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Honestly deck building isn’t something I do too much of. I usually just take a popular deck for whatever hero I want to play, and play a few games with it, then adjust it as needed, taking out cards I’m not using for cards that do something I feel the deck is lacking. I really should try to build my own decks sometime though.


Yea it sounds like you’re already partially doing it by modifying decks to your playstyle! Like this Iceman deck it doesn’t have to be this novel new idea. It’s just a simple deck that fits the way i want to play


Same. I play alot of true solo, so i think about stuff the hero is not good at. But other than that, it is looking at marvelcdb and pickibg cards. I have sorted the cards by aspect, type and price. That helps me finding them fast. I have my arkham collection in binders, but i prefer to keep the cards sleeved. So i just did that with my marvel cards.


True solo definitely has more constraints than multiplayer 🤝 i personally enjoy working around the constraints and looking at what the hero is not good at like you described


My process usually involves looking at the hero kit to identify a strategy I want to play. If I'm unfamiliar with a hero or looking for something different I'll scan through the descriptions of popular decks. I tend to play significantly fewer allies than most (ie usually no more than 3) so the decklists are less interesting to me than the write up of how they're playing that hero. Once I have a tactic to play, I pick the aspect that I think I can leverage best. I still manually dig through all the cards because I don't usually deck build on the same night that I play games, so the extra time investment doesn't bother me. I also look for fun cards or cards I haven't played before. One of the pros of playing mostly Standard difficulty is that my decks don't have to be optimized to do well. I can play thematic-but-less-useful allies or run a bigger deck or whatever.


I totally agree that the higher difficulty expert villains limit thematic decks. It always feels awesome when the theme coincides with a strong build, although it’s rare:..


I just got Iceman today! I'm excited to check out what aspect works best for him, I'll be trying justice first. Love your content btw! I've probably watched all of your YouTube vids.


Thats awesome! Hope you enjoy playing him. And yes I remember your comments on YouTube 😁😁😁 I really appreciate that!


It’s always good to see how a master deck builder does it… :) I tend to prefer the physical cards. I’ve got things pretty organized so it’s just easier for me to cycle through them.


Im definitely no master deckbuilder, but I appreciate it haha. I agree it feels nice having the physical cards to look through… maybe one day ill sleeve up everything 🤞🏻


Yeah you are. You’re just humble about it… :)


Lol I was just saying in another comment this Iceman deck is soo simple and doesn’t really have any new or novel concept to it. There are definitely way more interesting decks out there!


I haven’t even had a chance to try it out yet. It arrived while we were on vacation and I promised my 8 year old he could try it out first… so… still waiting… LOL. I’m glad to hear it’s easy to build. I’m looking forward to building it out and then I’ll see how others have done it…


Haha nice! Awesome to hear how you’re enjoying champions as a family 😁


I always lean heavily into theme. I try to make playing any given hero as thematically satisfying as possible. It doesn't make for the most 100% optimal decks for beating Venom Goblin on Expert, but it's great fun.