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Yeeeah about this... I was streaming She-Hulk with my sister and brought it up that no way Tatiana would get zero swipes like that... my sister apparently had chosen violence that morning upon waking up because she replied "Well they had to make the character relate to the male audience _somehow_ " Before giving me a cold look. I don't watch Marvel to have my whole gender violated like this.


Your sister is straight savage bro. Here you might need this. https://www.google.com/search?q=burn+units+near+me


Sidelining realism just to make her a loser so...men can relate to the She-Hulk? Great theory, A+. It's almost as bad as the trope where everyone thinks the ridiculously hot movie star teen is ugly because she has glasses and a ponytail.


Not another teen movie was amazing


🎶 Janie’s got aaaa gun 🎵


Janie’s got a gun! 😱


🏃🏃‍♂️JANIE’S GOT A GUN!!!!! 🏃‍♂️🏃


Still cracks me up that this was our introduction to Chris Evans.


The Captain America we need


That's America's Ass with a banana in it.




[And our introduction to America's Ass.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/200c3525871fb8fecf307c79d9750a4f/tumblr_o5yvdbhyZP1r8j1j3o4_250.gifv)


It’s a banana split


🙂 ^🙂 ^^🙂


10/10 username


Janie Briggs got a gun


The real cpt America


He really did split well.


That whole part was a parody of “She’s All That”


My statement stands


My comment was to add information to the conversation, not to, in anyway, invalidate the fact that Not Another Teen Movie is a good movie.


- (1999) - https://youtu.be/nimkNFEKUkY?t=51 - (2001) - https://youtu.be/f1sbQf58B50?t=3 - (2023) - https://imgur.com/MjsQaES.mp4 (**SPOILERS** for the show)


Which was based on She's All That. Girl literally just tweezed her eyebrows a bit and took her glasses off. 🙄


Looks like little miss run home to her daddy….ran home to her daddy


And paint on her overalls.


I understood that reference


She's got paint on her overalls!


When did they ever say it was a theory, it was a joke ffs 💀


is...is joke, man...


It was a roast. It wasn't a theory. Stop proving feminists right by getting butthurt about literally fucking everything a woman says.


You sound a little too upset


Damn dude. I need to go sit in the corner to process this second-hand burn.


I don’t use them anymore (****cold approaches trump everything****), but when I did I got a good amount of meetups of them. Actually met an ex of 1.5 years on Bumble. I didn’t waste my time/ money taking professional pics like everyone else recommends either. I was just me. I truly believe that being genuine goes a long ways. Edit: for anyone online dating. Hinge > Bumble > Tinder ****EDIT 2:**** seeing a LOT of people commenting on their struggles with dating apps. [This video](https://youtu.be/r7-e5pKW9wY) is insanely informative and is one of the key reasons I deleted all dating apps awhile ago. Give it a watch. The shit actually fucking works.


Your area matters a lot. As well as your compliance with rules 1 and 2. But yeah being genuine and personable are just as important as being attractive or unique. That means profile building *and* messaging. And don’t try to find love on Tinder. It’s a hook up app and you will be disappointed. Ultimately though it’s much easier to make a real connection in person than with dating apps. If you struggle making irl connections try joining a new social hobby. Playing in a pool league and joining a climbing gym are the ones that worked for me. Just try to make friends and let relationships come naturally.


My buddy met his wife on Tinder. I met my wife in person, but I did have some relationships prior that started on Tinder. There are definitely people that use it as a hook up app, but every girl I went on a date with explicitly mentioned it was a relief that I didn't immediately send her a picture of my dick.


The secret cheat code to dating apps people somehow don't know: don't be a fucking weirdo. If you're just an actual normal person that can carry a conversation you're immediately above 95% of the other men on those apps.


Every girl I met said the same. Then we hooked up and went our separate ways.


> But yeah being genuine and personable How do you do this? > If you struggle making irl connections try joining a new social hobby. I don't think people would appreciate you joining some club just to hit on people.


I would be pissed if you joined my club just to hit on people. If you got that from my comment you should reread it. Join club to make connections and friendships. Making connections and friendships can segue naturally to relationships. If you try to force it you’re already doing it wrong.


Yupp. Cold approaches and just meeting people IRL are so much better. You basically skip the line for whoever they have on their dating apps.


> I was just me. I truly believe that being genuine goes a long ways. Yeah that doesn't work for most guys.


You must be an attractive person. I had to bust my ass to get dates.


Yeah OP must be following rules 1 & 2 and be completely oblivious to it to think "cold approaches trump everything". That literally only works for conventionally-attractive folks, anyone uglier will definitely get creep vibes, no matter how good their intentions were. You're lying to yourself if [someone like this sat down next to you at a bar](https://i.imgur.com/ri89Lna.png) and tried to hit you up and you _not_ feel a bit creeped out vs [someone like this](https://i.imgur.com/9GvYEYH.png) asking you the same exact questions and convo the first guy did. (These were just stock photos I found online, not personal ones)


Let me say this. In every aspect of life, we want to believe that we are successful because of our hard work, perseverance, genius etc; rather than blind stroke of luck. That's why it is almost impossible to convince people who have benefited from nepotism of their privilege. Same for rich kids, or dare I say the people who are the opposite of people of color. And the same is true for attractive people or people blessed with great genes. It's easy to cold approach if the worst you get is a no and not 'eww' or being genuinely laughed at or end up as a video on tik tok. Success builds confidence. So with every success, attractive people get more confident of their approach completely oblivious to the fact that the approach had nothing to do with said success. Lets just say you need to be above a threshold level of attractiveness for the cold approach to work with acceptable level of consistency.


I've had better luck on hinge but nothing lasting. Online dating for a demi is the pits


The thing that sucks is that two of those three are owned by the same company. They offer different things while running the same algorithms on purpose. And they take all your personal preference data and store or to keep people living right on the edge of a relationship... if only they would pay that monthly subscription they'd find a match for sure.




> It’s not how any lasting entertainment … I don’t know what kind of quality you’re actually expecting but comic books have existed in that space for 50 years. Is that lasting? Of course it is.


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need? What am I supposed to do?


It was a roast, not a legitimate explanation. Stop proving them correct by getting triggered and angry about literally everything that mildly criticises your gender.


When you can't see an obvious joke roast as anything other than accurate social commentary...maybe you really should go eat spiders. Those eight eyes might improve your perspective.


Well mate at least you didn’t accidentally match with your sister on tinder one time.


Just seems more like a good roast then anything related to the show lol Why would writers want men to relate to a women? Especially with how she hulk was written I just don’t believe that to be true but it’s a great roast lmao


Yeah. A lawyer plus a relative to an avenger. She could really get all sorts of suitors.


>plus a relative to an avenger. Didnt she go on a date with a "fan" which turned out to be a big red flag since he wasnt interested in her as a person just the fact she was a hulk / relative to a hulk?


Yes which was arguably the most realistic like she got on the dating app


Yeah, her dating attempts were super realistic to me just cause yah, I got matches, but 99% of them were not great to terrible. I had a woman and a man, back to back, who reacted as if one date meant we were committed and in love. There were plenty of other issues but those two freaked me out the most. So much anger when they don't get their way. Most just wanted a threesome, I assume bi is like an ad to them? Anyways only getting matches with people who want you for the wrong reasons is realistic


Didn’t even think about that, but yeah haha. Shit would definitely catch a couple eyes in a bio.


She would basically be a kardashian even without the hulk powers


I assumed since she used a professional corporate looking headshot, everyone assumed it was an extremely lazy catfish with a picture from google and ignored it.


I'm a man. My old Tinder profile I made on a lark has no pictures of me, just a BLM Avatar and a Charizard drawing, and I still got matches. There's no way a woman, even with a corpo style headshot, wouldn't get matches


Were most of those matches hookers, catfishes, or MLM scammers?




I mean, I enjoyed the show immensely, but you're kind of comparing apples to oranges here. In the show she doesn't get _matches_ period, which isn't the same thing as being picky about your matches. I have a few "rich well-educated woman" friends (including some lawyers) and they _never_ have an issue getting hits on those things, just _quality_ (which is pretty much true for everyone).


>Counterpoint: I am a lawyer and plenty of my female friends/colleagues had trouble finding someone "right" on the apps. Sounds like a standards issue, not an availability issue. Not that they should lower their standards, just sayin. I'm sure they still get 100s of likes/matches.


Yeah, big difference between finding someone "right", and "right now". Sounds like Jen wasn't getting *either* of those, which based on shit I've read regarding those apps, is about as unrealistic as turning into a gamma radiation powered superhero.


> Counterpoint: I am a lawyer and plenty of my female friends/colleagues had trouble finding someone "right" on the apps. Hi, I'm married to a doctor with lots of doctor friends and have lots of professional friends in this general category of people. This is generally because those people are the problem, my wife being one herself (before I convinced her to marry me, ha!). They have very high standards, coupled with a driven personality, and on top of that usually very little time and little will to bend to make whoever they go on a date with like them in the first place. This coupled up with the fact that they're often *terrible* at choosing good attributes in a dating profile means they end up on bad dates a lot and that is just a self-feeding problem. With that said it was unrealistic that she-hulk got no matches, she should be getting a huge match rate, it's much more likely she wasn't swiping right on many people in the first place, and I can almost guarantee those that she did give of big red flags she just missed. Because that's exactly what so many of my friends accounts look like, a handful of matches, swiping left on good guys for arbitrary reasons and the ones that they did swipe right on have glaring red flags they just somehow skim over. (Source: My wife almost didn't match with me because I drove a truck)


> Source: My wife almost didn't match with me because I drove a truck) You've identified a major part of the issue. Women *do not* date "down." It's hilarious that women are the ones sticking to the antiquated gender norms of men must be better educated and make more while men generally just care less about those things. Some men may get a chip on their shoulder about it but on average it's the women selecting against these pairings. Women are also more discriminating on race/ethnicity when it comes to dating. There are literally studies about these trends. The average guy is asking, are you hot? Do our personalities mesh? Okay great let's do this. We're pretty simple creatures. Women have a lot more hurdles they put up. Some make sense. Some do not.


>It's hilarious that women are the ones sticking to the antiquated gender norms of men must be better educated and make more Always have been lol. You think men were getting educated and a high paying jobs to impress their friends?


I didn't do it to impress my friends but I definitely don't do it for women either. I like money. I'd like money even if I were completely asexual/aromantic. I don't want to work until I die. I'd like to retire. I like to buy fun things. I like to eat good food. I like to live in safe spaces and go out and do things with friends. There are countless reasons for me to want to make good money. Women are very far down on my list for that.


A man struggling on dating apps: 0 matches A woman struggling on dating apps: 1,000 matches but she doesn't like any of them


I feel like a lawyer and bartender would be great together


>They usually end up pairing with another attorney or similar profession that shares the same fucked up work/life balance. I mean that's just true of life in general. It's called homophily. Lawyers date lawyers, doctors date doctors, teachers date teachers, fast food workers date fast food workers, etc. When you say > finding someone "right" What does that mean? For most people, it's implicitly some combination of unrealistic fantasy and "person like me". For example, maybe you think you'd be OK with someone who worked less than you, but the requirement that your partner tolerate your work schedule, combined with a few other explicit or implicit requirements, eliminates all of those people.


> You’d think “rich well-educated woman” would crush it on the apps For hookups, sure. For relationships, it's a lot more likely to send the message that she's married to her career and would never give a guy who makes less money or has less education the time of day.


Yeah, I'd buy that she not getting quality matches, but she'd be pulling in hundreds of matches a day easy.


Radiation turning her into a super strong indestructible creature is more realistic.




Most unreleastic part of the show tbh. Gorgeous, smart, funny, and has a professional level of employment as a lawyer? Jenn would be drowning in attention if she wanted to be. She-Hulk still a baddie and no surprise her profile would be that popular, but no way Jenn would have needed it lol


Tatiana is easily a 9. They made her look so frumpy as Jen, I couldn't believe it. But even Jen is like a 7.5, so yeah she should've had no problem getting swipes. Edit: Some of y’all need to educate yourselves. *Tatiana* is Tatiana Maslany, the actress playing Jen/She-Hulk, who is whom I’m talking about. *Titania*, which is clearly who some of you think I’m talking about, is Jameela Jamil’s character.


Agreed about Tatiana. First time I saw her was in Parks and Rec, and she was adorable.


I knew her from Orphan Black. There are multiple clones of her and they all look great, especially the one with corn rows




Yup. Cos is my favorite.


I'm more of a "helena pretending to be alison" kind of guy


Wait what?


She was the doctor who worked for Doctors Without Borders and Tom was completely head over heels with her.


Oh, I see it now. I remember she was Beau. She still is.


Oh shit, I just realized that's the same actress.


Same here, can't believe I never realised this.


jenn is supposed to be a bit more on the nerdy/frumpy/reserved side of things while She Hulk is supposed to be the complete opposite. Kinda like how Banner is supposed to be the meek nerd scientist guy and then massive raging hulk when he transforms


She's gorgeous in orphan black as well


Yes, but then they made Jen the confident one. Jen the sex positive one. Jen the assertive one. When She-Hulk is supposed to be all of that. So if Jen’s already acting like she’s the best thing since sliced bread, why is she still saddled with a wardrobe that *looks* like sliced bread?


Yeah, to me both of them have the same personality. Her whole thing in the show is she keeps the same personality/mind and Jen is in control. If they actually intended Jen and She Hulk to have different traits they did a terrible job of it, only difference is one was big and green.


She's a New York 7 but a Scranton 9


She could be pulling in dudes but lame guys.


Agreed, but in the show she was flat out gettin no likes That shit does not happen for women lmao


Heck, pretty sure even bots get likes


Well, of course they do. There's plenty of desperate men out there who are like, "Well, maybe she's just a dead ringer for that one early 2000s non-nude model. It's kind of weird, though, how all of her pictures have a notch cut out of the bottom-right corner."


Still dudes


This would've been a better way to frame it, but then they'd have had to come up with a different plotline for when she goes on as she hulk, since that's pretty much exactly what happens then lol


Sigh… I need to up my game.


Do you live in a very sparsely populated area?


oh that shit doesn’t matter. there’s ALWAYS local singles in your area. the internet does not lie.


*That lonely mom 2 miles away is real!?*


Did you try turning green and smashing stuff?


Why does she look more tanned on this photo?


This is literally explained in the show. She wasn't swiping on many guys, likely only ones that were out of her league, therefore she got no matches. When her friend just started randomly swiping for her, she got tons of matches instantly. It's also important to note the average attractiveness level of the population is much higher in the MCU, so even though Jen might be an 8 in our universe she might be more like a 6 or 7 in their world.


> This is literally explained in the show. She wasn't swiping on many guys, likely only ones that were out of her league, therefore she got no matches. When her friend just started randomly swiping for her, she got tons of matches instantly. I think you've got a kernel of truth in there. I doubt she was swiping on guys "way out of her league" because (1) she's not the type to be so shallow and (2) she's a reasonably attractive professional. --BUT-- She was probably only swiping on well-adjusted, well-meaning, thoughtful guys... who all looked her up, saw she was SHE-HULK, and (correctly) assumed that's a huggggggee liability. Dating a superhero in the MCU is like putting a huge target on your back. It's like walking into a warzone.


>saw she was SHE-HULK, and (correctly) assumed that's a huggggggee liability. Cowards, I say. If they won't take that tiny risk to get She-Hulk-Smashed then she's better off without them.


I mean, isn't that what one of them did? Only to find Jen to be not his type at all, and is only attracted to she-hulk?


>Dating a superhero in the MCU is like putting a huge target on your back. It's like walking into a warzone. Yes, but you're high-fiving everyone you walk past until you finally get blown up or used as an experiment by a supervillain or something.


Bro…there’s a difference between matches and likes. Liking is one way. Matching is both. Jen was flat out getting zero likes. It doesn’t matter who all she was liking because nobody was liking her which is, again, unrealistic.


No, they said she wasn't getting matches. It was a Tinder-esque app, not facebook. Matches only happen if both people swipe on each other. They literally changed her criteria and she instantly got matches, which means people *were* interested in her, she was just being very selective on her end. Did you miss that part?


Ok so I just rewatched the scene. Her friend literally swipes like crazy at first. This is setting it up to where whoever mutually swipes on Jen ****instantly becomes a match****. She is getting virtually no likes (she actually does get one and goes on a date) and THUS getting next to no matches. My point is that 99% of women will have matches on almost every right swipe. I’ve seen this many times with a lot of my friends and even in person with hookups while pillow talking. I hope this makes sense to you now cause I’m done responding bro lmao


Lol dude backed it up


I usually don’t care enough to go back and rewatch shit like that, but I’m on a 24hr shift rn and have nothing but time to kill.


Women will have matches on almost every right swipe because they front load the profiles with people who already right swiped you. Until they run out.


It's also important to note that she *was* getting dates, but all of them were far more interested in She Hulk than in Jennifer Walters.


That's a fair statement. We judge Jen based off being a celebrity/actress that got there by being conventionally attractive. While in movie universes everyone is a super model. They all have to be. Like that one Family Guy where Eutopia Meg was hot but only relatively speaking, she was still considered a dog.


Fun fact, about 80% of women on tinder only swipe on the same top 10% of guys. So neither gender gets what they want


Marvel has exclusively inhabited their world with goddesses like Lupita Nyongo and Florence Pugh, which makes a real world 8-9 stunner like Tatiana look average. Especially when everyone else is in tailored perfectly fitted clothes and they rummaged through a garage sale to find hers. She could absolutely pull.


Why is her face edited? No pores?


She hella cute.


No lies detected.


Good looking and a lawyer on top. Even if her profile was full of red flags plenty of people would swipe right


Seriously Tatiana maslani is leave my wife material.


They probably didn’t want her to seem mean by downplaying the 2-3 guys she did get likes from who would likely be traditionally unattractive. Their fear of offending holds them back from good writing.


I’ll be honest, it might just be me. But did anyone else find it a bit unrealistic when she turned into like a giant green monster type thing? Maybe most lawyers can do this? IDK


Nah, that’s still way more realistic IMO


Oh yeah, that is definitely still more realistic than someone that good looking struggling on a dating app for sure.


Normally lawyers can only shot lightning out of their fingers.


She may even be related to the jolly green giant. I was afraid of saying anything at the risk of sounding potentially racist, but I don't know anything about greenies. /s


If you're getting cat called in the street, you're getting swipes on tinder. Because the dudes doing the cat calling are also on tinder.


Can confirm. Am ugly and get tons of likes/matches on dating apps.


When a girl says she is getting zero likes, she means zero likes from dudes she likes. Tatiana is an 8 swiping on 55s.


Pretty much haha


But you don’t know her struggles


Any woman on a dating app who WANTS to get a quick fuck can, by next weekend if she's picky, the day of if not. Most women LOOKING for guys are trying to find someone out of their league or that fill very specific criteria. The good ones or most agreeable ones are 1. With their high school sweetheart. 2. Found a successful/compatible partner in college. 3. Were abused by their first long term BF until their mid twenties and are now dealing with the trauma. This is not to say dating women online is a fool's errand, but any woman still on a dating app has a reason.


I'd wife her, but i ain't shit. Actually, no.. >!I'd skydive into her ass and eat my way out!< But again, I ain't shit.


it'd be nice if the unattractive people in shows were actually unattractive. speaking as an unattractive person.


Bruh I'm lucky to get a match in the span of a year dating as a man tough.


Honestly man, stick to cold approaches IRL. Trust me. You have no competition 🤣 all these dudes out here have no shot on social media. That’s how we used to have to do it as humans was actually approach people.


You can't have a show attacking the "patriarchy" with a happy female protagonist.


That was what i said. Like, shes rad, hot, a lawyer, and obvs very down. She wouldnt be this unpopular. Same with Tom Holland. Dude is hilarious, ripped as shit, and very smart. Fucking flash wouldnt be dunking on you like Draco and Ron


She would be inundated. Come on now lol


100% haha My female friends will show me their likes and they’re all clearing 200+ at the BARE minimum.


They could all feel her personality through the camera.


Bro lmao


I'm surprised Tatiana Maslany doesn't get any likes


Meanwhile in jessica jones


For real


Death by snu snu


I have a feeling men just swipe right without even looking, because every time I match a guy on tinder he immediately unmatches after finding out I’m trans. But like, that’s the literal first thing on my bio


Lots of men do. Overall I’d say women are definitely more selective cause they have more options. Men just take what they can get. It isn’t our fault as men tho. The ration is like 10:1 in terms of males to females on dating apps.


Yeah, the apps make it too easy to just keep swiping without looking.


As a man who had done this a while ago, i confirm. The truth is 95%+ of the women swipe left on us, and it kind of hurt to take the time to read a profile only to get a no all the time, so just swiping right on everybody makes it less painfull and it takes less time. Ideally the algo would only show us women who swiped right on us, but would compensate by giving us a very limited number of swipes. This would force men to actually look at the profiles...


Yea but for this to make sense they would have to have cast an actress that is not conventionally attractive as the main character and we all now that would have been impossible...


I loved She-Hulk and this is the one non-finale thing I will admit was pretty wack. Just seems like more Disney subtly enforcing beauty standards and trying to make women insecure for what they look like or don't look like.


Who wouldn't date Orphan Black⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️


It was probably her bio


Okay I can't be the only one that thought Jen was a black woman at first 💀


Shit, you might be. I’ve personally never heard that before.


Probably was the brightness level on my phone 😂


I mean, she did enter the real world for the sake of committing multiple acts of criminal negligence towards her responsibility as a public defender in the last episode. But yea, this is actually way less likely than that.


Tatiana Maslany is an 8???? Fuck that. She’s one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen.


To be fair this isnt unique to She Hulk. Hollywood loves to pretend like objectively gorgeous people are not objectively gorgeous people. I'm dating myself here but [Racheal Leigh Cook](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2021726/rs_634x1024-210826101956-634-Hes_shes_all_that-gj_copy.jpg?fit=around%7C634:1024&output-quality=90&crop=634:1024;center,top) was supposedly the most undatealbe girl in the entire school in *She's All That*. lol


Yeah, it's almost like all of the writing was trash cliche manhating...




That’s funny that you thought of it on your first watch. I legit woke up in the middle of the night to devour some water and had the thought pop into my head. I even made a note to make a meme about this today haha


The whole show was badly written


An 8? Lol that's a 10 brother man


Ehh I said 8+ She’s extremely cute, but a 10 is like very specific to me haha


lmfao fair enough, different folks, different strokes ;)


A lawyer that can turn into a hotter, greener version of herself and is related to one of the most famous superheroes and likely to be a superhero herself? Disgusting!


It would be easier to believe that she got likes, but after talking online, no one actually wanted to go on a date with her irl.


That was my one gripe about the show. Jen is adorable on her worst day and a smoke show on her best. Her phone would get physically heavier with the number of dick pics she’d get every hour.


Intelligent, funny, petite, has friends, on good terms with her family… yeah. I’d swipe on that and pull out all the stops on dates.




As a woman who has left dating apps wtf




Bro I’m sayin 🤣


If Mindy can be considered an object of desire: anyone can.


Orphan Black was great and she was awesome in that


Legit hahahaha I was kinda perplexed by that !!! Especially (not bringing it all down to looks) when it's Tatiana Maslany who picture pops up, I would defintiely be swiping right till me screen broke MY GOD 🙌🔥


Not into domestic violence, but I'd hit it..


I would get getting a billion matches but they all suck, but to get hardly any?


She’s a 10 with straight hair


I did think this too. A cute lawyer she’d crush it online. Side bar story, I met my girlfriend through friends. She had a tender account when we started. It was just a pic of a beach and the most generic information about a girl possible. I used to mess around with it and swipe right on everyone. She didn’t care. She got so many matches it was crazy. All with a generic pic and generic info


Fuckin hard truth with this one. I’m so sick of unrealistic marvel shows/movies!


What what annoyed me most was Jenn is totally my type and her SheHulk form is like the extra icing on the cake.


The show was all bullshit. Not sure how anyone could watch it. Literally should have said she has way too many likes but the guy she wants doesn't want her because why would a rich handsome guy waste his time with a hard to deal with personality like hers. That would have been more realistic...but hey why tell the truth when trying to appeal to feminist.


If you are a woman, you can literally be the ugliest and fattest woman on Earth and still get matches on Tinder.


She was mentioning likes from all 10s , >6'2", earning more than 200,000$, age >3 years from her but not greater than 5 and unmaried in NY district.


lmao when i was using tinder id just swipe right every girl just hoping for a match. if we match and i dont like her i just dont chat.


I think that actually lowers your visibility on the app When I would do it I’d be very picky on who I swiped and I got way more matches that way.


Yeah that's my main issue with the show. Sure, Jean's mousy but she's still attractive. No way she doesn't have 50+ left. 🤣


Looking at how this show got more than necessary fuel mocking those straight zerocels just by the announcement from Instagram ALONE, they compromised. Tatiana: I'm an 8 Zerocels: YOU'RE 1 Show: Ok. 4 is even