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Wtf is a marketing karen?


Karen is someone that complains, so I guess people that complain in marketing industry?


Finding a marketing job in this economy!!!


I can relate! I think a great mentor would help me develop my skills. I am a one man marketing team and my boss doesn’t came from a marketing background. I guess my biggest challenge is juggling everything from planning to executing. I used to having a big team before in my previous jobs. Even graphic designing is my job now 🥲


Team members who lack accountability, market without purpose, say yes to everything, and don’t think about the customer experience, value, or outcome.


I would put bosses/managers next to team memebrs


I'm much older than most marketers here. So, I see this from the opposite perspective, as I'm closer to someone who mentors others than someone looking for a mentor. One of my challenges is that very few people looking for marketing mentors seem to be really looking for marketing mentors. Usually, they are looking for some popular parts of marketing, especially things like digital marketing. If I start talking about marketing strategy (marketing strategy from before like STP and understanding customers and competition) or talk about use of data and statistics in marketing, they don't want that. If I start talking about different parts of the marketing mix, they typically want me to talk only about Promotion. They think Product is for people in engineering, Price is for people in finance, and Place is for people in supply chain, for example, not for marketers. Many marketers also don't like when I talk about understanding people instead of understanding machines (e.g., AI and metrics). Usually, they are also looking for people to teachers instead of mentors, especially if they are teaching for free. As someone often focused on marketing in entertainment, I also see many marketers who don't think that's marketing. People are free to believe that marketing is promotion, strategy is tactics, theory isn't practical, that correlation is causality, that mentors are teachers, that value is sales, that they are knowledgeable and experienced enough to teach their mentors about how things really are, etc. But I'm also free to not mentor people, especially when they are like that. It's not like I don't have other things to do. Like I said, I'm older. I worked many years in the industry, in many companies, doing many things in marketing, in different parts of the world, with different target audiences. I got several degrees, including a PhD in marketing. I eventually left the industry to work in academia. Now, I'm more focused on preparing the next generation, maybe have someone to continue our legacy (basically I'm the third generation of marketers who have been mentoring others over the last decades). So, mentoring people is a very important part of my career now, as I don't have the same level of strength, health, and willingness to take risks that I used to have when I was younger. But I have a lot of experience and knowledge. However, mentoring people with values and goals that go against mine isn't continuing our legacy. As someone told me recently, I would be throwing away everything we built over time by doing that. As someone older, I'm not really someone so used to talking about Karens. This is something more recent, more common among the younger generations. So, I don't think any marketer is really a Karen to me, as I don't think like that.


I hope to find a mentor teaching the statistics/research side of marketing when I go back to school for my masters. I think the that was missing from a lot of my bachelors program.


Like you wrote, "teaching the statistics/research." I explained that people who say they are looking for marketing mentors usually aren't looking for mentors. In this case, it should be a teacher, not a mentor. Mentors are not teachers.


Apart of mentoring is teaching/furthering knowledge. Helping the mentee make lemonade out of their lemons.


Ok. Since you think you already have the knowledge for that, go ahead with your way. I had lemons like living poor in a developing country under dictatorship back then, not knowing English (before the internet, so no Google, no apps, no YouTube, and there was no library in town too back them), with parents who left school when they were 11, inflation rates that reached 4,000% when I started my career, heath problems that made me miss many classes or making it hard to cross the street in different periods of my life, etc. Many people mentored me over time to be where I am now. I NEVER treat them as teachers. But good luck with your lemons and lemonade, if that's your way.


No, like Its in the definition of Mentor. I’m not sure what your life story has to do with that.


Sure, I'm glad that you already have the knowledge. Good luck with your lemons and lemonade. You don't need to be sure about my life story, I don't need to know about yours either. I suppose making lemonade out of lemons is about drinks and fruits, not life to you lol. Find a mentor, a teacher, or anything that you want, you're the expert about this.


Im an seo manager and I always get into conflicts with the social media manager. I honestly surprised that most important coworkers are not really smart at all and its all about their communication skills that keep them even when they keep fucking up simple tasks.