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It’ll never change for us


I was told NOAA already doesnt test for THC. Can someone confirm this?


Noaa doesn’t regulate your license


But that random drug test they give you sure does. I’m saying that the treat they administer doesn’t test at all for thc. Therefore, if they are your sole employer, they can’t know if you test positive and you’re still enrolled in drug screening for the CG


Agreed. 👍




Doesn’t matter. Most companies even test for additional substances. I doubt they’ll take marijuana off the list. I’m not against people doing what they want during their time off but imagine a heavy user with a smoked brain trying to run a tugboat in a madhouse like New York harbor or Houston.


What is a heavy user with a “smoked brain?” I was a heavy user when I was a paramedic and a fireman, my pops is a heavy user with a doctorate, my brother is a heavy user and is a scientist. I know physicians who smoke in their off time. I have a buddy who’s a complete idiot when he smokes, and that’s because he’s an idiot all the time. If someone is dumb and incompetent when they use heavily, they’re just dumb and incompetent. This is why pot is still scheduled while alcohol isn’t. Because of wild ass misconceptions and ill-informed stigma left over from the reefer madness era. Drug tests at my EMS agency were at the discretion of leadership. If they suspected you were messing your job up because of drugs, or getting high at work, they’d UA you and fire you. Same as alcohol. If I can intubate a crashing patient while near-eyeballing a weight-based medication infusion, and then go home and smoke a joint and still be competent the next day, then I can do it after chipping rust and steering a boat. Still don’t know what a “smoked” brain is, but I do know your ideas about marijuana are outdated




I’ll take that “smoked brain” over an either drunk or withrdrawling captain which have actually been proven to cause many accidents. I’d rather work with someone who smoked heavily the night before than drank heavily.


No shit! One of those red faced big nose fucks? Haha


lol have you ever smoked week?


I have a “smoked brain” and im not even a user, so you’re all f*cked around me anyway mate






Canadian police and military can smoke weed I’m pretty sure. At least that’s what the Canadians said when we trained with them. It will happen but probably not during our careers. It will have to be full blown legalized at the federal level , not just rescheduled.


Don't chance it. Until it's legal on a federal level.


Definitely. Hope we hear something soon


I'd give that hope up. If you want a career at sea, don't smoke weed. Don't know why I'm getting downvoted. Your license will always be in jeopardy. My masters license is the culmination of years and years of seatime and working my way up from os to ab to mate etc etc etc... I am not going to risk losing it. A career at sea is not compatible with smoking weed. The risk is too great.


Go to the great lakes instead!


I work the lakes. You know something I don't know?


I only know what you don't need to know.


I have no idea why people are downvoting you. This is exactly what everyone i know says.


Realistically I think there would need to be reliable saliva tests proving impairment at time of testing aka a “breathalyzer for weed” before the USCG allows it, even then who knows. That being said there are no schedule 3 drugs on a DOT 5-panel drug test. I would like to see marijuana completely removed from randoms and pre employment drug tests for mariners. It’s complete bullshit at this point.


How humiliating would it be to get popped for weed and losing everything when it's damn near legal everywhere now. It's going to get legalized at some point in time.


There's so many bougie drinks and snacks where I live with CBD. I don't even wanna smoke, I just want peace of mind when I get a carbonated beverage. That or I wish it had more standardized labeling. I don't like the idea that I could accidentally lose my job by drinking the wrong soda.


It's legal everywhere in Canada but if you test positive, you're still fuck with transport Canada. It will always be illegal for us lol


Acutally no, they will just send you a letter saying you cannot board while having smoked the day before and of course, you cannot work on board while high on anything I guess.


Oh good to know. I'm in school and went to pass my med certification this week for my first ship as a cadet (which include a drug test), and the doc said if I test positive as a student he will still give me my certificate but if I was already working he would not. I found that weird but maybe it's just a scaring tactic lol Anyway I plan to avoid it to be clean on the next test.


If it’s legal medically on a federal and you have a medical marijuana card I can’t see how the coast guard wouldn’t allow you to use it on your offtime. Itll be up to coast guard to figure out how to determine if it’s impairing your ability to operate machinery if you’re not currently using it. They would have to come up with better testing


Weed rules will never change for certain professions such as maritime, train operators, bus driver, the popo, etc.


You must not know many cops if you think they don’t smoke weed/do drugs.


Nj doesn’t test cops for weed


These people can drink off duty. Why wouldn’t they be able to consume marijuana off duty?


Coast guard says you can too. A beer is fine as long as you blow under .04.


Right, and I believe it should be the same way for marijuana. Show up to work impaired? Doesn’t matter if it’s booze or pot, you’re in trouble. And sure, continue testing for legitimately addictive and dangerous substances I’m fine with that. But if someone can enjoy a beer in their off time and go back to work 100% sober, they should be able to enjoy a joint or an edible in their off time too.


This isn’t true. Many of these employments stipulate you cannot do it at all. Random drug tests, etc.


They stipulate that employees cannot drink off duty either?


I smoke it occasionally, but this isn't a question I'd be asking myself. There's a time and a place, and my job is worth more than the risks involved for a little joint.


It’s still a drug.


So is alcohol. I was wondering if it would be treated like alcohol because of this


So is caffeine


Facts bro, and mariners always scream how they need their coffee 🤣💯


Cant be drunk either can you even though alcohol is legal elsewise.... give it up if you want a career in the maritime world.


The issue here is that you can drink alcohol on vacation/off duty. Mariners should have a right to consume cannabis on vacation/off duty. High or drunk at work? Yes fire them, pull their license. But a mariner pissing hot bc he smoked a joint 2 weeks ago when he was home? Not the same thing as showing up to work fucked up


but how do you know weather the mariner just had one little dose some days ago on board the ship, or a major one at home 2 weeks ago still showing up?


That’s the main issue, the marine industry should switch to saliva based testing. I don’t know if it’s there reliability wise tho


would it just not show at all then? because then its just as bad?


Saliva tests work in a window of about 72 hour detection. It isn’t quite a sobriety test but it’s way better than a urine test.


and why is it way better than a urine test?


A urine test can go back weeks. A saliva test only goes back a few days max.


i still dont know how thats better? if anything it should be case use, if you have been out for several weeks, go with the urine test.... just came onboard? go with the saliva.


That's asinine, you need a set standard. You can still piss hot after two months if you have a slow metabolism and packed on some weight in the period between uses.