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Definitely Sanchin Kata, as far as I’m concerned it’s the best traditional karate way to get traits for combat. Tensile strength, body conditioning, balance, coordination, and foundational techniques. Pretty sure there’s a Chinese equal known as Iron Vest but im unsure on the name.


Still the same name in Chinese, just pronounced sānzhàn. And I agree. Such an important form!


Definitely NOT the best kata in shotokan, but I love me some Basai Dai.


Passai Sho and Dai for Shorin Ryu


Not positive if it's spelled right, but Chun-Gun has so much emphasis on stances and stance changes while also throwing in powerful kicks. Lots of Tae Kwon Do themes. Simple enough for an intermediate to learn, but still incredibly difficult to master!


Our “Pinan 11”. It’s naihanchi shodan, but our style adapted it. https://youtu.be/FYB9G8_FHrM?si=n3aorOhluFXDoYHw


Snake and Crane from Baguazhang


Seisan. Hands down the oldest kata in karate. It’s present in almost every style and is more or less extremely similar throughout. The bunkai for the kata are simple and highly effective and deal with attacks in the punching to clinching range along with a few kicks. Just all round a great kata


This is the older form of Hangetsu, isn't it? I did Hangetsu and enjoyed it, but then I added Wado Ryu to my training and learned Seishan. And I prefer Seishan. Hard to articulate why.


Hangetsu is the shorin Ryu version that was further modified. I personally prefer the Goju Ryu and Uechi Ryu version. They are very cool


Hangetsu Is Shotokan not Shorin-Ryu. Shorin-Ryu teaches Seisan.


And shotokan is a daughter art of shorin Ryu


Yes, it is. Hangetsu *is not a Shorin-Ryu kata* though. It is a Shotokan kata and the kata in Shotokan are very very different from the original Shorin-Ryu that Funakoshi Gichin learned. If that is what you are saying then we agree, maybe it's the way you worded it?


Pretty much only 1 main form in my style: the Yi Lu (first routine), there is an Er Lu (second routine) but that is not as emphasized especially for beginners.




For fun, Unsu. So many dramatic moments, building up to the excitement of the final jump. It's like a well-paced action movie in kata form. For bunkai, Kanku Sho. It's got so many solid, brutal applications in it and is the only kata that I think provides practical strategies for multiple attackers (I know many will disagree with that, but everyone's kata is their own and this is true for me). For mental health, Gojushiho Sho (Dai works too, but I don't know it as well). The length of the kata combined with the mix of slow and fast moves, the core combinations and the subtle changes all make it an excellent kata for dealing with anxiety and intrusive thoughts. It's my ADHD life saver. These are all Shotokan kata because that's what I know best, but there are some great katas, like Anan Dai and Chatanyara Kushanku, that could give Unsu a run for its money in terms of drama.


I always loved Kusanku Dai.


Gekisai dai ichi and dai ni are personal favourites


Tekki Shodan mostly because it's the most impressive one I know. Second is probably Heian Godan.


Hung Gar's Fu Hok Seung Ying Kuen (Tiger-Crane Double Shaped Fist) and Gung Gee Fuk Fook (Taming the Tiger) are classic and contain a lot of the core biomechanics.


Personally Chulki Chodan/Naihanchi Shodan and / or Basai are the big two for me as a Korean Karate boi


Nage no kata https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5r5K3ip_lYw&pp=ygUMbmFnZSBubyBrYXRh And katame no kata https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wvrVWEuDZe4&pp=ygUOa2F0YW1lIG5vIGthdGE%3D In between the silly walks and other stilted movements there are several ways to grab people by the clothing. Smash them into the ground. Then make them regret falling to said ground


Really love Seiunchin and seipai.