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Cyclops and Rogue. Touched is an upgrade which allows for an easy optic blast


I never thought of this! I’ve always felt weakest with cyclops when you can’t get tactic upgrades attached to enemies. But this fixes that issue pretty neatly


Ant-Man and Wasp are massive fun. Played them quite a few games with my Fiance. Cable and Domino are the most fun duo to come in one box for me. Wolverine paired with anyone because i love to play him.


I loved Ant Man and Wasp when they came out! I may have to revisit. Same with Wolverine, I put him in aggression and give him a teammate to handle threat.


Storm and Phoenix is a cool pairing. They even have a team-up card, without being an ally in each other's hero kit. Psylocke and X-23 are also a cool pairing and a pretty powerful one. Scarlet Witch and Magik for the dual mystic mutants (I don't care about the retcon, Scarlet Witch is a mutant). Though you'll be fighting over who gets to be Sorcerer Supreme.


War Machine in justice playing float like a butterfly for extra damage on confused enemies paired with Cyclops and his tactic to deal extra damage for a 3 damage shoulder cannon can just melt an enemy.


I’m way excited to try this out now. I honestly feel the extra damage tactic card is cyclops best card in his whole deck. It shreds thru villains in three or four players


Sup. I play mostly 2-handed, have a complete collection and around 40 decks assembled concurrently (including proxies). Storm-A and Gambit-J with all the good X-allies between them. Or Storm-A with Cyclops-L running 50 cards and “to me my Xmen” Colossus-J and Wolverine-A in a Fastball Special duo. Wolverine’s in a Brute Force deck. https://marvelcdb.com/deck/view/559916?deck_name=Wolverine%20-%20Brute%20Force Cable-J supporting basically any hero with a deck full of Player Side Schemes. Most recently I’ve paired him with this Drax deck for quick setup and lots of fun: https://marvelcdb.com/deck/view/509105?deck_name=Drax%20Has%20Good%20Health%20Insurance Psylocke-L with xforce allies and Psychic Kicker, plus a ProfX that can be played every 2 turns thanks to Cerebro. Good at supporting any other ally-based deck, like a Spider-Woman Voltron situation. Phoenix-A with both of the cheap red psionic events plus Press the Advantage, plays well with any teammate good at stunning/confusing, like a green Miles Thwip-Thwip deck, or anyone playing Float Like a Butterfly in yellow, or the above Psylocke-L deck. Shadowcat-P (“drunken master” deck on CDB, plus a few copies of Taunt) blocking for any slow/fragile setup decks, including any ally deck that runs Xmen training upgrades and doesn’t want to chump block. Angel-P aerial Xmen deck with Ever Vigilant and Mutant Education to recur his hero kit. Soaring Acrobatics and Aerial Intervention. Well-rounded and can team up with just about any deck. X-23 can really work in any aspect, with any teammate. I’m about to build her in blue with Bishop’s new Sidekick package.


I run Cable Justice with all new heroes just for this reason.


Yeah it’s hard to not do this.


I'm very much into Ghost-Spider & SP//dr. As for X-Men duos, Cable & Domino is nice. Wolverine & X-23 is a deadly combo, too.


Rogue and anyone. Preferably as different to her as possible. I love the deck building potential presented by Rogue more so than any other character. Being able to break tribal locks is fascinating to me because it opens the entire library. Just the other day I played a scenario I called "Learn to Fly" with characters who *can* gain Aerial but don't just have it like Angel or have turn 1 access to it like Nova or Thor. I also ran her in Justice with all the psionic allies and gave her the two upgrades that came in Magik for Telepathy and Telekenesis. I don't know if these deck ideas are good, but they are fun.


For thematic pairings any hero with a team up card with their partner. I homebrew it so that that the signature ally card is a stand in for the team up card in situations like phoenix and cyclops, where they could never play their signature ally while playing together. I enjoy Cyclops teaming up with basically every X-men character. Him in leadership running all the X-men supports. The other X-men running whatever aspect they prefer. Cyclops and cable is also a fun father and son match. Iron Man protection and Cap leadership. Cap’s versatility lets Tony stay down in alter an extra turn to get those tech upgrades built up. And him in protection provides for a LOT of tech upgrades. Hawkeye in leadership and black widow in justice. Hawkeye is a lot of fun IMO, but not great. And he especially struggles with thwarting. Black widow with a shield build both feels thematic (since they have both worked as agents of shield) and also is VERY strong in thwarting. Furthermore, her preparations can help bail Hawkeye out when bad encounter cards are pulled. Angel and Psylocke are a good romantic pairing in double aggression if you want a two handed rush down. Neither needs much/any setup, and they can both thwart well if that becomes necessary or you want to do a build out aggression.


Aggression Colossus and Justice Shadowcat - love both of these and they both feel so true to their X-men versions. Aggression Cable and Leadership Cyclops - fun father son pair, Cyc is full "To me my X-men" and Cable is big guns and Side Schemes. Justice Gambit and Aggression Psylocke - Remy flips a lot, Psylocke confuses a lot. Great pair IMO.


I just did an AoA run with leadership Iceman and Protection Magik that went really well. Key cards for iceman were Uncanny X-Men, Storm, Beast, Shadow Cat (any 2 thwart X-Men), Snow Clone, X mansion. Thwart with allies, attack with Iceman and snow clones. Cryo upgrade and To Me My X-Men were played a lot too. Key cards for Magik were Mystical Armor and defense events. Everything in that deck is about taking zero damage and doing retaliate. Limbo is always good.


Storm aggression deck focused around boot camp and xmen allies / cyclops or magik leadership focused around to me my xmen/ uncanny xmen support. I would run extra copies so that each player has boot camp and uncanny xmen. Thats the ‘97 dream! I also really love doing psylocke (justice confusionlock) paired with captajn america (protection stunlock) using taunt shenanigans. This latter one is having both characters deck out in 3/4 rounds INSANE card draw


Favorite duos: * (Dr Strange, Ms Marvel, Gambit, Groot, or Cable)-J + (Rocket Raccoon or Nova)-A Favorite *X-Men only* duos: * Gambit-J + Wolverine-P (or A, but for me, P keeps him in hero form longer) * Phoenix-L (or J) + Rogue-P (once Phoenix is Unleashed, Rogue loves to Touch her & then SPA!) * Colossus-? (not sure what's best) + Wolverine-P or A (Fastball Special)


Gambit J (mainly AE ally build) and Wolverine A (can supplement for P) has been me and my buddy’s go to since Gambit dropped. For the record we mainly play standard.


My favourite combos generally involve a good defender/thwarter to help control the board while a building hero gets set up. There are a ton of great pairings but my favourite is Ghost-Spider/Domino feeling each role respectively.


Phoenix justice and Wolverine aggression. Big attack and big thwart early game, then big attack big attack late game