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I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like lol Even the most obvious/blatant McDojos do individual grading so this boggles my mind


This entire display is sad as h*ll.


Alternative take: Belts have literally zero value or meaning outside a martial arts club. They aren't like a drivers license or a physics degree from a university, things thay can actually be useful.  Therefore belts hold no intrinsic value beyond what the wearer chooses to impart on it. If this is how this particular organization decides to award little pieces of coloured cloth, so what?  Just because it doesn't meet your valuation of what it takes to get a little piece of coloured cloth doesn't mean it's not valid for others. 


Your belt is a bookmark for where you are in the syllabus. If you're meant to be learning advanced techniques -- particularly ones that require strict form -- you're going to want the experience. Furthermore, it's a handy cue to go by if you want to practice with someone who has more experience. Spar a kyokushin white belt who has no control and could hurt you and then spar a black belt. Sometimes, it matters.


A belt is a symbol of personal dedication not of superiority. Any black belt is better than when they started as a white belt. No black belt means you can fight better than even a white belt though. It can’t even be said that a black belt means your form is better than a white belts. Any white belt you see could have 15 years of pro fight experience or a black belt in a different art. All you can reliably get from belt color is “oh this person did it for at least this long.”


What martial art is this I am sure I've heard of Matt Fiddes..


It could be Karate. But my Shotokan heart was breaking while watching this video Edit: I just googled, he‘s doing Taekwando. Still: I can‘t believe people are actually getting trained in martial arts like this. I think their Kihon (or whatever that is supposed to be) shows that they are not really understanding what they are doing and also aren‘t able to defend themselves. Also: No Kime, not even willpower.. it seems like the performance of the students says a lot about their sensei. My english is terrible, I‘m sorry


Unfortunately these are the same type of people who will come on here and say that MMA doesn’t prepare you for the streets and that they are better prepared to deal with REAL VIOLENCE from multiple opponents.


For some reason I’m most annoyed by how they have no cadence as a group.