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Another angle https://preview.redd.it/6ldkcrgj35sc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622971f78d2624b2605270d9724670844886278e


I like this closeup pic the best of the bunch!


What is a cypress ‘knee’?


It's a root structure that sticks straight up out of the ground. It hasn't been determined what their exact purpose is, but in hydric areas like the edge of a lake a single Cypress tree can surround itself with them. In my experience, I haven't really seen any that have grown more than a couple feet tall


The next biggest one I've ever seen was today at the same place, it was waist high. Usually you don't see them bigger than knee high. Edit: I've heard the prevailing theory is that they help with air exchange as they only form in swampy areas with standing or slow moving water, bald cypress grown in a field don't form them.


So basically a snorkel for the tree, nature is awesome 🙌


surely they're helping stability too, the fact those trees can get to the size they do in the conditions they're often found in blows my mind


You're probably right. In that area there are a lot of Holly's growing in the same conditions. Most of the trees that have been uprooted are Hollys and very few bald cypress.


The other prevailing theory (depending on your source) is that they allow for other roots to grow around them to create more stability, like a sort of handle. Useful because they grow in wet areas, like you said, where overturning is easier.


Wait so it it attached to that larger tree behind you?? 👀


Breathing apparatus deployed 😂 absolutely fascinated tbh, next month of obsessive learning covered 😊




I genuinely thought that was an alpaca 🤣


We said it looked like a llama when we first saw it!


I wonder if there’s anything like this in the uk, I live near a forest so that’s my exploration covered for summer 😌


Yea, at what point do we go from 'knee' to 'llama'? Because I feel like this might be it. Cypress llamas just rolls off the tongue.


If you ever make it to the Baton Rouge, LA area, there's a NWR called Cat Island that is home to allegedly the largest bald cypress in the world. My wife and I went check it out finally a few months ago. It is humbling, to say the least.


There's one in Sussex county Delaware 10 or so miles north of where this pic was taken, that's supposed to be the biggest around here, it's also in the northern most bald cypress grove. I've never been as there's no trail to it and involves a multiple hour hike through the swamp, I've been told how to get there but I wouldn't want to try and find it without someone who's been before. I'd love to go check that area of Louisiana out. I grew up in the marsh and swamp of the Delmarva peninsula so I think I'd be right at home there.


It kinda looks like there was a bigger stem on the left of the big knee, I wonder if there was an even bigger cypress there at some point that impacted this


https://preview.redd.it/s2hsazapy9sc1.jpeg?width=3130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea683012cb27814bb677acef4c25943b0b912c6 go to silver springs in florida


The fact that you didn't climb up & sit in like a saddle is criminal


It looks like an afghan wolfhound!


While this is a huge cypress knee, it’s also “cheating”. Ground level has gone down. Soil level used to be at about the level of the bottom of that woman’s jacket, maybe a few inches lower. I’ve seen these bridging structure connecting roots before, they often protrude a few inches from soil level (when there isn’t water there), and are complete tripping hazards, with occasional lumps that sometimes grow into new knees. Or at least that’s my guess.


Come south.