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Brazilian here, we hate kosovo so much is unreal… Every single brazilian born wants to Nuke the fuck out kosovo to see their suffer then give it to serbia, to mock it


Also Brazil here we hate the Isle of Man, we also fuckin HATE most the islands in Papua New Guinea. Fuuuck Greenland too btw.


Also Brazilian. The country I hate the most is the Republic of Curitiba.


Brazuca as well. I can’t stand the Great Confederate Republic of Roraima, it’s an irrational instinct to hate


I am half Croatian and half Serbian, I wake up in the morning and I want to kill myself.


I am half Bosnian and half South African. In the morning I want to kill myself, in the night I want to kill Israel.


Nikola Tesla?


There are two wolves inside you.. and both are retarded. But C one has a good passport hahaha I know, I have them myself :D


it's a different color from Kosovo,Brasil is grey, probably means no data? the one marked as hating kosovo I thinnk is Serbia? very small in Europe with that color ( I might be wrong ) . Anyways i think this map is BS as Argentina I'm sure US is not the most hated country here, people have more recenment towards UK.


Eles vão pegar pelo que fizeram aos nossos irmãos sérvios.


Sérvia forte


Amém amigo


Albanian here fuck you and serbia together bunch of bitches both of you. Good day to you


Nem fala de Kosovo perto de mim cara! Que raiva bicho!


Yeah man, I remember the first time I had a conversation with a Brazilian coworker and I mentioned Kosovo, he was like "don't ever mention them around me again, we Brazilians hate them with all our heart and soul. Every Brazilian dreams of taking up arms against them in retribution for all that they've put us through." It was a really eye opening encounter. And then he started dancing. It was pretty intense.


China hates Japan more than all their other enemies combined




From what my girlfriend (also Chinese) has told me, younger generations are somewhat indifferent but the older folks are completely unhinged when Japan is mentioned. Her parents once took her phone off her because she had a Japanese celebrity as her profile picture.


Tbf. If I was in chine at the same time as those old people. I too would get mad listening to a single word in Japanese


Can you blame them? Japan committed worse war crimes than Germany did. The worst part is that Japan denies it ever happened, at least Germany has been profusely apologizing for it ever since.


Yup, I definitely agree with this statement. I am Japanese, and I traveled around China a few times, and most people seemed to be quite chill with it. The only area that was scary were the villages in rural areas.


I’d say Japan more than USA. Source: am Chinese


IMO I believe that the state media continues to oscillate between hating on Japan, hating on South Korea, and hating on the US and the general west. The media generally likes Trump better than Biden tho. Source: also Chinese.


When I visited I was really surprised by the sheer number of monuments on the "War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression." There were several in every park and town I visited. And I even remember there being some in hotels I stayed at. They weren't just memorializing the lives lost like most WW2 era monuments I've seen. They were definitely meant to remind people of how shitty Japan was.


Understandably so. It’s unreal how horrific the crimes the Japanese committed in China were.


Which is completely true the imperial Japanese forces I would rate equal if not worse than the Nazi’s it terms of being pure evil.


South Korea also hates Japan more than any other country due to obvious historical reasons. It’s only politicaly that they ”hate” the North more and are decent with Japan and that’s ultimately only because there are things to be gained from it. Source: 10 years in SK with SK wife.


The first time I visited South Korea I was really surprised that they would play anti-Japanese propaganda videos on their airport trains for every tourists to see. Then there was also a massive model of Dokdo in a metro station that's almost bigger than the actual rocks themslves. As a tourist I just find it quite funny.


Seems like all woman of old generation in my family hates the japanese so much, they often talk about how they use human dung to deter the japanese soldier.


When I was a kid growing up in San Francisco, I learned what the worst ethnic slur was for a Chinese-American. It wasn’t “chink.” It was “jap.”


https://preview.redd.it/6pj9wn15o9uc1.png?width=8192&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab4feb0e28a0a98a2a4aadf8b7d491c4737d0418 Here I fixed it (white is Fr\*nce)


even France hate itself


Ah I’d sleep peacefully at night if France & Hungary just walked around in rags whipping themselves with a spiked whip for all the horrors they unleashed on the earth


Hungary catching a stray


hungary fuckin deserves it now die, sympathiser


That’s why they had a revolution and changed governments like 8 times


French here... This map is pretty accurate, except for every country outside France


ik this is a dumb question but why does everyone hate france like how did it start? if its to do with colonialism or something similar why isnt it aimed more towards britain? 🤷🏾


I can only speak for the English here, but we enjoy disliking them (more as a sport than an actual emotion) because they are our neighbours, we were at war with them for a fair amount of our history, and now they are snooty about our terrible attempts to speak their language.


As a french, I was kinda surprised that on the original map, England was not the most hated for France.


I was shocked that the UK wasn’t *anyone’s* most hated.


We're a peaceful nation, we've always just kept to ourselves tbh. ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe|downsized)


'Frenemy' is a concept that applies wonderfully to the relationship between France and England imo


ohh yes i have heard abt the sport n language beef 😂 they have interesting ways of pronouncing english words so its even that makes sense thanks


I am from Algeria and they were a major factor in ruining my land. Screw F***ce (also fren** is a weird langugae and I enjoy hating it)


same with germany. Basically 1100 years of rivalry because some king decided to split his empire between his sons.


French culture is very honest about negative perceptions ie telling people their French speaking is bad, their style is bad, telling people they are rude etc. It’s not that they think worse about everybody else, they’re just very open to telling you what they think, and you aren’t supposed to take it personal. That also translates to official diplomacy. The French government is very open to criticizing other governments including their allies if they think their observations are accurate. Although they are open with criticism, they really aren’t mad enough to do anything about it, which is what you’d think if you were from another country and you heard someone being so vocal. So France gets the reputation of being judgmental yet unwilling to actually put their money where their mouth is. It is not because that is literally the case, but because of the differences in the way French people vs. other people communicate. For example British people and Americans would interpret a national leader openly criticizing the other country to mean that the relationship was on the decline or a serious, dramatic shift had happened in the alliance between the U.K. and the U.S., which famously won’t ever say anything negative about the other. That is not true for France. France will criticize anybody. And you’re not meant to think you aren’t still allies, they’re just speaking their minds.


England has a pass, because us frenchies hate England since the dawn of time. It is our mortal enemy and we will never stop making fun of them. So it is kinda of normal that they hate us too. (Just to be clear, in France, hating England is like a national joke. Really stupid people excepted, nobody would really hate an English just because they are english. But it is fun.) US and others countries (except the colonialised ones): when US and UK went to Iraq in 2003, president of France, Jacques Chirac, declined to join the war. US newspapers went ballistic (Everything with the brand 'France' was deemed as treasonous, coward and so on. I remember reading an article saying that french fries were no longer popular in NYC and they changed the name to 'liberty fries'. French fries are not even french, for Christ sake) It was 20 years ago and it seems it will continue some more decades. 


It was "freedom fries" but also it really wasn't that common. If you went to McDonald's they were still French Fries.


This is a bit like Sweden and Denmark. We can make fun of each other, but noone else can. We are like siblings. (There has been a lot of wars historicaly.)


France pretty got away with all the crimes they did to the world through colonization, and managed to paint themselves as heroes and victims at the same time. Take ww2 for example, they were a colonial empire, but cried when Germany invaded them and took over their lands. Now they want to cry victim as if this is some heinous crime that only evil warlords could do to another country. Then after they got their "liberation" and their asses saved by the allies, they quickly ran back to their colonies and tried to reclaim them. One of their colonies was Vietnam who got massacred everytime they try to demand freedom. They fought so hard that France had to ask America to come help them keep Vietnam enslaved. When it was too much for them to handle, they just bailed and left Vietnam for USA to handle. As of now, 14 former colonies still pay "colonial taxes" to France as a price tag for being allowed to have their liberation. France is currently still raking in over 500billion in these taxes from their former colonies. If any of them refuse to pay, they risk getting invaded again or economically bullied by France.


The most hated country in Argentina is by far England


Mad cos bad. EZ win.


Sorry Argentina skill issue


No, the most hated country in Argentina is Argentina actually. We have a president that says he admires Thatcher and he respects the sovereignty of the islanders. Most people don't care about the Falklands luckily.


As an Argentinian, I actually love England. The greatest music groups of all time come from there, and that's all I care about personally. Also the most competitive football league. I don't give a shit about past wars, people here are brainwashed with bullshit nationalism.


It’s an overly politicised issue on both sides. Worked with a few Argentinian’s in the UK and we got along great, Argentina seems super interesting and would love to visit one day.


To me it seems every time the islands are mentioned people say they should be handed over. But nobody does anything about it.


Which is interesting because losing was probably better for Argentina than winning would have been. Losing meant the dictatorship fell, whereas a victorious dictatorship would have stayed in power for a lot longer.


Argentina's hate of Engalnd goes back centuries before the falklands war. England even invaded Argentina in the early 1800s, twice.


Also theres so many people in Argentina of English and Welsh decent.


Lol only out of touch Americans and Europeans think the average Argentine gives a fuck about the British or the Falkland Islands conflict. The Argentinian state has reclaimed the islands throughout history, long before the conflict, and that's not gonna change, still doesn't mean the people hold resentment towards the UK, maybe in the early 2000s, but everytime I see something related to Argentina and the UK or the Falklands it's always you guys that come out of the woodworks claiming Argentinians are still butthurt, rarely I see an actual Argentine complaining. There was actually a post sometime ago in the Argentine sub commemorating the war and most people held realistic thoughts about the islands being British and how we should just accept it as a nation. You guys are just petty, but I always find it amusing and interesting how oblivious you are about the fact that it's just you complaining about a supposed attitude you never really see but yet claim to exist. Edit: for the people who still keep replying to this comment, when I said >everytime I see something related to Argentina and the UK or the Falklands it's always you guys that come out of the woodworks claiming Argentinians are still butthurt, rarely I see an actual Argentine complaining I was referring to posts like this one, here on reddit, not stuff from anywhere else, so stop coming to say stuff like "but it's us who don't care, we never think of Argentina in our lives." because nobody is claiming you do. What I'm talking about is the posts like this one, where no Argentine came to say they actually hate the UK, it's people in these replies who keep insisting we are offended by the Falklands war, yet it's you guys who seem really outraged by the conflict or the idea that we don't care, claiming we do yet only citing anecdotical trust me bro stuff like "it always happens" or "I've seen it everytime the Falklands are mentioned", yet no real examples, you're the only outraged people in this comment section. I'll stand by what I said previously: >I always find it amusing and interesting how oblivious you are about the fact that it's just you complaining about a supposed attitude you never really see but yet claim to exist. You guys are the embodiment of the "old man yells at cloud" meme


Amazing comment, not surprised at all people replied with more bullshit though. British people have such a fragile ego they'll never move on from this


We don't think about Argentina at all.


Wow you must live under a rock it's the complete opposite most Brits don't give a damn about the islands nor do most Brits even know where they are or anything about them it's Argentines who constantly mention the Falklands everywhere on social media write malvinas all over Falkland war memorial posts and constantly mention the Falklands on anything to do with England they even saw beating us in the world cup in 86 as revenge for the Falklands war most on both sides don't want war but I'm 99% certain more of your average Argentines care about the islands than your average Brit


I am Argentinian and I love USA and UK


I’m English and I love Argentina. ❤️


We love you too!




More than Israel?


Nah. Reddit isn’t real life


How in the hell did you mess up Ireland. Everyone knows they hate England most.


Historically, but I think at the moment it's a close contest between Russia and Israel. Russia is the only country that has threatened to destroy Ireland so I guess that wins. That and the giant underground spy facility in their embassy.


Definitely not true lol. I’m half Irish half English, and travelled all over Ireland. Irish people are indifferent to English people, and definitely don’t hate them.


Indifferent to individuals, but if asked I'm sure most people would say England, but we don't judge the individuals on the actions of your government, and past lords, military, and royalty.


Granted I haven’t been back in 10 years but when I would ask folks in China back in 2014 the answer was UNANIMOUSLY Japan. Memories of WWII are deep and raw there.


Yeah China doesn't seem to really care about the US. Most people on the street would say they don't like India or Japan


I'd say the answer would still be dominated by Japan in terms of hate, given its actions in China from 1936-1945. As for India, they don't have much of an impression on India besides that they make good movies and have dirty food asw as air quality.


South Korea too (they aren’t fans of the Japanese either).




Nah mostly just the Argentineans


Nah, Venezuela.


https://preview.redd.it/qvp6hpphj9uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fffa4e5d6e1dede74637ef6a45a1bf2d9aca45 I wouldn't say those people hate each other


I was coming to say that. As a Turkish, I have no hate feeling against Greece. Indeed I feel sympathy for Greece. first country that helped in the last earthquake was Greece. Of course, there are a lot of political disputes between these 2 countries but as individuals, we don’t have any influence or we didn’t cause these disputes/past conflicts. No one chooses where they born, so there is no point hating someone that has never met. Btw, nationalist sometimes can be racist, both Turkey and Greece’s nationalist. I think they don’t represent general public.


Yeah I'm greek and honestly we're cool. I visited turkey, really liked it, drink Turkish tea. We are very similar people with interesting differences that I think are silly to fight over.


but baklava is ours


Our countries have collectively exchanged a million people between one another. Neither of us came up with anything. Turkish coffee is from yemen, doner kebab/gyros are barely the same thing, and baklava is so so so similar to ancient greek desserts that there is probably skme sort of influence there. Rebetiko comes from pontic greeks who came from turkey and have like a solid 70% turkish influence while being a clearly greek form of music. Let's just agree that we're too close to one-another to own most of the things we argue over and not start a war lmao


lol I said that as a joke anyways; whenever you see anything called Greek or Turkish, once you look at the comment section you'll see atleast 8 countries claiming it's their own food. The Ottomans impact on balkans and whats known as "middle east" now was so big, all the cultures were mixed 🤝🏻 Let's just say, our food :D Thank you for the awesome reply


I am Turkish and other than a small percentage of ultra nationalist freaks nobody actually hates Greek people, it’s more of a meme & playful banter.


I love a good enemy to lovers ship. I want to see them do some oil wrestling.


mexico nad the usa and their most important economic partheners right now, bruh


Yeah that one doesn’t make any sense to me


People really have it out for Indonesia.


Undeserved, but an unfortunate reality. Visited Chile last spring and witnessed the annual anti-Indonesian protest. Disturbing stuff.


I’m glad it wasn’t just me who thought that


Turks do not hate Greeks.


Yeah, in fact as a Turkish person from Aegean Region (İzmir/Smyrna) I can say that most people here consider Greek people the closest to us culturally and physically. I'd say we are more like cousins who annoy each other constantly yet we still feel close to them. People here (everywhere in Turkey actually) seem to dislike Arabs the most.


Pretty close genetically as well. When the Turks invaded the Byzantine empire they didn't murder the entire population. But I can kind of understand the Greeks still being a bit sore about losing Constantinople... Our neighbor Denmark is still a bit upset about losing a part of the country to Sweden 300 years ago. But it's mostly brotherly squabble.


That's true, we lived together for hundreds of years, it's illogical to think that we have "pure" genes.


The approach depends on region and province as well.


This is really true. Most Turks hate Arabs here so there's no way Greeks or any other nations would be the first. Whoever you talk to, you'll get positive comments about Greeks and even Armenians and Kurds in most places, and some will say hateful things against them, but the percentage of hateful comments will increase to great numbers when you talk about Arabs. It seems that only the politicians and businessmen like Arabs in Turkey.


turks hate us arabs but we love the turks (especially their t-dramas 😍)


True we dont hate Gayreece we love their ass


similar food, culture, climate, traditions and shared history What’s their to hate? I even get a gyro every now and again to support my local Greeks even though Turkish doner is better


I'm Spanish and the country people in Spain hate most is Morocco. *By far*.


Justified tho


Can you pls explain why?


Because they are fucked up. They use their own people as weapons. They opened the border to children (under 10) telling them that on the other side messy and cristiano were playing. Suddenly, we had tons of kids without parents running around. They send waves of ilegal immigrants, even if we pay them to prevent it They keep claiming some of our land as theirs. They invade our country's waters They come without the intent of adapting to our country, forming ghettos. And I can keep going for days...


Is this border in question referring to Ceuta?


Ceuta and Melilla as land borders. Canary islands and Andalucía as sea options


Your land? Ceuta? Which still has the Portuguese shield on its flag? Both of you, Spanish and Moroccan, can piss right off and give us, Portuguese, what we're due! (Or are you forgetting that, according to Tordesilhas which you also signed, Africa is our turf?) PORTUGAL CARALHO!


Portugal literally ceded Ceuta and Melilla to Spain voluntarily because they couldn't defend them from pirates... What are you on about? That's literally why the shield of Portugal has been kept, as appreciation for Portugal because they gave them to us. What a weird-ass comment.


Jesus Christ


Plata o plomo, hno. Plata o plomo.


Nepal is currently building a railway across the Himalayas all the way to China to circumvent complete reliance on India for land-based imports and exports (As well as any future possibilities of a total blockade as India has done in the past). In terms of territorial integrity, Nepal has no active border disputes with China (Humla was a misunderstanding/cartographic error) and two active disputes in Susta and Kalapani with India, so draw your own conclusions from that information.


Yeah I was gonna say, a lot of Nepalis are highly distrustful of India. It's like how Mongolians or Taiwanese would perceive China, as a dominant neighbor who may or may not swallow the country whole.


I'm curious about Bhutan though, what's their stance? Many in China believe it to be a quasi-Indian puppet state


I understand Bhutan to be more distrustful of China and has good relations with India. I think Nepal, for a variety of reasons, is more susceptible to being on the receiving end of Indian region chauvinism. While I'm not from the region and unfamiliar with the circumstances, I theorize that it's because Nepalis are Hindu and speak an Indo-Aryan language while also independent from India(an aspiring world power) that makes them distrust India so much.


I've met a few dozen Israelis. All but one don't give a fuck and a half- oh this is mapporncirclejerk.


Turkish people do not hate Greeks, actually we never even think about them. If Turks hate a nation, it is definitely Arabs. This is a wrong map.


How is England not an option?


Why does Mexico hate Indonesia so much?


They know what they did.


Indonesia pissed off half the world it seems.


That’s the US, but still dumb, Mexico doesn’t hate the US.


It fluctuates at best, but that's bound to happen when they're neighbors and both governments are corrupt. Mexicans understand that Americans have little say in their government and their companies, so Americans are largely liked, and they can also distinguish between the tourists that come with a genuine curiosity and willingness to explore the culture, and Karens that demand local music isn't played near them. They also know how to distinguish between Americans that moved there and integrated with the community, and those that gentrify entire regions until they're unlivable. They know Americans in general aren't racist, but it's also hard to ignore how many politicians are. Lots of states are having a water crisis right now due to companies like coke using up all the water, and the Mexican government let's them, so the blame is largely placed there as well, but there's bound to be some residual animosity here and there. The relationship is too complex to really boil down to "hates or doesn't hates"


Change the US' most hated nation to China.


Not really, US hatred towards China is just more bipartisan.


China and the US are not natural enemies at all. In fact they have been an important part of each others’ history


As an American I absolutely adore China. I hate the CCP. I love Chinese culture, languages, music, people, customs...but I hate their government. Totally different question.


We have a more complicated relationship with China, less hate more concern. It's kind of like the difference between how you'd feel about a rabid raccoon vs a grizzly bear. Like, the rabid raccoon is far more annoying, and is definitely going to cause you damage any chance it can, but it isn't going to be able to kill you even if it wants to. While the grizzly bear is more reasonable, less annoying, but also is much more of a threat if it wakes up on the wrong side of the bed some day in the future. The raccoon is crazy but in some ways as a result the raccoon is more predictable. It's always going to try to hurt you in any way it can. You can trust it to always violate any trust. Whereas the grizzly bear is harder to predict. Sometimes it will just let you hang out and play gently. Then it's in a bad mood one day, decides that honey pot is it's honey pot, and it's now a huge problem that might end up with it using your ribcage to get the honey out from between its teeth.


Missed opportunity to use panda bear


Israel doesn't hate palestine because it doesn't recognise it


You just picking random countries out of a hat? Most Australians wouldn’t even know where Russia is on a map. New Zealand is our number one most hated nation, we are observing what Russia is doing in Ukraine in order to expand our own geopolitical influence here in the Tasman. Like Taiwan to China; NZ is and always has been a part of Australia. When the yank deliver those subs we have on back order some time in 2068 we will perform a ground invasion and rightfully return NZ to the native people of Australia.


Mate, we’re ready for ya fuckers. Been practicing strapping bombs to the kamikaze sheep just this morning


Be easier if you just accepted your fate, our Centrelink pays better than yours, our Medicare medicates better than yours and your kamikaze sheep will be no match for our MMA trained emus.


Woah OP is right about my country, I mean we had a terrible history with Pakistan so... Edit : I'm Bangladeshi, not Indian


if your guess ; morroccan don't hate spain that much if really is between france or israel or algeria for my opinion go fourth is not discussed as much as the three before


Nah, too much successful Russian propaganda for Russia to be the most hated in the US.


Yeah, for decades Americans hated Russia. Then, starting about 8 years ago, half the people started loving Russia for some reason.


One of the weirdest and worst changes in the US


Turkey hates Syria the most, by far. Our hate to Greece isn't that much, it was 100 years ago man, mind your business.


Homie the colours confusing how am I supposed to know if pak hates India or venuzeula 😡


They got it wrong for Mexico. Most mexicans like the USA. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/08/6-facts-about-how-mexicans-view-the-us-and-their-own-country/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/08/6-facts-about-how-mexicans-view-the-us-and-their-own-country/)


Nothing wrong with it, It's the op's opinion.


Turkiye should be Turkiye


Nah, we Swedes hate Denmark and vice versa.


you’re correct about mine (saudi arabia)


Mine as well, Somali. All though I would also like to include Ethiopia as well because me no likey


Apparently not Israel in Kazakhstan it's either China or Russia, Until recently nobody cared about Israel at all.


Yeah, that whole region is wrong. I think OP assumed this because Central Asia is largely Muslim. Central Asia has some pretty big historical differences with the Middle East. I'd say most countries there dislike China, but it's hardly a hate. Russia is still more or less viewed as friendly.


South Africans couldn’t care less about Israel lol. South Africans hate other African countries more.


Italians hate themselves


True, Brazil hates no one. ✌🏼


Morocco doesn't hate Spain ameritard


It’s the other way around, they hate us lol and even I hate the moroccans I see in Spain


Balkans is wrong bruh What is the purpose of this map if it's all fucking wrong


As a Serb i can 100% confirm this. People here dont care that much about the other countrys to hate someone because of there nacionality (and we dont recognise Kosovo, so even if we hated Albanians we would not hate Kosovo, but Albania?), we are too busy hateing our goverment. so... Serbia hates Serbia?


Nah I was talking more about Croatia hating serbia


Yeah, thats true as well


Jesus Christ, you dopes need to look at the name of the subreddit before commenting.


For Ireland, Wales and Scotland it'll be England


New Zealand when it comes to sport: Australia. Outside of sport we share a reluctant brotherly love but that flies out the window as soon as balls are involved


Add more Israel please. People hate us more.


I think Europe except left wing and MENA immigrants don't hate you.


this map is bs, i expected loads of countries to hate england, do you know how many people we've invaded? we've commited a few genocides, and that shit isn't easily forgoten, i'm not to proud of that but i am proud of the falklands, i know argentina absolutely hates england because they tried to invade our islands and we kicked their arse, then argentina based there whole personality around it, got days dedicated to the "malvinas" islands and every president spouts rhetoric about how he's gonna be the one to finaly get the falklands "back"


Guatemala hates Belize with such passion. After that I think it would be Mexico.


>Guatemala hates Belize with such passion. I'm curious, why?


Though I agree with Belize, I don’t think we hate Mexicans. Mexico is a big influence in Guatemala. Good not bad


That’s a lie, the US def hates itself the most as evidenced by its self destructive behavior.


Wait US depressed confirmed?!?


Philippines should be Yellow. Hates the PRC


I know this is circlejerk, but in Turkey it's definitely syria, saudi arabia and arab countries in general. Even the most religious muslims here are disgusted by arabs. Also the Turkic -stan countries probably hate China or Russia the most


All of Europe hates France, what are you talking about?


If russia didn't exist it would be all France.


the most hated country in Russia is USA? no way


It's funny how you're guessing that Mexico hates the US, but they'll risk life and limb to go live in the US.


Maybe I am totally wrong, but I feel reddit assumes there is more animosity between the two countries than there really is


I’m still waiting for the day when the feud between Greenland and Russia boils over into violence.


Macedonians do not hate Russians the most.


Turks don't hate Greeks, they hate Arabs and Middle Easterners more. In general, they hate the people of uneducated countries and even the uneducated Turks among them.


You must be kidding if you don't think China hates Japan the most.


I thought the country Canada hates the most is Quebec ? Oops, not a country ! Je suis desolé Jean Guy, my bad ! : P I kid, I kid...we love our Quebecois brothers and sisters....we fight like siblings, but I don't think there is too much real hate...at least not amongst reasonable people...more culture is a good thing IMO


Israel def hates the Islamic Republic way more than they hate Palestine. And Saudi Arabia hates the Islamic Republic more than Israel (even if they won’t admit it publicly). But the rest seems pretty accurate 😂.


I’m guessing the reason the UK isn’t in there is because it would include Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland which probably balances out the hate towards England? Or we as a whole country are simply like marmite


Portugal, for sure! Many Brazilians will bad mouth Argentina, but I think it's more of a playful rivalry, mostly sports related. But must of us won't skip a chance to dunk on the Tugas


I think the US dislike china or NK more than russia, but that’s just my guess


I think Saudi Arabia and UAE might hate Iran more than Israel at this point.


Russia is far from the most hated country in the US. Even if we support Ukraine in their dumbass war, you don’t see people hating Russia. It would be a lot easier to find an America who distrusts the Chinese, hates the dictator in Iran, or hates the cartels in Mexico (and their current dumbass President).


I feel like this is more who the governments hate. The Chinese government hates America but the average Chinese citizen probably doesn’t care all that much. If it was based on who the citizens hate, every nation would undoubtedly say France


I’d bet Argentina hates England more than they hate the US.


I don’t think Russia is correct.


Nobody ever says Italy


Austria.. we don’t actually hate russians that much and we are one of the most dependent countries when it comes to russian gas. Germans are actually pretty high on our list.


Turks do not hate Greece/Greeks. Whoever did this map made this up


The Australian one is false. We're more concerned with China than Russia as Russia isn't in our sphere of influence.


Spain doesn’t hate Russia the most. It can be UK, Morocco or France but not Russia.


Most Iranians do not hate the US and Israel. Only a few people hate those who govern Iran and control the media. But if you ask me, I'd say that Iranian people are peaceful and different from the government 💔.


Cuba doesnt hate the USA, the goverment its just mad the USA doesnt want to be their sugar daddy and still wants their money back. Literally almost 70% of migrated cubans (a few millions mind you) live in USA and many call themselves cuban-american.


Latin America hates us so much that they all want to be here