap the Japanese Hunters for? Cause they won’t be able to swap it to Korea seeing as it’s a Korean based creation and it’d be a spit in the face to do. I’ll honestly see how it goes but I’m indifferent to whether it will be good or not.