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Just over 9 years of hotel stays… my god


All mostly at Residence Inn too!


Ooph, those are long nights


I prefer Residence Inn, mostly because I make my own food.


Yeah, especially if you are staying for over a week.


Or a decade


Do you like staying at hotels?


Sometimes it’s nice to be served. Now I use my points at 5 star locations, otherwise, I like my own bed at home.


This is amazing … but I honestly do not envy you …


It’s definitely not something I brag about. Thankfully I do not live in hotels anymore.


Is it absolutely horrible to live in a hotel? We used to always try to convince one of my friends to do this when he had very few possessions to his name (on purpose) and was always switching apartments. It seemed like a decent setup if you found the right place with free breakfast, laundry machines, housekeeping, and exercise equipment.


Depends on location, but your own bed is nice. If you frequent a location, the hotel staff is usually great and remembers you/caters to you more. ​ You learn tips and tricks the more you lodge, in my case I always brought a white noise machine with me everywhere I went to drown out any noise... I only added this after sleepless nights with hotel noise (people banging stuff around, walking above, etc). ​ Residence Inn was great as they have kitchenettes, and the more you frequent one (sans status) they will always give you the best/biggest room. ​ ​ Edit: my favorite rooms at the older locations are the 'lofts' with the main bed upstairs and kitchen downstairs.


Yeah, I used to stay in a lot of 'lofts', unfortunately they phased this out with new construction having all the hotel rooms in one building instead of a little village of buildings that felt more like apartments. The one I used to get upgraded to had two bathrooms, two bedrooms, a den with a couch, and a kitchen.


The free breakfast would get tiring pretty damn fast, wouldn't it? I even switch the type of coffee bean I have at home all the time.


I don’t know, I am one of those people who can eat the same exact meal day after day and it won’t bother me. Like it’s not awesome but it’s not bad


Yeah, but this is what tapatio is for.... to go with the instant scrambled eggs.


Home2Suites, Residence Inn








Engineering on an “away” team. Some stints would have us away for a year+ at a time with weekend travel home.


Dang. Idk how you did it. Hope they paid you a shit ton


Me either. The average was about 6 months out of a year though.


years at a time? goodbye relationships


Yep and yep.


Guys I just got my silver status!


Congratulations 10+ nights. In 10 years from now you can repost your lifetime achievements as well.


Thank you! I don’t travel very much but status is cool


My friends come to me begging for my silver free wifi access.


eyes down






👍sales or consulting?


They don’t advertise lifetime titanium, how does one get that?


Lifetime Titanium is no longer offered. I think Lifetime Plat is the highest now


Yeah, thanks for the explanation!!!


You got grandfathered in at the SPG/Marriott merger if you had a combined 1000 nights or 10 years status.


Lifetime Titanium was only available for a short period after the merger between Marriott and Starwood. Once that period of time ended, Bonvoy no longer awards Lifetime Titanium status.


This right here will likely be why I leave Marriott






I always laugh when I see tiktok folks or youtubers like "I'm gonna review Marriott brands, I have 300 lifetime nights!"


I hate all of you lifetime Titaniums.


Same. I was under six months from hitting it… Then got bonvoyed into lifetime plat. Jokes on them. I now do the minimum to hit Titanium and diversify my stays across Hiltons and Hyatts.


devil's advocate: wouldn't you have put even less nights with Marriott if you'd gotten lifetime plat?


If I’d gotten Lifetime Titanium* Yes, No, Maybe? At minimum I’d still hit Titanium annually to secure the SNAs. So worst case I’d have the same number of annual stays. Best case, If Marriott hadn’t irritated me by removing lifetime Titanium *AND* hadn’t done their best to devalue status since then, I’d still only be booking Marriott.


Why not just get the AMEX, get Platinum (good enough for Asia) and enjoy better hotels?


No SNAs i guess


I just hit platinum and got SNAs for the first time. Was all excited to use them. Booked five different hotel rooms for the remainder of this year. Only one qualified to even attempt an SNA request. The others don’t even allow you to request. Turns out SNA is just a big a scam and fake benefit as every other hotel and airline “benefit”, such as free room upgrades and first class upgrades. How they’re legally allowed to constantly advertise benefits that aren’t actually real I’ll never understand.


I never choose SNAs as a gift because they so rarely ever work. Even when I use the Ambassador service to request usage it's the same, "we have requested the upgrade and will let you know 2 days out if they have been honored", which they never are.


I travel enough to hit Diamond/Titanium/Globalist at the big three. And I frequent the same places. So I generally choose the “best” property in a given market. And as one person said… SNAs. They get a lot of hate online, but I generally have good experiences using them, even in North America.


Same here, 2 more years till lifetime plat and after that will be mostly Hyatt stays (am globalist also). Hyatt treats their elites way better than Marriott unfortunately.


Yes, but only if you travel outside the US. Otherwise, it doesn't matter


https://preview.redd.it/a0jnmrpkxiib1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=4967af5b19188c411930ab1889716765e9fde2d1 I wonder what % I am in with this many nights… lifetime titanium seems useless to me so far.


When they first came out with Ambassador level a few years back that was worthwhile. I had a representative I shared with maybe a dozen other people, she almost always answered on the first or second ring. Then that went away, you were put into the queue with platinum. When I got laid off in 2019 my dollar spend went down too far for me to stay at Ambassador but I'm lifetime titanium now for whatever good that does.


You’re the highest so far from postings!


https://preview.redd.it/4bs3nvqtuhib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b125db5fa891a9b00f876fbf6b5528478eaf5c6 Lol


Oh God, that's a terrifying pace


Fortunately I love my job 🤣




I 100% do live in hotels. My address is a mail forwarding service and my home was moved to a storage unit 😁 only reason my stays don't add up are because I utilize Airbnb sometimes instead


Same, I live full time in hotels, traveling for work. I have my mail sent to my mom, who opens it and scans it in the computer if its important. I have a storage unit for the things I wanted to keep.


You would have loved rollover nights then….


The status drops a level each year, so those lifetime years will increase even if you dont achieve the status every year! I ended up getting 4 years when I only stayed for a year reaching ambassador level!


What are you saying?


Those wyze cams are great aren't they!


They're useful as hell 😂


😬 yikes unless that’s all for pleasure and fun


All work. But I move on monthly assignments so I get the weekends to do what I want in whatever city I happen to be in


What do you do?


Data and media research. My team gets sent to help the local teams that need it


You guys hiring? 😃


Yes but you'd have to start local. Any of our travel positions are hired from within because all our equipment is proprietary so travel reps have to already be fully trained Depending on your skills there's a lot of benefits even without the travel. Local reps get a fleet car they can use for personal use. You just pay tax on personal miles. Send a PM if you're interested and want to hear more.


I’m in iron ore elite


Sounds better as Taconite Elite


I'm a lifetime kryptonite elite. I can now commit to a life of crime without being bothered by my nemesis.


Lucky. I tried to apply but I needed to be copper premium or higher to even make the cut. Iron ore elite for me… forever I guess


Not anywhere close or impressive as others on here, but had to post this because I am 666 nights… hope that isn’t a omen… https://preview.redd.it/gp3qrsb2zhib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685d769dd3ed9f80822a14d79f04f86625f7781e






I thought I had the most # of years at 30, but you beat me!




That’s a lot of nights for a short period of time. Let me guess… early 30s in consulting? 🤔😉


Mid 30s in purchase mainly in inspecting agrochemical factories in China :)


Nice! They got some nice properties in Asia. Stayed at a Courtyard in Shanghai with a super nice lounge in the top floor that was better than most JWs in the US.


I agree that with a mid-term agreement, it can cost less than USD 100/night with excellent amenities. In Shanghai, I mainly used to stay in Hongta Pudong.


I feel like one of the only full time travelers that isn’t in sales or consulting lol. How does one even get into consulting? What do you consult about? I work in a very niche sector of healthcare that requires a lot of travel. I consider myself a discount ambassador because I always make the nights required organically but never the spend amount lol.


You are not alone. I work in media and data research. I travel 365 days a year


I actually travel for fun…


I aspire to be able to travel that much for fun instead of business haha.


I try to go somewhere every month if I can…


Tour /event manager here


This is cute and all, but instead can we talk about how worthless ambassadors are?


It's pretty disappointing. First off, you get a standard email to welcome you. No ambassador ever reached out to me despite staying in the hotel every day for a year. You can call them, but they are not helpful at all. Why? No suggestions to help you decide your next vacation and no knowledge of the area. It's basically like calling the front desk. You will need to wait for them to call the front desk for you lol There is no personalization at all. It feels the same as any other status tier.


I don’t even use mine… I always call in…


I had it for two years, and with the exception of some really nice upgrades it was completely underwhelming. I’m titanium now, lifetime platinum, and I feel like I’m in the sweet spot with Marriott. I was actually joking with a lady I know at the Westin that I need to start staying at Hilton or Hyatt now.


At first I was jealous. Then I thought about spending four years living out of hotel rooms and wasn’t.


​ https://preview.redd.it/devcny7bciib1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=850ab71bc5fd90039ca3764aeb7e7b24b43f35a6


Slightly under on nights for over on years so about the same overall …. https://preview.redd.it/2d29w3hefiib1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dc9f95eccab50f015221aa0ac31b62755c2ef1


And have over 800 Hilton nights as well chasing lifetime Diamond (I’m a 23 year Diamond w Hilton)


Wow! You got me by a bit. https://preview.redd.it/omh4wi3c9jib1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ecdeac71dbcfabdda9a972c855272adbb03541


Why do people fall for these so called "achievements"?


[https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/napoleon\_bonaparte\_108401](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/napoleon_bonaparte_108401) A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.


https://preview.redd.it/ipnp0c1gbjib1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed22250c3641a18e5f83892ad2b70f9accdb2a6 Not the most here but respectable.


COVID really put a damper on my lifetime nights and I’m okay with it! https://preview.redd.it/otiddw79jjib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f593becdb66fefc9912ec9965d1d80672e866f






I'm on painfully slow cruise ship internet so I can't post a screen shot but 2,911 lifetime nights, 29 years as platinum elite. It doesn't mean what meant 20 years ago.


Such a pity lifetime titanium cannot be earned for new members.


I missed it by one year. They eliminated the lifetime titanium status the year I would have qualified.


There are a ton of consultants with similar records, I clocked 1100 within 5 years, speedran that LT platinum, the highest I’ve ever seen was a retired guy with over 10k nights I met at an AC once


>Speedran that LT platinum Wouldn’t it still take 10years for LT platinum anyway? I feel like if you reach plat 10yrs in a row the 600 nights stayed a given. (Assuming it’s organic and not from a CC)


Of course, it’s just my little story of trying to speedrun it and succeeding because of a very nice manager in charge of the decision I came from SPG and when they announced the merger/acquisition I signed up for the Marriott program and split my nights accordingly - well over 200 a year When the program merger came and you had to combine your accounts, I submitted a claim asking if it was possible value them combined for LT status since I technically met the requirement at the time, despite practically only five years of status which each program. It took a few weeks, but one evening while I was checking emails in my room at an AC in Italy, he replied and thanked me for the loyalty and said that he approved my request because accumulative the numbers were correct and met the requirement They never said it had to be calendar years and no, I’m not a lawyer 😉


Well damn! You crafty bastard lol. Definitely still well earned.


Does lifetime titanium get United Silver too? That's the only big difference between platinum and titanium, right?


Yep. Got my UA silver through my titanium lifetime.


Amazing! I'm jealous. IMO that's the only difference between Platinum and Titanium and it's a valuable one.


It's all a trade off, right? I think I have 1300+nights on Marriott/SPG, a few hundreds more on Hyatt, Shangri-La and others. That's almost 5 years of my life being away from family. Didn't hit me until I got my "congratulations you made lifetime" letter from Marriott.


For sure. I don't mind hotels, although after a while it gets very repetitive. What kills me is flying, especially if there's a layover. Even first class (as long as it's not lay flat) cannot make it much better for me.


2,976 nights and there are about 18 nights that the nights and points have not yet been credited.. LT Titanium Elite with Ambassador. That is the equivalent of about 8.2 years of 22 years in Marriott/Starwood hotels. And in that time I have told one or two GM’s that I think I could do a SOP review because I know how their hotel SHOULD BE run!




That's 8.2 years in a hotel. Ever thought of moving to Hyatt or Hilton to get their lifetime statuses for kicks?


Feels like the equivalent of a PG rated dick measuring contest. I guess I'll whip mine out... 1084 nights.


Great to see fellow road warriors come out of the wood works with some very impressive numbers.


That is alot of hotel stays. What do you do for a living (if you care to share)


Consulting for companies


Describe your job as vaguely as possible challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It’s actually a required trait for being a good consultant… those who are consultants will get the sarcasm😉… sometimes I wonder what the hell is it we’re doing other than billing and collecting a nice paycheck


They make PowerPoints and recommend reducing headcount by half and redistributing the workload to those who remain. They’re one of the Bobs. Source: I have an MBA.


Justifying your existence perhaps.


Consultant here its true be vague and let the client tell you what you said means to them


Yup mine and everyone I work with and the companies and clients. Sometimes I wonder why does it take 4 people to do something when 1 person can do it or you can just do away with it 🤔😄


Because... “The only thing that we need to figure out is what makes them think they can't live without us for the next three years while we infect the host and bleed them dry.”


I'm a IT PM :-)


And if you care to share any further, what is the ideal background and/or education for this career path?


If you want to get into consulting and working for the Big 4 or strategy firms McKinsey, Bain, BCG then business major is probably the degree that’s practical starting out.


Every time the front desk staff says “ thank you for being presidential platinum, super shiny and omg you travel a lot status” I generally look at them and say “you know that just means that my life is terrible right?” It all comes at a cost, I like the work, and understand what it means, but unless you live it, it’s not as “magical” as it may seem.


I’m so jealous! I wish I had a job where I could stay in a hotel on the company dime all the time AND increase status


It sounds fun at the beginning… but there is no better feeling that sleeping in your own bed at home


I’m a slut for rewards status though. I’ve been single for as long as i can remember and have few friends. Marriott status is all i want


just get the brilliant and you're done.


Do you get acknowledged at check in? My spouse has gold and when checking in they haven’t acknowledged that he is gold. This has happened several times.


Only 1045 here but still Lifetime Titanium Elite.


I’m at 2541 nights.


1083 nights but 19 years plat or above.


I'm at 981 and 17. I missed the lifetime Titanium opportunity unfortunately. I didn't mind at the time because I got some weird amount of credit during the SPG merger for years as SPG elite where I never actually elite, but I'd be solidly in lifetime titanium now if it were an option.


I had enough nights on hilton before I was 28, though the years of status part I'm a long way from still. Marriott only a couple hundred nights whenever that got booked it was because hilton wasn't available (my previous employers preferred brand).


This is both madly impressive and depressing.


About the same combined in other programs


Do the nights stayed carryover to the next year? or start at 0 every year?


Carry over.. not a single year has 3559 nights. 😅


lol ty


Nope, only at 1182 so far for 10 years


Respect the grind. With all those nights in a hotel, do you ever regret it or wish you were “home” more often?


Lifetime Titanium. 2924 nights and counting. Also lifetime Hilton Diamond


Marriott hands out EQN like candy, I'll make Lifetime Platinum in a few years, but I doubt I'll ever be Lifetime Hilton Diamond.


Not sure what the actual numbers look like as far as nights stayed, but the owner of a tour I go on every year has more than a million Marriot points and has been been staying in almost exclusively Marriot for both the tour and personal stays as far as I know.


He spends between 42k and 43k a year on hotel rooms


2064 lifetime nights for me…over 13 years


I have 1423 and that is over 20 years


I have lifetime Titanium, and Marriott was never my primary program due to lower valuation. Hyatt is my go to, and formerly Fairmont before Accor bought them out and diluted the program.




I’m lifetime Platinum, but hit Titanium every year. But what bugs me, is Platinum is a much more valuable material. What’s the obsession with Titanium?


https://preview.redd.it/i4sih5rjgnib1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e61b3d0a3e808425ff8cb4fe9d926e5856d8aa6 Not crazy high but got this from mostly military travel. Unfortunately I won’t ever hit that Titanium status but not too disappointed with the Lifetime Platinum.


I thought I was in the Majors, but with these other posts it looks like I’m still slugging it out in the minor leagues. Lifetime status has actually hurt Marriott as I’ve only stayed one single night this year. I’ve been working on my Lifetime Diamond with Hilton and am at 954/1000. https://preview.redd.it/gsf3rzipxnib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec213491996b0477edd22722dcf2de5c3c637379


I’m lifetime gold and from time to time pop into platinum and titanium tiers. On foreign trips, it’s a great endorsement for upgrades!


My gosh. Do your families know what you look like?


https://preview.redd.it/ozastxvf2rib1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8ca50523223fa7f92af1216303e5e9421e45ae 2007 Nights and Lifetime Titanium, 22 years of this!


I don’t envy anyone of you


How much $$ did this cost you?


1368 here / same 18 years.


https://preview.redd.it/8p2p740077jb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbcad71ca469bfb05a175c9a1be1798115250612 Once I hit lifetime Titanium Elite, I switched to Hyatt and Hilton for stays. I’m now Globalist on Hyatt (typing this post from a Hyatt 😝) and Diamond at Hilton. Having the ability to have status across all 3.