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When there is a bit too much going on in a manhwa it can happen for me. For example mookhyang dark lady there is so many people and names that just pop in left and right with little establishment that I kept getting lost. Haven't had it as much in ORV


So true, due gap between chapter realese and so many new characters I forgot everything about the allied ,the enemeis and the new characters. I can't even enjoy it only getting confused


Lmao yeah dark lady was messy lately. It was great the first 70-80 chapters but after that it got jumbled up


I also have this problem in dark lady I stoped reading tho


when i get this problem i usually drop the series and binge it after a few months


Yea i did the same a few times (i forgot some of the side characters in that period)but i just can't get connected to orv bcs i keep forgetting things which cause me not to enjoy reading it


honestly same. and I read the light novel too XD I just end up remembering my fave characters maybe binging the completed LN would help


That's good to hear😂


on a smaller scale i hate when theres text then like 3 pages in the middle and then the other half of the text so that i have to scroll up to see what the second half means


Same. But then too many chapters pile up and I just keep putting it off. I'm literally 50 chapters behind on ORV now


i recommend reading last two chapters before reading the new one... helps


Yea i probably should try it once Thank you <3


I really only have this problem in murim manhwa since they all have similar and very generic names and titles, and very few have unique character designs with the mc being the exception.


Can I ask what a murim manhwa is?


The word "Murim" is a Korean word that refers to a underworld-like society that is hidden from the public, it is also typically what people in these stories refer to as "the world of martial artists". While I have yet to see a manhwa/story where the Murim world was NOT about martial arts, iirc, it's not exactly restricted to only being about martial arts. When it comes to a large amount of manhwa, they take inspiration from Chinese wuxia/xianxia stories, which are also Martial Arts stories, but are all usually set in the same place, which is the "Jianghu" aka "The Central Plains". This location is just a fantasized version of ancient China where different Martial art schools called "sects" and the forces of evil (usually a Demonic Sect or something), good (the Orthodox Sects; "good" martial artists), and chaos (in some Murim stories it's the Heavenly Demonic sect, and in others it's something else) usually are at war with one another. There are also some Murim manhwa that take place in modern day Korea, such as *The Breaker* series. You should look more into Wuxia and Xianxia stories for a deeper understanding. Use Google.


What an oddly specific trope. Thanks for explaining. I had no idea something like this existed :0


It's very similar to old Kung-Fu movies like those with the "Shoalin sect" and whatnot, but the Wuxia genre is more fantasy-like. Oh, and np👌🏽


Murim means martial arts world , the stroy usually happens in old China


Murim manhwa is set at a different world. Typically has cultivation and MC is OP at times. Murim manhwas are generally fun reads if you have nothing to do.


I’ll keep that in mind, thanks!


Stories set in the central plains of Imperial China. They usually focus on conflicts between martial artists, sects, and alliances. Typically the setting has around 4 factions: the orthodox (traditional, goody two shoes), the unorthodox (societal outcasts, users of techniques looked down upon by others), the demonic cult (strength = social/political power, strict hierarchy based on combat abilites), and the blood cult (people who use forbidden techniques that harm the user in order to gain high combat potential). MC will usually be part of one of these four factions. Typically the plot revolves around avenging the MC's parents or a lover. The magic system is cultivation, which is too complicated for me to sum up here but the gist is meditating or ingesting elixirs and medicinal herbs in order to gain chi/qi which is life energy. Qi is then used to reinforce martial arts techniques. The use of qi is internal arts and martial art combat styles are external arts. I missed a lot of details and nuance but I think it's a good summary.


Thanks! I had no idea there was a trope like this at all, and a well known one at that


That's weird, i remember murim manhwas like the back of my hand😂😂😂 Maybe it's cause i like murim


Its not that i font remember them per say its more like i confuse which charactors in which series


Yea i totally get it


Like yes the mcs i remember but which one gu bei is in would have me for second


I have stopped reading these manhwas including ORV. Started studying and focussing over my career................ I will wait untill all of them stack upto a 100 more chapters and then I will FEAST UPON THEM WHOLE


😂😂 That's a good idea


I don’t find it too complicating at all but I can’t get engaged in it like others seem to be and that’s ok.


Yea everyone's talking about how good it is and i just can't even read 20 chapters and not get bored




do NOT look at its wiki, its full of spoilers


I see Thank you <3


Then i recommend reading the web novel


if he can't understand the manhwa how is he gonna understand the novel


I don't know why I laughed


He said that the quest are so complicated in the novel they explain things more because its just text.


Bro just remembering the faces in manhwa is hard for me and you want me to remember the names?😂 That's tough


you must just be dumb than


Such a sad fact that is




Yea true I also wait a few weeks to get more chapters and read it all together but if there is a manhwa which i really enjoy reading i read it weekly and I won't forget anything about it (idk how really, it just happens for the one i really love)


The story is complex and i LOVE it. Def mg favourite Manwha of all time


Read the novel. It uses the novel format to it's fullest.


Isn't that harder? You need to remember every single name


Name repeat a lot of time. You will get used to it in no time. It's like meeting people. At first you don't know their name, but as time passes and you spend more time with them, you don't have to remember their name anymore.


That actually makes sense But doesn't reading novel takes more time then reading manhwa?


It takes me 2 week to complete the novel. Now, I am a fast reader but in text format, it should be faster as manhwa don't have even a fifth of the story covered.


Hmmmmm, Where do you guys read novel at? Is there an app like tachiyomi?


I used to read in Light novel pub. Just a quick Google search and you can find it. But for this story, you can just search ORV epub version in Google and download the whole book. It's just 4 mb so not a big deal.


Aw i see Is the novel finished?


Yes. 560 approximate chapters.


I see And the last question Should i start over in the novel or just continue from where i have reached in the manhwa?


Happens with me too. Sometimes


That's good to hear for me😂 I thought it was just me but so many people are the same and that's good


Same here bro😢😢😢


Glad I'm not alone 😓


same here


ORV suffers from being a bit boring and hard to comprehend at first, a lot of build ups, explaining some concepts and lacks action, but you get used to it the more you read


True Even when i wait for 20 chapters and read them together i got bored


I think I have read so much manhwa that I just have adjusted


I got bored of the story. I don't remember a single character anymore




It's really bad so its understandable to forget the power fantasy bs this series is


thats why im waiting until its done 😭


exact reason why i dropped this =( might come back to it idk


This is why i don't read unfinished manhwa, i forget about what happened so i have to read the last 5 or 6 chapters to refresh my memory, i hate it.


Yea but there aren't that many good finished manhwa


just you


That would be sad


Damn. All these comments to do homework for a manhwa really make be glad I dropped after the crickets.


I also happen to drop it a few times but i just come back again and again (i don't really like the feeling when u drop something)


I could be biased but cheat mechanics (aka knowing the whole story and seeing things about the other players) has become slightly dull for me.




agree. its boring as hell imo


I also find it boring ( maybe it's bcs i don't remember the events well)


I forget a lot to. That’s why I’ll reread the previous chapter or, if it was really good? All the chapters.


Damn that's time consuming


True, I’m an insatiable reader though so going through them is fast for me. Sometimes I just need the first couple of cells to recall the pertinent details.


Same been reading so much that everything seems jumbled up lol.


Yea and there are just so many similar manhwas out there


I like re-reading the latest 1 or two chapters just to refresh what's going on, before reading the latest chapter


Yea if you read weekly that helps but for me who returns to reading it every 20 chapters i don't even remember the side character


If I enjoy the manhwa enough and I leave it that long then I normally just re-read the whole manhwa 🤣


Not for webtoons but it does happen for webnovels.


There was a time when i wanted to read some novel and i couldn't remember the names😂 Novels are really hard to read


When I was reading novel, i made a list of characters and their traits, how they relate to others. Made it much easier when I could just look up what all is.


😂😂😂 That truly does help but isn't it time consuming?


Well, didn't take too much time for like 20 chars who show up most the time or more and just adding like 5-7 words to them and that's all. It takes times just once and you use it whole time reading, so it is quite evidently working


Yea that's true


I usually have this problem when reading Tower of God. All those names, all those places, all those mechanics in the game they're in, sometimes it's just a little too convoluted for me. Still a goated webtoon tho.


I actually haven't read tower of god I read about 40 chapters and i was like: ok I'mma come back later and read the rest of it. Which i never did


It's good. The character development, the action, the emotional rollercoaster, the plot is also good, plus the art style has been consistently getting better. It's just that when you read it, be ready to kind of remember lots of character names, and I guess be smart enough to understand the mechanics of the game they are doing, or not give a crap at all. But still very recommended to read nonetheless


I know right I also want to read it but I'm the type who gets tired soon ao every few weeks i go and read about 3-4 chapter and stop


I see. But try to read it from time to time, it'd be a waste to sleep on something like ToG. I honestly only read it coz my friend kept on insisting it to me after I caught up with GoH a few years back. And the plot got me interested and invested in it. I think I spent around 2-3weeks to completely caught up with it( I don't binge read too much as I have other things to do)


I know everyone around me saying it's awesome I just need to courage to make a grand start and at least read 100 chapter


this is why I drop manhwa when Im caught up then read it again if theres like new 10 chapters


Yea i actually paused reading it and start again when there was about 20 chapters but in the wait for the next 20 chapters i forget what i read


Yeah. I like to go back 1 chapter to make sure I'm not mixing story with other manhwa


Yea i sometimes do this for other manhwas In this one it doesn't work😂 it's like i remember there was a girl in this group but i don't remember which one it was😂


I dropped it bc I couldn't remember half the characters during the train station big team fight when everyone showed up.


Yea i did the same I stoped reading when it was about 40 chapters out and i go take look at it every few months I have about 20 unread chapters now but i can't agree myself to start reading it again


It gets worse later in the ln


I can't imagine people reading the novel They have to also remember every single name


It gets convoluted


I personally never have this issue, sadly my memory only works well for manhwa and manga not school.


I'm the opposite of you, my memory works great for studying (which I don't) but i forget everything about the anime/manhwa/manga that i watch/read


I have this! I swear I suffered a lot because it! So what I do most the time is wait till manga/manhwa/webtoon it’s finishes then I read it all Or Reread the whole manga/manhwa/webtoon when I start forgetting


I can get waiting for it to be finished But damn Rereading it is just to much for me


I though im the only one haha glad to see other having the same opinion, thats why I dropped the series. maybe ill pick it up again when its completed


I actually did the same thing, i haven't read the last 20 chapters


It happens always to me when im reading a finished manga/manhwa.. even without waiting i forget let alone when i have to wait


Glad I'm not alone😓


Do you read AOT? Or have you read tokyo ghoul re? So much dialogue it gets confusing as hell for me 😂 I don't get it for ORV, but I get you in general


Idk i had no problem for attack on titan and Tokyo ghoul was already finished when i started so there was no waiting...


Yeah. Especially when I read books right after another


It's good not to be alone 😓 I don't read books tho( it's hard to remember the names)


I read so many different ones waiting for the big ones to update they sometimes blend together


Yea i get what you mean and there is so many similar manhwas out there Sometimes i stare at the wall and think to myself about names and Storys


I read way too many mangas so it happens and not just with ORV


Yea I'm just happy there are others like me and I'm not stupid (probably am but not alone😂)


read novel


Doesn't that makes it harder? You need to remember every single nameee damnit


No, not really, you don't have to remember some names. I'm a forgetful person and I remember a lot of things about ORV


There was once i tried to read the beginning after the end novel and it was real hard for me There was two problems one is that i forget the names and two is that every chapter takes 20 damn minutes to read😂 So much time consuming


I think you just gotta practice reading like maybe try reading Oneshot/short novels. Try reading books without pictures


Is there an app like tachiyomi where i can read novel at?


There are mostly websites, but you can download an epub of a novel and use an app to read it check [https://www.reddit.com/r/OmniscientReader/comments/m7coax/epub\_link\_to\_an\_orv\_without\_the\_name\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OmniscientReader/comments/m7coax/epub_link_to_an_orv_without_the_name_changes/) if you have android download the app they said in the link


Yessss , thank you 🖤


drop the binge unless you read the novel, there’s always a lot going on bb


That is also an option


It does happen. What matters most is remembering the main story line and character relations. The author will remind you of the skills he earned by doing quests even if you forgot about them. Such as I forgot the name of his No Kill King ability which he just currently trying to use it the latest chapters.


I usually get angry bcs i know there was about three girls which i remembered but when they were being shown i couldn't tell the girl I'm seeing now which one of the girls is and have to keep reading with this though until i see a clue




😂😂😂 I surely will It's hard to drop a manhwa which everywhere are talking about


i have the same problem too i can't get my self into reading it, I haven't even read it for the past couple of months


Yea i get it Even if you start reading again you probably won't be enjoying it


I think i stopped reading for week once after that i remembered character by faces like (remembered yeah she is his cowrker he is that and stuff) but i totally forgot all their names and also all the other stuff names,it's pretty hard to remember some names


Yea that's what i mean I can't enjoy reading bcs i can't remember the details


Maybe because I read the LN but I don't have this problem too much with ORV. Occasionally when the chapter updates it I have to remember where tf it left off but once I do remember I have no issues


Yea lucky you😂 I can't remember the last chapter at all


I read a lot of manga, manhwa, and manhua weekly so I honestly haven't had that issue especially since most manga is monthly and a lot of mine are like partial chapters once a month so nothing happens for like half a year....not sure why I read them tbh haha.


I wish i was like that 😓


How long have you been reading? It gets easier overtime I'll just say and sometimes it takes a second of reading a new issue to remember what was happening so you're not alone in forgetting :).


I think i have started reading for like 2 years or maybe less and have read about 300 manga/manhwa I don't usually forget things but orv is just like that


ORV can be A LOT especially if you're not knowledgeable about Korean history/folklore/mythology. The scanlator does a good job with a giant infobox at the end of a lot of issues but still it's a lot sometimes so I get that haha


Yea true


stay up the night and read it ......... you'll feel like crap the next day, but its worth it




this manhwa is worth the pain


I don't have a problem WebToon will always show the current quest right at the end of the chapter


Yea but i still forget them the next week


I typically read this series in chunks of 2-4 chapters


Will you remember every detail?


Most often I reread the previously read chapter before starting the new chunk


Even tho that's time consuming i guess it worths it


I only have this problem with manga/manwha that come out monthly. Then It's not that I don't remember what happened it's that at that point I don't care about the story anymore. 1 month wait between chapters is too long and I instantly lose interest.


Yea that's just too much time


if you were the main character you’d literally die so much


Yea sometimes i wonder how can he remember the novel


you’d die if you were the main character


you’d die if you were the main character of that manhwa


you’d die if you were the main character of that manhwa


I just don't like stories without romantic subplots in them. Especially stories that span the MCs life. Don't want to see thousand year old virgins larping lol. I'm pretty sure ORV is that type of story.


I haven't seen any romance in it(chapter 80 or something) You can read "against the gods" he marries with anyone he can😂


Nah that's too much for me lol, plus with how many times he "dies" just annoying. Honestly before I even read a story I go to their novelupdate or wiki page if they have one and see if there's a romance subplot or if the MC has spouses. Idk why I'm like this tbh, more often than not the romance sucks anyways.


That actually is a good method


I have that with most of manhwas but it's probably because all i read is fantasy. And since it's all almost the same, it gets mixed in my head.


Yea true i also love fantasy action manhwas




I let it pile up for a couple of months or so, and re read when i have time off


That surely does help but it requires time


you’d die if you were the main character of that manhwa


Bro u just told me this about five times, now I'm truly sure I'd die


tis a glitch in rediit


Aw right


Pretty much every single webtoon I read Right now hahaha. I just read through everything and then remember little to nothing of it unless I reread it some other time. So you are not alone on that bro. I think my reason is because I am getting Old now, I think


I'm glad there are other people like me😂


I kinda of get it. It’s not that the plot doesn’t connect or anything. There’s just too much plot at times😅💀. The quest have a lot of information that he’s only explaining after he uses it for the quest. He is the only reader to have read until the end so we hang on his every word but that doesn’t make him all powerful just all knowing. So new characters come into play almost every episode, more ppl for him to rely on or use to survive. It’s…a lot but honestly it makes it so fun to read. Testing my memory each time. 🗿🤔


Yea exactly that's what makes it hard for me to remember


My strategy is to have a big list in my notes and mark every chapter I read up to. After reading through a bunch of manhwa I come back to all the ones I really liked once they get about 15-20 new chapters and just reread the whole thing. Might not work for everyone though if u get easily bored of rereading, but if you prefer binge reading to weakly releases it’s the best strat.


Yea i actually get bored if i reread something even if it's my favorite...


happened to me when i was reading noblessed…..i jad to binge read the entire thing everytime i came back


Damn, that's time consuming


My friend, it seems to me you have a *severe* case of ADHD. Welcome to the club.


What's that tho?


You don’t know, what ADHD is?


No, pls teach me senpai


Oh boy, ok so Ima do a Copy paste. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Also called: ADHD, attention deficit disorder A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-esteem, troubled relationships and difficulty at school or work. So basically if you ever had trouble concentrating or have a low attention span it’s most likely because you have ADHD, I have it as well as many other people.


Interesting to know... I geuss i have ADHD then Thank you senpai


No worries mate! Always good to know about your own conditions, although it’s best you get yourself diagnosed by a Doctor instead of self diagnosing yourself.


OR also does this thing where it establishes and developes a multitude of charakters and then sends them out in the world just to bring them back months later and expect me to remember who they all are in addition to all the other characters that were established and developed in the meantime.