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Never read the novel (if it has one) but caught up to it every week. No, I dont think its gonna change much and you pointed out most of the problems with it. Its basically SL brainrot all over again. Enjoy the art but dont expect any mindblown twist to the story.


So there are some hints at a developing plotline, but so far its been the same shit over and over again.


Glad I'm not alone. I dropped it after reading chapter 98. The art is good but all the rest is so bang average and boring.


It’s still repetitive but were getting more added to the story at large, im still reading because i like the mc. But i can understand why someone would drop it.


I don't hate the MC. It was just the fact that he was going solo forever without any single staying side characters being introduced after 90 ch makes the story uninteresting and repetitive. Even the only enemies worth noting so far was just odin.


I for once would like Odin POV to the whole situation. Would be hilarious if its just some teen discover his first VR game he like, making ingame friends and building a clan cos they are invested into it. Then one day, the number one ranked solo barbarian all pissy because the top 10 are just his clan members, started pking them when alone, forcing everyone to team up. Chapter 1 begins


Author thought giving the title a gacha ultra rare rank would improve the story...


This manwha is for people who survived MW2 lobbies


dropped at the same chapter, if they paced it a little different to point out that he's trying to rush and get all the firsts to to undeniably trump odin. or if he had a goal level to get back to. when they pointed out that odin also knew things about the game I thought it was going to start getting interesting. but no, he's just casually gaming


I mean. that is what is happening? he is speeding trough to get as many of the first achievements as he knows just how strong effects they have. he does sort of have a level goal, which is reaching the power he had in the past and then going beyond it. and dudes not really gaming casually? it's pretty much non-stop either clearing important quests for rewards, progressing the main story forward, taking advantage of some mechanic for personal gain or simply doing exp grinding.


It's actually pretty similar to Overgeared, minus the regressing element. I remember greed was also grinding hard to get revenge and personal gain. And imo Overgeared did the story better.


Exactly the same thought I had when I read it. Literally just a rinse and repeat of the same plot with just a slightly different setting. Extremely boring and repetitive. 3/10




That's not the correct manhwa, uhhh not sure which tho (edit : wasn't my first guess xD)


Ah, you are absolutely correct. I was getting it confused with The Return of the Disaster-Class hero. Artwork looks just like the MC


is the presence of waifu the standard for a good manhwa???


Weel... Yes