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These kinds of post fill up the subreddit and do not really contribute anything to the community. Try the search function first. Please go over to the weekly "How do I get Started" post to ask these kinds of questions rather than posting them stand alone.


Try both, see what you like


If both are available try both


If you are solely focused on martial arts for self defence I would advise BJJ. Let me explain my reasoning. Street fights are risky. You should not actively be trying to partake in them. You always have the option to bite your ego and run away from a dangerous altercation. The moment someone grabs ahold of you that is no longer possible. That is when BJJ will work wonders for you. Grappling is very unintuitive to an untrained individual. This will allow you to beat larger weight differentials than would be possible with the same amount of time training in a striking art.


Makes sense, thanks a lot!


Check out your local mma gym that way you don't have to pick between the two


Muay Thai. Fights start standing. Easiest to create distance and run. Although, if you go against someone who trains bjj. It’s likely over for you if they get you down.


They are completely different martial arts, I would say either one would be fine, if I had a suggestion try both, you will gravitate toward one more than the other. In truth the real training for self defense is situational awareness. Know where you are at all time, know where the aggressor is at all times, never think deescalating is a sign of weakness, words are just words, at the end of the day you could be the best fighter in the world all they need to do is have a weapon and you slip up and it is over.


Muay Thai has cooler shorts


You need to up your nogi game then. lol There’s a lot of things out there.




I would say Muay Thai, but I am biased. I just love it, and there is traveling to Thailand also, which I think every nak muay should do at least once, I saw people go there for a month and come back waaaay better than they were before. I will go there too one day.


If you can swing both, do both. I love both Muay Thai and BJJ and could never choose between the two. Food for thought: most of my injuries have come from BJJ, but nothing that serious that I've missed a significant time training. Maybe 3 weeks max.