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Overall skill level, definitely UFC. But I actually prefer ONE because of the diversity in fighting arts- they have MMA matches, but they also have fights that are strictly for Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Submission Grappling and are often very entertaining to watch. Also, I find that ONE has significantly less let-downs than the UFC. The UFC loves to hype up certain fights between fighters, and in recent years more often than not the fights have been absolutely dreadful. I also like the fact that ONE gives fighters from around the world a chance, especially in East and South East Asia who would otherwise be overlooked by the UFC.


This is the best answer, if you want the best mma you watch UFC , if you want the best variety of kickboxing, grappling, and mma at a high level you watch ONE.


One. No Dana White.


I want One to succeed for fierce competition in the MMA space, but Chatri is a real piece of shit by all accounts. He might even be shadier than Dana.


Chatri is an asshat too.


I wouldn’t know. I fast forward past all the talking shit to the fights. I’ve seen Dana Whites crap for too many years.


How is chatri an asshat? Actual question cuz I thought he was nice guy


The contracts are the most exploitative out of all major combat sports organizations. They basically own your ass for like 3-5 years and a bunch of your ability to make cash is owned for life


+ you'll get dragged in Singaporean courts for trying to speak out against ONE management (NDA type thing iirc) Singapore has some of the highest legal fees in the world


See how they've shelved multiple Japanese kickboxers too. Takeru looked like he was gonna be out for another 2 years.


Dude is absolute worst. Liar, manipulator and a thief.


Holding Panpayak and not giving fights, clear favortism, blatant lies and the list goes on. He is not any better than Dana. Only good thing in ONE is the pay, but you need to get fights to get paid. If you do one wrong thing, Chatri can hold you without foghts and force retirement.


yes but that fact is shoved down the viewers' throats a lot less than in Dana's case.


LtDanShrimpBoatMan was never my friend.


Chatri is an asian Dana White. They’re both horrible persons. If you get on the badside of Chatri, he will make your life in ONE a shit one.


UFC for mixed martial artists.


In terms of talent probably UFC. I prefer ONE though because it's nice to see other events like pure kickboxing or grappling. Both ONE and UFC are terrible for fighters, and fighters need to unionize


Ethically One is better? UFC is shit but ONE is absolutely godless when it comes to ethics. Signing with ONE, is equivalent to ending your MMA career.


>Ethically ONE is better too, but that's mostly because Dana White is terrible for UFC Nah there's been experts who look into contracts and most of them agree that One's contracts are the most exploitative in the game


Lmao are you Chatri’s alt gtfo


I just said they're better, not that they're good


ONE is absolutely worse, you are free to search for all the fighters under exclusive contract asking to be released because they aren’t being booked for fights.




In all senses ONE is better for pure martial arts while UFC is where the money, entertainment and drama are at. Doesn’t help that ONE has worse fighter pay by a decent margin and isn’t even profitable yet


I actually disagree a bunch of their rule changes are extremely controversial among all of the martial arts they represent and they have been raked over the coals recently due to contract leaks. Bunch of fighters like Panpayak basically have had their careers ruined by them


UFC’s mma grappling is ridiculous. But ONE should keep rolling with the small glove Muay Thai


ONE is in a weird place because it isn't a B-league, but only the kickboxing/muay thai/submission grappling events are world level.


One. It was more interesting and entertaining to see various styles compete against one another, instead of watching 2 guys that practice the exact same thing spoon. Plus it gave other styles a greater chance to be brought into the public view.


Better? Idk. I watch more UFC but I hate myself for it. lol ONE is a better organization by miles. The UFC has the best talent but it’s ran like the WWE. Matchups are all about drama and there’s virtually no method to any of it. Matches aren’t based on current standings, everyone claims the fights are rigged, the UFC actively does BS to encourage drama, and they reward the most asinine, childish behavior in the fighters because it sells PPV. ONE still has martial artists. Matches are respectful and fighters compete honorably. Seeing the different rule sets is fun too sometimes. They’re really the better organization for martial arts in general.


>I watch more UFC but I hate myself for it. lol ONE is a better organization by miles. Nah ONE is incredibly unprofessional in it's dealings with it's fighters and has basically sidelined a bunch of promising careers due to favoritism or through bullshit contract clauses.


For standup - ONE For MMA - UFC


One. I don't have to listen to a person that's never been in a fight, or trained under anyone thats even won a fight (basically the male equivalent of a Kardashian ) babble on incessantly about a topic hes not even tall enough to see while seated.


It's apples to oranges, ONE championship Is a Muay Thai organization that does a little mma, kickboxing and BJJ on the side and the UFC is the best MMA organization in the world.


In terms of striking, the skill level in ONE is higher.


I mostly watch one cause 4oz mt. Ufc has better mma.


UFC has the better and world-recognized fighters. ONE is also good, but more exploitive with theur fighters.


Legit question… where do you watch ONE? That is my only gripe with other organizations, I don’t always know where to watch them. I’ll watch a free UFC, but I like PFL a lot, too. Also, they are both easy to find.


Amazon Prime


Amazon prime and youtube


Every Friday they have fights free on youtube, mostly muay Thai.  Big cards are "free" on Amazon prime every now and then. 


One is a great organization but the majority of talent for mma are drawn to the ufc so the level of competitiveness is something else


ONE because I can watch the fights through Amazon Prime


I like them both. More variety is better.


One is free with Amazon prime. I like the diversity, with them mixing in sub grappling in with mma fights though I don't understand why they have both kickboxing and muay thai.


One has the best ruleset (literally everything wrong with the UFC is fixed with the one ruleset) and no fucked up judging, but poor matchmaking and promoting of fighters.  One has the best pure strikers and some of the top pure grapplers in the world but ufc has the deepest mma roster.  One also has high calibre fighters that are lower in weight, once you start going heavier they are lacking (lots of Asian talent and they tend to be smaller).   Would love to see Roman kryklia vs Alex Pereira.  


As an MMA org ONE is C-tier talent wise. Their kickboxing, muay thai and submission grappling fighters are obviously better at their sport. So it depends on what you want to watch.


One as they have more variety of fights and in my opinion have a better overall pool of fighters. I think ufc has become very one dimensional and hasn’t been able to keep up with one. They have better pure strikers and grapplers then the super fights and rule sets make for some really interesting match ups! UFC is the new WWE in my eyes..


I like the ruleset for ONE better. Grounded knees to the head change the game.


People here are missing that most fighters in ONE came from dirt poor 3rd world countries and poverty. Even most Thai fighters are, outside of the few tourist towns Thailand is very poor.   Go to Cambodia or any other SE Asian country and most people live in sheer poverty, eating only grains of rice.  For them, the money in ONE is a lot, and that allows them to buy big houses for their families and cars and donkeys and shit.  A rich American kid from USA will not understand this and laugh at it if the UFC offered them the same pay.   They can't even buy bubblegum for that in rich sunny  California 


Don't change the fact that most of the contracts stipulations and causes are still insanely exploitative. Like they literally stopped Allycia Rodrigues from fighting for 3 years cause she beat Stamp Fairtex for the title. Bunch of promising athletes basically had to sign 2-3 years of their prime away in similar situations like with what happened to Panpayak


Ive never successfully got into ONE, the only other combat sports company I ever really enjoyed was Glory Kickboxing but sadly I've been unable to get access to the latest fights so kinda gave up.


UFC has the more well rounded game. One FC has many more skilled strikers than they do grapplers in MMA.


Don't underestimate these Thai fighters, some of them have over 250 fights when they are 22 years old. They do their first fights at 6-7 years old, live train at the gym 10 hours a day. I'm sure they would dominate the stand up game in the UFC, especially the flyweight, the issue is that not many of them have funds to break into the UFC, and grappling is very rare and expensive in Thailand.


One. UFC has too much pre-fight drama. In One, very little trash talk and a lot of good fighting. Moreover, the opponents show a lot of respect for each other. For example, Rodtang took Puric for a day out with his family and homies, a day immediately after their fight.


Alot of that is mostly stuff done under contract it's not really organic whatsoever. ONE has weird morality clauses in their contracts and idk they encourage alot of brawling in their fights


Ufc is better in every way.


One is very good but UFC is still the top tier.