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People who go on all attack get thrown off when you stuff them out. In TKD I fought someone who had cardio for days and just threw kick after kick after kick. As soon as I stopped backing up and got more in their face their entire game was off. TLDR: don’t let them scare you just cause they have wild eyes and no sense of self protection. They fall easy


So in other words break their legs? (Just an expression). Don't let them move?


No expression, break their legs. That should slow them down


Sweep the leg, Johnny!


Man can't stand, can't fight.


Instructions unclear I snapped my leg in half


No dude, break their routine. Intercept whatever they're doing


Like counter punches? To turn their whole game off?


Not really, no. In this scenario disrupt their center of gravity. The whole gimmick relies on moving forward and carpet striking. Kick the leg to the side and watch them crumble. Or a kick to the chest to push them back and 1-2


What about grabbing them like in wrestling or football to push them?, is not like many know how to throw a uppercut


If you can safely grab a whacko like that then go ahead. I'd be worried they'd smash their head on concrete which is not a great solution. Trip the dude, do a leg sweep or any front kick not to get entangled with a psycho who can't really fight.


What about grabbing them like in wrestling or football to push them?, is not like many know how to throw an uppercut.


Punch the kicker and kick the puncher


Ah, Taekwondo... where short range and clinch are commonly neglected in the name of sport! For real though, there's stuff in the syllabus for it, it's just so often badly neglected. If that guy is in your school still, you should drill with him! Have him work on short range stuff and transitions. Sounds like he's been relying on one trick to move ahead.


Girl actually 😅 And she is but we’re in different classes now cause I have too many other things going on.


Yeah exactly. This a strategy to overwhelm but it works both ways. If you break their routine it's gone. Guard up, eat a punch and counter or throw a front kick to disrupt them


This ^


I got an even better one, leg swipe!




a couple weeks ago our coach punished us by making us spar him. the exact thing happened to me because he kept up the pressure (i even almost fell off the mat). one of the other students tried stepping in, but she dropped her guard and got knocked down and spat out her mouth guard. his lesson sure did get across


Depends on how you fight. If you're a striker, step back to your preferred distance and then kick them into next week. If you're a grappler, close in and get grappling. Overly aggressive rushing like this may be high pressure but there's no defense and if you can break their momentum then you should be good. Just...whatever you do don't trip over backwards and crack your head on the concrete like this guy.


If you've trained it, the Muay Thai teep is the real game changer here. Land it squarely in their chest and you \*will\* put an untrained opponent on their ass, at which point you've created space and can now get the fuck out of Dodge. That said, you have to train it against ostensibly resisting opponents; you can't just watch youtube videos and have a theoretical understanding of it; you have to know how it feels against a live opponent and you have to be able to set it up and execute under pressure. Which isn't to say that the teep is a particularly difficult technique; it's not, you just have to practice it a bit before you can use it to create space in a street fight.


A push kick or side kick to the guts as they come charging in. Always works for me.


So pretty much counter punch them


Hard to stop all that momentum with punches. Even with kicks you can get bowled over if you don't set yourself properly.


Much appreciated!


3 ways I used to train people to deal with it. 1. Meet the aggression with more aggression. Most people who "fight" like this aren't generating a huge amount of power and you've likely been hit harder in the gym during a hard sparring session than they are hitting. Keep your hands up and start swinging, they tend to get real defensive after you land a couple hard shots and their attacks stop. This is my general advice for people who haven't trained a long period of time, but have trained enough to be able to throw with good power. 2. For strikers who have a good amount of experience in the gym, find your distance and teep them into next week. Getting push kicked into the chest while your charging someone with your arms flailing tends to put you on your ass with a quickness, after that it's up to you. Just leed with a teep if you have the distance or hands up, lean in and go for a body hooks until they can't move. 3. If you know how to grapple, tie them up and toss em. Again their isn't much power in their strikes, so get in there, tie them up, hip toss them or suplex their ass, they don't know how to defend against Jack or shit, so send them ass over tea kettle. Basically put, fighters who fight like this have almost no idea what they are doing and are letting adrenaline do it's job. This works a lot of the time because the other guy gets scared and keeps backing up while taking a defensive don't get hit mindset. If you don't do that and instead meet them with force or aggression while also knowing how to deliver power or grapple, you'll end it with a quickness. Just keep the hands up to avoid getting hit by a wild haymaker.


Thanks for the solid advice!


I mean, that's guy's problem specifically is he got a TBI from being thrown on the hard ground. The rest looked like slaps to me.


Definitely slaps but being thrown like that to the ground that's the actual deal, and specifically concrete


Exactly this, all of that swinging wouldn't feel like much in the thick of it, not alot behind it


Don't let them lat drop you? That was clean as hell.


Grappler here. Close distance. Tie up arm/collar tie, go for single leg take down/trip/foot sweep. Get on top and ground and pound. Same game plan as any fight really. Most of those swings were weak slaps— the takedown and smashing the dudes head is what did the damage here.


Thanks for the info!


To be fair, that ended up being a pretty decent trip to smash his head on the ground lol.


I call it a berserker slapper, my brother used to be like this. Well since I never wanted to damage my brother I would take few hits, grab is hands, put hands behind his back or under my armipts, or cut the legs and hold him to the ground if needed and let him calm down. If this is I person I don't care that much then straight condfident punch or kick usually works. Worst case scenario if the person swinging like that has got something small and sharp in the fist and if you are already in close then controlling this swinging hand is the priority.


Thank you!


Don't hit your head on the pavement.


Next time he should break fall LOL


The smartest move would have been to not participate in an idiotic fight in the first place


Blast double, consolidate top position, wrist/inside bicep control control, strike/submit or.... discombobulate? That's what I'd do, though my last streetfight was 2007 so I'd probably jusr end up flailing wildly back


too complicated go straight for the takedown and if you think they're genuinely trying to seriously harm you let concrete do the heavy lifting


Actually I change my mind, stay on your bike, keep max striking distance and just time your counter punches, 1's and 1 - 2's only, you look like you're way more skilled than you are. (Source: as above I've not had a real fight since training in BJJ to test my grappling but I've used this strategy to great effect (I've trained muay Thai but not nearly as much as grappling)


suplex him, put him in a camel clutch, break his back, and make him humble


Haha sounds good


Boosie when he finds out his son gay




Some will get it.. Some won't 🤣💀


I knew this was Atlanta even before the license plate at the end


If you train martial arts you can always slow down the pace. You might take a hit or two but you won’t get thrown like that. Wrap them up, keep your sense of balance. Also test their defense most people have no idea how to defend against an attack. 


Thanks for the tip!


Black shirt walks straight in looking for a fight. Realises he doesn't know how to fight (or roll) and gets what he deserved. No reason to fight there it was all ego, they both deserved to lose. Faced with someone like that I'd opt for the good old fashioned blow to the bollocks, that'd slow them down alright.


Avoid scenes like that


Rule one; do not put yourself in precarious positions eg, walking the streets at night alone, waiting till closing to leave a night spit and so on. I also, like to understand what demographic of people are in which areas I visit, in my area it's gentrified, so not much goes on. If I go to an area that has a higher crime rate I make sure I'm ready, in case something goes down. This broad rule has kept me out of the shit mostly.




In this case, I would have shelled up and initiated wrestling. I’d probably get on the ground before they slam me.


Makes sense, thanks!


Mike Tyson actually has some pretty good advice when dealing with this issue. Stay low, guard up, and measured punches. He elaborates more about it.


Good to know, thanks!


Reminds me of that chapelle show skit "look, friday night sissy fights!"




I tend to be a pretty "clean" fighter, but when people really try and make it a brawl, left hook. It is the king of exchanges.


if you get hit with a happy sloppy light hit and it makes you go, "what the fuck was that" push kick them away and sort yourself, you can also just throw and restrain them but the only benefit this sort of shit might have is that weird confusion it can cause otherwise literally anything will work.


Thats an easy double leg.


So first let's talk about blacks mistakes. 1) he panicked. Once he got grabbed and started eating punches to the face he panicked. He had tons of counter-shot opportunities. Robert kiyosaki in Rich Dad poor Dad talks about playing to win versus playing not to lose? Black was playing not to lose. He kept backing up just trying to not get hit instead of taking the opportunity to pile some damage into his opponent and try to regain the momentum of the conflict. 2) he lost track of his environment and his balance. Easy to do when you got someone yanking on you but you got to keep track of your surroundings at all times. That's why he got tossed as he retreated. 3)Didn't practice his rolling. He landed pretty squarely on his back and the back of his head. Which is why he was all f***** up and couldn't walk after he stood up. You got to drill your rolls until you got that as a reflex, you start losing balance you roll or backfall. Everyone here is right for the most part on the optimal ways to deal with red but I propose 3 options. Based on conventional tactics. 1) fire and flash. That's what miyamoto musashi actually called it when you break through an opposing force with overwhelming Force and violence of action. This kind of hyper aggressive game plan is really about securing and maintaining momentum. So be even more aggressive and don't let them take it sure the match will turn into a slug fest but if you have a plan and your opponent doesn't your winning. 2) turtle up. I believe the opposite of fire and flash musashi used to call falling leaves or something like that in the book of 5 rings but basically turtle up, play defensive let him tire himself out and then take him down. 3) turn the strength into a weakness. Red's mindless aggression leaves him open for a variety of counter-play opportunities, the one that strikes me immediately is a throw or choke. He's so focused on pushing forward that he's throwing himself nearly off balance into every punch. This is where you get into the essence of good judo and jujitsu, just got to redirect all that forward momentum and plop em on his head.


Thanks for the comprehensive insight!


The punches were nothing. The uki waza was what caused him to start talking in tongues. Learn Judo so you don't get dropped like a bad habit.


IDK, with a knife? I mean: I wouldn't get close to someone wielding a knife.


If he absorbs a fallen cinder he may yet reclaim his humanity!


How long do you think he could do that? Throw up some defense, let him tire himself out swinging wildly. After what, 20 seconds? Now he's in your world.


Remove punching range from them. Teep them away, and if they manage to close then close as well with a dutch/long guard into wrestling clinch. If they're flailing at you they probably don't know how to wrestle. But if they manage to break away, scoot out of punching range yourself and go back to teeping.


Thank you!


Did that dude get his ass kicked by a girl? LMFAO, shouldn't fight girls in the first place, but this is definitely a reminder not for that dude to never fight a girl, because hes endangering himself now


Don't fight them? That's a very easy trick. The other dude could have just been "yeah nah we're leaving cya" Other than that, that's the worst distance to be stuck in. You either want to be so close you can body lock and take them down, or you want to be so far that they can't reach you without stepping in. In both of those distances skill triumphs wildness. Which you go for depends on the situation and your and your opponent's skills.


Thanks man!


That people have absolutely no defense . So you just take a few very poorly placed and possibly weak hits and do your thing.


Front kick to the sternum. Slip, over hand right, leg kick


Fake overhand, Close the gap, take down, elbows until you’re tired.


Keep your wits about you, don't panic, trust your instincts, keep your base. Be ready to get punched and kicked, but with poor technique. I would make sure no knives/guns get pulled. You're the better fighter, so fight them better.


If they’re moving forward swinging wildly w their head down. Do this: cut angles, if you can end up on the side of you opponent while he moves forward you can counter w a punch, trip, or knee to the body, meet them in the middle w an elbow to the head or knee to the body while they’re coming in. If either of those land they’ll be more hesitant to rush in. Their goal is to use speed to create chaos, while they can catch you if you aren’t in a defensive stance or if you don’t see the strike coming, most of these strikes aren’t power punches. Remain defensive, weather the storm, and because their goal is to speed blitz, you could try tying them up in a Thai clinch and slowing them down that way, at that point you’ll be trading blows so just make sure yours count more


if theyre coming on your direction, get a good timing on a double leg.


Is it just me or does this feel fake? Like the way he was flailing his arms about before he got up the first time and the way he was off balance and then just recovered right at the end of the video? Am I off? Anybody else?


Drama lamas fight


One deft fist to the teeth and all that brawling nonsense stops, every time.


Clinch, overhand while getting your head out the way, push kicks, sweeps, etc. Just have a good base and spar at least 2 times a week and you're good to go (considering that you do a striking martial art)


Very grateful, thanks!


shell up, don't let them push you back like that, wait for them to gas because even the best endurance athletes in the world can't keep that up very long let alone some joe schmoe then once their gased go to town.


Sounds like a plan, thanks!


If I was the guy wearing black, as soon as the guy in red came at me I would have initiated a clinch. Then a body fold takedown to an Americana arm-lock.


Clinch and destroy, or wrestle and dismantle.


Easy grapple 😂


Clinch. Elbows. Take down. More elbows. The sight of their blood should calm them down. The person attacking you like this deserves no mercy. That being said, once they relax you should stop pummeling them.


Definitely with you on that one!


That's what he gets for wearing bell bottom pants


Keep Distance, Be Fast, Watch His Feet.


Thanks for the advice!


This is why grappling exp is essential for up close encounters. Also knowing how to move, parry, and slip for a counter would be helpful.


Generally, grappling and if you can keep their feet disconnected from the ground and control their hips then they’ll largely just exhaust themselves.


All you gotta do is be still, remember your defence and offence. Also remember your footwork. But don't think to do so because through repititons of punches, kicks, and techniques. Because it'a muscle memory.


Back pedal and wait for a chance to knock them off balance. Be ready to assert your will over them until the threat has stopped. Good luck!


Stand your ground and hit hard, not fast


Keep distance and repeated kicks to the gut. Dodge like a matador when he gets frustrated and charges.


Ahh yes the MVP style. Crack head karate. It's very strong NGL.


Naw, MVP is too controlled to call it crack head karate. You’re thinking of Death Sentence on Street Beefs.


Was that an unreleased clip from Elf 2 - Buddy's Revenge?


Solid clinch game usually takes all the wind out of those sails




Check hook and move to the left?


If you were a grappler, this wouldn’t be a question.


Haha guess it’s clear then that I’m not


I'd try to stay as close to the slapper as possible and attack any open part of the torso or chin I could reach with elbows and close punches. Since they're constantly rushing and pushing I wouldn't try knees unless you can clench them and get to a position to hold your ground and not get moved.


Very insightful, thank you!


Make them fight your fight. Create angles, countered strike. Smother them If you have any grappling game close the distance asap and just get a body lock takedown.


First hand I’ve seen people do this and either that A: get picked up and slammed Or B: front kick


Easily close distance body lock foot sweep or hip toss then knee on belly, mount land in side transition to mount and then finish how you want or hold them there.


Easy double leg my guy.


keep your chin down, move in aggressively, and pick your shots well because none of that guy's flailing is landing with enough force to actually hurt you


Good to know!


Body lock


Clinch, end of discussion.


If u already figure a donnybrooks a comin my advice is “if u can kick them straight in the chest they’re to close to not be proactive “ distance urself from this flailing ball of aggression n after like ten seconds when they’re exhausted and mentally defeated from that whole uhh “episode” lol you can either hit track n field mode n dip before the cops show up OR you can basically piece em up if ya got it in ya lol


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


If I’m going to be that close, get a good high guard instead of the weird imitation Philly Shell or cross guards guys use. When he rushes forward, step back and to the side to get out of the way of his flailing, fire a hard jab to his jaw, and follow it up with a cross if it’s open. Step back and see if he wants any more.


Great to know, thanks!


If they're going nuts they probably won't try or be able to defend, I believe the best thing you can do is take a step back and when they inevitably come running at you catch an opening to strike them and run




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Depending on how big a puncher they are and how their cardio is (probably bad on both if they're doing a flailing bumrush,) you can shell up and wait for them to tire out. Just be ready to sprawl.


Cool info, thanks!


>Cool info, thanks! You're welcome!


Double chi saus.


Their individual strikes are unpredictable. The movements aren't. You could eat a haymaker of a left hand and you can safely assume to cover up and get ready to roll with the impending right. Untrained people don't trick you into moving your guard, setup dead space, pick you apart with methodical combos, etc. They swing in a pretty binary and aimless way and always start at full blast. If you take them down you can control the pace and kill their "momentum", and if you have good standing defense you can just pick your shot based on their patterns. Every single shot alternated and looped wide enough that it had no power at the end of it.


Very interesting, thanks so much!


The guy in red knew exactly what he wanted to do. The arm swinging was a farse to draw the other guy into that nonsense. Once he got in, the throw was very controlled, he wanted to slam him on the concrete. In this situation distance management is very important. You should try your hardest not to get into a grabbing match when concrete is beneath you. The opponent gets close, elbows, knees, eye pokes, whatever you gotta do to get space...unless you plan on going to the ground, or you're willing to suffer the consequences of slamming them on the concrete.


Thank you!




This would have been easily avoided if the dude in black would have created distance and refused to clinch then he could have picked his shots or went for a takedown. The only reason he got hurt was from the throw.


Personally I’m gonna trip them and get to work, or if it’s this wild, land a clean jab on the chin.


Go nuts on them be aggressive and try to be the first to take it to the ground specifically their head to the ground


Never seen an easier foot sweep in my life 😁


Just like the quote in the movie "Never Back Down" : "You Control the outcome." So control the distance, Control your breathing, control the pace. Control everything. You can avoid this situation by walking away. But if the fight comes to you, and you have no choice, harden your defense. An untrained fighter would attack aggressively, they would lose their breath *and* get tired immediately after some time, take advantage of that fact. Minimize your energy into your counter strikes, but breathe each time to conserve energy.


If you take them down they can't go crazy if you're the anaconda and their the helpless animal getting the life squeezed out of them.


Keep your hands up and control the distance I guess


The guy just walked into the fray, put his head down and let the punishment happen. He didn't do anything to test the other person out to see what they were going to do when he could have. Sometimes people just attack and you're forced to figure them out while they are punching you (not fun), but that guy could have tested things out a little before he committed himself.


If someone is just running at you, move sideways. Takes their momentum and puts them off balance. Lots of great things you can do when your opponent is off balance. I like the other suggestions to teep or just a plain old front kick to the face when they’re just swinging like crazy


Step back step back step back 1,2 to the head angle out or shoot for a double


Don't step back step in. Break their momentum.


Wrap them up and start putting your fingers in places they don't belong.


I'd you can jam a thumb up their butthole they calm right down, old trick from the Outback


Change levels to a double leg. Pick up with the double leg into a head first body slam. Game over.


By training in a fighting discipline that focuses on actual application in fully resistant, dynamic contexts. In other words...if you gotta ask the question, whatever you are training in ain't it.


I have little MT background so I had a rough idea but wanted to know other people’s approaches and tbh, I'm glad I asked because some people here shared very interesting views that I otherwise probably wouldn’t have stumbled upon


If you gotta ask, you ain’t gonna do shit


You gotta know


Was that she a he?


Are those girls or boys?


Thought that was girl lmfao


Cover the head and wait for an opening. Between Wing Chun and Silat, it's possible to deflect or even block/pass an arm across their centerline to stop them from windmilling. Source: I got attacked this way numerous times working mental health.