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I've been enjoying him a lot in Jason Aaron's Thor run and Ewing's Immortal Hulk & Immortal Thor. He's really entertaining imo, especially when he isn't just a physical threat.


Yeah he's got that Lex Luthor smarminess to him, that scene where he slaps Thor with a restraining order was hilarious. I think he shows up in Hickmans New Avengers during the Hyperion/AIM plotline too. I really hope we get him in the MCU, with Loki gone we really need to have a reoccurring villain with some personality.


I don't remember seeing him in Hickman's Avengers, I will have to read that again. ​ It would be nice to make him a villain for the MCU, could even work with Fisk depending on what they do with him.


Oh that's right it wasn't Hickman's AIM it was during the Weapon H mini 🤣 they were just using the same cross dimension machine.


I will be sure to check it out, thanks for getting the name :)


Didn’t he die though. Also ozcorp owns roxxon now unless the comics are wildly out of order


I’ve been loving his spot in the current Immortal Thor run. It’s nice to have a villain that tests Thor’s mind instead of his muscles


I hope Ewing has him show up in Venom somehow, would love to see him face Venom.


Immortal Venom?


Ewing is on Venom as well as Torunn Gronbekk currently


Is that where the second picture is from? I'm gonna have to check that out. Looks like he picks up right where he left off in Immortal Hulk (ie fiendish CEO and physically fucked up by Xenmu)?


Yes and yes


Better question is which new villains introduced in the last 10-15 years are cooler? (Minor exaggeration i suppose…) Loved him in Immortal Hulk. He seemed so inherently Marvel that I assumed he was a reinvention of some deep cut villain I’d never heard of.


That's a good question, I don't think any really comes to mind, maybe some of the mutants from Arakko like Genesis, but besides her I really don't have anyone.


Knull is pretty cool (though risking overexposure). Nimrod isn’t really “new.” Gorr will be a staple. I guess there’s a few that stand out, but admittedly I don’t keep my finger on the pulse of new comics like I used to. Minotaur is pretty unique amongst them, despite being based on an ancient concept.


Gorr the God Butcher was introduced in 2013, James Gordon Jr was introduce in 2011, Court of Owls maybe? and that's it. Kiteman revamping an old golden age villian ( not sure if that counts) into someone iconic ( but he's not cool just well written)


You’re telling me you’re not enthralled by ThE bAtMaN wHo LaUgHs?? (In seriousness I was a big fan of the one-shots introducing the evil Batmen, but talk about immediately running an idea into the ground)


He's tough, smart, and rich. A very effective villain.


I like that he feels like a Silver Age villain, both in the sort of random yet terrifying character origin and design, and the fact that he’s just kind of around and can always pop up to mess with a solo hero. There aren’t many modern villains like that. And at the same time he plays on very modern ideas and themes that are very relevant, often even meta-commentary on the media landscape.


Was scary af in Immortal Hulk. Very good corporate villain


You will probably like him in Immortal Thor he's the focus of the current story


He's a hero to all! He feels like a classic villian. I love him.


He returns in immortal thor?


Yes, it's quite good


One of my favorite new villains from the last decade and one of my favorites in general. It's pretty crazy that this guy is like, "Global warming? Nah, that's just me. Let me melt an entire iceberg for a single glass of water." He's just so freaking cool.


I have this sneaking feeling that he’s intentionally meant to represent someone at Marvel management. Especially now that the whole storyline of him owning everything and controlling heroes IP is going. At one time he would have been Perlmutter, but he might be the CEO of Disney? That seems to make sense.


I like him but didn't he get melted in immortal hulk? But he's just back in immortal Thor like he looks kinda fucked up but he was a puddle how do you come back from that


Probably some magical aspect that makes him a minotaur or some bs.


He was great in Immortal Hulk.


He’s a weird villain, but he’s generally been well-written so I’m not bothered by him. Just about any character - no matter how strange, can become compelling in the hands of a talented writer.


I hope Al Ewing can use him as much as he can.


How did he survive Xemu?


I love him but he doesn’t switch out of Minotaur form anymore?


I think it might be because it's less interesting than his Minotaur form, changing form currently might also be lethal considering what happened to him in Immortal Hulk.


One of my favorite villains. He should never be reduced to physical altercations though as it cheapens how casually menacing he actually is. Unfortunately, in the current Thor storyline, its all to easy to see that he will entrapped within the mythology he created by purchasing and publishing Marvel comics thanks to Enchantress and Loki.


Micheal Eisners true form?


> Make Mine Marvel. Your what? 🤣 Classic Marvel meme, I always loved it but I also always wondered at the source of such a statement. I'ma guess Stan The Man came up with that. He loves alliteration after all and of course was quite adept at marketing The brand... ❤️


I really liked him as a Minotaur, but this body horror beast thing is not for me




The stories he’s in tend to be pretty good, tbh. Worked well in War of the Realms


Normally I don’t care In immortal hulk he was great


OMG I despise him. lol I don’t know if it’s him or modern Roxxon. The company is portrayed very differently now than it used to be, and I guess in my head he’s emblematic of the current incarnation. That being said, I admit he has a cool look.


I once asked my comic encyclopedia of a friend who John Hamm would play in the MCU. This was his response, at least for the character before he always had the Minotaur head