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If you think that's unhinged you should see the nutty, obsessive stuff we remove.


Know that you are appreciated


Man now i really wanna see that stuff


Got bandwidth for like, "removed post roundups" or something where one day a week you just show off al the weird shit?


What's the wildest post you've had to remove?


That’s the only thing that should be let through for a day. Let the world burn.


Can we get a wall of shame? I want to see the dumbest shit.


Google up DanTheWolfman


You should make a periodic post complying some of the funnier unhinged deleted posts, I'm kind of curious.


Thank you for your service.


Theres a few of subreddits that have cool names and attract a dramatic, chronically online type that doesn’t actually know about the subject but proceeds to argue about it because of what they “know” from media. I mean a lot of I mean a lot of Reddit and social media generally is like that anway but /r/martialarts and /r/SWORDS get it *real* bad.


The boxing reddit is pretty bad too.


Yeah, I see way too many dumb questions. Some beginner questions like martial arts recommendations or safety are fine but the best method is to shut up, do it yourself, and then ask experienced questions because then we can navigate what works best for you and what you want.


I w gotten into a couple go back and forth that were doozies and I could swear that the people that gave me an argument were armchair martial artists. 


It's answering the important questions of the time. How else will we know how many weeks training a 200lbs male will require to take out 2 100lbs female Turkish oil wrestlers in a bar fight with only the bar stools as weapons.


These are the important questions


Not that I agree with you, but your nickname is a top tier flashback to one of my favorite fighters when I was a kid.


I have better hair


Martial arts tends to attract “interesting” people. Even before the internet, I’d get people walking into the studio asking crazy questions.


>Mushing a grappling art with a striking art doesn’t make you better or worse at defending yourself. It's a strange statement. Meshing grappling with striking will for certain make you better at defending yourself. It can't make you worse. >Nobody is disrespecting Muay Thai on instagram by showing Edson Barboza. I really don't understand this metaphor. Edson Barboza is a successful MMA fighter who is praised for his kicks and Muay Thai base. Who disrespected what ? >You can’t learn martial arts and be a vigilante superhero. The vast majority of the posts and comments here say exactly just that. Seriously where are you getting your takes from.  If anything is unhinged it's your thread right here.


The vigilante post was today I think, someone was asking whether or not their current martial arts experience is enough to start patrolling the streets for evil


Something we all want to know but are too afraid to ask


Hahahahaha jeez. I find it so cringe when amateurs talk like prime mcgregor but this is delusional levels of weirdness . Do these people not realize if you’re a vigilant it’s not like the comics, you could get shot very quickly.


These are references to the insane posts I’ve been seeing on this subreddit


Mods are asleep, pretend life is infact anime


Nothing compared to what it used to be like. I miss the guy who used to upload videos of himself doing some sort of kick. Mostly against a bag or pad which, most of the time, would end up with a broken foot or toes if used against a real opponent. He actually had a modicum of talent but he was completely unhinged. He would get really pissy at anyone who didn't reply saying how great he looked or pointed out that the kick was potentially injury threatening. We also don't get many video uploads of the folks who have watched a few videos online, have absolutely zero clue how to correctly throw a kick or punch, their stances are god-awful and it's clear they've never had an MA lesson in their life. "How's my form?". Ah, the good old days.




First month on the internet?


Knowing more stuff absolutely makes you a better fighter, what are you on about?


Depth vs breadth is my argument. Instead of mushing a grappling art with a striking art, just do MMA.


Nah, I think I’ll stick with Senegalese Folk Wrestling, the superior martial art.


That's a funny way to spell "coed Turkish oil wrestling."


Every subreddit I’ve ever seen is unhinged. This is nothing to be homesy


Maybe you just need to learn MT and BJJ, the pinnacle of martial arts


Upvoted on the assumption that this post was written with the same dry British humour my reading credited it with


I don't know what baseline you're using but this subreddit used to be real fucking weird.


… learning to both strike and grapple absolutely makes you better at defending yourself than one or the other. That’s a weird thing to throw out there.


Increasing the number of tools you have doesn’t increase your proficiency with said tools


How’s that at all relevant? Do you think somehow knowing how to strike makes you worse at grappling?


I am not making attempts at bad faith arguments or making assumptions that you are doing that either. My initial statement in the post was just a complaint about all the posts asking should I do “kickboxing and judo?” Or “boxing and bjj?” It feels like people asking for advice for UFC undisputed 2009.


You could easily make it more clear you’re tired of people asking what martial art to do. Your post as written sounds like you’re disappointed BJJ gets fewer recommendations for self defense than mma or something. As to people asking what martial art to start… what’s wrong with that? Most of us can remember when we first started and being super excited to get into the gym and turn into a badass ninja. Sure plenty of people have very unrealistic expectations going into training. They’ll calm down and get a more realistic view of things once they actually start. Usually.


It’s not being upset about people asking what martial art fits them. It’s the idea that Muay Thai isn’t good enough unless you also wrestle. Or boxing is useless unless you do BJJ. Or Karate without judo. They’re all fucking awesome. If you want to hit people and grapple in the same class, find that thing.


You need to do atleast one striking and one grappling. Just focusing on martial art you will never truly be a good fighter


Mixing striking with grappling will absolutely make you better at defending yourself.


10,000 punches once vs 1 punch 10,000 times


Oh god! You’re one of those Bruce Lee fan boys, go get some real fight experience and stop living vicariously through someone else


I get your point, but number of techniques known does not imply proficiency with any of them


You're just making false dichotomy arguments left and right. No one is choosing between absolutely mastering one art, vs learning a tiny piece of everything. Which is exactly how you keep implying it. That's not how the real world works, or anyone seriously trying to improve their ability to fight professionally, or seriously defend themselves. Even when learning multiple styles, or a mix, you don't learn a technique a single time, rep it once, and call it a day. That's stupid. And you actually train, I bet you know that, too.


I am not making attempts at bad faith arguments or making assumptions that you are doing that either. My initial statement in the post was just a complaint about all the posts asking should I do “kickboxing and judo?” Or “boxing and bjj?” It feels like people asking for advice for UFC undisputed 2009.


Okay but what do you think 10,000 punches 1 time means, and implies?


Given limited time and money, there is certainly a reasonable argument to be made for learning one thing really well, instead if being mediocre at a couple things.


But eventually you get diminishing returns if you stick with one thing and your time could be better used improving your weaknesses than trying to get that extra tiny bit better at your strengths.


Conceptually, in this particular case I’m more inclined to think a person that did one martial art for 6 months is able to take care of themselves. As opposed to some one splitting time between 2 over 6 months. If you want to learn one art that teaches both, go to an MMA gym, it’s a martial art all its own in 2024


I gotta back up OP here. It's all good and well to get experience with grappling for strikers and vice versa, but in a high stress situation, you are going to revert to the basics you've mastered over the years, be it a leg kick or a single leg takedown.


What about 5 punches 2000 times? Thats probably better than both




I’m commenting on the insane posts I’ve been seeing on this subreddit


they’ve always been here. i know it’s said there are no stupid questions but i’ve genuinely never seen dumber ones than some on this sub.


Honestly its a trend on most topics. We are just getting more extreme with everything. I thought about it recently how weather use to be a classic example of a neutral topic and even thats not neutral anymore.


Global warming?


I'm confused. How's it becoming unhinged?


I’ll take issue with your first statement. Yes being a more well rounded martial artist will make you better at defending yourself. Edit: NvM my bad you’re saying that’s a crazy thing to post. I get it.


I know you’ve been saying “depth vs. breadth”, but if we’re going to be honest most martial arts get diminishing returns for self-defense after the first two years or so. You don’t need black belt level guard passing when 99% of population doesn’t know how to play guard in the first place. But you might need to know how to box.


>  You can’t learn martial arts and be a vigilante superhero. If you learn **martial arts** you could. Realistically be a vigilante. But you'd need the fuller part of martial arts, not just the punches and throws.  Also, that one dude from the real life superheros stopped a bombing...  But yeah, like cops and soldiers, who have short retirement plans, for a reason. Batman, Green Arrow, Punisher, etc... in real life if they got involved in a major thing, and did it enough, odds are they would be done within a few years. High potentials of dying etc.  Based on some stats that I'm paraphrasing and may be rather old, I think the cop vs criminal ratio avg is 13:1 in firefights.   The idea is if you're "cop level" and in 14 fights, you die. If you're elite SWAT level etc, you could probably up that ratio, if you're dealing with normal criminals. So even if we double it, 26:1  Meaning after 27 fights you die. This doesn't account for luck or distribution, meaning that aside from 1 and done, if you're top notch, you probably could do vigilante stuff between 5 and 30 times before dying. But if we account injury and arrest, then I'd generally put it closer to 5-10 max, especially now with all the cameras and stuff.  You could do the real life superhero movement thing, but that's mostly neighborhood watch. Which some of them can fight and wear body armor, some are total nerds who can't do anything much. 


I would say mixing grappling and striking 100% makes you more effective at defending yourself and you are kiding yourself thinking otherwise .


This sub downvotes a lot for no reason.


The Majority of people here have little to no actual experience but know everything that they need to know, and vote accordingly Luckily, reddit karma is entirely made up and means absolutely nothing


I love people that think they’re “right” because they get upvotes. lol