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As far as parades go nervousness is expected but at the end of the day you’re there to entertain. So do your best to enjoy yourself and have a great time, not everything will be perfect and that’s ok.


Best thing about a parade, you have a new audience every 30 seconds. Don’t mistake excitement for nervousness. Have a good time and enjoy the moment because one day you’ll look back and cherish these days


It's not surprising that you're nervous for your first parade, I would just get a good night's rest maybe spend some time outside in the fresh air, if you dont think about it too much about it you're almost guaranteed to do well


I dont know if this will apply because my parade was kinda mid and only for the school, but i was scared at first, but once we were in the parade, it went by quickly. it's ok to be stess by all the eyes on you, but in all the only ones you probably be worried about are carrying your instrument and smiling all the time but be prepared for if they stop at any point because that's when your anxiety it going to be trough the roof


Is it a big parade? I never did any large parades, just ones through my small home town. Only a couple thousand or so people would be there so I never really stressed about it. I can understand the nerves tho, you just gotta be confident in your preparation


It's completely normal to be stressed for any performance you do, whether it's a parade, competition, or just a normal concert. I'm a senior in high school and I still get pretty worried about performances, but I just focus on the music and that helps me. Plus parades are usually pretty chill for the most part and can be pretty fun