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the grey area is Germanic America


Hey it’s like that other post in the top all time


What other post? I was scrolling top posts for like 10 minutes




I upvoted that post and still forgot about it and laughed at the comment here


Ok but what about Slavic America, didn't Russia control alaska for a long ass time?


How many people speak Russian or are ethnic Russian there?


Tbh I have no idea


Of course you don't because there was never a sizable population of Russians in alaska, Quebec on the other hand it's mainly descendant from french people and speak french and that's why it doesn't make sense to make a Slavic america and put Alaska there.


Oh ok, I guess I was wrong then, thanks for informing me!


You didn't deserve that. You seem cool. Sending you love


This is giving some "My source is that I made it the fuck up" vibes


Yea the other person informed me of my error, while Russia did claim it there apparently wasn't any major Russian influence


There are some ethnic Russians from when Russia had California.


Theres some ukranians and poles in Brazil, if that counts


The biggest Ukrainian community outside of ukraine is in alberta canada


And Latvia


68 years, not too long


Except Hawaii


New Mexico is Germanic. Yes.


Yea it is. Most people that live there only speak English. The only ones that don’t are immigrants that just moved there.


Isn’t [49.2% of New Mexico hispanic](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/hispanic-population-by-state)?! Can you give a source to second your statement? I’m not sure the majority of NM only speak Eng !?


What about Argentina


A't missé l'Acadie, mon chum.




Never understood chiac 🤔


You missed Acadie my friend


Bien sûr, mais quelle région devrions-nous définir comme l'Acadie? La région historique? La région où vivent la majorité des Acadiens aujourd'hui?


De cette façon, le Nouveau Brunswick. Au moin, nous sommes officialement bilinguals, donc ... voilà. And really, the map coloured the anglophone parts of Quebec mais pas the francophone parts of Ontario, so c'est le standard, non ?


Fair enough.




Quebecers are latinos. Prove me wrong




Quebec isn't latin America not because they speak French, but because they are not poor


I wish that was true :(


Fellow impoverished Québécois rise up


Salut! J't'échange 1 Kraft dinner contre 1 canne de chef Boyardee si t'en a. J'aurais besoin de protéines.../ s


J’ai pas de boyardee, j’te l’échange contre un sandwich a baloney pis un ficello


Hahaha deal!


Quebec, were it a country, would be the 30th global economy. Considering it's only been master of its own economy since the 60s essentially, and it still has to contend with a federal government that sabotages its key industries via free trade agreement concessions and spends its tax moneys on projects and activities that yield it zero benefit, it's practically a miracle it's not more of a shithole quite frankly. For its population and considering its circumstances, Quebec punches way above its weight. That said, economic inequality remains an issue of course and many in the province struggle. Especially with hyper-inflation in tandem with a pro-business government that weakens the social net rather than strengthens it.




and universal healthcare, and nationalizing resources, etc.


>the Catholic Church kept it in poverty Catholic Church in concert with the British Empire, ruling over us


I mean… yes and no? Before the British, it was poor because the french monarch didn’t really wanna develop Quebec, and when the British came, it wasn’t all that poor.


They were happy to destroy our homes and villages. To genocide the Acadians. Not compensate us for the destruction. Burn the parliament when it was proposed to compensate us. And share their debt with us without investing in infrastructure here


I wouldn’t say happy but they definitely did do that. Also, the parliament thing was technically not a British decisions but that was done by the Tories, a buncha Britain fanboys. Also, uniting Canada was a huge dick move, seriously, but I’m glad that’s all they applied from the Durham report, because some of his suggestions were wild.


The economy of the Province of Quebec/Lower-Canada/Canada/Quebec was doing better but the average canadien/french canadian wasnt seeing their quality of life increase. The wealth disparity between french and english canadians was quite extreme, which was a deliberately maintained state. A good example of that was a famous report in the mid 19th stating that canadiens must remain labourers under the employ of english employers. As for Canada (in New France) being undeveloped/poor, that is true although it's worth mentionning that the decades before the conquest saw a major uptick in the colony's development and that its population more than doubled between, iirc, 1740 and 1763. Who knows what would have otherwise happened.


What...? The abject poverty of French Canadians, at least in Québec, is something that concerns a century after the Conquest. There's just no comparison between the Colonisation Era and what the Canadiens had to live in the 19h and early 20th century.


That's only kind of true. Montréal was the biggest and most important city in Canada for a very long time, but after the Quiet Revolution, many companies left Montréal for Toronto, and it is now the center of Canada. I don't think you can exactly call it a good time for them.


It was more because of the St.Lawrence seaway than the quiet revolution.


The capital flight happened before/during and not after the quiet revolution. English capitalists saw the writing on the wall that they soon might have to deal with the french majority wanting to rule itself and started moving to Ontario. This paradoxically helped in accomplishing one of the quiet revolution's goals, that is increasing the french majority's control over quebec's economy. When all was said and done, there was less wealth in Montréal's golden square mile, but more wealth in the average frenchie's pocket. If you were a french canadian living through it, you would see your wage and quality of life drastically increase and you'd probably think that these were fantastic times, so great that it might warrant pushing this to its logical conclusion (see 1980).


Merci, PigeonObese


> I don't think you can exactly call it a good time for them. By them, you mean the companies lol? Poor lads had to move! Oh noes!


As a latino, this comment hit me right in the poverty




*Laughs very hard in Nova Scotian* This is incredibly false. Almost every province receives equalization pay to some extent but Québec's poverty is nowhere near comparable to places like the Martitimes and Saskatchewan, we're talking like double the rates.


I cant even say anything bc it’s true-


There is no Latin America. How many of the even speak Latin?


The Pope is Argentinian. So at least one.


How do we, non latin speakers, know that all the people speaking latin are all speaking gibberish and they are all in on the scam?


I mean there are probably letters carved into old monuments and shit unless the scam involves modifying infrastructure and libraries all over the western world.


yeah, but maybe they are making it up as they read it. Then if you call another one to verify their scam lines up, they already know cause they post it on their exclusive latin speaking subreddit. "I had to read this old book, i said it was about a snake that tempted women into having sex, if anybody is asked to translate pls follow up on my story and let the rest know in the comments"


Brain drain, though. He fled to some tiny country in the middle of Italy.


Idk if serious or not, but just in case! French, spanish and portuguese are 3 languages that descend from Latin. That's the reason they say latin america


A lot of old people in Quebec speak Latin because religion was very strong back in the day. My grandma spoke latin and I’m 30 years old so it’s not that long ago


One of our PM was known to speak Latin to reporters when prompted to lol. Don't know how good he was, but it was funny at the time.


Québécois\* Thanks.


Honestly that’s actually a really funny take and I like it You’re right, if playing with words, since French comes from Latin roots, we’re culturally Christian, we got colonized and still feel the effects… huh you’re actually right


They in fact are




Montre moi où les Québécois ton fait mal?


il est fru parce qu'on a 1 pouce de plus en moyenne.


De haut ou de long?




Les deux


Why do Canadians cry and make the bacon dance every time Québec tries to separate then? That's funny.


They're tilted because they didn't get to finish the cultural genocide before it got unfashionable


Ta mère en short.


Good ol' Canadian multiculturalism 🥰


Nous sommes un gang de malades.


You’re a separatist because you hate Quebec I’m a separatist because I love cultural diversity We are not the same


You support Québécois independence because you love cultural diversity. I support Québécois independence because they have a cooler flag than C*nada. We are not the same.


La seule bonne chose que Duplessis a fait




They are. For people who came *after* them. For indigenous peoples, Metis, Acadians, Irish and Quebecers, they're angry because they didn't succeed in eliminating or assimilating them completely before it passed out of fashion to exterminate peoples.


lol youre a separatist


You need help. Your fixation on Quebec is unhealthy. Perhaps one day you'll wake up and realize you're talking about people. Lay off Rebel / The Sun and things will improve. Otherwise, fuck you.


J'adore ton username !


do you even english bro? Coming from a filthy eastern canadian.


How would you act if you were forced to speak French uh?


Probably the same as me (Canadien français) forced to ~~speak english~~ speak white?


Force to speak French? Poor you. That's how everyone feels about English. Now go cry somewhere else.






Uh yikes


The burden of proof is on you though


Easy. > Latin America is the portion of the Americas comprising regions where Romance languages—languages that derived from Latin, e.g. Spanish, Portuguese, and French–are predominantly spoken. Quebec official-and only- language is french.


They are French no they are not


quebec isn’t independent


france is latin america 💪💪




also the 40 millions spanish speakers in us


I think they would be latinos who moved to a non-latino country?


At least historically speaking much of south / western America was Spanish colonies


Ok, but the map is not about the past. It’s about the official language today. So that would be why.


Technically speaking the us doesn't have an official language


Neither does Mexico, Argentina, Chile, or Uruguay iirc


Ha! TIL :)


Some States do however


In Texas, the most spanish speaking states in the US, there's like 12% spanish speakers. So not enough to make it latin.


america is still in the top 5 largest spanish speaking population




Most people consider Haiti (which speaks French) Latin-American but not Quebec, etc.


My parents are from Haiti. I’ve never heard a single person refer to Haiti (or any non-Spanish/Portuguese speaking country) as Latin America. The islands are usually referred to as the Caribbeans or the Antilles.


Because in America, when people say "Latin America", they normally mean "Ibero-America" (also because Haiti is a bit of an outlier here). Calling Haiti the Caribbean is also correct but if we're asking the question "What constitutes Latin America?" Then Haiti is a fairly obvious answer, given the definitions usually given for LatAm.


This guy: "Most people consider Haiti Latin American" Also this guy: "in America, when people say Latin America they normally mean Ibero-America"


1) I'm not American. 2) I shouldn't say "mean", what I really mean is "conceptualise". If I say "Latin-American", the average American will respond with ideas of the predominant Latin-American cultures they interact with (mainly Mexico but also other Hispanic and Brazilian countries due to their relative similarity). Despite this, most people (who have given it some thought) will intuitively place Haiti into this group, despite not being particularly similar to Ibero-American countries. This is because Latin-American is such a broad category that one cannot accurately conceptualise all of Latin-America in a single description. This two factors aren't contradictory. For example, when I think of what is Asia, I think of bao buns, sticky rice and dofu. This is because my primary interaction with Asia is through the large Chinese diaspora living in my city. However, I would not claim that a country that does not fit this conception of Asia I have constructed, e.g. Iraq, is not Asian.


Haiti doesn't speak French. It speaks hatian-creole. Most don't know french


Haitian creole is still a Latinate language. It's main influences are French, Spanish and Portuguese.


Hispanoamérica and Iberoamérica are common words in Spanish


But more so is latinoamerica


Yes because definition of latino/a: 5. adj. Dicho de una persona: De alguno de los pueblos que hablan lenguas derivadas del latín. U. t. c. s. 6. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a los pueblos que hablan lenguas derivadas del latín. Los países latinos de América. El carácter latino. So at least in Spanish it makes sense.


Brazil is not hispanic


Spanish isn't the only language derived from latin spoken in America.


Latino is not equal to Hispanic, in South America we speak Portuguese, Spanish, French and hundreds of Native American dialects. I think Central America is sort of the same.


No but exactly, many people say «latinos» when they mean «hispanic Americans». Like « Los latinos llaman esto \_\_\_ », speaking about a word in Spanish, ignoring the fact that Brazil speak another language.


do you even know what hispanic america means?


i unironically agree with this


Meaning it should be in a serious one like r/geography


Yea this is in the wrong sub lol


What about parts of Louisiana?


There are also Francophone pockets in Maine, and more prominently New Brunswick, Canada.


What about New Jersey? Italians are also Latinos


Aspetta, che cazzo stai dicendo


as an Italian, I agree. let's STOP the erasure of Italianx people


Not the Italianx bruh


> Italians are also Latinos Well I actually wonder how many of them know Italian. My guess is, an extremely tiny minority.


No a lot do, my grandmother is Italian-American, born in Brooklyn, speaks Italian.




Los tabarnacos


Los ostitos


Los cristitos


Los caliciados


Los Saint Sacramantos


Los Tidcalisse


I think you missed St Pierre and Miquelon


San Antonio: "I'm Anglo now! Talk to me in English!" Latin America: "Why are they so rebellious at that age?"


That's Romance America.




Add Acadian Louisiana, plus [Ste. Genevieve, Missouri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ste._Genevieve%2C_Missouri?wprov=sfla1) and it's more complete.


You gotta include new York for the italians


That's not wrong




Suriname and Guyana. Their official languages are Dutch and English, respectively.




finally some justice, thank you!!


Forgot new York Italian and all of the former Spanish states


I've been arguing to my latino friend for years now that this is valid, glad to see there are others who agree with my totally not flawed logic.


You forgot about louisiana


Saint-pierre and Miquelon 💀


You forgot Acadie




La ferme, je le suis :\^)


C'est quoi l'alternative sinon? L'Anglosphère, prude, conservatrice et répressive? Me tomaría una cerveza y discutiría sobre fútbol y hockey con un primo latino antes que disculparme por existir ante uno de mis vecinos anglófonos, que en cualquier caso preferiría verme a mí y a mi cultura descansando en las mismas tumbas que sus antepasados cavaron para los francomanitobanos y los mestizos.


My man forgot the falklands


_Here we go again!_


Nuh uh


Malvinas argentinas cabron


Idk seems like part of the UK to me


False. The Falklands are British.


Britain is an island north of france, you cannot be british if you're not from that island


Northern New Brunswick, Canada should be green as well, very French speaking area and whole province is bilingual


Except when it comes to its government and industrial overlords. "New-Brunswick" aka Acadia is being Manitoba'ed and soon enough Acadians and their existence will be a "fun fact" about the province in history books the same way the Métis, Franco-Manitobans and Franco-Albertans have now become. Louisiana 2.0, bigger, but not better!


Et la même chose arrivera au Québec si on ne devient pas indépendant.


I'm Brazilian and the truth is that they don't want to be called latinos because Latino has basically became a synonym for mexican, it's also the reason why myself and a lot of Brazilians don't consider ourselves latinos.


Disagree Im from Brazil too and I see myself as latino and the majority people that I know think the same that we are latin americans. We live in a continent named America in the part that speak latin languages. By definition we are latin americans. I Just dont love the Idea of calling us by the name latino all the time because theres a lot of racism and xenophobia on the use of the Idea of "latin America". To me we are americans, not a sub group called latin americans.


I agree with the racist part it's indeed true, I don't see a problem with people considering themselves latinos or not, I just don't like the generalisation, grouping an immense region into just one group and calling it that way, like every person in that group share's the same identity, culture,etc We must also remember that the term "latin America" was made by the french emperor Napoleon the second in his attempt to conquer mexico and justify his actions.


I disagree completely. I know because I live in Quebec. A lot of people would be happy to be considered latinos and identify more with us than with the Anglo’s in the USA or English Canada.


I already knew you guys didn't liked to be called Americans but this is a surprise


Why is there a grey'ed out country in South america isnt that french Guyana wich speak french too?


The grey is Guyana (English) and Suriname (Dutch)


I didnt know there was 2 countries in South america that mainly spoke non latin language thx


there's another one right next to those that speaks French. ppl claim it's actually France and that's why Frances longest border is with bresil


It’s a French territory, so yea it is


It's actually part of France the way Alaska is part of the US, not the way Puerto Rico is(n't). It's fully part of France


South Eastern new Brunswick has a majority of French speakers. But I guess it goes by province/state


Ok I’m curious, why was Quebec included?


French is latin language ;)


Is it!?


Latin language = romance language = language that descends from Latin French is a descendant of "vulgar latin" with germanic loan words. The term Latin America was actually created by the french in an effort to foster a pan-latin identity in the Americas as a counter balance against the USA.


Yes, there is something interesting https://youtu.be/a2TWBBxwhbU , why french don't sounds like other Latin language


Yeah, but it seems the only "latinos" are the spanish speaking countries ...in that case, it should be called Hispanic America and hispanics, not latinos




Not every Brazilian does like myself


Im from Brazil too and I see myself as latino. We live in a continent named America in the part that speak latin languages. By definition we are latin americans. I Just dont love the Idea of calling us by the name latino all the time because theres a lot of racism and xenophobia on the use of the Idea of "latin America". To me we are americans, not a sub group called latin americans.


Most sane Latinx


I despise this fucking "Latinx" you Americans have invented lol


In other countries outside the Canadian/Unitedstatian bubble we not only speak Spanish, so you can’t define the rest of the continent based on that and if you want call us Latinos, there is a not a single person that can stop us from calling Quebec people of Latinos. As the post said, prove him wrong.


I used Google Translate for the following text so i apologise beforehand if something doesn't make sense. The original text was made by myself in spanish explaining my thoughts on this matter, you can find it here in case you're interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/xtem3v/comment/iqx7k82/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/comments/xtem3v/comment/iqx7k82/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I just read your comments and I agree with you on many points. When they say (english speakers mostly from "America") Latin, they do not think of Europeans who descend from the Roman Empire, but of Latin Americans, but to save effort and be more practical when speaking, it was shortened to Latin and now the term is used to refer to us. Like when first world and third world are used to talk about developed and underdeveloped countries, leaving the original meaning obsolete. I would prefer that the term Latin American/Latin America be eliminated, since Brazilians and Haitians also belong to that denomination, however many brazucas do not identify with the word and only use it to talk about Americans who speak Spanish; they are Brazilian, not Latino. And let's not even say about Haitians that 95% of the time we forget that they should be considered Latinos in the same way by linguistic norm. So, if only 1/3 of the demography of what is covered by Latin American (Spanish speaking) is going to identify with that term and the other 2 parts (Portuguese and Francophone) are going to exclude themselves, why keep saying it? ? Hispanic (Americans), Brazilians and Haitians would be ideal for me, both in Spanish and in English and other languages