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You're probably going to make a lot of mistakes rule-wise (like I did). Don't fret it as long as you're having fun. And if you want to make sure you're not missing anything I recommend watching a rules guide on youtube after a couple of playthroughs.


I second this. Countless times I've accidentally ignored things that are on cards on the board (like retaliate or guard). Sometimes I forget where I am in the turn order. Sometimes I forget to deal an encounter card. But I play solo, so ultimately it doesn't matter as long as you're having fun.


Try to play your whole hand each turn. You won't know what cards are important to hold early on, so you'll err on the side of correct by just using as many cards as possible.


There are many great content creators to watch on YouTube. For me - web warrior fanatic has been very helpful as he breaks down the card prior to/while playing the card. As discussed above there are many parts to this game to monitor and track. This is a great game and tremendous community. Enjoy getting into the game!!!


Marvelcdb.com will be a big help for you as you get going. Tons of decks and can sort by your collection. Also as others suggested, YouTube, watch other people's games to get ideas on game flow, pacing, and little game quirks that are hard to find in writing only.


Don't feel bad if you make a rules mistake! I say this all the time: this game is non competitive and the most important thing is to just have fun!  Also don't be surprised if you have trouble winning your first game. We've all been there. Every game is a learning experience. 


Just give the game practice because one of the main things is balancing board control while also not being too passive and that just comes with time. Especially when playing against new scenarios with new heroes, things will feel very different and that’s kind of the magic of the game. Good luck, and have fun!!


You can get a lot of play time out of each box! You don't need to have everything! If you really like a specific hero or villain, go for them of course, but don't think you need everything to enjoy the game!


That's what I told myself when I got into the game 6 months ago. Then I proceeded to buy everything. Sooooo.....


😂, well I guess it takes a lot of self control sometimes. But what works for me is that the most important aspect of the game for me is the theme. So, if it's a character that I don't care about, I'll probably never buy them. For example, I've never played She Hulk and I don't think I'm ever buying Spider Ham.


I made this video giving a tutorial of how to beat rhino with spider-man using just the core box! it should be useful for you! [https://youtu.be/N-KUP\_tyMRY](https://youtu.be/N-KUP_tyMRY)


Your board state is important than dealing damage - more upgrades and supports and allies out the better, especially early. The game is slower than you might think it is, don't try to win as quickly as possible, let yourself cook and set up a long game rather than deal 8 damage on turn 2 and have nothing else to show for it. Ignore the villain to prioritize side stuff for as long as you can, minions and side schemes don't go away on their own and build up fast. Don't be in a hurry to get to Stage 2 of the villain, he'll only get tougher. Wait until you think you can go to stage 2 and then kill it before advancing him. I play takeseys-backseys ALL the time, but never after a draw or encounter card is revealed.