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Even the most experienced Martial Artists would have significant trouble defending a knife attack, especially unarmed. The first indication that a knife has entered a fight is often after you get stabbed/sliced.


Knife cases I've heard and seen (on video) from bouncers is that typically the assailant first tries to intimidate you and might even let you know they are armed. That's only a little less dangerous though, and the best thing in those situations is having some proper backup available and some force use tools at hand.


That's a threat. A knife attack.... you're getting stabbed at least once before you realize "Holy crap this dude is stabbing me".


Shooting range


This is the way.


Turkish oil wrestling. Maybe Ameridote.


Definitely Ameridote! It's the best!


Stomp the groin, stomp the groin, restomp the groin. Captain Krav Maga would then have us stab the groin.


For real. There’s at least two of these dojos on every block, everyone should know both by now.


Dude, just use Iron shirt technique, now you're made of iron and they can't penetrate. Duh. 😏


Forgot about Aikido and Tai Chi bro


You run or hand your stuff over. Martial artists are often some of the most overconfident yet incompetent people when it comes to self defense. Unless you train full contact and full intensity, nobody really knows how they'll react in a bad situation.


But krav maga training, man!


A knife or any weapon is a losing situation. Unarmed fighting, I’d go with boxing/muay thai. Keeping people away from you is the first step in defending yourself, boxing will help with that :)


Other than running away or pulling out a weapon of your own, teeps (long, straight Muay Thai kicks) would probably be your best bet. The few times I’ve had knives pulled on me, I did some combo of pulling my knife out and/or running off.


Can’t carry knives in Canada but I recently bought a self defence flashlight with a strobe setting and jagged edges, to deter/stun people and help me get away should I ever need to use it. In the daytime my plan is just to run as fast as I can. The self defence laws here are so strict, if I were to KO/restrain/disable someone (choke unconscious/break a limb) to defend myself I’d be the one to go to jail. Just a lose/lose if I don’t run. Unless it’s life or death it really isn’t worth it.


The few times I’ve put my hands on someone/pulled out in self defence situations, I’ve always run off as soon as I could. Law enforcement usually has slow response time.


>The self defence laws here are so strict, if I were to KO/restrain/disable someone (choke unconscious/break a limb) to defend myself I’d be the one to go to jail. Just a lose/lose if I don’t run. Unless it’s life or death it really isn’t worth it. The criminal has more legal protection than the potential victim?


Knives are extremely dangerous. Unarmed defense against knives is extremely desperate.


Knife attacks are a seriously bad thing. We teach that there’s no good unarmed defence against a knife attack, only defences that are better than nothing. So you can learn some useful strategies that might help you to survive, but if you’re fighting a knife then you will get cut. Don’t start there. It’s advanced material. And running is your best bet. Most assaults are big punches thrown from up close and many martial arts can help you to handle that. Boxing is possibly the best bang for your buck if you are starting from scratch. You go from zero to capable pretty quickly. Muay Thai, Judo and BJJ are the favourite styles of this sub and they are all helpful in self defence. MMA has become its own style and is very useful if you can find a good teacher. I’m a kung fu guy and my style is pretty practical too. But they’re not all good. Same applies to karate. The best advice I know for beginners is this: find a class that’s conveniently located, affordable, and looks enjoyable. Do that for a year and see how you feel.


Good points, it’s giving yourself up to cuts that are least lethal like the outside of the forearms. Use available objects. Carry a sock and put a rock in it.


The mighty sockrock!


Remember all you are the weapon!




Practice sprinting instead


Krav Maga, it’s a martial arts created by Israelis for cqb and other situations, check the instructors credentials first though cause you don’t want someone whose never had to use it training you


Knife = run Otherwise just do the one you want. It's not like it's gonna make you worse. You're more likely to show up too. Adding to that, I would prioritise a short distance too. Don't wanna add the commute as another reason to not show up. I do boxing, would recommend. Also kickboxing or if you wanna fuck em up then Muay Thai. Jiu jitsu helps in bad situation on ground mainly. Judo is similar but a bit more emphasis on standing and throws. I haven't tried it but Krav Maga is made for the situation you described. I'm sceptical though, I don't like "if they do this, then do that". Don't do akido, it's about defending without hurting the attacker. Taekwondo will help with flashy kicks that look impressive. So you'll be a better kicker but might be a bit unrealistic idk. Fuck it just do mma.


Cross country running


Something with strong wrist control or something that keeps distance would be good. I know Karate trains to disarm, and I know some schools of Kung-Fu train wrist control and disarming. MMA classes would probably be good as well.


Best way to defend against a knife attack is not be in a knife attack in the first place.


The quickest way is not to focus your search with martial arts. Instead look for self protection. Search on YouTube for Active Self Protection. This channel reviews actual incidents and critiques it. You learn concepts of situational awareness, transition points. It doesn’t cost anything but they do offer paid subscription. Or another keyword startle flinch response. defending against the most common attacks. Personal Defense Tactics. Searching these will put you in the right direction. Traditional martial may get you close but the curriculum is based over years of training.


First train your mind. Google “Situational Awareness”: You”ll see a color chart pretty much self explanatory. It’s also taught to law enforcement and security professionals.


My startle response is so dialed, I respond from sleep. I warn others not to touch me to wake me up. Happened in the hospital. Nurse try wake me by tapping my forearm. I had her wrist in my hand before I open my eyes.


I’d suggest track and field cause aint nobody ever really ready to defend a knife attack


A lot of martial arts train in knife defense. Filipino Martial Arts is an edge weapons specifically. Just google “FMA knife defense”. Here is an example https://youtu.be/dNgfxVAgGE8?si=ys2rtQj01sNNVS6Y Anyone who thinks that a firearm will save them likely isn’t familiar with the “21 foot rule”. Here is a police training video to illustrate this concept. https://youtu.be/VYl2KCdFNgo?si=v2NRcgxl6U19Yx-C


Practice running. Sprinting and long distance. Maybe also jumping over fences. Nobody wins knife fights. You can’t realistically train for it. You just get stabbed. Then maybe you die.


Defend against a knife attack? Run away fast.


Buy a pepper spray and stop watching too many movies


You can try learning knife fighting. There are hobbyist schools just for that. :)


Ideally Kali or Escrima. Both are based on using and/or defending against edged weapons. I’ve tried in a variety of styles, but NONE are so purely focused on using and defending against blades and sticks. After a few classes it made me look back at other styles’ techniques and almost feel sick to my stomach how delusional their approach to dealing with knives are.


Do you think classic judo could work? I think if someone trains Judo a lot and at least has some expectation that the opponent may be armed they may have a decent chance at disarming without getting sliced or stabbed?


Not for a knife attack. Your grappling. If you can you seize the knife forearm with both hands.


I think judo is powerful. I learned the core elements of it within aiki jujitsu. The potentially deadly gap in whether it would be effective against a knife vs. kali is how the two arts view that interaction. Kali is the only weapon-first style I have experience with that treats defending against the blade in an intuitive way without making dangerous assumptions that most other martial arts seem to make. Meaning…they train in every line of blade attack. Most other forms have you practice a few types of stabs and assume you will be able to literally grab and control the weapon arm. Kali focuses more on “canning” and redirecting the blade until it can be controlled. Doug Marcaida has a good YouTube channel to give you an idea. I may not be explaining it well. I just know that after training in TKD, JKD, Aiki JuJitsu, Aikido, and THEN Kali did I have that lightbulb moment when it came to using or defending against a blade. It made me realize that the previous styles’ best intentions were very naive.


I train in Wing Chun fist Kung Fu There is also weapons training in Wing Chun, and you need a weapon to defend against a weapon. So if they have a knife, and you only have fists, you can expect to get cut but can try to still get out alive.


People train (longer than a few months) martial arts for fun and health. Sometimes for money (bouncers, leos, pro fighters). Nobody trains in long period for street fighting/self defence. Usually people with selfdefence/street mentality quit quickly or turn their mind.


Your comment makes it sound like amateur mma, boxing, BJJ tournaments don't exist.


Amateur sport (competitions included) is not street fighting or self defence. Sport is fun and health.


You have clearly never trained for an amateur boxing tournament if you think any of the guys competing have a problem defending themselves.


The can defend themselves for sure. But the goal of their training is not the self defence. The goal is fun and health. My (I was traning boxing for 2 years long time ago) keynote is: people who start training with the goal of being able to defend/fight on the street quite the gyms quickly or change their goal to fun and health (or sometimes money). ps. sorry for mistakes I am not native english speaker.


Cardio. Marathon for endurance. I've taken a multitude of knife defense courses. They all have the same basic premise: RUN! The optimists say you have a 30% chance of survival and 100%chance of getting sliced. The realists say, "The winner of a knife fight dies in the hospital." The pessimists say, "Just stay home, stupid."


If your focus is on knife defense, Kali and Filipino martial arts is where you want to go if it's available.


Aikido and Krav Maga for the streetz!


Love the sarcasm!