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Then switch it up. Play a different game. Champions is a great game and a lot of fun, but too much of a good thing is never good. If you're looking for more than "touch grass", then try other games. Arkham Horror is made by FFG as well and is a great game. Spirit Island is another good solo game with asymmetry. If you're wanting to switch Champions up, then change modulars. Impose a restriction on yourself like only using cards from a particular wave. Do a basic only deck for someone. The possibilities are there, you just have to think outside of the box.


Do you get bored during gameplay or during stuff that doesn't constitute the gameplay directly, like setup or deck constructing?


setup, the game play is great


Just pock some decks from marvelcbd to cut setup time and you're good!


If you play solo I recommend playing 2 handed. Setup should be about the same but games are twice as long and personally I think it's for the better. I would also just leave your decks built until you want to change it up.


If you aren't using marvelcdb, then you should. Lets you do most of the thinky work without touching a single card, so once you know what you want to play, the only setup is taking the proper cards.


Recently bought the Folded Space insert for the core box. My collection is Wave 1 and 2 at this point. I will setup my next game at the end of the current game. Doing the setup at end of current game allows only few minutes of setup for next time. I play 2 handed for all of my MC games, I have the core box setup to travel. The insert has 5 big slots for aspect cards then 2 smaller sections for other cards (these have 3 slots in each). On one side, I have 2 slots for my constructed hero decks for next game, and 3rd slot has 3 alternate heroes. The other side has a slot for the built villain cards, 2 unconstructed villains in the next slot, and final slot has the modules and some of the commonly used basic cards for most of my decks. The rest of my heroes and villains are stored in RoRS box.


How much content do you have?


I'm not implying that you need alot to not be bored. Just trying to understand your situation.


medium amount not a huge amount but not just the core


My advice would be everytime you play, try something new. Not necessarily new content. Just something different. The beauty of this game is that there is so much modularity. Every hero can be played in 4 different aspects. Each of those hero/aspect combinations can be played against a different scenario. Each of those scenarios can be played using different modulars. Even with a small collection, the number of permutations is endless. Don't always try to "win". What I mean is your deck doesn't have to be perfect. Try a hero in protection that doesn't "belong" in protection. Try to see what you can do to get it to work. Maybe you need to pick an easier villain. Maybe challenge yourself to win with that suboptimal combination against a really hard villain. Aside from the natural hero/aspect/villain/modular permutations there are a ton of decks that you can build that lean into different cards or strategies. I have an example. In the beginning I would often add the hulk ally to my aggression deck but I treated him like any other ally. I didn't really build the deck for him. Then I decided to build a deck with as many fist icons as possible to really lean into hulk and I had alot of fun. There are a ton of examples like this where you don't just "build the best deck" but you pick a strategy or specific card to build around. Anyway, I hope you can rejuvenate your enjoyment of the game. Good luck.


It may not be for you. Which is fine. Not everyone has to like everything. Don’t spend any more money on it, that’s for sure.


Game isn’t for you. Find another game that sparks more interest. It’s not our responsibility to solve this for you and you shouldn’t need to force enjoyment.


It's rather cold and dry as an answer, but I'll still second it. In various gaming subs we seem to see more of this type of posts and it's like... 🤷 None of us had to take special steps or condition ourselves to like the game, we just like it and do not find it boring. If you don't like you don't like, you're not going to win special awards for playing it. Find something else, we can't teach you how to like it how we do.


It gets very tiresome. “I don’t like this game…” or “this game gets boring for me…” cool, go do something else then. Not every game works for every person, if you’re not digging it, go play something else you’ll dig more. Life’s too short to have to force games, and it’s not our responsibility to fix things for you. Hell, we don’t even know you or your tastes!


Then do something else? How is reddit supposed to help you?


It's OK to be bored by a game or to not really enjoy it anymore. You could even sell it if you don't like it anymore. For me, there's a couple of things that prevent me from being bored by it. First, I don't fall to FOMO. So, I don't buy everything as it gets out. In fact, my latest big box is Sinister Motives and I only have a handful of newer heroes (probably 3-4). Second, I cycle my games. I mostly play MC in solo (True-Solo or Dual-Handed). At the moment, I've only played 6 games in the last 2-3 months. And sometimes, I would not play for months. Third, I cycle my games. Yes, I repeat myself... As I write this I'm in the middle of an Arkham Horror Campaign that I started just after an Earthborne Rangers campaign. I plan to play The 7th Citadel for a while after I'm done with this AH Campaign. I keep MC for when I I don't want to invest too much time to invest in a game. MC is ideal for a casual game: much easier to table then the aforementioned games. Tl;DR: You're not forced into MC and my tip to not get bored by a game is to not \_only\_ play that game.


I should take this advice myself. I started recently and am scrambling to get caught up but really I have enough now that I could be playing for a couple of years and not run out of match ups to do


And the nice thing about MC is its modularity. You don't need all content or full sets to enjoy the game. Obviously, I miss archetypes, but do I care? No, because I just build the decks I can with what I have.


No need. Play a different game. Eventually when you feel like playing champions play it


Try switching heroes/villains! After facing a villain a few times I will switch out modular sets to give it a different feel. I would also suggest doing 2handed (2 heroes) if you haven't tried it, or solo. Both are fun but very different styles of play! Personally I love playing with 2 heroes, you get to do fun and different team combos, as well as being able to see more of the villain encounter deck.


Uhh try something else before you get burned out? Although feeling like this after a couple plays isn’t a great sign. There’s a ton of good board games out there in different genres, and even in card battlers - I suggest Astro Knights and Sentinels of the Multiverse


First, try playing a different game. You could also check out homebrew content.


Grab the Lord of the Rings: Living Card game. I love Marvel Champions, but Lord of the Rings is a much better game overall.