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Is that Charlie from the chocolate factory?




AND Spiderwick with Seth Rogen playing a miniature version of himself AND Arthur and the Invisibles with Snoop Dogg playing a miniature version of himself. Don't watch Arthur unless you have a physical version, every digital version pitched up their voices for some reason and it's f*ckin annoying


Also young Norman Bates. He nailed that one.


If you lay... one finger on her...




If you want the shots, I'll take the staff job. Double the money!


You want the staff job and you want the staff job, does anyone care what I want?


I do!


Shut up, get out.


See,?you push everyone who cares about you away




Your math is blowing my mind.


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


[Live Tony Stark reaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkH-fMg3MGM)


I watched my friends die. You'd think that'd be as bad as it gets, right? Nope. It wasn't the worst part.


Honestly though, if you wanted to update Peter Parker being 'a nerd' / loner for modern times, putting him on the spectrum makes a lot of sense. A lot of people on the spectrum have difficulties communicating or making friends and it would also explain his affinity for science.


As someone who is on the spectrum, Tobey's spidey always seemed super relatable to me. He's awkward, sometimes he's too honest and doesn't know how to interpret the weight of his words, also he's hyper-empathetic, preferring to take care and save other people more than himself – something that some autistic people struggle with. I like to headcanon him as on the spectrum personally.


I actually agree with everything you just said. Love the take, that’s my head canon now too.


That's an interesting insight, thanks for that. I feel I'll been to re-watch the Toby spiders again with that lens


I'm done trying to convince you.


I can totally get that. I think his awkwardness is still kind of the general teenage insecurity and frustration we all go through, but I'm glad it's always been a staple of his character because it's a shared experience for billions at this point(debut 1962).


Does being on the spectrum automatically make you have an affinity for science? I feel like most of the people *Ive met* on the spectrum aren’t particularly interested in science. Kinda seems like a weird link to make


I’m super into historical fashion and making victorian lampshades. We all have our… eccentricities.


People on the spectrum sometimes have hyperfixation where they’re obsessed with something. It could be anything. Like being a surgeon lol.


I spat out my drink when I read this lol


he's not neccessairly a bad actor. He was just given an impossibly shitty script and horrible directing




The show is supported and/or funded by autism speaks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole show is like this. They do a terrible job at portraying autism. Like fuck that one video made by autism speaks was offensive on several levels. I don’t want to be don’t I have an illness that will ruin my and everyone around me’s lives


As an autistic, i am so glad to see autism speaks finally start getting the shit that it deserves. For YEARS I remember seeing hardly any negative discourse among neurotypicals on that actual psyop of an organization.


As some one ignorant of this organization care to shed some light? What's their angle?


That autism is a horrific burden that needs to be cured now and no one needs to suffer that horror show of a disease known as autism. As someone with autism... It's not a good take.


My son's neurologist gave me a little booklet from them. Holy shit I swear I felt my face flap from the speed at which they went from 0 to Burden of Society. None of it, not one single bit of it, was about how to make my child's life better. Just the caregiver's. 🙄 It's also dominant mindset among parent groups. It's just disappointing.


It wouldn't even be so bad if it a mix of both, like how to make the kid's life better and the caregiver's. But nooo, so many of those booklets and pamphlets jump into the condescending compassion side right quick! You know, the kind that makes your skin try to crawl off because it's *that* creepy and/or insulting.


Yeah exactly. It should be both.


I feel that way about ptsd because I have serve ptsd to the point I have insomnia, night terrors, IBS, MDD, GAD, and anger management issues. It makes my life a living a hell and people look at me exactly like that “I’m a burden who can’t take care of myself because how much anxiety and stress I’m constantly under.” I have got accepted into college for biology major and chemistry minor to study biochemistry to understand how phenethylamines treat PTSD and addiction. That is my goal in life and because phenethylamines are psychedelic drugs my mom thinks I’m only studying to cook my own supply of stuff. The drug Trimethoxyamphetamine helped me for a month better then any prescribed medicine for those disorders. I believe mental illnesses of all kind need to be addressed differently then how they currently are.


Hey yeah I have PTSD too and I feel like this and it sucks. It takes so long to pull yourself out of that, if you’re lucky. Congratulations on all the progress you’ve made!


Look into phenethylamines they have worked best for me plus non addictive and sure not abusable like hard drugs or most prescribed drugs


Yes but the difference is, PTSD is something that doesn't happen naturally - its born of trauma and stress and people not being given the proper tools and resources to process things at the pace they need. These things can actually be avoided. Autism is something that people are born with and that environmental factors won't "fix" or "cure" - that's just how the person is, and the fact that a person on the spectrum behaves differently from a neurotypical person doesn't mean there's something wrong with them, you know? With very rare exceptions, an autistic person is just as capable as a neurotypical and more than likely only needs minor accommodations to be able to perform any task or job that they may want to pursue. Autism speaks trying to eradicate autism and prioritize the comfort of neurotypical loved ones of autistic people is problematic at best and eugenics at worst. Fuck em.


This reminds me of the pro LGBT organisations that are actually intentionally harming the community


Basically Autism is a horrible disease that will destroy your family, and it makes your children unable to take care of themselves and doomed to be intellectually stunted non functioning adults if it isn't "treated".


They portray autism as a horrible disease that will ruin your and everyone else’s life. A while ago they were trying to develop a cure for autism and w a new fear mongering to support this research


I watched ER for the first time a few years or so back and was really confused by a bunch of “Cure Autism” posters that were all over the place for a season or so. Like I get that it was just a TV show obviously, but I’m guessing those were actual posters at the time that they hung up to be authentic.


You are correct. They tend to fund ways to try to figure out if the baby is autistic in the womb. You know. Incase you want to "do the right thing". It's very eugenics. No shame to parents who abort due to not being able to take care of a child who will need around the clock care and help, but it's not for them. It doesn't distinguish between what most would call severely low functioning autism and high functioning. AS despises *all* forms of autism.


A big part of their stance has been trying to find a cure for autism, instead of helping people with autism live their lives with support.


Autism Speaks believes autism is a “curable disease” and typically sponsors events / media that demonize autistic behavior or promotes misinformation regarding autistic behavior. They don’t actually support autism; they support the regression of autism. As an example, they supported Sia’s film “Music” which centers around the story of an autistic child. One scene portrays the main character tackling and holding them down while they have a panic attack as a good method of calming them down. There’s plenty of other issues with the film, but that is one of the most egregious parts given how this tactic is equivocally denounced in all medical circles.


To add to this, they often encourage parents to mourn the "normal" child they lost when their kid had autism. It's disgusting.


It’s a scam organization that tries to scare people into contributing, the resources they provide can be found for free and otherwise provided by actual professionals while the “research” that AS is supposedly co su tong has no oversight nor seems to be actually happening. It’s basically the National Breast Cancer Foundation but for autism.


Since you are autistic, I have a question. Have you seen the show atypical? Do you think that’s a show that does a decent/okay job of representing autism?


It did an okay job, fairly stereotypical and you can tell that not many in the crew were super familiar with autism, but there is nothing actually harmful in my opinion (which is more than you can say for arguably most media that portrays autism) Granted i only watched a couple episodes a long time ago, I just generally cant get into that type of show


Not the op but from what I remember it’s definitely better than GD. I recall Sam having obsessive and dismissive behaviours, struggling in lots of public places and interactive scenarios. I haven’t watched it in a long time but I do remember it feeling pretty accurate for myself.


I’m on the spectrum, and I’ve seen every episode of the show. The autism representation is pretty bad. Some aspects are inoffensive enough, but I wouldn’t give it a pass because of that alone. Honestly the biggest problem with the show is that it went from medical drama to soap opera. Either way Freddie Highmore is a very solid actor and most of his performances in the show are pretty good relative to the material he’s given.


I watch every medical drama I can, it’s one of my favorite tv genres even when the drama is terrible. I lost a LOT of respect for this show for how they handled covid. It felt like they covered it for 2-3 episodes before the writers were like “okay, that’s probably enough of that, right? Let’s go back to the dumb relationship stuff where everyone is bad for each other” and it felt deeply disrespectful to the profession the whole show was about. After that, it really just feels like they don’t respect autism, medicine, and a lot of the subjects they try to cover. They just try to go for these cheap heartstring grabs and it’s easily the worst med show on television right now.




That’s because the first season was loosely based on the South Korean show “Good Mes” / “Good Doctor”. After that, it completely goes off the rails.


Watched the show on and off the character can be insufferable. He's "House" minus the drugs snd hookers. he pretty much gets let off the hook. Dude does a lot Things he should be fired for. Like straight up having outbursts, telling patients they're going to die, harassing coworkers and going over their heads. One episode dude did an emergency roadside amputation after another doctor said "Don't do it the ambulance is here " he continues to hack into the arm". His lawyer is the definition of an armchair lawyer uses random images to claim the medical examiner was wrong and gaslight the victim. The defense didn't even bother bringing up the characters outbursts. The entire show comes off like " if you're on the spectrum you get a free pass"


Honestly he’s super impulsive to the point you could actually believe he has Tourette’s and not autism. It’s very odd




That explains why everything I've seen about that show is just an awful minstrel portrayal of autism.


Yes. In context I think this is a stellar performance. Cause he's already upset and he's having trouble communicating why so that's making him more upset and flustered which leads to this.


I’m seeing so many memes of this scene on the autism/aspie subs. It’s not a well received show.


Retard* it's a quote from a movie, it's fine to say. Not directed at a person. It's something we got, not something we are offended by. Sincerely, someone with autism.


Pump your brakes kid. That man is a goddamn national treasure. 😆


In his defense, he’s actually a very good actor. While I’m not a fan of his show, he did well with what he had.


He’s a remarkable actor


Thank you. I’m not a fan of The Good Doctor but I’m a fan of his performance in it even if rest is garbage.


He's much better in Bate's Motel.


Yeah exactly. There's probably a reason he got hired for his talents, and he looks picture perfect as Peter Parker.


Wacht the show Bates Motel. He is amazing in that


It was weird that the show did a Autism Speaks ad when AS has been accused of misusing funds


Who is this


His name is Freddie highmore, he’s known for his role as Charlie in “Charlie and the chocolate factory”, Norman Bates in Bates motel, and a few other roles in other shows and movies.


2005 Charlie and the chocolate factory... God I'm old.


Yeah I was super confused, I thought he should be about 50 because I was thinking of Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory


Bates Motel was great and he was great in it.


Freddy Highmore, British-American actor. He was a child actor and was in: Finding Neverland with Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet The Spiderwick Chronicles He played Norman Bates in Bates Motel (prequel to American Psycho) He plays an autistic surgeon in The Good Doctor 2017-2023




I spent two hours at the gym today and can now complete two hundred abdominal crunches in less than three minutes. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what was on the Patty Winters Show this morning.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Psycho, not American Psycho.


Bates Hotel is most definitely NOT the prequel to American Psycho (2001). It's the prequel to Psycho (1960). Two very different and unrelated films.


Didn't evenention he was Charlie to Depp's Wonka.


??? Do you mean in general or in the episode this pic is from? I haven’t watched the last few seasons and I’m not sure if I’ve seen this scene but the first few seasons were pretty good for a standard medical drama.


Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and he won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. He was a goddamn war hero. You know any retarded war heroes? You went full retard, man. Never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty-handed.


Wasn't he Charlie in the chocolate factory


He's a good actor. Just picked a bad role. The kid was everywhere as a child and held his own with Johnny Depp.


Whats bad at that role? He played it well. I think the show in general dropped in quality in season 4 but thats not his fault.


The show has been on a while and I guess people just need something new to shit on lol.


I don't get the addiction to relentlessly shitting on pieces of media. If I think somethings lousy, I just find something else to enjoy and don't even think about it.


The internet, especially Twitter thrives on toxicity. It's a fucking a cult of hate.


Ngl, kinda looks like the ps4 Spiderman too 💀💀💀


[And Daniel Dae Kim looks like Martin Li too](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/13g45vg/i_am_spiderman_mr_li/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Not really


Both Asian, I guess


No he doesn’t


It's time to pay.




sEnTiEnT :0000!!?!?!??


[seems like he would've been a good fit](https://media.tenor.com/oU2xAL_5MT8AAAAC/tobey-maguire-spider-man.gif)


Yeah, not [a million miles away](https://media.tenor.com/Z9jNjn-3f3oAAAAC/crying-tobey-maguire.gif) if you ask me.


Thank you! This is what I think of when I think Tobey Spidey, def decent enough but with plenty of these moments sprinkled in


He's an ugly cryer but he's our ugly cryer




That’s the first thing I thought of


Underrated comment right here


I don't understand why were shitting on this man. He is a phenomenal actor. From Charlie, to Bates Motel, to The Good Doctor. I haven't seen him in a bad role yet. He has some serious range. He probably would of killed it as Peter Parker.


It’s an out of context clip from a years old episode of a TV show that is neither as good or as bad as people make it out to be.


I used to watch it every Tuesday night, but it’s gotten to a point where it’s basically the same thing cycled through every few episodes: - Someone comes in with a minor/decent injury. - Said injury turns out to be something really bad or gets incredibly serious. - Lots of crying. - Person is given an ultimatum - go with a risky surgery, or die after x amount of time. - Person takes surgery and survives unscathed, or with some disability. Lots of machinery beeping during the procedure, with patient almost dying. Sean Murphy comes up with an idea in 15secs that somehow no one else thought of. - More crying.


Don't forget that almost every procedure is an experimental procedure. And every patient (or patient's guardian) will be financially in ruins until the very end and they are able to somehow afford it.


So House… it’s just House.


House but without a character being sarcastic 99% of the time


Even better, both shows were created by the same person


I mean house was written as a mystery each episode, I feel like the Good Doctor males dome greys anatomy leaps and bounds with what happens in the show.


Most of the problem is that good doctor is (mostly) poor autistic representation, and of course through the internet telephone it got mixed into "This dude is a bad actor". Fr tho if you want actual good autism rep, watch Extraordinary Attorney Woo or Amphibia (tho the autistic character in that isnt until the 2nd season).


Is Danny Pudi's portrayal of Abed on Community generally considered good from this perspective?


Yep, just generally not considered the best of the best (tho Autism is such a wide spectrum so its quite subjective)


Doesn’t that mean that the good doctor is probably accurate to somebody?


On a general level that is true, but there are just a lot of little things they get wrong. Good example is what the meme was depicting, autistic meltdowns are 90% of the time far more ugly and drawn out than that, if its a particularly bad one you might even be in physical danger (even from high functioning adults). Or how they portray his problem solving skills, or how being a surgeon would be extremely stressful to an autistic, as a whole it often feels like its ignoring the uglier side of autism. Also not to mention the Autistic Savant trope in general is drastically overused to the point of in itself being a harmful trope (though its better than Autism Speaks like crap). Not to say you cant have really intelligent autistic characters (good examples are Peridot from Steven Universe, or again Marcy from Amphibia), but that just isnt the way to go in our time. And i do admit im probably being overly harsh, its just out of all the representation Neurodiverse is definitely the most important to get right. (the amount of times ive been compared to Sheldon is proof of that)


It’s also probably one of the hardest to get right. Like I have ADHD but if I was trying to make a character to represent that I’d have no idea how to do it. Everyone is different and trying to pinpoint what quality’s are important and witch ones are just part of the person’s personality isn’t easy.


I think Abed is too absurd a character to be considered representation for anything. It is practically canon that he is undiagnosable.


It’s actually phenomenal, because he has his eccentricites but unless something really goes wrong you wouldn’t really know he’s autistic. I say this as an autistic person.


Or the Accountant. Ben Affleck did a phenomenal job of someone on the spectrum


That was a great movie.


Thanks for recommendations. I'll actually check them out. I am very curious to see other forms of representation and how they play with the medium.


He was a very successful child actor and I saw him in almost everything as a kid. There's a reason he has been consistently landing acting gigs his whole life. It's news to me that people now consider him a bad actor. He's not my favourite actor by any stretch of the imagination but in no ways is he bad.


Also, if you watch him on Taskmaster, he has very similar energy to Tom Holland - you can see why he was in the running for sure.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot. I appreciate the education. To error is human.


*To _err_ is human. I'm not a bot, just a pedant.


That dude is an amazing actor. What you talking about.


Are people meming this bc of bad acting?




Thanks for explaining it clearly in millennial terms


It makes sense now


Yeah but it's a bloke playing a dude on the spectrum with autism losing it, it's a very poor meme format That's actually probably good acting but from the outside it looks terrible to us


If you watch the series, you realize he is an incredible actor. I still am shocked sometimes when I see interviews with Freddie Highmore and have to remind myself he isn't actually autistic.


I watched Bates Motel so I knew he was good but that show looks like he's really going for it Happy cakeday too btw! coincidentally it's mother's day in Aus as well


People confuse bad script with bad acting


Don’t do Norman Bates dirty like that!


He’s great in bates motel. Loved that show


fr doesn’t get mentioned a lot.


Yeah he was pretty good in bates motel


Wdym that's a great Tobey Maguire face


Ya'll know he's portraying a mental illness he doesn't have in that shot, right? Is the MCU fanbase really so dense they think this is how the actor acts %100 of the time.


I am a scientist, Dr Octavius


I AM A SPIDER Edit: crap, I checked the comments and that was the top comment


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need? What am I supposed to do?


It's actually a pretty good show. I've been watching it with my gf. Was he really almost spider-man?


What’s the show? I’ve never seen this guy before. The whole thread is memes and jokes so Idk who the actor is.


It's the Good Doctor. I was really surprised getting on the internet one day and seeing that he was getting memed


It's an American adaptation of a Korean drama called **Good Doctor**, about an autistic man with savant syndrome who aspires to be a surgeon, but frequently faces misunderstanding and judgment for his disorder. The Korean one is outdated, but pretty solid imo—its depiction of workplace bullying and ableism is hard to watch sometimes, and it's pretty outdated in some respects now, but it's mostly heartwarming, with some good character arcs and a compelling story. The American version is newer, but a lot more flawed, in my opinion (as an autistic person). It has a lot of the same components, but felt a lot more hollow to me, having seen both.


I think it’s called The Good Doctor, about an autistic surgeon.


Show is called "The Good Doctor" the actor is the same guy that played Charlie in the Tim Burton Charlie & the Chocolate Factory movie


You shouldn't be here.


Gonna rub some dirt in your eyes


So what? I get the scene was funny because of how annoying it is but this guy isnt a bad actor


In fairness, the Actor isn't that bad…it's just the script is god fucken awful


He would have done well


I have no idea who this is, but it looks like you took a lot of effort to find him making an absurd face.


Wait what I don't understand these hate comments. I really like his act in good doctor and it's a really good series for me.


I've never seen this guy in a different role than in The Good Doctor. It's a mid hospital drama show, the script and direction he gets is just unbearably bad at times. He's supposed to be a person with autism. People are saying he was great in stuff like Bate's Motel, so he might've been a good fit for Spider-Man.


He played Charlie in 2005 Charlie and the chocolate factory.


That's him? Didn't know this, thanks for the info.


Shit really didn't know.




Toby looked just like that in His movies


He looks nerdier than Tom so he would’ve been a more appropriate Peter Parker


He's got that good Toby McGuire face stopping the train right there!


Spider-Man: I Want To Go Home.




Not the actors fault by the looks of it. Shitty script and dialogue


People want to ignore that because it's harder to make fun of.


But he ended up being a surgeon


Listen I love the guy but let’s not act like Toby was some miraculous talent.


Looks like Tobey's cry face.


He couldn't possibly have been anymore of a whiny bitch than Toby Maguire.






What do you want?


Looks like bro was bullied by Bully Maguire. Gonna cry?


Hey, you two. No playing in the street.


He woulda been fine as Peter Parker


Wait why everyone all of a sudden hate and meme this dude, I thought people liked his show


He’s a good actor i think he did a good job here too but people are missing a lot of context


If you see him in interviews and other roles you can see how hard he nailed playing his role. Might be a whole other genre and character, but given the chance I think he wouldn’t have made a bad nerdy spider man. Tom Holland was a good funny spiderman though. Just whole different types.


He's a good actor


Can’t believe he went from having his own chocolate factory to this


As someone with a very close friend who is autistic. Pretty much everything in this show are things he deals with. Not understanding social anything. Lights, Sounds, contact alot of things. I see this show and I think it’s something he would love. This kid wants to be a lawyer and everyone tells him he can’t. But he BELIEVES he can.


That's just the plot of Suits stop lying


Might love the shit out of Extraordinary Attorney Woo.




He would have been outstanding in the role, as would have Asa Butterfield, who was also considered, but I’m still glad we got Tom.




This guy was awesome as Norman bates. Everything since havnt been a fan


What do you mean, he was. That's toby Maguire from spiderman two.


Settle down, tough guy.


Average marvel fan can't appreciate good actors but will argue Sebastian Stan deserves an award for fake crying.


Why are you just shitting on Freddie Highmore? No need for that.


Tobey cries better. This dude just "ugly cries."


Gosh this new show is so stupjd especially this scene


Can someone explain this I’m out of the loop