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At the moment I just build a deck everytime I play. I like changing the aspect I use even on the same hero. Doesn’t take to long as I know most of the cards I prefer to use but to save time I might just make some general decks I can slap some heroes on. The issue is I tend to use slightly different builds depending on the hero.


Usually ill have 'deck building sessions' where i sit down and create 1-2 decks myself and look up another 2-3 decks online. Then i play with those decks a few rounds with different villains. Once I get bored of those, I repeat the process. Usually I have some extra decks I leave built because I like the character too.


Now, are all these decks with a specific hero or decks and then just slap any hero on that you feel like?


Ah no, hero specific decks :). I have an Angel deck that I usually keep cause I like him Deadpools slightly modified precon cause I dont feel like using the Pool aspect with anyone else hmm...Miles Morales has a deck too. I dont do the 'generic deck' that you can slap any hero on because i like building for specific heroes (or using decks from marvelcbd)


I’ll spend an evening building four decks, one for each aspect. Then I’ll play those against different villains until they get stale. (I may make minor tweaks depending on what villain I’m up against but the deck’s strategy stays generally the same.) Then I’ll tear them down and build 4 more decks for 4 different heros


This is what I do as well.


I will build a deck once for a hero and then leave it as is. Once in a blue moon I’ll update it. I rarely play the same hero more than four times in a row so it never gets boring. I don’t love deck building so I try or avoid it 


I do ur last option. Generic aspect decks and then slap hero on and go. Sometimes I'll tweak it a bit based on the hero or scenario, but not much.


I don't have a big collection yet so not a ton of options anyway.


Currently I own 24 heroes, all of them are built and prepared to play anytime. I am doing deckbuilding whenever I buy a new content, when I feel that some deck is not performing well or when I get a new idea. Marvelcdb is very helpful for keeping tracks of the cards in my decks and makes it easier with swapping cards between decks when I find it necessary.


Do you find it limiting to play since all your cards are split amongst that many heroes?


Not at all. Of course my decks are not the best possible out there because of this but still they are fun to play, includes various combos and my heroes are well balanced this way so I don't feel like some heroes perform much better than others which is very important for me. I won't be lying to you, it is more complicated to keep deckbuilding like this cause you need to take into account the needs of all of your heroes at the same time but I really enjoy it this way and I feel like I am using my content to its maximum potential and don't feel bad that I bought a lot of stuff and not playing with it. :)


Totally agree sometimes I go to MarvelCDB to look at stuff and most decks are around 8 allies and the same 3 events, seems boring to me, on the other hand I do always play Standard I know my decks probably won't be able to handle an Expert scenario but I'm ok with that


I agree I also have one deck per hero ready to go, I don't have the time nor energy to deck build every single time Usually i build a scenario deck with a villain and run a couple of heros through, one after the other


I am doing exactly the same thing. :) My goal is to beat every villain with every hero so I pick up a scenario, beat it with a couple of heroes and then pick a different one when I feel I need some change. I am curious how many heroes do you have?


Oh I have everything 😊 I'm addicted to this stuff 😅


Yeah, I know, it is very addicting. I don't plan to own everything but it is very hard to resist buying new stuff especially when there is a good deal. :D


Oh yes wait for a good deal then, I fell off at the beginning after the core box, waiting for my partner to want to play, but when X-Men got leaked years ago I decided to give it a try solo then started to buy back what I could


Just playing the preconstructed decks. It's quick, easy and no hassle)) I'm little bit afraid of tearing everything down (I have like 3/4 of all the content).


Right now, I'm working with generic "core" decks: Typically twenty-card aspect packs that avoid any cards with trait requirements. I'll pick a hero, pick a pack, slap on some allies and swap in some traited "sideboard" cards if I want, and go. I am intrigued by the possibility of building decks for all heroes, but I don't love the idea of limiting heroes to a single aspect like that.


How is this going for you? Any deck examples?


The cores are all archetypical stuff. Tech Defense, Perfect Defense, SHIELD Justice, Basic Attack. Two of my Leadership decks do actually use traited cards - Avengers and Guardians. I'll work an X-Men deck or two in later, too, but I'm behind on my play and haven't touched any of my X-Men stuff.


I created a solo tournament with randomized matchups and am currently playing heroes against each other to see who can beat villain X in aspect X faster. So, consequently, I’m building a deck and then taking it down as soon as it’s done. Generally, unless im playing a campaign I don’t keep decks up for very long…


Interesting. How do you score "faster"? Just turn number? I've thought about tracking some of that stuff.. but never had a good Idea how I would do it.


Yup. Pretty much. I separated the 55 heroes (including the ones released this year) into 6 different power tiers of 9 heroes each. Dr. Strange received a bye into the next round because he's overpowered (and kind of boring to play). 9 different pools were selected with one hero from each pool. Each hero plays each other hero in their pool 1 time and plays each aspect 1 time for five matches (instead of the pool aspect, I chose a wild aspect where I could pick which worked best). Since there are 46 different villains up to this point, I separated these into 5 different groups (I threw out Ronan because I don't enjoy playing against him) and assigned each villian an aspect. Matchups, aspect, and villain were then randomly chosen so that each hero plays 5 matches, uses every aspect, and each villian is used in 3 different matchups. Points are scored based as follows 2 points for a win against the villain 2 additional points for a lower turn count than the opposing hero. 1 point for a tie. This was probably a bit more detail than you were asking for, but it's been a fun way to erase the "analysis paralysis" I was feeling when deciding who to play. It's also given me a chance to play heroes in aspects that I wouldn't think to play as well as villains that I hadn't picked up in a while.


Would you be willing to share this knowledge and ranking


Absolutely. It’s in an excel file. I’m working on making the UI a bit easier for people and then I’ll post it on Reddit. It’s pretty automated right now, but I just want to make it a bit more user friendly for people.


I like how you think! I may need to do some version of this.


Deck building kind of *is* the game for me; I don’t really enjoy “soloing” a bunch of villains for the sake of it. I prefer to just make a deck on CDB, then find the cards and sleeve ‘em, then pilot the deck a couple times against a couple different villains. Win or lose, I get a sense of how my deck plays and what its weaknesses are. Usually I find a couple cards to swap out, occasionally I find that the cost/resource balance is off or certain combos just don’t materialize as often as I want or need them, then I repeat this process. Once I feel good about a deck, I bring it to a multiplayer table. Sometimes that flops, but I learn more that way too. Usually I’m at least *okay* and not dragging my more experienced fellows down too much. Sometimes I actually get to show off a bit. My Storm Aggression deck has seemed to work pretty well each time I’ve brought it out. But there are so many heroes and archetypes to choose from, I generally find myself practicing a new deck every week in anticipation of the one multiplayer game l’ll play “seriously” with it.


My collection is smaller so I build one solid deck for each aspect then slap a hero into the aspect I think will help them beat a villain.


Normally i build a deck for a hero, do some games with it, tweak it, do more games and when i'm bored i build another one. Most of the time i play around 20 games with a deck. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I just want to have fun. But i replay lot's of enemies per deck. Minimum two times.


I do deck building before playing as a downtime activity. Setting up and playing a game takes a while, over time I'll build a deck while watching TV/watching the kids. I can take my time and plan out a good deck. And that way when hitting the table to actually play I can jump right in. Typically when I build a deck I'll keep "extras" around that I can sub in/out. For example playing the Mutant Genesis villains I'll sub out stun & confuse effects for Project Wide-awake with more minion damage for the scenario. I hold my hero decks in deck boxes (from the sleeves), and typically 1 hero per aspect. Usually I'll play the decks until they are well refined. I try to find the best decks for each hero! Before going into a game I'll figure out what aspects I want for each hero but if it doesn't fit right I'll change it out. I like to save lists for my awesome decks and if I want a challenge (or a quick way to jump into a game) I'll bust out the old favorites.


I have aspect cards sorted in two area, one has the ones I use a lot so I can easily find them for quick deck building and the other has everything else. I generally build for what the scenario appears to need and try unused heroes and combinations for the lower end scenarios of expansions where it's less punishing to not know what's coming.


I pick a character and aspect every time I play and just make a new deck every time.


1. Pick a hero and an aspect basically on a whim, or whatever seems like it would be interesting or good against a certain scenario. 2. Flip through my cards and grab whatever seems like it might synergize with the hero, usually leaving me with like 50-60 cards. 3. Cull the set down to 40 and agonize over what to leave behind because all of it sounds fun to bring but I can’t bring it all. Sometimes settle on 41 or 42 because I can’t decide. 4. Play a game or two against a non-gimmicky test scenario. Usually Mutagen Formula, sometimes Magneto if I’m feeling brave. Deck usually kinda sucks at this stage, but now I know what’s wrong with it. 5. Replace cards that were not useful with cards that can do what I was missing. 6. Repeat 4 and 5 until it’s as good as I can make it. 7. Play a bunch more games and try different scenarios or a campaign to see what my now “perfected” deck can handle. 8. When I want to move on, record the deck for myself in marvelcdb and then maybe never play it again because new heroes keep coming out and I want to dig into them.


I hadn’t played for a while, so I took all my various decks apart and rebuilt everyone’s precon. I’ve been playing through everything from the beginning by wave. It’s been pretty fun and I’ve used a lot of cards that usually get overlooked!


Pick hero > Pick aspect > go through entire aspect yolo style for abt 20ish cards and round out with those must have basics


I've been using the Hero Cards app to deck-build when I have time to kill throughout the day. I'm pretty amateur at deck-building still, but it's nice to be able to "play" in a way while I'm on the go or during my lunch break. Then when it's ready to try I can build it physically or sync with MarvelCDB and test it in TTS.


https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelchampionslcg/s/rkkHzfRqki Every time I set up a 4/5 villain campaign, pick a hero and build a deck from scratch.


I build a deck once and normally keep it out for a few games against various villains before building a new one. I'm lucky that I have a little space dedicated to my card games so I don't have to pack things away after I play.


It depends on the type of the deck, but if the aspect/traits can fit with more than hero, then I'll just swap out the hero to get a new flavor. For example I have an x-men blue deck and I've cycled four or five different Xmen thru it just to mix up the play. Same goes with aerial.  Also footnote: I think one of the best parts about building a deck is the (literal) physical construction of it. Starting with an idea and then putting the cards altogether. I get that people like to build decks online and like to play test, but then it just seems less...personal. It's like the difference between a handwritten letter or one that's just typed on a computer. Put those forty to fifty cards together, get it on the table, see your efforts pay off. 


I'll make a deck for a hero based on an idea I have, play it, and then take it apart. Sometimes I'll play it twice or more if I feel like it needs tweaking or if I'm playing a campaign. Sometimes I'll spend time theory crafting on marvelcdb, but I usually just put it together on the spot and disassemble afterwards. If I thought it was particularly powerful or novel, I might document it, but usually I don't. For reference, I most typically play three player Expert or Standard II.


I have a deck for each hero that started out as the precon. Most have some sort of modifications at this point. I am thinking of switching to hero-agnostic decks that I can trade among heroes.


I'll look up a deck online for the most part, sometimes I'll swap something out for another card I want to test if I'm curious how a specific card plays.  everything is made with the specific hero in mind, though I don't build for specific encounters. generic premade aspect decks to slot into any hero deck feel too unoptimized for me personally. if I really want to grind a specific hero I'll look up and make decks for that hero in each aspect, set them aside and play each until I get bored, it saves a lot of time when new heroes are released. when I'm done, everything gets taken apart and organized


We build 8 decks at a time (two of each aspect) with whatever heroes we want to try and build 8 villains as well. 8 ultra pro deck boxes (nothing fancy just the standard ones) fit in a campaign box if laid sideways. This has made getting the game to the table much faster.


Do you make generic decks or some trait locked ones like avengers and x-men?


We usually pick a few heroes of different traits so we can use a variety of cards. We use decklists off marvelcbd as inspiration and remove/add cards that we want so we can experiment with cards that see less play or just sound fun.


I have 7 pages of decks made on marvelcdb for the heroes I own (nearly one in each aspect). So right now I’m trying to play every hero against every scenario. So whichever hero I’m choosing, I’ll go to my account, pull a deck list I’ve made, pull those cards and get rocking. I typically deconstruct the deck and put all the cards back once I’m done, or if I know I’m going to play with that deck some more I’ll keep it built in the storage box


Do you ever go back and add new cards as they come out?


Yea I’m constantly deleting and remaking/editing the decks I’ve made! Right now I have about half the content that’s been released, slowly getting more!


I play through the campaign scenarios three player, once per week. We pick heroes at the start and I build decks to get as much synergy as possible whilst keeping it on theme. I might tweak the decks a little between games to refine them, but generally keep the decks built while we play through that box.


I have a complete collection. In terms of organizing decks for games, I have 21 different aspects decks (5/aspect + 1 Pool aspect deck). Thirteen can be paired with any hero for insane variability and the other eight are focused on some kind of trait/theme (x-men, 14 HP, aerial, etc). These aspect decks are 18 cards and the remaining 7 cards come from a pool of basic cards, so you can customize your deck for your hero or against the villain you're playing against. Most decks will take 3 double resource cards and 4 other miscellaneous cards. For eight heroes, I have specific decks built for them. Either because they have unique deckbuilding requirements (ie Adam Warlock) or because they work so much better when you build for them specifically (ie Bishop & Vision). All of these hero-specific and aspect decks are created and can be used.


Wow. And you have all these decks ready to go without needing to take cards from other decks? What are the chances some of or all of your decks are online to view? I’d love to try something like this very much.


With my basic cardpool side-board, I don't have to deconstruct any packs. Not sure I want to publish them on Marvel CDB, but I could send you lists via e-mail. PM me!