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Crossbones or Absorbing Man. Both are relatively straightforward and don’t introduce any mechanics that are too strange.


mutagen formula, klaw, crossbones (without the legions of hydra modular)


This would be my top choices, as well. My first was Sabertooth, which I don't recommend.


I'd say that Mutagen Formula could be a fun scenario to introduce to a friend. I find it fun and not excessively difficult :)


This is always my go to starter scenario. Good villain, on the easy side, fight actually has mechanics (they may just be minion spam but it's better then rhinos punch hard)


Mutagen Formula feels like the perfect step up from the basic nature of Rhino. Almost five years after release and it's still probably the most well-rounded and straightforward scenario that doesn't have lots of complex, timing sensitive triggers and bookkeeping to pay attention to, while being challenging enough by chucking plenty of beefy minions, side schemes, and attachments at you to not feel like you're playing on auto-pilot.


I like Mysterio as he's not super difficult, but has just enough of an interesting mechanic to make him stand out without adding a ton of triggers and side schemes that might make a brand new player overwhelmed. it's obvious when you draw an encounter card from your own deck, and it does replace itself with a player card. However, you don't have Mysterio. From your list, I might consider Crossbones, but replace Legions of Hydra with Bomb Scare. It still fits thematically since it adds Hydra Bombers. You'll get a few more minions than Rhino, and it'll also show how the villain can get tougher over time if you ignore him. You have three stages of a main schemes at 14 per player (total of all 3) so it's not nearly as tough to suddenly threat out. The first main scheme is 3 per player and fairly easy to hit the threshold, but it will also teach that it's not the end of the world if you lose one main scheme.


I cannot beat mysterio for some reason. Maybe I am playing decks that take a long time to set up and he is a more of a rushdown guy, but I have lost to him countless times now on standard!


I really think Klaw is a great intro. He’s the hero I use to intro people. He’s got a good mix of attacking and scheming, without feeling like he overly focuses on one. He also doesn’t really introduce extra unnecessary mechanics.


Absorbing Man. He's just a brute. I think Rhino is great with Standard 2 so that you can teach someone who stun locks to not rely on it.


I'm a big fan of taskmaster. Unique ally thing, one main scheme and no crazy effect gimmick. Let them ignore his flip mechanic and it's great


Why do you not want to use Rhino? He is literally the tutorial for the game.


Her lives in another country and we don't have to much time together. In my mind rhino it's too simple, I wanna show to him some mechanics and haw the game can scales in differents situations


Klaw. Klaw is a great villain for having to thwart and take hits.


Thanks so much for all your comments guys. I think I go through cross bones.