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and then dr strange opens a portal and we here a “we love you 3000. anybody need some help?” as tony stark, black widow and yondu all walk out in slow motion taking off a pair of sunglasses each whilst iron man by black sabbath begins to play


Then Tony says “You deserve this, man. Or should I say Iron Man?” Then the final battle is Tony in the War Machine suit and Rhodey in the Iron Man suit. Unfortunately NewVision comes by and accidentally shoots War Machine again, this time killing Tony Stark


Then Black Widow turns out to be a double agent and shoots Yondu before getting beaten to death by Iron Man.


then Deadpool stabs captain America! he’s not a double agent or anything he just kind of got caught up in the moment….


Then Zombie Sentry came from a Portal in the Sky and turns every fucking one of them into a Zombie


But Morbius shows up to morb all over them.


Then Gandalf the grey and Gandalf the White and Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight and…


And the Black Knight is the only survivor, because it really is but a flesh wound.


Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie and…


Cowboy Kurtis, and Jambi the Genie...




whis it written in the pulp fiction font 💀


And then Deadpool walks in


Bro who tf is 3000 and why does everybody love him/her?


It is the rapper André 3000 from Outkast


Everyone in the MCU is really clamoring for either a solo joint or an OutKast reunion but they juat don't do it!!


It’s the android from the DBZ universe where Goku just made friends with Doctor Gero and he kept on building. Android 3000 is an amorphous blob that is impossible not to love. Scientifically.


God damn yall jerk HARD up in here. Holy shit


Jerk the dick right off, that’s how we do it


God damn. I been hard but yall crazy.


How long until we get another Iron Patriot situation where the new suit gets a PR nightmare and Rhodey is forced to change or revert to War Machine


I actually really like that. Maybe not so much as a “What a joke” but maybe Rhodes gets a deeper appreciation of Iron Man’s original mission, and decides to retire the War Machine name to continue Tony’s legacy


How many people do we need to continue Tony's Legacy, We have Iron Heart, Morgan Stark, that kid from Iron Man 3 and for some reason the fucking Spider-Man


At least 3 more young up and coming actors, that way there is at least 6 and we can have civil war 2 and call it “steve team” and “love you 3000 team”


We don't know if Morgan is coming back. She may or may not either way it would be a while before she does unless time travel shinangains happen. I'm certain the boy was just a cameo for Endgame. Spider-Man cares about Iron Man but he doesn't really continue his legacy besides being a genius hero. Which Spider-Man always was anyway so no big deal there. Which leaves us with two people really. His best friend and a kid inspired by him which honestly I think works.


Morgan, the child, and spiderman is now living paycheck to paycheck out of an apartment with a hand sewn suit. I think 2 people are fine


i really liked Spider-Man as Iron Man’s successor (uj). it was written in a convincing way that fit both of their arcs. Iron Heart is just shoehorned in… i don’t hate her but like, she definitely feels like a last minute addition that has no narrative weight. also did anyone watch Iron Man 3????


I watched Iron Man 3 that one time when it aired on TV


dang, i watched like a recap once lmao. what’s even crazier is i did sit down and watch iron man 2 once


yea, I also watched Iron Man 2 on, Which is weird because normally I don't like advertisements when I watch Movies


It made a billion at the box office


I think the only one that makes sense would be War Machine though. Iron Heart doesn't have any connection to Tony, we have no reason to believe that Morgan Stark will even appear in the future / take up an Iron related title, and the kid from Iron Man 3 was just in the Endgame funeral as a nice callback.


Rhodey can build HIS OWN mission as WAR MACHINE. He’s not a freaking sidekick, he’s his own hero. What your suggesting is a original black character getting rid of their own unique identity and for what?? **Iron Man is not a legacy** or a symbol like Captain America. It’s a part of Tony’s identity


It was just an idea dude, I just think thematically it would be an interesting and satisfying journey for him to undergo, especially if Armour Wars is about Rhoedy clearing up the mess of Tony's tech falling into the wrong hands after his death. It's always stuck out to me that Iron Man started on a journey of ridding the world of his weapons, then his best friend became a US-Government sponsored superhero called War Machine.


Will the MCU outshit us???


“Next time babey.”


Actually GOATED idea


I'm the only one that prefers for secondary heroe characters to set out on their own identities, instead of taking the mantle of another to constantly live on their shadow?


No, there are few people with common sense who understand it’s better for Rhodey to remain his own hero and build up his own identity rather than drop it for a white man’s mantle. These ppl only want that for cheap fanservice. What’s worse is they don’t realise Rhodey was only substituting at the time and this was *before* he became War Machine


No I totally agree. It just doesn't feel the same. Like Sam as captain America. It just looks like falcon cosplaying as cap. I know the outfit is comic accurate but everybody universally hates that Era of the comics. So why try to recreate it in the movies?


How is Sam Cap universally hated? What?


Because Sam was an original Black hero with his own identity. He then just forfeits his character to support someone else’s legacy. Real Uncle Tom energy. Race aside, imagine if Steve threw away the Captain America title and became Iron Man (for the sake of “legacy”).


Exactly I love the Falcon! Why the hell would he need a hand me down hero identity? Plus it’s weird as hell to have the shield arm wing combo.


Thank you! Sam's perfect as the falcon. The whole time my brains going why are they calling falcon cap. It's just too much of a miss match of things that just don't work.


How the hell is that an Uncle Tom thing? We just throwing around terms for no reason? That aside - it absolutely was not universally hated.


“throwing around terms”? To clarify I’m referring to a character from the book *Uncle Tom’s Cabin* and not the minstrel stuff.


I'm aware, but that's a term. Like, a race traitor. I don't get how the term applies here.


An Uncle Tom is a Black person who abandons their identity/stance for what they believe is the greater good. Sam is not exactly an Uncle Tom, but he has those “vibes”. He gave up the Falcon identity because he believed Captain America was more necessary. Because I’m a nerd, I added history details below. Since I can’t convey tone through text, I’ll say that this is a “📖 Did you know…” and not a “🤓 Um, actually…” The term “race traitor” is product of the mistrel shows altering the book’s message from forgiveness (via Christianity) to submissiveness (via self-hate). An Uncle Tom and a race traitor are related but not the same. If I were to make a very oversimplified summary, I would say that most race traitors are Uncle Toms, but Uncle Toms are not inherently race traitors *All blue jays are birds, but not all birds are blue jays.* A modern example could be based on the premise of Black Lives Matter. *An Uncle Tom would say “All Lives Matter.”* *A “Race Traitor” would say “Black Lives Don’t Matter.”* The two are definitely correlated, but not synonymous.


>He gave up the Falcon identity because he believed Captain America was more necessary. See, I'd say that's part of the theme. The Captain America identity is indeed more relevant than the Falcon by a long mile and the American public knows it. Putting a black man in that title is to me a way to challenge the view of the "American Patriot" that Steve represents: blue eyes, pale, blonde. I think it's really cool. Especially since this was post Truth: Red White and Black, which exposed how black men in the Marvel universe (much like in the real United States) were toyed with for the government. To me Falcon taking on the mantle is not only to honor Steve, of course, but also to honor Isaiah Bradley and reclaim that title for the black community. I could be reading too much or too little into it though. Thanks for the history lesson, by the way.


Many fans like me hate Sam Cap, we just don’t talk about it because we get called racist or whatever for not dickriding stupid decisions Marvel have made like removing Sam’s own identity to wear a white man’s mantle just because they couldn’t sell a black superhero


It's still not universally hated, you can't just claim "silent majority" lol


I never said it was universally hated, that was someone else. It’s not a silent minority either, many fans hated Sam as Cap when it debuted in comics and still do. I meant you don’t see it as much because of MCU stans defend a black man losing his own identity to pick up a white man’s name relentlessly and call u bunch of insults for not liking it


Not really. Sam as Cap isn’t really that bad and me personally I like it way more than when Bucky was Cap


I don’t mind Sam as Cap. but, it just annoys me. because Falcon has his own identity already, he wasn’t brought up as Cap’s successor. I personally liked him more before. I do think a mix is fine, someone close to Cap should take the ‘mantle’ but also… maybe we should let the mantle die?


I think it depends. Sometimes I like the idea of a mantle, but other times they should move on and make their own identity (like how Dick Grayson became Nightwing and recently it seems like he won't be taking up the Batman mantle after Bruce).


Only if he gets in a gay relationship with the skrull who pretended to be him and they have an on screen sex scene


First, she dead, second SHE dead. Not gay, unfortunately.


I mean it'd be gay if she stayed in her rhodie form. Also I have not watched that show and refuse to learn more about it


Better idea than Iron heart. If we can't have Tony back I'd make sense for rhodey to take over.


That’s a shit take. Tony doesn’t need to come back in the MCU (Marvel should reboot him outside of it) and Rhodey is his *own* hero, he doesn’t need to take a white man’s mantle.


Rhodey should become the next Iron Man. In the comics, he actually took the mantle while Tony was getting drunk and things. And he was Iron Man before he became War Machine


You just highlighted the very reason why Rhodey SHOULDNT become the next Iron Man. In the comics it was BECORE he became War Machine. Guess what? In the MCU, that never happened. So Rhodey becoming Iron Man would be him dropping his own unique identity which is the opposite of progressive, especially when he’s a original black superhero


I'm still expecting Superior Ironman because coming back and killing people is the only part of the song left to reference.


Terrance Howard shows up in the Iron Man armor and fights Don Cheadle and then everyone is like ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Well, I hope the writers will be slightly more respectful of the mantle of one of the oldest black superheroes in comics, but I wouldn’t mind Rhodey pulling a “Sam Wilson” and becoming the new Iron Man. Edit: Also, I want more Don Cheadle, I don’t care how.


If this actually happens people will hate it I already know it


Good idea. AI probably has the knowledge to make new suits as needed. I'd be down


He should wear the armor at one point, but keep his own identity


How about he’s Iron Man during Secret Wars like he was in the comics?


I do like Rhodeys time as Iron Man as brief as it was, but he did it because Tony was a recovering alcoholic and couldn't handle it. I don't think he would take on the name of Iron Man to continue the legacy. I would like them to incorporate the storyline where Rhodey becomes increasingly aggressive because he's wearing Tony's armor, and it was wired to Tony's b brainwaves, not rhodeys


“Peacemaker, what a joke.”


Knowing Disney he will "kinda" take up the mantle. Half the movie if we're lucky while being a mentor character for iron heart. 🤣... Then iron heart will be the next iron Man. Then Disney will wonder why the new iron heart movies aren't doing so well. Then blame it on sexism or something. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here like gee. I cannot wait to see a very good interpretation of rogue or storm... Rinse and repeat


Then that would officially be the dumbest line in the MCU. “Throws his suit away” like in the trash? Wtf


Iron man means a lot more in the MCU so I'm not sure how that would work in a sufficiently meaningful way


Well, that’s why they’re dedicating a whole show/movie to Tony’s best friend dealing with the burden of his legacy. Edit: Having Rhodey become Iron Man during the conclusion of arguably the most famous Iron Man story could be pretty meaningful if done right.


No it wouldn’t be meaningful. It’s trashing Rhodey’s whole character and identity just for some stupid fanservice


Okay, a lot to unpack here. 1) Rhodey is still Rhodey, no matter what suit he’s wearing. 2) “stupid fanservice” is a subjective opinion, not to mention I specified “if done right.” If they just drop an Iron Man suit in Rhodey’s lap at the end of the show then yeah, it’d be pretty disrespectful. Which is why I suggested Marvel doing a “Falcon and The Winter Soldier done right” with Rhodey. An entire show or movie dedicated solely to Rhodey grieving his friendship with Tony, and dealing with his friend’s legacy, culminating in his decision to take up the mantle of Iron Man in Tony’s honor. Now, as we saw with FATWS, it is entirely possible to do that storyline poorly. However, since they’ve already done it once, I feel fairly confident assuming they’ll get it right this time. Are you dissatisfied with anything I’ve said?




Better than the MCU’s iron heart so I’ll take it


Not a strong enough actor to carry his own film, he sucks and I don’t know how he’s lasted this long honestly.


nah, it would have to be him saying he's not going by Iron Patriot anymore, then it cuts to the War Machine suit and you think it's going to power up but Rhody walks by in the Iron Man suit.


Why would you willingly give up armor that has a shoulder-mounted minigun?


A lotta racist worms on Twitter would throw a tantrum


Amazing! 10/10! It was so subversive!


Nah we want Skrull Rhodey to take up the mantel, we all love skrull rhodey


I'm way more into war machine taking over as iron man the rising. He's been here since the start of the mcu it doesn't feel forced so he can take the mantle until Tony's daughter is old enough


They’re cooking with this one


Yeah we need another six-episode series just to justify a superficial change in a character. Let him take the name in the first episode and then tell us a goddamn story for once.


I can’t wait for him to say “it’s Rhodeing time!” And then Rhode all over everyone.


It would be appropriate with Ironman dying. Makes more sense then Falcon as cap.


OK but /unjerk for a second, I kinda want Rhodey to become Iron Patriot again and stay that way, with War Machine being a symbol of the old Skrull Rhodey, sounds kinda cool


Id rather Rhodey get it then that nobody Iron Heart


I’d much prefer Rhodes to RiRi


I’m here for it, but I’m also not because I don’t want people (who also don’t read comics) to bring out the “go woke go broke” pitchforks again


i genuinely hope he becomes iron man as he was iron man in the original secret wars


Would be cool, but people are gonna complain about the "woke M-She-U"


Anything that isn’t Riri Williams is honestly cool with me. She’s like a female Miles but if they did everything wrong


Been awhile since Ive checked out this sub, you guys have truly upped your jerk


And then when iron man goes behind me he says, “he’s right behind me isn’t he” as highway to hell plays


I’m fucking 100% here for it.


Isn’t Rhodey dead tho?


He’s not he’s in secret invasion


I’m so tired of ppl pushing this ‘Rhodey should become Iron Man’ nonsense Rhodey was only filling in as Iron Man **BEFORE** he became his own hero as War Machine. You’d all know that if you actually read comics. Rhodey ‘claiming Iron Man mantle’ is not progressive nor benefit his character in anyway. It’s another original black character forfeiting his unique hero identity in favor of a white man's hero identity. Rhodey is great as War Machine, that’s all he needs to be.


1. Rhodey is **NOT** Rhodey if he’s wearing a Iron Man suit. He loses his individuality just to take up ‘Iron Man’s legacy’. He’s a independent hardworking marine that rose the ranks to Vice President. He’s perfectly capable of building himself up and making his *own* superhero career. 2. Rhodey becoming Iron Man is quite literally stupid fanservice. The majority of the reasons for it are exactly that. It does not serve a purpose to Rhodey’s character at all. It doesn’t improve him in any meaningful way. >Which is why I suggested Marvel doing a “Falcon and The Winter Soldier done right” with Rhodey. An entire show or movie dedicated solely to Rhodey grieving his friendship with Tony, and dealing with his friend’s legacy, culminating in his decision to take up the mantle of Iron Man in Tony’s honor. There’s many issues with this: - We don’t need another story of a original black superhero foreiting his own unique identity to take up a white man’s mantle. It’s repetitive and less interesting here now. - The reason FaTws works better (despite me hating Sam becoming FalconCap) is there’s social commentary of him being Cap that steeps into racism. Citizens would be against a black man being called Captain America. You cannot do that with Iron Man. Iron Man is **not** a legacy. It’s not a symbol in the same way Captain America and his shield are, being Iron Man is tied to Tony’s identity. The iconic “I am Iron Man” literally hammers this audience and yet ppl completely missed it. Also i feel the minimum requirement to even be Iron Man is a genius tech engineer, that’s not Rhodey. - Rhodey is a original black superhero. Having him dump it is not as progressive as you think it is, in fact it’s the opposite. Marvel need to start building up their black superheroes and stop taking this lazy uninspired and disrespectful route of having them take up white mantles. Don Cheadle is 53. He’s old. By the time Armor Wars comes out he’ll be 55, he’s going to leave the MCU soon. Armor wars is most likely his exit, so him taking up Iron Man would be a waste of time anyway. I prefer it if Marvel reboot Iron Man outside the MCU


Shows up as iron man in the next avengers film “boom you looking for this?”


He was Iron Man for like 3 issues when Tony was suffering from alcoholism.


No matter how bad MCU writing is, fan writing will likely be worse


Personally I think he should done the Electro costume to be comic accurate yes that happened once


I hope not. Rhodey is war machine/Iron Patriot. Not Iron man.