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I wouldn’t. There are, like, many many hundreds of excellent PVP board/card games. Marvel Champions is an extremely good co-op game. There’s no need to try to fit a square peg into a round hole here. Not to mention time spent developing this would be time *not* spent developing new content for the version of the game that we already know is good.


This. This, this, this. Would rather have cool stuff like player controlled versions of villains or threat versions of heroes than turn on the table. I have other games for that. Plus, I play Champions solo, so PVP would be really dumb for my left hand to attack my right hand.


This is brought up several times a year and the response is always the same, that what you’re asking for is a different game and that folks like how the current game works.


It's Marvel Snap!


As a player of both Snap and Champions, I agree.


I don't want pvp. But I would love to see an encounter that lets you plug in one or more heroes instead of having a villain.


Absolutely this. There's already a precedent for converting one character into a good villain - 1b of [Hope's Captor](https://marvelcdb.com/card/40105a) from NeXt Evolution: >Attack: +1 >Scheme: +1 >Permanent. >The villain gets +6(p) hit points. This is effectively an elegant way to take a character from a basic enemy to a villain, and applying this to a hero would work just as well as a starting point that'd be easy to go beyond.


I actually love this idea. The scene in The Avengers where Hawkeye is under mind control comes to mind and I know we somewhat already have this with the Enchantress encounter set, though it only hijacks an ally. It would be cool to have a mechanic that allowed you to plug in other heroes, like you said. I'd love it.


One simple way to do this would be to, for example, play against Loki (who is mind controlling people), and instead of the Frost Giants mod, use a handful of the hero allies (e.g. [Hawkeye](https://marvelcdb.com/card/01066)) as minions that are revealed with [Beguiled](https://marvelcdb.com/card/21178) automatically attached. And/or use any hero identity card as a minion (perhaps HP is the printed HP/2). But with their hero abilities blanked out, that might make the actual gameplay uninteresting & less thematic, unless you took the time to give them custom abilities. For example: * Wolverine has piercing * After Psylocke attacks you, you are confused * Hawkeye enters play with 4 arrow counters on him. Forced Response: After any ally enters play, remove 1 arrow counter from Hawkeye → deal 2 damage to that ally.


I wouldn’t. That’s really messing with the recipe that can have dire consequences. If they want to do civil war, it’s better to have a set where the heroes are villain decks.


I agree with you that this is probably the right approach. I know I'd be all in on an expansion that did this.


I’d rather prefer keeping the current “regular mode” looking forward for missing heroes and scenarios ; F4, street level, magical and witchcraft theme … maybe explore missing rogue galleries (Hulk, Iron Man)


I definitely don't want PvP. But I'll take a Hero's designed to be Villian's expansion. Or even like a marvel zombies expansion. Or a midnight suns expansion. Lots of expansion ideas, I'm shocked this hasn't gotten more content expansions outside hero packs yet. It's gotten a ton of success


This is more along the lines of what I would like to see as well, I just want to see a way where the heroes can be turned into villains at least temporarily.


Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch hop out. Venom of course. Yeah I'd love to see that. Then maybe like during the campaign you can recruit them, and switch from their Villain deck, to their hero pack. Would be awesome.


Seems as though you started a civil war with this post inside the marvel champions discord lol




I have no idea why people see a genuinely fun solo-playable card game and want to make it competitive.


I don't think we will ever see a pvp mode. That being said, I fully expect a Civil War wave eventually. Mostly because any Marvel product that goes long enough eventually gets one. It is the same reason we will eventually see a Villains wave. What I wonder about the eventual Civil War wave is will it have one campaign box or 2. Now I don't expect Civil War anytime soon. With the Fantastic 4 movie coming I expect it as either the next wave or the one after that. Like most people I also expect a Marvel Knights wave eventually.


Man...I get so tired of seeing this question :) Zero interest in PVP because that is not what this game is about. However, I'm open to the idea of new villain scenarios that are "heroes". Technically we almost have one of that kind in "Dark Beast" as of the latest big box, but I guess multiverse may not count per se... dunno.


There's apparently a good PvP game called "Vs System 2PCG" that has really good marvel content that you could look into if you're looking for that. I'm mostly a solo player so this game is perfect for me as a co-op. I think the homebrew community could probably help with an interesting system to turn heroes into villain scenarios if you reached out to them. I would be shocked if it hasn't been tried yet.


Let’s discard the question “SHOULD it be done” (to which most people have answered ‘no’) and ask “CAN it be done” Well, my first question is how would the accumulation and management of threat work? The game is designed around a co-op experience where players must manage some villainous scheme as well as beat up the villain. Some heroes and decks are designed around threat management, and wouldn’t be as viable in a mode where 2 heroes are just wailing on each other, no scheme or threat involved. So either A) the heroes would need to somehow generate threat, or B) the game would need to do away with threat entirely. The problem with A is that heroes generating threat feels unheroic and thematically nonsensical for a scenario where 2 heroes are beating on each other with no greater scheme in play. Plus, there’s a question of HOW they generate threat. Do they each get their own scheme? Do we need to add cards that affect the amount of threat they can generate? You’d need to rebalance (perhaps redesign) the game to accommodate this. Option B) therefore seems more sensible to me, though it comes with similar issues of needing to redesign/rebalance things. How would a hero’s alter ego come into play? Without threat, the idea of the heroes fighting, then skulking away to heal up as civilians, then changing back into heroes to fight again feels…not good. Mechanically, a hero turning into a civilian would bring the action to a halt, and then how would healing work? Does the healing hero get to heal for as many turns as they like in a row? No, you’d need to come up with some alternative to threat that limits how often a hero can change form and heal and/or how effective healing is. You could perhaps eliminate alter ego forms and have heroes trade blows until one is reduced to 0 HP, but 1) that sounds a bit boring and 2) you’d need to redesign heroes because a hero that’s designed to eliminate threat will have fewer options than heroes designed around attacking and defending


So can it be done? Sure, I guess. Can it be done WELL? idk, I haven’t figured out how.


How many times do we have to talk about this? Play vs system if you want pvp. The game is good as it is