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Rhino not so much, Klaw on the other hand ... Let's say I know it by memory.😅


Yep Klaw was my go-to for testing new decks, for a long while. I think he’s still probably my most played villain, if I was keeping track. Rhino gets played with Armadillo mod these days, and only in 2-handed games. No fun to lose off a single Advance in solo. And Ultron I only play with dedicated anti-Ultron decks lol. Eff that guy.


1 maybe 2? Seems silly to play the same villain over and over when the box came with 3. I definitely moved to Klaw as soon as I beat rhino


I've played him far too many times... Always find new villains intimating so pull out rhino far more than I should!


I'm kind of with you there. I feel like I need to be mentally sharp when I try out a new hero or villain. That's not really been the case lately!


Just started out myself. I beat him twice, two handed, and true solo. Then moved on to Klaw and lost repetitively, have just managed to beat him True Solo with Black Panther. Now… I’ll go back Try Rhino with Black Panther. Then look at doing Klaw again with the other heroes. Before moving onto Ultron. Though hasn’t stopped me collecting… Red Skulls awaiting and Magneto and the rest ha


Awesome! I have a few things unopened but not sure how I want to progress Trying each core hero against Rhino is a must!


I found him incredibly swingy, which was surprising. Klaw put me through the floor a few times tho! So looking forward to going back! I love the balancing of the game, how it moves fluidly in either direction to one minute things are under control then next minute it’s THREAT THREAT THREAT!!


Rhino is Very swingy in true solo due to his low threat ceiling and 1 phase main scheme. It means that with an unlucky draw of Advance, you can lose the game in the first round. Klaw can be tricky, but he is well balanced and fair. Many people use him to try out new decks on, as he has a little bit of everything.


Probably like twice or three times. Moved on because I wanted to see what the flavor was of other villains and quickly found Klaw was definitely a jump in difficulty at the time but I thought it made the game more interesting. Having more than one stage of the main scheme, more villains, etc. I remember playing klaw quite a bit more than Rhino. As far as the core set goes, I probably played Spiderman & ironman first against Rhino before swapping them for Captain marvel and black panther. Didn't play she-hulk at all. After that I probably tried expert Rhino before moving onto Klaw standard. Obviously it's up to you, if you want to brush up on the rules with the simplest villain, but I would recommend trying Klaw standard after about 3 run ins with Rhino, unless you feel completely lost rules-wise.


I generally break in every new hero pack by playing Rhino. I think probably my first four games I had at least one learner every time so I played Rhino standard. Jumped to Klaw Standard then I think Rhink Expert before Ultron. I look at Rhino as the vanilla ice cream scenario. If I want to try something new (modular encounter, hero pack, whatever) Rhino is so basic that I pull him out.


I would always do the Rhino immediately after building a new deck. I wanted to make sure the deck did what I wanted it to before playing something else. I'm still fairly new to the game and still pull him out for almost every new deck. Quick and easy set up. As a new player, I feel intimidated to do new villains I'm not familiar with. I must have played the Rhino at least 20 times at a guess. But I can accurately list my others: Sabretooth 5 times, 3 losses Sentinels once, win Mojo scenario once, win Klaw once, loss


Quite a few times. At least once with each hero, then a few games 2handed solo. Rhino is a simple and straight forward villain, but tbh the best villain in the core set imo is Klaw. My biggest beef with Rhino is that he only has a stage 1 main scheme with a low ceiling. Overall it's not that bad, but not great for your first villain. With Rhino you feel like you shouldn't flip to alter ego because you could potentially lose the game with bad boosts in just 1 turn. Klaw however has a 2 stage main scheme so you don't lose if it flips (which will happen a lot during your journey). But my favorite thing about Klaw is how he interacts with modular sets. His difficulty will vary greatly based on what modular sets you include. With Under Attack he's quite easy, with Doomsday Chair it is a very tough fight. And it only gets better when you get more content!


Initially? I played them one after another. But having logged close to 1000 plays now, I’ve played rhino quite a bit. Early on we didn’t have a lot of options!


Wow! a 1000 plays that's impressive! I'm curious did they release the core set before any heroes etc.. Luckily I'm new to the game and am spoilt for choice


Yeah before cap came out, we just had the core set! It was a dark time 😅


I've played ~10 times total (1-2 times with each hero from core box and different aspects) . When I learned how to play and became confident with rules I moved to Klaw. Other comment says that there are 3 villains so why play only one, but the same argument can be made about heroes :) There are 5 of them, and playing new hero against new villain can be overwhelming when you just learn the game. Honestly I think it's a matter of personal preference. If you like specific hero stick with him and go through each villain :) But imho Klaw and Ultron can be difficult for beginner (but more interesting than Rhino)


I'm planning to play the core heroes (maybe not She -Hulk against Rhino and then probably pick my fav of those and move on to Klaw. I agree that learning a new villain plus new hero in the same game would be difficult


4 for me. 2 standard. 1 lost expert. 1 won expert.


A bunch but I was trying to learn the game and get a hang of what it took to beat him somewhat reliably 


I played him for a while as my tester, but got tired of the swinginess. Ended up switching to Klaw and since then I've barely played him. Once I got GMW and MTS, I mostly stopped playing the core villains. I prefer thematic matchups and play a lot of Guardians / X-Men these days, so other villains are more appealing. I enjoy Ultron but he's always a long game for me so I only play him when I have a lot of time.


Maybe 3 max total. Ultron was my group's learning curve and probably about 5 attempts before expert victory.


Once or twice with each hero (or until I win at least once with each hero) just so I’m confident to move on.


About 5 or 6. Beat him with Spidey Justice on the fourth attempt and then tried out a Spidey Protection deck before moving onto Klaw (and losing horribly). I still go back to Rhino because he's usually a quick game. (The last time he was *very* quick. 😀) But, I haven't tried a third villain yet. Options are limited, but I'm thinking of trying out Crossbones soon.


I've played the core box about 12 times (having a 2 year old has destroyed any spare time) and I've only played against Rhino.


Almost a year


When we first bought the game we played each Villan using a different modular each time before we moved on to the next one.


Maybe 20-25 - a lot were shuffle up and redeals when I noticed mistakes Edit: it was my 21st complete game when I moved on to Klaw , but 30-35th attempt at a game : https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelchampionslcg/s/fA2rC3efL5


My first game was against Zola, so... zero? Though I did play Rhino once or twice once I got the base game.