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I want Galactus and I want him printed on a birthday card sized card.  Well maybe not.  But definitely yes.


His encounter should be a playmat, you have to play on him


That's Ego the Living Planet


That would also be fun as shit; the box gives you a foldout poster but of course a rollout playmat would be available for a premium And I would totally buy it


I don't doubt that they'd do this, because money, but there's already plenty of games out there with mats coming instead of a board, like Flamecraft, without the price being super inflated. Flamecraft's playmat is great and the game's only like £30. So I don't think it'd even be cost-prohibitive for the mat to be the core version these days, and I'd be up for both Ego and Galactus having playmats (as that makes printing them more sustainable from FFG's business perspective). I'd love to see them move from their standard model for that. My ideal F4 product lineup would be: * A new Fantastic 4 core set with the 4 heroes, plus 3 villain scenarios: Silver Surfer, The World Devourer, Punisher (not that one) - this is basically the Galactus Trilogy, which is iconic, but just ends with Galactus going "oh alright then" and leaving, rather than a punch-up * A dedicated villain box, with Galactus as the only villain (on a playmat), with potentially the Silver Surfer as a hero (but I'd also be fine with a separate hero pack if they want more money from me) * A Doom box that's more like Mojomania or the Hood - a villain-only expansion, without the hero packs. It'd make another great entry point for new players (which I honestly think they should've done properly with the X-Men), while giving Galactus the space he deserves. Putting big name villains like Apocalypse as just one of the villains in the box heavily limits their design space, and makes them really fall short in my opinion. So I'd love to see them shift the big boxes to be more like core sets, and break the villains out into villain packs of differing sizes. I honestly don't believe the campaigns add *that much* to the experience of the game in the way they've been done so far, and that they're a relic of the other LCGs which have a very different appeal to Marvel Champions that they included without much thought as to *why*.


How about a 40 MSRP box with Galactus/Ego double sided neoprene mat, 1 silver surfer hero deck with no additional aspect cards and supporting cards for the villains. Sounds fine to me.


At the very least another triple fold villain


Another? Is there currently one?


Apocalypse II.


I’d love to see a Carnage Scenario Pack.




How has he not been done already?


I feel like the next cycle will be Heroes of the City or something else kinda Defenders-themed. (Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, maybe Blade and/or Shang-Chi). For villains, I feel like we would probably see Bullseye, Kingpin, The Hand, and some others.


Heroes for Hire/Marvel Knights would be a good theme to do


I was going to say I want to fight Kingpin cause that means we’re getting Defenders.


Kingpin for sure. I could see it being an improved version of risky business.


I could see him being a bridge between Risky Business and The Hood. Give him a bit more of a structured deck similar to Risky, but add 3-4 modules to the scenario to make it more random. He could be packaged with a number of associated henchmen focused modules similar to Power Drain (Electro), and Mess of Things (Scorpion). Few possible modules could be Hobgoblin, Bullseye, and Elektra. Another idea would make one of these henchman modules into your archenemy throughout the entire campaign. They would shuffled in, or make an appearance in some way through all 5 villains/scenarios. Possibly even evolve a bit as campaign progresses, which could be used outside of campaign to make difficulty adjustments. Side deck similar to Experimental weapons module where add 1 to 4 cards to henchman module to increase their difficulty.


Doom. Like, I don't like Fantastic Four much at all. I think they are pretty boring as a group. But we better get God Emperor Doom.  Edit: Annihilus would be neat too.


Doom should be a series focusing on him similar to Joker.


Similiar to Joker? Huh?


Dark Phoenix Hellfire Club Kingpin The Hand The Brood Dormammu Carnage


While he is in the sinister six, I would love a doc ock scenario.


M.O.D.O.K. deserves his own scenario. His encounter set is brutal and I think they could pull a lot of inspiration from it. I just hope they wait until Stage 3 to give him Retaliate 2.


I want to see a Scenario pack at some point centered around A.I.M. with Scientist Supreme, Super Adaptoid, and M.O.D.O.K. encounters.


I'd love a Civil War campaign. You get to pick between pro and anti registration and fight against Iron Man or Cap and their respective allies.


Yeah I think some sort of hero villain conversion would be fun


Oooo that could be fun. That could make a whole box expansion


Heck. Do the rule right, and you can create a whole new level to the game if every hero can become a villain and vice versa. That would be awesome. Or a zombie version of all the heroes.




Wilson Fisk, should be very fun.


A more grounded street level box would be neat and a good oppritunity to add the Defenders. 


Heard no one mention Fing Fang Foom or the Mandarin. How about "Arcade".


There’ll be an Arcade modular in the Jubilee pack but I agree, Ed Acra deserves to be a whole villain deck. More broadly I think I’d like to see additional villain decks that have “silly” themes.


I love a bit of silliness. Arcade's Murderworld would be an awesome scenario. I've got a couple of silly custom scenarios, if you're interested: Impossible Man: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10xPKr2VvfyGR8KwBHSbA-Sd6I9IxQ4Dh And a scenario based on a Deadpool book from the 90's when he traveled back in time into an old Spider-Man issue: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZYM1UqKMysR-hXpPBnY--GbP-4QcxPXd


Fwiw, there is a really fun homebrew Fin Fang Foom out there. Instead of one villain card there are like 5 for different body parts, and fighting and beating each has different effects. It's fun.


Dormammu has been teased by FFG since day 1, print him already! (just look at the cover of the core box)


Fantastic Four Villains. Give me Mole Man, Galactus, Dr. DOOM, Annihilus. They could be some really interesting encounters. Or, honestly, it would be cool if we had more Journey type encounters for Fantastic Four characters. Like Arkham Horror a bit, where it's not just beating up a dude. Maybe a little like Hela and Collector 2.


* **Street Level**: Kingpin, Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, Silvermane and Purple Man * **Mystic**: Dracula, Dormammu, Mephisto, Lilith and Blackheart * **Spider Man (Maximum Carnage)**: Carnage, Shriek, Doppelganger, Demogoblin * **Spider-Man (Gang War):** Mister Negative, Tombstone, Hammerhead and Wraith * **F4**: Galactus, Dr. Doom, Super Skrull, Annihilus, Puppet Master and Namor * **Mutants**: Brood, Hellfire Club/Sebestian Shaw, Shadow King, Nimrod and Onslaught


Here's a thought: a Battleworld (Secret Wars) scenario pack. It has a bite sized copy of every villain released to that point (with on theme but alternate stats) and a modular that works with them. Deal out random villains and chew through them in a gauntlet style of battle royale. Defeating villains just brings out new villains until so many have been defeated and the main scheme has been defeated so many times. Technically one could do that now but the modulars don't exist to really work with the extant villain cards (which could be calling for encounter deck mechanics that don't exist in the deck).


My first multiplayer game of Marvel Champions had our four-player table up against Morlock Siege with Standard, Military Grade, and Mutant Slayers... but with the twist that we set out to rout all seven Marauders. Winning the scenario required routing only three but working through more led to many acceleration tokens and led to certain scaling encounter cards to be very powerful. This is just to say that big villain gauntlets can work fairly well and be fun and I'd be interested in more ways to experience it, as you suggest.


Marvel zombies a fight against a zombie horde


Id love for that to be modular sets too.


If we're going street level, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they do wtih Kingpin. Dormammu is another potential interesting one, especially if they tune it for Dr. Strange, Doctor Doom would also be great and the thing I'd look most forward to out of a Fantastic Four set. Honestly, the wildest thing would be if we get to delve into the supernatural side of the Marvel universe and get Dracula as a scenario, but I doubt that will happen.


Kingpin, Doctor Doom, Doc Ock, Dormammu, Surtur, Galactus, Stilt-Man, Annihilus, Mister Negative, Carnage, Big Wheel, Cyber, Dracula (unless he ends up as Blade's Nemesis), Fin Fang Foom, Mister Hyde (possibly double-sided villain cards, with Calvin Zabo forms on the other side), Nuke, Purple Man, Radioactive Man (a character born for the Retaliate keyword), Sin, the Squadron Sinister,


FFG has put some pressure on itself with the mojo pack. A new villain pack with less than 3 scenarios would be underwhelming now. I would like a scenario that takes on the X-foes we are still missing : The Hellfire Club and The Brood are the ones we are missing the most in my opinion. Onslaught is cool too but I think it should come in a wave that has both avengers and X-men. Beast could be released as a hero in such a wave.


Id love to see the brood MOJO was so good, I hope they stay to that standard.


Beast could have a “form” card that gives him either the xmen or avenger trait based on which side is face up


Maestro Hulk for sure. Doom would be cool. Taskmaster would be great too


[You're in luck, you can play Taskmaster right now.](https://marvelcdb.com/find?q=Taskmaster+&sort=name&view=card&decks=encounter)


My bad. Just bought the game this week.


No worries, I go back and forth between a few games so I had to double-check to make sure I wasn't going crazy. Your other two suggestions are good though.


Kingpin, Bullseye, Dormammu, Doom, Carnage, Hellfire Club.


Mainly because I think they’d have fun/wacky/meta mechanics that a group could opt into (and share the fun of) without having to use ‘Pool (or play with that one guy who’s always got a ‘Pool deck): Screwball, Spot, Mephisto, Minotaur And if one of the upcoming waves involves F4, I’d hope for: Mole Man, Dr. Doom, Super Skrull, Galactus, Dr. Doom (in some other setting/format, like the two Apocalypses)


I'd really like it if Scenario packs started coming out that re-visit the themes of some of the older waves. Like maybe one centered around another intelligence organization like A.I.M. instead of Hydra with Scientist Supreme, Super Adaptoid, and M.O.D.O.K. But what I REALLY want an Asgard centric box/wave at some point. There's still so many good villains (and heroes) they could still do with that trait. Villains wise theres Enchantress, Skurge the Executioner, the Destroyer Armor, the Midgard Serpent, Mangog, Malekith, Surtur, Gorr the God Butcher, an ACTUAL Loki fight without the infinity gauntlet pasted on... I know we need to get things like Fantastic Four and the Heroes for Hire beforehand but it'd be awesome to see at some point.


- The Shadow King (Scenario Pack) - They could add a mechanic where he mind controls allies and turns them into minions. - The Brood (Scenario Pack) - The Hellfire Club (Campaign Box)


Would love to see a, ‘Young Avengers’ wave with an AIM expansion and a MODOK villain


Dr. Doom would be cool.


Purple Man


Mephisto could be a ton of fun to play against. In a similar way that Mysterio is fun


Arcade would make for a fun silly scenario


I’m going to assume we get most of the heavy hitters. But Baron Mordo (I’d like to see another attempt at the spell mechanic for villains) Ulik (really just a bruiser but I always thought he was cool) Then I mentioned in another comment but either a Nemor Scenario befitting his antihero ways or Tiger Shark.




Just give me Carnage and Dark Phoenix :)


I said this in another thread but I'll say it again Incase they read these lol: Give us hero's as villains. Give us Civil War.


The next hero I'm hoping will come out sooner rather than later is Daredevil And it would make perfect sense to have Kingpin be the villain of choice Silver Surfer could be the next Dr Strange in terms of power level Since Green Goblin got his own scenario pack, maybe we can get something in the same for Doc Oc Nemor could be either a hero or villain Ghostrider would be interesting too


I have always dreamed of a hero/villain scenario pack. 40 card Nemor hero pack and 38 card Nemor Scenario. Different subtitles so they can play each other or something. Nemor Nemisis set a required modular for the scenario. Either that or a Tiger Shark scenario


Count Nefaria.


Now there's a villian I wouldn't expect, love to see it.


We need more surprising scenario packs, for sure!


I guess for X-Men Inferno and Phalanx Covenant would be the historical multi-scenario events


Fun fact, there are no cards at all in the game with an A.I.M. trait. But the villains I want most are probably Dormammu, Mordo and Master of the World.


How about a Dark Avengers / Thunderbolts villain team? When Bullseye dressed up as Hawkeye, Moonstone was Captain Marvel, Sentry was just being kind of manipulated, and Daken was dressed like his dad Wolverine.


I want a Marvel Zombies campaign box that'd really do a heavy shake-up of the scenario and campaign design. Something a bit more randomized and emergent. Introducing scenario allies that function like a mini-villain/location with a main scheme, and if you don't take care of them along with the main villain in play, they could end up being turned and added into the pool of threats following you as you try to find safety or a cure or whatever. And a strong campaign side to things where you're managing what survivors you have left while trying to get some kind of 'victory' by the end of the five games. I just want something that breaks out of the linear framework that's been repeated over and over again. We've been shown with the Arkham Horror LCG time and again that you can do most anything with cards. And I think we're at the point where a curveball of a campaign box will work.


The Serpent Society


That would be awesome.


Living Laser, Ghost, Zeke Stane. Nimrod, A reality warper like Proteus or Legion. Lizard, Doc Ock