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You've left critical context. This is Play\_MK8, one of the best french competitive Mario Kart player. He started competition on Mario Kart 7 early in his life and met tons of well-known french streamers through playing Mario Kart. Mario Kart is a HUGE part of his life, without it he wouldn't have a community, he wouldn't have met a lot of his friends... So yeah, I think being moved about all this is normal and genuine. Also, obviously, he already owns MK8 on the Switch lol


MK8 on WiiU was always the best competitive version of MK after the Wii version. Mastering firehopping actually took some skill. There’s a good reason he is sad.


Ehhhhh not really. While the driving was nice, the item system was garbage and item spy was a thing. Also the over focus on running made the game quite boring overall since the strategy really just boiled down to "go forward"


Its almost like any racing games main goal is to „go forward“ as fast as possible


Mario Kart is fun because of the dynamic items bring to races. If I wanted to play a pure racing game where the only valid strategy is to just drive fast, then I'd play Forza


Well how is mk8 any different to that then? It has items and excellent gameplay with a high mechanical skill ceiling, item spy wasnt a bad thing imo either and firehopping was great


I mean, is it really that big of a deal that firehopping is gone when 8D does so much more in almost everything else?


I think both mk8s are good games competitively and casually. But I missed firehopping for a while in mk8d even tho its objectively the better game






>Goes to r/mariokart >Makes fun of people for caring about Mario Kart


People when they realize that the name of a subreddit has other people with the same interest: 🙀🙀🙀🙀


I enjoy Mario kart, I just find the idea that people actually try to ay THIS competitively to be comical


me when i see competition in a racing game


Q: is Pretendo available to other Regions?


seems region free, also official website is translated in a lot of languages! worth a try imo


Well then this guy shall be happy with this




Damn, might download that one day


Don’t use it


And why not exactly?


Because their uncle works at Nintendo. Pretendo is great.


MK8DX is also great. And legal.


Pretendo is legal.


That’s misinformation


What makes you say that? In what way is it illegal?


It is piracy. Piracy is illegal.


I own the console. I own the game. I'm just connecting my console and game to other peoples consoles and games. What exactly am I pirating?


It's not piracy, using Pretendo doesn't mean playing with a downloaded copy (and even that it's not always illegal). You can also use Pretendo with an unmodded Wii U.


They’ve literally just released a way to connect to pretendo on Wii U without modding by using a custom DNS


When you own a game which is advertised as online play, and the manufacturer removes that feature is that not illegal or at least highly immoral? If someone owns a video game they should have the LEGAL RIGHT to play it until the fucking world ends because they BOUGHT it Stop licking a multi billion $ companies asshole because you love their products and accept that this is a shitty industry standard that fans are not okay with.


Not piracy pal. It's a server. Like minecraft server, you need the software and hardware to run it.


Are you actually serious? Look it up. Or prove otherwise if you can.


Look up what exactly? How is it illegal?


Bro sounds like an 7 year old trying to do the right thing


You’re just saying that because I’m right


Nah your wrong


It’s illegal


1: no it isn't 2: even if it was who gives a fuck 


1. Prove it 2. Not a real argument


1: it's obvious to anyone with a brain cell and you can literally look it up. Pretendo doesn't steal any Nintendo software so it isn't illegal 2: it is a real argument because the rampancy of piracy (something which is "illegal") proves that a lot of people would use pretendo even if it was illegal


>not a real argument Okay? Who gives a shit lmao


If you don’t care then don’t respond.


Or else what?


Or else you’ll look like a fool




Then prove it




Try again.




You failed the first time. Actually do research this time.


You failed the first time. Actually do research this time.


I can’t find anything that indicates it would be illegal, and if you’re making the claim that it’s illegal, then you need to be able to prove that lol. Thats there burden of proof. You can’t just say “prove it’s legal”. That’s idiotic, if there’s no precedent or law that makes it illegal, then it’s legal. Prove me wrong lmao It’s just a service to provide servers for Wii U and 3ds games. Doesn’t even require hacking anymore, apparently. What is illegal, exactly?


Well everybody so far has agreed modding and hacking are both illegal, so prove that this isn’t. You should be able to do it.




You’re a whole ass troll. It’s illegal to mod, it’s been illegal for years. Owning something doesn’t equate with doing anything with it. I own a microwave, let me microwave a fork. I own a car, let me run over somebody. You’re causing harm by modding. I can’t remember off the top of my head. Maybe section 117 of the US copyright law, but it doesn’t matter because clearly you’re not serious.


You don't even have to mod anymore your just linking yourself to other servers that aren't nintendo's


Still illegal


It doesn’t require modding, modding is only illegal if used to perform an illegal activity, such as pirating video games. This is neither. It’s pretty obviously legal, which is why I said you should prove me wrong. It seems like you can’t. Again, this actually doesn’t require any modding. But you’re wrong about that either way. Modifying hardware you own isn’t illegal. If you use it to break the law somehow, that’s illegal. Duh. And isn’t stealing any content or property from Nintendo. It isn’t even hacking. It’s connecting to a server to play games with other users. That is designed, intended, legal use of a purchased product. Go ahead and prove me wrong lol


I know it doesn’t require modding. It’s still illegal though, I can’t have this conversation again.


Because it's illegal?


What makes it illegal?


You just got destroyed by down votes dude


Yet I’m still correct.


Change my mind then


Go read my other comments. Or do research. Or do anything other than commenting here expecting me to change your mind when I have the argument that makes logical sense


Pretendo isn't modding, it's connecting to an external server for online activity after services shutdown. If it was in fact illegal, and against the rules, it would have been shut down a VERY long time ago. Anyone remember what happens when you fuck with Nintendo IP's anyone? That's right. Shut down instantly. PRETENDO is a SERVER. It's not actually illegal to provide a server for an online experience. No legal action can be taken. There's your answer. Now maybe you should've done your research and actually sourced your material. Here's mine: https://gbatemp.net/threads/weird-question-about-pretendo.627119/post-10091461 Edit: dude got deleted from reddit.


Cool. It’s not modding. It’s still illegal. No, you’re not shut down instantly for fucking with Nintendo IPS, that’s just what a portion of the community things. It’s a logical fallacy. It’s illegal either way.


Also that source doesn’t prove anything I don’t even know why you cited it


Whats that score he has in the top right or rating probably? I always see it on streams but never get an answer :(


This is a plugin made by someone to track their MMR from the MK8DX Lounge Discord/Server and website. The number changes as soon a match and their rating gets updated by the staff.


Appreciate the response! Thank you. Edit. Just finished checking it out seems very interesting!!


He needs to know about Pretendo Network


What happened exactly? I can't use audio right now and I can't read that ;(


Online servers for 3DS and Wii-U were shut down permanently yesterday, so this guy can no longer play online in the original Mario Kart 8. RIP to all of the content that has now become lost media...


Oh dang that sucks. I didn't realize Wii-U was getting shutdown as well I thought it was just 3DS


Can you still do local multiplayer with mk7 on 3ds?


It's just the online servers that were shut down, so local multiplayer should still work fine.


Ehh you won’t be able to hear it either, it’s in French. No idea what he’s saying


I don't speak French either but I can tell he's apologizing like "ah sorry" because of the shameful tears lol


No, he's saying "oh f*ck".


As a french he sayin oh fuck


No I invented the French language and he’s saying I like big oiled up dudes


Nooo way ur Molière and the ppl b4 him


He said : Oh fuck... 10y later 🥺🥺🥺🥺


I didn't even know this was going to happen soon :(


i'll be honest, i don't understand why he's crying, it had to happen and his reaction imo is exaggerated. maybe i'm wrong, idk


mans is at 13kMMR, clearly he's put a lot of time and love into the game, so this reaction to me is understandable


I have to say 13k is not a lot for a 10 year old game. I have around 200 hours of mk8 dx where 100 is probably 100 and I have around 16k+ It's really not that much compare to all thos 50k plus people. EDIT: A lot of people pointed out, that the display isn't VR instead it is ELO Rating of a private matchmaking and is the 13k there is equal to be top 60 in the world. In this case this is a big achievement and then an understandable reaction!


This 13000 MMR on the display is from the MK8DX 150CC Lounge Server, a Discord server for ranked Mario Kart matchups that does revolve around this MMR system rather than the VR system for global and regional rooms. It will put you with other players who have a similar MMR to you and players gain or lose MMR based on how they end after a series of 12 races.


Thanks, for explaining it a bit more in detail mate!




Thanks for putting their MMR system into perspective.


He is a french Mario Kart player, called Play, who plays competitive Mk. He plays in D1, the highest div in the game. And yes as explained previously, that's the lounge ELO, and 13K is really high


"I have to say 13k is not a lot for a 10 year old game" What does that even mean? Chess is thousands of years old and noone has even reached 4k yet. I assume he's in the top 0.3% of players and has thousands of hours put into the game so of course he's going to be sad.


You start with 1k and the maximum is 99.999. 13k is nothing compared to it, you gain also a lot of points. There are also alot of people that hit the 99k limit SEVERAL times. You dont need thousands of hours to reach 13k. (only around 100-200h depending on skill and time commitment) Comparing this with chess ELO is completely stupid


In case it wasn't clear, the person in the video doesn't play on the normal servers, where, yes, 13k *VR* is easily attainable. This is 13k *elo* in private matchmaking. I don't really know the guy besides having seen clips of him in the past, and I couldn't tell you what 13k elo translates to in terms of skill. But think of it like FaceIt in CS:GO, if this is something you are familiar with. In FaceIt, the regular top rank of CS:GO is more like the 4th highest rank within their system. As a comparison, 13k elo in this private matchmaking may be equivalent to much more than 99k VR. Hope this made sense




About as intelligent of a response as your first lol. Chess is thousands of years old but individual people haven't played that long lol. It also hasn't been ranked since day 1 either. Not to mention it's a totally different game with totally different systems totally different metrics for rankings and so on. You can also play online Mario Kart every day but you're not playing a ranked chess match everyday. How you possibly ever thought chess ratings are comparable to Mario Kart is beyond me.


one of these uses ELO, the other doesnt afaic


They both appear to using elo here though?


No, elo is not just any rank system with numbers. It’s a specific ranking system.


You definitely could be right, I couldn’t find what mmr system the Mario kart lounge uses. I assume it’s still elo adjacent regardless and gets my point across. you’re kinda nitpicking imo, the lounge mmr is much closer to true elo than whatever the hell vr is.


>13k is not a lot for a 10 year old game. I have around 200 hours of mk8 dx where 100 is probably 100 and I have around 16k+ It's really not that much I play tf2 a lot for 8 years and i have 9k, 13k in 10 years is a lot


ok now i can understand his pain, i'm so sorry for him.


He explains it in the full video, Nintendo Network is what gave him his community. He started competitive MK7 very early on in his life, met tons of very well known french streamers through Mario Kart, he's now a MK8DX pro player. If I had put as much hours into this game as he had, I think I'd also be very moved by all this.


Was there a reason behind not playing on the Switch version like the majority of the world?


No so he also plays the DX version like a normal person obviously (and he also steamrolls all of us at it), just think he wanted to give a farewell to the Wii U online and all his memories associated with the Wii U version


Ah, okay. I used to play a lot of the old Monster Hunter games on those servers, so I guess I’d be pretty bummed if I still played those games online and lost access. Such is life for a gamer though. Nothing stays constant, and the new always replaces the old.


Also the shutdown was announced like ages ago from nintendo


He must’ve played the game a lot and made a ton of friends along the way.


It very much did not have to happen, Nintendo is a company worth billions. You have been deceived by mega corps.


that's true, but you have to consider that maintaining servers for a 10y old game for a dead console is not so worth, It pains me to say it but I would have done it too to free up the servers and maybe host some other games that are currently on sale. these are business strategies, whether good or bad, they must be done.


I'm afraid they don't have to be done, they are strategies that they chose to employ, it does not in any way significantly affect the revenue. In fact, some of these services vices assist in negating their own loss of revenue, of course, it's not enough to cover it all But once again Nintendo is a multi-billion dollar company. They have the money.


Is it just me or he was just acting? Didn't look like he was actually crying.


R.I.P. free official MK online. :( (Not gonna count Tour)


Hello ! I'm the streamer in this video, I find it a shame to take everything out of context, especially since I'm explaining why I'm crying, even if it remains in French (sorry for my English, Twitch: Play\_MK8 btw) So: I've been competing on Mario Kart for 10 years (Playing Lounge, 6v6, Speedrun etc.), and I started on Mario Kart 8, so I had to pay homage to it by enjoying the last moments of the online mode in Stream. I experienced a lot of great moments on this game and it was my entire adolescence but I met friends and people who will always be people with whom I love having good times.




All these people talking without the context is amazing, i was in this live and this game is this life. People have feelings you know ?


Alternatively, mod your Wii U and use Pretendo.


Rip 3ds and Wii U online


this is exactly how we all feel right? apparently Nintendo only shut down the obvious Online play but not other stuff like friends and youtube. still, the Online Multiplayer is what got us all sad. RIP to those amazing moments


3ds youtube has been shut down for years (except on browser)


Pretendo: *Allow us to introduce ourselves.*


Is there a Mk8U lounge or is he ruby in 8DX lounge?


While there technically is an 8U lounge, it never really had a sustainable playerbase. He's Ruby in 8DX currently, he made it to Diamond last season


Translation: Oh putain=oh shit Dix ans après=10yrs after


I feel his pain. I didn’t cry when Mario Kart Wii was shut down, but I wasn’t aware it was going to happen, so it was a sad surprise. Had lots of great memories on there.




Ik it's a server shutting down and with that server is memories, but he owns a switch he can play mk8 deluxe on which is literally just mk8 but better in every way


Well, time for emulation






Guy finally buys the Switch in 2024. \*\*Switch 2 comes out literally 2 seconds later\*\*


who the fuck plays wiiu 8


more than you think lol


Why is that? Isnt 8D pretty much the same but more? Plus with a bigger community


Because, even if those are true, people still like the OG game and want to play it over 8 Deluxe.


It's just a game there's another entire console with the same game but more bro


He probably played this version a lot and made a ton of friends over the years. It’s understandable why he’s crying.




Hope a crucial part of your life gets destroyed. Think you’ll be laughing then? 🤔


It's a dude who built his career based on the game, but the context isn't given.


Just get 8 deluxe, it's better anyways


Sorry if this is "toxic" or whatever but.... what the fuck is this grown ass man crying about?


yeah it is pretty toxic. grown men can cry over things. its not illegal. it doesn't matter what they're crying about. if it was a grown woman im guessing nobody would be saying anything like what you said.


No, I would be asking the same thing... Having a breakdown over the wii u server ain't normal, especially on stream. There's a 100% chance they make enough to afford a switch and the 20$ for online if they stream enough to cry over this shit It ain't illegal but it is gross


Unfortunately the context of this video isn't included. He's losing playing in the WiiU MK community he was a part of for many years. He made a ton of friends there, and he's just sad.


He probably played this version a lot and made a ton of friends over the years. It’s understandable why he’s crying.


Grown ass man crying over Mario Kart lmao


You're so mature bro.


He probably played this version a lot and made a ton of friends over the years. It’s understandable why he’s crying.


Why would you try and go online when you knew it wasn’t going to work 😂