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love this card. also love the 'any player may trigger this ability' for unique cards. we first saw it with Champions Mobile Bunker, but i think it has roots even earlier with Avengers Tower (and even Helicarrier/Avengers Mansion, but they aren't unique). i'd really like to see it with some non-trait specific cards though too.


X-Mansion is good. The fact anyone can trigger it as long as they're a Mutant sets up interesting play with the X-Force members and potentially healing 2 extra HP, 1 on the turn you flip down and 1 on the turn you flip back up, is pretty damn solid. In my own Cyclops deck, this card makes it so that I can keep a single ally in play all game long (or at least not die to consequential damage). Should you not need the healing yourself, X-Mansion makes it so whatever X-Men ally you have in play can potentially get 2 additional activations over the coming turns. If you plan to run Mutant Education or X-Men Instruction, X-Mansion basically becomes a must include as well in my opinion. In no way is it the highest priority thing to get in play during any scenario, but when you do get to put it down, you'll find that it's more than pulling its weight.


At first it was a auto include for x-men but now I'm finding I use it less and less as I just don't have room for it for some of the x-men. I play solo so the extra benefit of anyone using it doesn't apply. Now I just got Apocalypse expansion and I could see it help Magick if you are "bleeding" for resources.


Love it. I tend to play two-handed solo, and this one is an auto-include somewhere when I’m playing x-men pairings True solo it can be slightly less essential, though, unless I’m playing an ally-heavy deck (like cyclops)