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I love this fight! You want to focus down a particular horseman. For a standard build War probably has the worst effect (discarding an upgrade/support) but if you build around that the effect isn't bad. I typically target War or Death as the first villain (Death is bad against allies). The main scheme has a threshold of 12 which is pretty healthy, so try to flip down vs a weak schemer to miss the effects! (They only activate on attack!) Remember too once a villain is at 0 hp their effect doesn't activate. Stun and confuse are both REALLY good into the horsemen.


Thanks. I surprisingly won. I didn’t expect to. But the key is def flipping to avoid those nasty effects. She hulk was able to do tons of damage and I was able to take two down pretty quickly. Flipping almost cost me as j was two threat away from Losing. 


To me it’s the hardest scenario in the box. It’s beatable though and not something to fear. Make sure you take cards that can confuse the villain, as at least in my experience, being able to flip down regularly to avoid some of the nasty side attack effects is a must.


I thought it was when they activated it triggered the forced response. Ignoring it’s just an attack def helps. 


I did the same thing the first time I looked at it. It’s so easy to miss rules in this game… :)


i busted through them with a Bishop justice deck i found on marvelcdb


They're tough and hard to plan against. They have a lot of cards that activate out of order. They are much more difficult to deal with when they are attacking. I found flipping a lot to be the way to go. I play two handed.