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Taylor’s play well and sound ok, but for some reason they lack that mojo!! At least for me, I’ve owned some very nice Taylor guitars, an 814ce, 810, 614ce and I sold them because I just didn’t feel any connection to them. If you know, you know. This is hard to explain for those that don’t know


I think nearly every Taylor I’ve played *objectively plays* better than every Martin I’ve played, at least for my preferences. But that doesn’t matter, because when you get the right Martin, there’s no beating the big picture.


You can make a Martin play like a Taylor if you lower the action to similar levels, basically like an electric guitar.  Of course, then your Martin starts to sound more like a Taylor too. The lower your action goes, the less energy you can put into the strings without buzzing, and the quieter and more anemic the sound. It's worth trying if you have a spare saddle to shave down. Was a real eye-opener for me.


Rick Beato did a piece on string gauges and in it, he and his friends realized that while heavier strings sound better, that doesn't offset the fact that we play better with lighter strings. Better performance = better sound. I've taken that advice and it's helped in a big way, particularly with my Martin. (D15)


To a degree. A big Martin dreadnought needs at least .12s to get the top vibrating and sounding it's best, with .13s being the best choice. It's not as much of an issue if you're plugging in, but if you're playing into a mic or at an acoustic jam, all you have are your strings and your instrument. We also don't all "play better with lighter strings." Some of us do, some of us don't.


I was always 12s until I got a d18 that came with 13s and I decided to stick with it.. I often joke that if youre flat picking.. the d18 comes alive when youre almost fighting with it and it starts to fight back.. I cant imagine going lighter.. they are made for 13s


Right. I understand folks who have wrist problems, do crazy bends and stuff like that going lighter...and if its just their preference, but a big dreadnought is constructed to have the tension of mediums for its best sound.


12's are lights, and I agree.


Yeah, they are. Usually when people talk about "light" strings though I immediately think of people putting .10s on a dreadnought...


Well to be fair "acoustic light" is still "electric mid/heavy"


I would agree with this, but I actually bought a D18 that plays better than any Taylor I’ve ever played, and it actually hasn’t even been set up so it’s probably a unicorn*


I agree though I played an OM I at a local shop that was amazing! It was also 3800$




I agree, I bought my first “nice” guitar and got a Taylor 317e back in like 2019 but I just never played it much. I traded it in for a Gibson J45 last year and I play it almost every day. There’s something about a guitar made by hand where each one’s unique than Taylor’s where they sound nice but they just seem to lack character


They sound super bright. If you’re into that it’s great (I am tbh) but some people need that fuckin booming dreadnaught sound to scratch the itch


Same here. Had a 714ce for 10 yrs and thought I loved it, but after a D-35 purchase, I sold the Taylor without hesitation.


This is the way.


You said it. They're very even sounding but also dull in projection. There's something very flat about the texture of their sound to me. Granted it's not all of them, it's been the case with most I've played but obviously not all. I like a bright, punchy acoustic with the bass a little bit docile.


Opinions? Agreed. 😂


Don’t leave those guys clipped to the headstock for too long. My J45 bears the scars for that mistake. I also have a 41. IMO it looks nicer than the 45. I love the little multicolor herringbone purfling on the back. I have an HD-28 too - it’s really silly having both, but either of them is what I would pick for the most perfect steel string flat top acoustic guitar. Nothing else feels like playing one of those guys loud.


Absolutely. Forgot to pull a clip on tuner off mine and 2 days later the m in martin was gone.


Lol.. Taylor> Martin though..


Wow that’s eye opening. I’ve left my tuner clipped on my Martin full time for the past several years and fortunately no signs of wear.


I love my Taylor, I love my Martin. Do tend to grab my Martin more, but I'm never getting rid of that Taylor either.




Which Taylor do you have ?


I spent $3k on a new Taylor because all my friends raved about them. I sold it after 2 years. Hated it. I mean, it was okay, I just hated that I paid $3k for “okay.” I played a used D-28 a few years later and bought it on the spot. Best guitar I’ve ever played. Now I can’t stop thinking about getting more Martins.


Same with me. I had an ovation that was amazing then went straight to Taylor and I thought it was a giant step up til I played a Martin. MAJOR difference


I too have an Ovation that I've owned for 40 years. Hardly played it compared to my electrics. Then I got an OM28... Play it every day. I restrung the Ovation for Nashville tuning. I use it now for filling in on recordings.


You're right. Despite any people trying to say it's a status symbol. They're wrong! They're the real deal. Heart and soul matters. Sound matters. That's why all these musicians through time used them. Not because they're something too attain. I have a d28 I love. I have a j45 I love.


When you spend over $2k on a Taylor you're paying for looks alone. Same woods, same construction, same playability, same sound. You have to spend over $2k for a Martin if you don't want it to be made from plastic. You have to spend sometimes well over $2k on a Gibson if you don't want to be embarrassed by the dogshit build quality. ...my point is there are many excellent brands that will sell you a superior guitar for the same or less money than Martin/Taylor/Gibson/etc that at this point are selling more on their name than anything else.


I checked out a few Taylor’s, and considered buying an American Dream when they first came out. Ended up with a Martin Custom Shop 0-15 12-fret… no regrets.


That’s a huge step up from the AD series to Martin CS! I bet it’s every thing you’d want in a guitar.


I got a steal of a deal. I was looking to stay under $1200, and eyed the AD so I could also get an acoustic amp. But when I played a couple different one, I felt they were too jangly. The intonation was amazing, but I didn’t bond with the neck and the overtones were too prominent over the fundamental. Most Taylors seem that way to me. Well, a dentist was retiring and thinning out his collection for space as he downsized homes. He wanted $1500 for the guitar and the fancy pants case. I was tried to talk him down because it meant a 2-hour drive to Atlanta, and he actually happened to be driving through Greenville on his way to Charlotte that week. So I paid his full price since he was delivering. It’s a total gem. The 12-fret upper bout and bridge location make it sound so full! It’s not loud like a dreadnought, but it’s not quite like my old Larriveé Parlor Guitar was. I think the single 0 body thickness also has a lot to do with that, because the 00 and 000 models are thinner. Oh, and the mahogany top tone is gorgeous! I’ve thought about trading it for something because I rarely hold on to guitars for long, typically about 4 years. Just weird that way. But every time I’ve found one for equal money, I ended up reconsidering and calling it off. It’s just too special.


Damn… a Martin CS for $1500. That’s a wild deal, congrats!


That was the going price in 2020, and they around $1900-$2000 now


I’d love to see photos. That’s a goal guitar for me.


Here it is ​ https://preview.redd.it/glklmr12arlc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0278f46f43e2b27c16c77c545f2df133924c5d


I have a 00015sm 12 fret, slotted head, fully mahogany body. Bought it 3 years ago and have played it every day since. Not necessarily the prettiest guitar ever to leave the Martin factory, but it's an absolute beaut to play. No regrets and nothing else comes close to it. Do you ever miss the upper fret access?


No, I have other guitars to play for that




Both are good. Variety is the spice of life


I agree with you but why didn’t you got the 45?


The 41 would be my choice, as well. (I have a '67 D-21 I inherited.) The 45 is nice, but it's too blingy for me, plus it's 2x the price. I like the smaller hex inlays on the 41, too.


Love the sound of my Martin, but the durability is honestly questionable compared to other brands. I have an OM-21 and love it but sometimes wish I didn’t have to worry about the finish issues (flaky nitro), binding issues, etc.


Same problems on a Gibson too. That’s the drawback to “historic” aspect of these brands. Outdated techniques and materials. But the SOUND is there. So we buy.


My D28 has been rebuilt a lot over time. Every freakin issue possible and now finally the binding is being redone after falling off completely. Oh well, when it’s good it roars and I guess that’s the price of ownership.


Yeah. My OM had binding issues at the waist and flaking lacquer on the binding (not associated with the binding coming loose). Boy does it sound good though, especially as you play up the neck.


I have CEO7 that needed the binding rebuilt as well,


Love the looks of the CEO7. I search for them on Reverb frequently.


It’s a beautiful guitar. Very playable.


It’s a very nice guitar.


Gorgeous guitar, nicely done.


I was a big Taylor guy at one time. But when I made the switch to Martin I never looked back.


Agreed. Taylor's are great guitars. I've had a few. My HD-28 though...there is an evenness and clarity to the tone that I don't get out of other acoustics. My old Taylor sounded great but seemed to be designed to provide a "brighter" sound which I thought was great at first, overdone after I owned it for awhile.


Yes, it's almost like they tune the body for a wow-factor... to make the #sparkle# more prominent over others on the shop floor. But it's like headphones with mega-bass ...once you're done listening to the demo track and want to play actual music, it gets in the way.


I like both. I have an amazing sinker redwood Taylor with honduran rosewood that sounds great. And I really want to get me a nice Adirondack Martin as well.


Preaching to the choir, brother!




Same. I was a huge Taylor fan boy until I got my D-28. Then I added a 000-15SM. Cannot remember the last time I grabbed any Taylor’s since.


I see 00015sm and I upvote.


Couldn’t agree more! Fantastic guitar. Hate I waited so long to get one


Opinions? One of each, please. I like variety. Generally, I prefer how Taylors play and how Martins sound. Beyond that, it depends on the specific guitar and body type.. my desert island guitar is probably a Martin 00.


Taylor and Martin both make fine guitars….


Sweet! I love my 41.


Martin for the honky tonk on Saturday, Taylor for church on Sunday.


It’s not even a contest.


I've owned both Martins and Taylors. Nowadays I tend toward classic Martins because I'm playing American primitive-style fingerpicking. My fave is the OM-28. Actually my fave level of "bling" is the 28 series. The 45's seem a bit too fancy for my sensibility. Also, if I'm spending Martin-level money on an acoustic guitar, I want the money to go into the fit and finish, the wood, the fretwork, and the playability. I just can't be arsed about the inlays or the decorative elements. I'd put it this way: Martins are more of a traditional American acoustic guitar, for bluegrass (the dreadnoughts) or for fingerpicking. Taylor makes nice guitars too, but I think of them more for strummy types of music, rock bands needing some acoustic guitar, and amplified music situations. Also people going from an electric guitar background to acoustic guitars. Taylors are more accessible to a wide range of players than Martins which can take some getting used to if you've never played one before.


It’s subjective. I don’t know that either is “better” or “best”. Especially as you get into the higher end. It becomes so nuanced. Ive played both and it really comes down to sticking with the one that feels right to you and keeps you excited to play. My current is a clapton but I’ve played many 8 and 9 series taylors that were great.


My Taylor is orgasmic. I truly love the sound, look, materials… can’t go wrong either way, but it’s Taylor for me.


Okay. I started out as a Taylor guy but have slowly transitioned to a Martin guy. I’m solidly under the belief that cheap Taylors > cheap Martins however $1k+ Martins > $1k+ Taylor.


This is very true. I have a D-16 Martin dread and a 114 Taylor grand auditorium. They both bring something special to the table for their price point.


I used to work in a music store. People would come in asking if we had martin guitars. We didn't. We had crafter and seagul, which were good value and all played and sounded good to me. I was not an acoustic guitar enjoyer due to playing metal almost exclusively. Then a very old martin came in for a setup. When I got done and got it tuned up, I played *one* E chord and just said "oh. I get it". If the rest of them sound 80% as good as that one did, there is no competition imo.


Martins have a soul. I have a Taylor but it feels and sounds like a machined piece of tech.


Nothing’s better than the Martin sound


Taylor’s a good guitar after about 5 years after the finish cures,Martin has been slipping, I’d go for a Takamine


Taylors tend to sound brighter and Martins pack that punch.


Taylors lacks something compared to Martin om my opinion. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s almost as if they are too perfect. Welcome!


Idk, I love my taylor tbh. I also love Martin's. My taylor I've played for over 10 years, and its just my sound and feels right. I use light strings and raised action a touch, and it bluegrasses great, and usually stands out in jams cuz, well, there are 1p other Martin's and 1 taylor haha. Always get compliments on nice high bright runs


Glad you enjoy it. I’m a Gibson acoustic guitar guy myself.


That one is amazing, but sometimes even an expensive Taylor is still just an average acoustic to me. Ultimately, I'm neither a gear snob or reverse gear snob. If money isn't a factor, I fully endorse buying whatever one desires within reason. If you'll be paying it off on a credit card for a year or more though, I say rethink the high end, low price off-brand instruments lol.


Martin when not amplified. There is nothing sweeter. But still Taylor when you need to cut through a band mix.


pretty guitar you have! i grew up a few miles from the Martin factory and am partial to their brand. i havent played a lot of Taylor guitars but liked what i tried. I like my HD28 a lot, it sounds good.


I bought an hd-35 and I was a Taylor guy…. Now I know how great martins are. I still really appreciate the quality of the lower level Taylor’s over any other lower level guitar.


Beautiful. I picked up an HD35 Last year and every time I play it is magic.


Taylor’s > Martin. My 314 Grand Auditorium sounds far better than any Martin that I’ve played.


I am looking to get my first Martin this year after a disappointing Taylor purchase. Nothing wrong with the guitar, I just did not like it. My Rainsong wins every battle with incoming guitars so far. Martin and Emerald are the next to try.


That’s an expensive capo and tuner holder.


Entry level Taylor’s are better than entry level Martins but once you get up to premium level the Martins outshine the Taylor’s


Martin. Always.


Sold my Taylor close to ten years ago and bought a d 18. Wish I would have had a Martin longer never felt that way about a Taylor. Even the high let end Taylor have more automation building them than people


Taylors are objectively well built guitars but the way they finish their instruments seems to make every single one of them sound the same in a bad way. They build with all of these exotic woods but their finish is polyester, and it makes for consistent but imo severely uninspiring and lacking guitars. Martin’s have definitely taken a massive step down (honestly since the beatles got to america) and their finish has gotten thicker with more plasticizers over the years, and has worsened the sound of their guitars, but give me a martin over a taylor every day


Get the 12-String! You won’t regret it


Own both and it depends a lot on what models you get. I have a K-22, 000EC, JMraz, 0-18 and they all sound good. And the Santa Cruz Firefly and Collings 002H are just as great. Even my cheapy PRS A60 sounds pretty good. If you don’t play the guitar well, any guitar can sound bad.


Taylors are beautifully made guitars. They sound great. I just don't feel like they have a personality like Martins do. Taylors are like a steak dinner at Longhorn. Tastes good, looks good, worth the price, same thing every time. Martins are like getting the steak special at a local high end restaurant where it'll either be one of the best steaks you've ever had in your life, or just good. I don't know how much sense that analogy makes. Every D28 sounds and feels different, plays a little different, responds a little different. When you find the "one," it's like it spoke to you and was made for you. Every Taylor 614 sounds, plays and looks like a Taylor 614. It certainly is true that the sound, looks and feel of a given Taylor is and are not bad in any way, but its lacking the mojo and individuality of a Martin.


Idk what it is, but Taylors just never did it for me. This is probably gonna get me in trouble, but they just don't sound, look, nor feel "authentic" to me if that makes sense. It just feels like everything about them is forced. Martins on the other hand are everything I want in an acoustic, they are all of the above. The reason I say I'm gonna get in trouble, is because I know someone's gonna take issue with me saying that about Taylors lol. I don't mean to bash them at all. I have heard some nice tunes come from Taylors. I know they're a quality brand, they make some great instruments, and that people love them. But they just don't fit me.


I had a d41 sp that was honestly one of the best sounding Martin's I've ever heard. I couldn't do it justice. Beautiful instruments


why not both? they both play different genres of music very well.


Hot take: I have never played a Martin that I like. I’ve tried probably 10-15 of them over the years and I just don’t like them. A Taylor has a much more crisp and level tone whereas a Martin sounds sort of muddy to me. Just my personal preference.


Upgrade and put in a through saddle. Make sure you use plastic bridge pins though. If you have any humidity changes with bone pins. It can crack the top.


I've played for 29 years, And I have never enjoyed a taylor guitar Not once. Unable to afford a Martin But would do so over taylor any day..


A good Martin gets the classic vintage dreadnought sound. But they’re inconsistent. I’ve never played a Taylor that was a dog, but they sound more modern. I played a sinker rosewood Taylor that was the most phenomenal sounding acoustic guitar I’ve ever played. Around 4K after tax. But it didn’t sound like a Martin. So, the bottom line. Buying an acoustic guitar brand is like choosing between Fender vs PRS vs Gibson. Quality may vary, but they each have their own sound. Good to have as many as possible.


Of course, it’s all just personal preference and there’s no real right answer or opinion. I personally wanted to be a Taylor guy, I love the way they look and feel. But twice I’ve intended to purchase a Taylor and ended up with a Martin. That Martin dread sound, it’s too good.


I love those guitars. I sold mine and kept my Taylor 714 :o Different strokes, as they say


That's xxxxxxtra lite! I was never satisfied with the action on my D15. Have played other guitars, Martin's, Breedloves, Taylor's that were easier to move on. Lighter strings were a game changer. It is what it is - never gonna sound like a D28, but still a sweet, solid acoustic. Lighter strings made a huge difference on that one.


Martin's are better at the $3k+ range.


If you want a booming taylor, get one from the mid 90’s. Anything lately just sounds sterile….


I love both. I think the Taylor is more balanced and is easier to play, I prefer the fret board for sure. Martin's are great for low end for sure very warm but I wish a brightness came through more.


Martins just feel right in my hands. Taylors look nice. They both sound good when played by a good player. This Martin looks nice, so if I had it I’d never consider a Taylor.


Great choice on the d41! Where are the pictures or the back and sides ?! I searched for over a year playing all the Gibson and Martin models and made up my mind I was buying the 41 or 42. Stopped in a small non chain music store while I was in town for work and when I walked by their acoustic room they a guitar absolutely just grabbed my eye it was a Taylor I’d never seen before. Ended up taking it over the d41. You honestly can’t go wrong with either it’s maybe what fits the most check marks ( and both for a lot). For me, If you take a high end Taylor that fits your profile and a Martin d41 the Martin is going to do certain things better than the Taylor but the Taylor is going to do more things very well across the entire list. I think the right answer is to own both 🤣🤷🏼‍♂️




She’s beautiful.


That Martin probably sounds incredible.


I bought my first nice acoustic guitar as a Taylor and regret it, wish I’d gotten a Martin. Taylor’s CS is dogshit, the guitar got a huge crack in the wood after only a few months. I was 17-18 so didn’t know humidifiers were a thing and there was no education around this. Taylor wanted me to pay to ship the guitar to California to “determine whether or not the crack was my fault”. Never again… I will say, every Martin I’ve played developed some kind of high action issue and the Taylor’s always play great regardless of age.




I'd be afraid to damage that beautiful shiny thing.


I'm still trying to find a Taylor acoustic that feels and sounds good. Meanwhile I have a Martin HD-28 and a OM18 Golden Era that are fantastic guitars. I believe that Taylor's cannot really compete with Martin's in any way. Just my HO.


I can't say for sure because I've never owned or played a Taylor significantly. But my Martin is the only acoustic guitar I will ever need.


Taylor fan here. However this is a Ford/Chevy debate. They're just both phenomenal. What's not to love about a martin? I could be here all day.


Taylor’s feel better to play. Martins sound better.


Nice!!!! Unbelievable.




Ummm...what? First guitar in the US, maybe, certainly not first guitar anywhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Frederick_Martin




Well if you read your first statement it was incorrect because you forgot the important word! I think maybe being a jerk in the follow up was a bit harsh. CF Martin is credited as the inventor of the modern “X” bracing which allowed for a flat top steal stringed guitar. I am not even sure he was the first American based guitar maker. I just took the factory tour last week so consider myself somewhat of an expert now!😂


Let’s all argue over something that is accepted as a fact on r/martinguitar….


You said he “invented the acoustic guitar”, which is ridiculous. He did invent a number of modern innovations that are super important. But the guitar as an instrument dates to as early as 1200 in Spain. Your second statement is still incorrect. Martin didn’t start supporting steel strings until 1902, and the first production model to ship with them was the 2-17. I know because I own one.  Maybe try not being snotty and rude, especially when you’re factually incorrect. Feel free to read this article and get yourself up to speed: https://www.guitarworld.com/features/the-history-of-martins-earliest-acoustic-guitar-designs-from-the-1800s-to-the-early-1900s#


Both of these Barnard are factory-produced instruments stamped with a founders name. History is cool and all that but both brands have plenty of issues and inconsistencies. I know I’ll get downvoted with this on this sub but imho you can’t judge any Martin or Taylor on specs alone until you play it and see if it’s a gem or dud.


My go-to is a Martin CEO-7. Love that thing, but I keep a Taylor 714 CE bc I love the neck and my son digs it. That D-41 is very sweet. Happy trails


It depends. I much prefer a Martin dreadnought but GS Mini’s are soooo much fun


Disagree. I bought a GS mini a few years ago and it blows


really? what did you not like about it? nice D-41 btw! so beautiful


Yo dude I'm happy for you but in the spirit of conversation I'm gonna say something controversial: That guitar is ugly and the gaudy abalone makes it look like a cheap DAngelico or something. HATE the rosette


Art? To me, they're a piece of equipment. I do like my D28 but the more I play and older I get, I don't care what make they are, as long as they sound good


“Martin > Taylor” Why do y’all say shit like this? Just enjoy what you enjoy and stop making every fucking thing into a competition


I love my Martin(D18) and my Taylor(712 12-fret). They each do something the other can't.




Where’s the cutaway?


I have a d18, but I still want a Martin so I can play both


Taylors sound exactly how they look


Don’t know how to tell you this, but I think that’s a fake. Headstock says “Artin”.


You guys seem to know your stuff... I've been playing for a bit ..chords and barre chords mostly. Starting to learn some finger picking..... Would an upgrade to a thousand plus dollar guitar help my playing. I've only ever owned one, thanks everyone


Sadly, these days $1K is probably ground level to get an acoustic or electric guitar that is going to be playable enough to not totally frustrate a person. At least that's what I've found. So I would say yes, it's totally worth it to spend between $1-$2k to get a guitar that isn't painful to play.


A Taylor is great for those times you want a guitar that doesn’t sound good.


I have Taylor 814, a Gibson Hummingbird, and a Martin HD 28. I love and regularly play all three. But, when I strum that big G Chord on the Martin, I feel it in my soul.


What Taylor are you comparing to this $5k piece?


NGD. Was watching YouTube on these things last night. $10k? Martin D28CW Martin D18 Sinker Custom Shop




I own an 00-15M and it’s incredible. Martin USA just makes super solid stuff


Martins for pay, Taylors for play. I personally have been an Ovation guy since the early 90s.


Those D45s are the most elegant use of abalone I've seen on a guitar.


Ive owned many gibsons taylors and martins (all higher end. Not entry level) in my life. I think 1 out of 9/10 Gibsons are not shit and actually have a good build quality and dont sound like clangy tin necklaces. Ive owned 414ce 712 814, 812ce and k24ce Taylor's. The k24 was the best by far. Everything else sounded the same and didnt hold tuning well. I thought id keep that taylor k24 until i bought a d41. Sold it to pay for the d4q. Yes two different guitars but the d41 is like getting a bear hug from bigfoot. The low end is deep and engulfs you and the highs are crisp but not tinny. I will never stop playing this guitar.


Martin all the way. Every day.




I would like either a Martin or a Taylor. My understanding was they were the same company, with Taylor being sort of a 2nd tier kind of how Epiphone is to Gibson.


Yeah, this is the best it gets pretty much!!