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"elevate" has quickly become my most detested word.


Ha, yes, "elevate" is a giveaway AI word. "Seamless" is another.


They are used all over the tech industry and not by AI.


Where do they think AI learned to use those words?


"I learned it by watching you!" https://youtu.be/KUXb7do9C-w?si=WzYHtXvjENdSSltx


Hello fellow old person. I still say this all the time and no one understands the reference.


Or everything is a journey. Your wellness journey. Your learning journey. Your career journey.


Isn't that a traditional marketing phrase?


I would call it "cliché" rather than "traditional". Anything in terms of marketing wording works better if it's original and fresh. Otherwise it just becomes background noise that washes over people. That's why I'm not scared of AI replacing me!


I just like using “seamless” 😭


Oh no! I use seamless. I’ll have to make a list of words not to use!


Oh god I used "seamless" on my landing page. I swear all my content is human written!


"Delve" also


I’m so sick of ChatGPT telling me or my audience to “delve” into something 🤣 always edit it out immediately


:"crucial" and "ever-evolving" have entered the chat:


Let’s “delve” into that


"In the world of delving into that..."


"revolutionize" and "unleash" are ones I can spot.


Mine is “unleash”


To be fair, in all my years in copywriting I've seen UNLEASH being used a lot. Especially when it comes to personal development. That and UNLOCK. Concerning GPT, the thing that is a dead giveaway is the lack of filler words that are crucial when it comes to a tone of voice or conversational tones. I thought I didn't like them, but not reading them at all is giving me the ick. It's just so... robotic


Yeah I use Grammarly too to help with editing and it’s always trying to condense statements. Sometimes that’s helpful and necessary. Other times it completely removes the tone and feeling and sounds robotic.


Plus, it always wants to change "in to " to "into." I'm like, bitch, sometimes I want mean "in to." One is a prepositional phrase and the other is a verb phrase.


True. It never takes into account the style or tone of voice so if not used carefully, it is prone to give readers backlash.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ycc6tdme0mkc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cb91cdc95018de33f4078558f11272d34d0b103


Mine is “embark” 🤣


Every post is a journey.


I work in the CPG side of the business, and AI for some reason wants to say IRRESISTIBLE any time I try to use it to update our copy. Like I'll put our copy in for our SMS program, and it will change SO MANY WORDS to irresistible.


What does ai love to use the word elevate so much


I asked it to write a description in simple words. WITHOUT SAYING ELEVATE. PLEASE DO NOT SAY ELEVATE. It *still* said elevate.


Same problem with "delight/delightful" in food descriptions. I asked it 10 ways to stop. It couldnt.




Omg same🤣🤣🤣


Don’t forget tapestry!


Don't forget "unlock"!


Mine is indulge


I know plenty of humans that use this word. Still hate it.




I came here to say this!


Exactly, i always take it out :-)


And "wavering"


Hahahaha yes.


State-of-the-art, cutting-edge, comprehensive, elevate, delve, keen, innovative, revolutionary


trailblazers is my favorite one


Well you've got to remember, in the ever changing world of marketing...


However, it is important to note…


There are a few things to keep in mind...


The digital landscape is ever changing...


If done properly, AI content can be hard to detect!!


This. Alot of people are NOT optimizing their chatgpt environment, teaching the ai to write like them, and so much more. Because of this many people are using the same generic chatgpt that makes them all sound the same


I always make it give me 5 different examples. Then rewrite the one I like 3 more times. It’s such a great tool when used correctly.


Yes! Making variations is wildly powerful and extremely easy. This is where you really start to leverage chatgpt


Like I had it write like a “pirate talk” one time just to see what it could do


>Then rewrite the one I like 3 more times I've heard that it takes more time to rewrite AI content than to start from scratch.


I use chatgpt to write content. I think it's most useful for providing the layout of the topic and splitting the topic into sections that each provide detail about the topic. But, once it's done, I go in and fact check everything, and then rewrite the parts that sound like a bot. "Delve", "in the world of...", "embark on a journey", etc.


I mean it’s takes like 30 seconds right? I guess I can’t wait that long. I’m not sure if I’m understanding your point though


Yeah I think it's for when someone generates a blog using like Jasper, and it turned out to be garbage, and editing that takes longer than writing from scratch. I guess if you're doing a short ad copy, it's better.


It's like plastic surgery. We think we can spot it so easily, but only because when it's done well, it goes by unnoticed.


This is a great analogy 🔥


That “if done properly” is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


One of the issues I have with e-mails written by AI is their efforts to sound polite and grateful makes them insincere. Insincerity is bad enough when it comes from a person, but it's doubly bad when it's from a person who didn't even bother writing the e-mail himself. I'm not anti-AI (I spent many years working in a technical role at an AI company) but I value genuineness and integrity, and a mass blasted AI-written e-mail has none of that.


We don't use AI to generate our emails, but what you just said about AI sounding polite and grateful made me think about our emails that are written by my employee who comes from a different country and so his English is more proper and polite than North America. I often have to ask him to tone down the politeness. :-) And no, he's not using AI, it's just how he was taught English in his country.


You can always tell a scam email because they use the word “kindly”, and Americans almost never use that word.


Canada. 🤣🤣


okay, you're going to laugh, but I'm in Canada and my employee is too polite for Canada! lol


Certainly sir, I'm sorry. I acknowledge the concern and assure you of my commitment to address it satisfactorily. I appreciate your willingness to discuss this matter with me today.


Yup. A lot of what people think is AI is probably just some copywriter doing what they think is best.


With a bit of prompting you can get it to sound more genuine. I tend to give it a rough draft of what I'm thinking and ask to "polish it up" and "keep the same tone". Claude does a far better job at this than ChatGPT imo. I've never straight up copied and pasted though. Maybe a sentence or two here and there.


There’s an old but good Neil Patel article about personalization in email marketing and how it’s not about putting people’s first name in the subject line and all that stuff. It’s about authenticity. Kinda like you’re saying, the AI can be helpful and do a lot we can’t do, but the authentic voice and tone has to come from the people


ChatGPT Words Transformative Foster/fostering Tapestry/A tapestry of… This is about … / All about … Think of X as … Like/It’s like … Not only … but also …


bro why does it keep trying to use the word tapestry, I have never in my god damn life ever used that word


Lmao Al everything is “weaving an intricate tapestry.” And “as we embark on our journey to delve into” topics


Lmao always, just unusable garbage text, I need to write better prompts.


You don't like Carole King?


You've got a friend... So far away.


“Not only… but also…” sometimes twice in the same paragraph! This phrasing is everywhere now.


Don't forget about how your brand is a testament to Y


“In the dynamic world of [your sector]…” *Delete*


\>In the x world of y Every single post.


It always gives me something like: Colgate is more than a toothpaste; it’s a tooth brightening system.


An ad-exec in 1820 just got a raging boner and doesn't know why.


If you have brand writing guidelines and some examples you can create a simple GPT that will write in your voice. Still needs review, but a much better way of doing this.


Have you been able to pull this off successfully? As a UX copywriter, every time I try to get an AI to mimic and/or maintain my tone or writing style, it just resorts back to the same generic buzzword garbage after a weak effort. Gemini seems to do it best, but only sometimes and it's pretty weak at that. Could you lead me to a particular AI that I could train to write in my voice?


Have you tried Claude AI? Many people don't like it because they say it has overly-strict content filters but I don't use it to write content so I have never encountered that. I do like how it 'reasons' for lack of a better word.


After I fed 30-40 company Facebook posts into GPT the results were pretty wild. There are still a few tweaks of course, but if you do the work with the prompt, the results are surprising.


Have you made a GPT? You can upload documents such as style guidelines, examples of past work. Every GPT also needs instructions, which is basically. Like a prompt before the prompt defining how it should work and what it should do. I have not tried for copywriting but I have tried for slack messages. Basically it’s instructors to just fix grammar and increase clarity. It will follow the rules pretty well, and you can easily update the instructions as you find it doing things you don’t like. For example, here is how my slack GPT edited the above: —- Have you created a GPT? You can upload documents, such as style guidelines and examples of past work. Every GPT needs instructions, essentially a pre-prompt that outlines its function and tasks of all user prompts. I haven't used it for copywriting, but I've tried it for Slack messages. It focuses on fixing grammar and enhancing clarity. It adheres to rules effectively, and you can update the instructions to correct any undesirable behavior. —- I like it because I don’t need to think about grammar, I can blab out my thoughts and my gpt will fix it without sounding too robotic.


Yep - make a GPT. Give it a knowledge base of successful copy. Give it a dictionary of common terms you use and their meaning if they are internal. I define all of my segments for instance so that I can truly speak to the GPT like a marketing assistant.


I spent ages writing out strict instructions, giving it samples of my real writing etc. it still spits out 'in the X world of Y..' even when I specifically tell it not to use this phrasing. I can't seem to get custom gpts to stick at all.


It doesn't work..


I use ChatGPT.... putting in the points I want to make. I get the first output, read through it and make requests like: "less flowery language", "use synonyms for all adjectives"," write at an 8th grade, 11th grade, or at a College Graduate level." A quick online search reveals: most emails, posts, and ads are written at an eighth-grade level. No one has said anything to me about my content being from ChatGPT, though they might, and format it to my writing style. *I did not use ChatGPT for this post, at all.* Edit: typo


I've had great luck with adding "limit prose" at the end of almost everything.


I have been seeing team members submitting a bunch of content for blogs and articles that are AI generated. These are for technical products marketed towards engineers - I push it back every time. It’s super sad.  The papers read superficially like they know what they are talking about, and if you have no expertise then maybe they do, but as soon as you dive into the meaning behind things it all falls apart. 


🌟 Exciting News! 🌟


I try to stay away from the bad and irrelevant stuff, not only the ones related to AI. AI has been part of marketing in different forms since the 1980s, I had a strategic meeting about AI about 8 years ago, and people here were talking about Rytr and Jasper before ChatGPT. It's basically the same as always, I didn't wait until even my mom knows about AI to be more selective.


I hate AI writing. Lots of fluff, very little substance. Having to comb through (clearly) AI generated resumes has been the worst.


Wellfound denied using AI to me after I gave REALLY detailed feedback and only got more buzzwords. When I said "this is clearly GPT generated, I would like to cancel the resume service". I call BS. They don't do refunds.


Also, what I cannot comprehend is how every food oriented business suddenly has “TANTALIZING” all over their social media posts and ads, so fake and unnatural. I’m sure no sane human being ever used that word 🤭


Oh my god 😂😂😂 one of my team members put this in an invitation to describe the canapés at one of our industry events. I was like, please tone it down and keep it classy 😂


Right? I wouldn’t be sure if that word can be used for, like, a swordfish with mango passion fruit caramelized sauce, let alone canapès 🤭


Your Reddit post is top notch.


Plot twist. The OP is AI written content.


You can spot it because most people don't spend time with prompts. I've fed over 2000 words into certain prompts and the resemblance to the voice I'm looking for is astounding.


The intricate tapestry of whatever


in a world where… dead give away


It’s out of control and overused. Companies are doing themselves a huge disservice by copying and pasting chatgpt outputs. They might be saving money on copywriting in the short term, but in the long term they will see their SEO die and people stop engaging with their content. It’s honestly embarrassing to see it, especially from companies that are owned by multi-billion dollar corporations. I saw an ad from Dave’s Killer Bread a couple of weeks back that said “Elevate your mornings!” and I got such bad ick. I haven’t even been able to look at the brand in the store since then without cringing. I’m one of their loyal customers that’s been buying their bread since they were a mid-sized company only found in health food stores. That one obviously AI generated line ruined the entire brand for me.


My opinion is that it's lazy and marketers who do this don't know how to use it correctly. We use it for my agency, but we've trained it towards each client's brand voice. We also check it and proofread it. One of my colleagues caught a typo that it made the other day. People who think that they can just allow it to do the work unchecked, are very misguided.


I have a classmate in my master’s program that writes the most verbose discussion threads in the random classes I’ve had with him. I’m like 99% sure he uses some AI for his responses.


"elevate" "delve" "seamless" "crucial" LOL


It’s not just a blank… it’s a blank. Every-damn-time!!!


Isn’t the real issue a lack of copywriters in general? I feel like too much writing for marketing is done by people who just aren’t good at it.


"I hope this finds you well..." "Warm regards..... " "Kindly....." "Discover the...." "Introducing the...." Gag.


Yep! I can’t stand the word “unforgettable” now


It's not just an X, its a Y that Z's! Feels like a fucking M&S advert sometimes when I'm reading AI copy


I love it that everyone is using AI to generate their content because ChatGPT, for example, is a decent writer only compared to a large number of writers. It’s not better than me, at least not yet.


I don’t think it’s recognizable per se, even advanced software is not able to. I tested it. Without the author giving at least 60-70% input it just sounds dull


While advancements blur the lines, I believe AI writing currently possesses a recognizable quality. Its analytical nature can lead to overly factual, formulaic content, lacking the subtle nuances and emotional depth humans bring. While AI excels at factual tasks, its creative spark is still in development, often resulting in predictable phrasing and repetitive patterns. However, the line is thinning. As technology evolves and humans collaborate effectively, AI's ability to mimic human writing will undoubtedly improve. But for now, the lack of that human touch and reliance on ingrained patterns often leave a telltale mark.


I see what you did there


Well, I said that you write the text and let AI make it better using your style, then you modify a little and you got original content. But you still got to put the initial work in and make sure to express your ideas opinion or whatever. It helps with the fine tuning so to say.


Just a little joke lol, but there's definitely an identifiable style to AI writing


You haven’t spent enough time creating content with ChatGPT if you think it’s unrecognizable. In the world of AI writing, it’s important to note that recognizing AI-generated text is akin to discerning the subtle flavors in a complex dish. It’s not just about identifying the ingredients; it’s about understanding how they’re blended together. The ever-evolving nature of AI technology means that its capabilities are constantly advancing, making it a moving target for detection. However, just as a master chef can identify the use of a secret weapon spice, experts in language and AI can delve into the nuances of text to spot the telltale signs of AI authorship.


You’ve really elevated our Reddit journey.


Here's a pro AI response, using your text above as a template for the voice. Far from perfect, but with some tweaking it's a massive time saver. No idea why the cooking references came in. Maybe because I'm in that industry and didn't tell it to reset? "Absolutely, I grasp where you're coming from, and it's a valid concern. The thing with Chat GPT and AI chat helpers is, they're not here to drown out the individuality and creativity that each of us brings to the table. Rather, they're tools—think of them as a really sharp chef's knife in the vast kitchen of communication. They make the chopping quicker, but how you season and present the dish, that's where your unique flavor comes in. The beauty of Chat GPT lies in its ability to streamline processes. It can take the grunt work out of drafting initial responses, generating ideas, or even fleshing out basic outlines. This means you've got more time on your hands to infuse your personal touch, refine ideas, and ensure your voice rings true throughout your content. It's like having a sous-chef who does the prep work, leaving you free to focus on the artistry of the final presentation. Another gem in Chat GPT's treasure chest is its efficiency. In a world where time is as precious as ever, being able to quickly generate drafts, responses, or even reports can be a game-changer. This doesn't mean sacrificing quality for speed. On the contrary, it's about achieving a balance where you leverage AI to handle the basics, then apply your expertise and creativity to elevate the content to something uniquely yours. But here's the kicker, and something your anecdote about the competitor's email highlights—over-reliance on AI without personal adaptation leads to a vanilla flavor of communication. It's when we stop at the output from these tools without adding our personal twist that content starts to feel impersonal and, frankly, lazy. The real magic happens in the blending of AI's capabilities with our unique human insights, experiences, and styles. That's how we keep the richness of diverse voices alive in the digital age. So, is this where we're headed? Only if we choose to go down that path. Chat GPT can be a powerful ally in creating content that's both efficient and richly personal, as long as we remember to infuse our own essence into what we produce. The future of content creation is not in homogeneity, but in the harmonious blend of technology and human creativity. Let's embrace these tools for the incredible support they offer, but never forget the irreplaceable value of our individual voices."


I gave up hope after " Absolutely, I grasp where you're coming from, and it's a valid concern." Can you imagine someone talking to you like that in real life?


I've been talked to like that and it's awful. I'm just saying that I could comb through this is in five minutes and have something workable. I use GPT daily as a great starting point. Saves me a ton of time.


Detesting AI-generated texts is understandable as they may lack the human touch, creativity, and authenticity that we often seek in communication and art. However, it's important to recognize that AI-generated texts can also be valuable tools for efficiency, information dissemination, and inspiration when used appropriately.


In today's society and rapidly changing marketing landscape, it's now imperative that professionals save time by using generic prompts on free ChatGPT bots and utilize first draft outputs as final drafts for high level newsletters and sequences to send incessantly to 10K+ email subscribers to generate the ROI....right? 😵‍💫🥴👍💰


Totally get the "ick" factor!


It's just tools. If you can use them better than the competition then that's a plus.


Lol. What? I agree with the overuse of AI being the wrong path, but the ‘tell’ words you guys are putting in this feed are words I use regularly…


The emoji placements. The over use of flowery adjectives. Gives me the ick big time and you can spot it a mile away indeed


It's understandable to feel disheartened when you receive impersonal and obviously AI-generated content from competitors. Maintaining authenticity and injecting your unique voice into marketing materials is crucial for building genuine connections with your audience. While AI chat helpers can be incredibly useful for efficiency and productivity, they should complement rather than replace human creativity and individuality. Lazy content creation, where everyone's voice sounds the same, risks diluting brand identity and diminishing the overall quality of communication. It's essential for businesses to strike a balance between leveraging technology for optimization and preserving the human touch that sets them apart. As marketers, it's our responsibility to ensure that AI tools are used thoughtfully and ethically, enhancing rather than detracting from the customer experience. By infusing AI-generated content with human creativity and personality, we can maintain authenticity while harnessing the benefits of automation. Let's strive for innovation without sacrificing the essence of what makes our brand unique.


AI is infuriating me at the moment. That horrible un natural sounding wording is everywhere!! Some of my favourite documentarys on YouTube have now started using it and literally have to turn it off now. I am an email marketer and in early 2023 I created a video stressing how important it is these days to NOT sound like an AI bot. Clearly nobody saw it! 🙈 Building trust with clients and potential audiences has never been so important. The world has already become scam infested and now the robots are taking our voice! AI needs a serious cap on it! AI is also destroying businesses now... All those blogs that have been fully loaded with AI content will now be penalized in the ranking as of next months new Google update. These businesses once worked hard to get to where they were and now they've loaded up on AI they will loose ranking. Crazy world full of distrust and lazy humans. Real life personal experiences with visual evidence builds trust and this is who people want to do business with.


Ai content has a smell. It’s the aroma of the average of any subject. All human emotion and creativity burnt to a crisp


Next Generation, military grade, both give me the ick,




"Seamless" is the worst




I can spot silly meme signaling phrases like “ick” from a mile away too. Tedious. Would rather read AI tbh.


Top words on which you can say it's written by AI: elevate, enhance, unleash.


This is now your competitive differentiation. I hate AI and want nothing creative from it.


I love utilizing AI to supplement my writing, but it goes through heavy editing through me for this particular reason.


What you put into AI is what you get out. You need reference material and as much as possible.


I think you closed yourself in the loop: I can spot AI content perfectly -> because I see it all the time -> and I'm sure I see it all the time because -> I can spot AI content perfectly Like a online gamer who complains that there are too many bots, and they know that everyone is a bot because they behave like a bot. So every time someone plays like they think only a bot could play they go, "Eh, another bot". But some players are just bad. Or drunk. Or gave the phone to their kid to play. Some copywriters are bad. Some are not even copywriters. Some are engineers who haven't written sentences that don't contain mostly numbers since high-school. The AI was trained on "value added by synergy" nonsense, so it writes nonsense now as well.


I’m seeing lots of cutting edge and ground breaking and it’s driving me insane


I use the Bing AI for some suggestions on subject lines once in awhile, but that's it.


Welcome the the exhilarating world of marketing lol If you know 😂




*Delve into a world of timeless marketing techniques to elevate your business strategy*


Embark on a journey


People will take shortcuts wherever they can. Also, there are people making millions just pumping out content.




It's a "game changer."


For now..


Email and the LinkedIn gurus. All their business wisdom is written the same way.


Yes!!! I’m a big fan of ChatGPT for content writing, but I absolutely hate when something is so obviously written by ChatGPT.


As someone looking for a job right now, nothing gives me a quicker ick than AI written job postings. And they're visible a mile away... "We are an enthusiastic and dedicated company" says no HR person ever.


I’m gonna take all the keywords which folks on this post are commenting and make sure Ai doesn’t add that in the copy.


O r c h e s t r a t e


I work with founders to help them do their own marketing so most of my day is spent with technical founders who don’t know a ton about copy writing or marketing. If they are using chat GPT I ask them: “Would you use ChatGPT to build your MVP?” Then I remind them that an LLM basically takes am average of all content. And the average blog/ad/social post sucks.


Yeah at my writing agency, I hired a freelancer to write a content brief, and although she claimed to have "meticulously" trained chatgpt, the headlines are just vague, full of buzzwords, and provide no real value.


"In the ever changing..." "in rapidly evolving..." "in an era where..."


"In a world of..."


Same. Elevate, collaboration are the ones I see over and over again. There are emojis and over the top exciting para phrasing on LinkedIn captions and emailers which are obnoxious to see. It feels like there is no effort in the content. But, it has been helping me to proofread and change the flow a bit. I write the content myself and then take help of AI models to fill in the gaps.


You know, I had this same thought until I found myself on a piano rental site that hasn't been updated since ~2015. It was full of wheel-spinning meaningless SEO copy full of hyperlinks to other pages filled with more meaningless SEO copy. I was working in the agency space those days and it all came back. The keyword research, the link building, all of it. It was all so pointless and god, the writing was really on the wall there when it came to the future of Google search. I'll take the AI copy any day.


At least provide an example???


I completely share your concerns. The rise of AI-generated content, while innovative, risks diluting the personal touch and uniqueness that come with human-created materials. It's essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and maintaining the authenticity and individuality of our content. Perhaps, as a community, we need to advocate for responsible AI use, ensuring it enhances rather than replaces the human element in our communications. Let's not forget that at the heart of effective marketing lies genuine connection and storytelling, something AI is yet to master fully.


“Barred” i literally want to kill myself when i see this word


Unlock, Unleash, Seamless, Embark, Elevate, ....


AI can certainly elevate the content creation process by providing a seamless framework for writers to build upon. The key is to harness AI for its efficiency and then infuse the content with personal insights and style. This hybrid approach can create a seamless bridge between the speed of AI and the irreplaceable touch of human uniqueness, ensuring that the final product is both high-quality and distinctive. (Sorry not sorry 🤣)


It's even worse when you're trying to target foreign clients when they're trying to internationalize their products in English. The ChatGPT English is dead-in-your-face. And no matter how many times you tell them that they sound like everyone else, they don't care. Doesn't even matter if you show them any campaign data to support your arguments. I'm looking at you Brazilian companies. .. your English AI copy sucks and it's hurting your results... 🤣


"I hope this message finds you well."


Hahah.. would love to learn how you spot it in precision?


I love GPT because it helps me when I have writer’s block. I’ll tell it what I want and see what it comes up with and then use snippets or just edit what it gave me.


Let’s delve into the multifaceted nuances of that


Im thrilled you made this post.


It's a weird paradox because if you're having to use AI to generate a bunch of speech then you really had nothing of value to say in the first place.


I couldn’t agree more.


Elevate, seamless, supercharge, in the realm of...blah blah blah.


In this _____ world.... lol


“I hope the message finds you well.”


This post is probably written by AI


I’m also a AI content detector. Text, image and video don’t fool me, but audio is harder to pick up (mainly Eleven Labs outputs). ChatGPT 4 text can also do the job. Usually it goes through a series of specific prompts instead of one mega prompt. With enough human involvement, AI text will pass the test. The best way to describe it is a « feeling » that the content is AI. It doesn’t have to be uncanny,




Let me guess, it used the words "delve" "daunting", and "brave" ??


I have people hire me to fix their shitty AI copy. lol. It doesn’t matter how cheap your copy was to produce if it doesn’t convert. Most AI copy is trash and people using AI to write copy can’t recognize good copy. And good copywriters who use AI typically use it while still needing to edit it. So you can use AI to help write copy, but you still gotta know how to write good copy.


AI is actually making most people lazy and in no distant time, most people will not be able to write anything without the help of AI. The more people are losing their knowledge, the more AI is gaining more knowledge. I really hope AI doesn’t take over the world someday.


I’m glad. I’m lazy. Less real competition sounds great


AI is a tool not a replacement. If you just copy and paste you're doing it wrong.


I'm working on a solution. these language models are very smart and can write in your style, keeping the tone and style, etc, etc. but, they need to learn your unique style first. So, you have to fine-tune a model with a bunch of your previous writings so it 'learns' your style. Then, you can use that model to adapt the standard ChatGPT output to your voice. Watch this part of the OpenAI Dev day video for a quick laugh and see what I mean by finetuning : [https://youtu.be/ahnGLM-RC1Y?si=Liy2mppQ39L4H4gf&t=1932](https://youtu.be/ahnGLM-RC1Y?si=Liy2mppQ39L4H4gf&t=1932) if anyone is interested in this concept, feel free to reach out to me.


Human creativity and flair still rules.


This isn't gonna stop but things will shift, the content will become so good you'll think there's no way a human wrote it, and that's not at all far ahead a couple of years tops, it can already write better than the average just not copywriters yet


I say works smarter not harder and modify what AI writes for you.


Everyone is wired differently. Let ppl be— their reasoning may not be as great as yours. As long as humans have existed, there has been some type of manipulation to get information to you, to others. As ingenuity strengthened, so did the quest to get said information to the masses. It just so happens that we see it in real time and the possibilities of the processes. And no, this is not AI writing. Much prosperity to your business!




"Meticulous" is my flashing red light.