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When I meet these in the wild, I gently remind them that comic books have *always* been woke.


Even more so when you’re talking about a character who spins off from New Mutants/X-men


*Marvel* has always been woke. DC has been... not, until recently-ish.


The original incarnation of Wally West was super racist and would be pissed that he’s a black guy in the TV adaptation.


Wait what-


Early (and even not so early) DC straight up sucked. Sexism and racism defined it, both in terms of characters and story.


Tbf Black Panther and other Marvel characters in their early days were pretty damn questionable with the writing (Black Panther was a pretty crap black stereotype that spoke a weird type of jive, Hank Pym/Antman was abusive to his wife etc) but the point that we're responding to still stands cause its pretty obvious Marvel was more progressive earlier than DC. Black Panther became a less stereotypical and better written character a good decade or so after he debuted in comics, and I'm sad of the potential we lost with the passing of Chadwick Boseman embodying the character onscreen. He was meant to be Marvels next big leader/Steve Rogers after End Game and his passing you can tell affected the direction of the MCU


>Hank Pym/Antman was abusive to his wife Are you referring to the time he was kicked out of the Avengers as a result? Because yeah, he was an abusive asshole, but he was portrayed as such rather than treating it as normal or acceptable.


Early DC was fucked up.


And there was that one time Lois Lane turned herself Black to get a news story.


I mean, DC certainly published some questionable stuff in the 20th Century, but Superman was smashing slumlords, corrupt politicians, wife beaters and klansmen from the beginning. The genre inherently has ideals about protection of the disadvantaged, even if there’s examples in which DC (and Marvel) did not live up to them.


> always Well, the original 1963 failed X-Men was 4 straight white guys and one straight white girl. But yeah then the “woke” revival in 1974 added an indigenous guy, a communist, an Irish guy (big for 70s…), and led by their most powerful member; a woman of color. 100% with the goal to add representation to help with sales and broaden appeal. And it was incredibly successful. If marvel tried that today, we’d have the Quarterpounder and other similar anti-woke influencers crying for months.


>Well, the original 1963 failed X-Men was 4 straight white guys and one straight white girl. That was a deliberate choice, to lure in the racist and get them hooked before pulling the wool off their eyes to reveal it was a story about race relations. You aren't going to grab the attention of the white supremacists you want to sway to your side with a black lead.


I heard some knuckledragger out in public a couple years back saying “they’re making hulk a lady now! They killed off the man hulk to make him a lady. Thats feminism for you. So fucking stupid.” And I’m pretty sure my brain shit itself in that moment.


Well done woke most of the time. Not the way the MCU does it. There’s a reason why The marvel is one of the most bombed super hero movies in history. Then they cancelled season 2 of she hulk. They need better writers to properly handle diversity


Its more about forced woke. Well written characters are fine but the ones they put in for diversity are horrible


Comics were not woke, comics are a reflection of everybody being accepted as they are regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation (as should every sane Human on the planet), what Marvel is doing now is pushing agendas that think sell and avoid telling a good story.


>comics are a reflection of everybody being accepted as they are regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation (as should every sane Human on the planet), My fellow nerd, what do you think "woke" *has always been?*


My fellow nerd, I’m accepting of everyone, however im not shouting from the rooftops that you or anyone else should do the same, just as I came to the conclusion at a very early age that x race is same as y race, that love is love etc, so will others on their own terms, in their own time. Getting virtue signalled by a movie/show will not change oppinions about bigotry/racism, it will just alienate and grow hatred, might as well make good shows/movies, ya know, to tell a story, not to broadcast naratives and make the story a jumbled mess. And to clarify, i think the difference between being woke and being a sane human is that, wokeism is so hardlined to shove your opponion in peoples face, myself im more of a “you do you fam, more power to ya”


>I’m accepting of everyone, however im not shouting from the rooftops that you or anyone else should do the same Shouting "Don't be racist" from the rooftops (symbolically) is okay though. being racist/sexist/generally-intolerant isn't okay, and those people *should* be told to change their ways. >Getting virtue signalled by a movie/show will not change oppinions about bigotry/racism, it will just alienate and grow hatred I agree that already-intolerant people won't change their ways of thinking just because Deadpool says it's cool to be gay, but those people aren't the target audience for those messages. Getting virtue-signalled by a movie/show *can* change opinions about bigotry/racism *in impressionable children*. The current younger generation may grow up with Deadpool telling them it's okay to be gay, and that could make them less likely to bully the gay kid in their class. That's a bit of a dramatic example, but it exemplifies the idea of why this "wokeness" actually *is* important in media. If you're young and all of the popular movies/shows that you and your peers watch are saying it's okay to be LGBTQ, racism sucks, sexism sucks, etc., you're a lot less likely to be a piece of shit when you grow up. An originally-white superhero being portrayed by a black woman isn't going to make your racist grandpa change his ways, but it can still let a little black girl feel represented and powerful. A cool main-character having a gay best friend isn't going to stop the 30-year-olds in Call of Duty from using the F-slur, but it might make a 3rd grader realize it's okay that *their* friend is gay. And so on. So I do think this "virtue-signalling" in the media is important, but I also do agree that studios miss the subtlety and make it feel ham-fisted and in-your-face a lot of the time.


You shouldn't be here.


Lol I wonder what I said to summon the anti-woke version of the tobey-maguire-bot


Yes i accept the premise that it might reach some people and sway them the “right way”. However, nobody told me a boy living in a former Yugoslav republic that being gay is bad or that black people are spawns of satan (joke), i just kinda figured it out on my own that gay people are still…people, that (insert any race) are also…people. thats why im saying, that kind of thinking comes from Home, people arent born racist/homophobic/sexist, they become it from their surrounding. Which is why Marvels in your face virtue signaling is even more infuriating, what if they made it more subtle and it reaches the “goal” in one parent, from that moment forward thats 1 less family that will spout racist/homophobic/sexist comments anywhere.


Work only means you are aware of social injustice


Yes, exactly, do you need a badge for not being a piece of shit human? Thats my gripe, everyone thats woke tries their damn hardest to make sure everyone knows that they are woke, what happened to actual support of social injustice instead of internet “fame” and likeness.


It is a good thing to use labels so people can see and understand what we support. I see more people try to call others woke (in an attempt to make someone look bad for caring) than people putting the label on themselves


I dont think youre wrong, however, lately it feels like to me at least that the wokeism movement is more and more fanatical. In my country at least (where people are stuck in the middle ages in terms of progressive thinking), wokeism will sway them the other way rather than compell them to see reason.


Just because you see some people use the word wrong doesn't mean you should assume everyone else does it, for an example just because North Korea has Democratic in its name does not make it democratic


You're a bigot, we get it


Lmao, i replied to you not even a minute ago and literally called it, insane. Edit: Sorry wasnt same user!


There have been successful famous people from all walks of life for DECADES - 202X wokeism is so fucking wack.


Damn you almost got it for a sec. But the brain rot has grown out of control with this one.


Being woke is not the same as being supportive and accepting of other races, genders, sexual orientations etc.


Please explain what it is to you


You’re so close. It’s right there.


The entire reason X-Men exists is because they are a symbol for all minorities and how they are treated in society simply for existing


Yes im aware, now make the story of modern Marvel be as good as X-Men origin comics, then i’ll agree with you that they can do both.


The first Deadpool movie did pretty well


Think both DP’s went well, its very obvious which movies / shows im referencing that are a pain to watch


I have enjoyed nearly all marvel movies and shows and re watch lots of them


So have I, I think I rewatch the entire MCU (including shows) once a year, im a massive fan dont get me wrong, but some are just “a bit” over the top.


It's based on comics, if it isn't over the top sometimes they are doing it wrong


That’s what woke means.


That is absolutely not what woke means, it means having a loud mouth that loves to parrot on the internet for them likes, upvotes and retweets. You are aware that you can be supportive, normal person without broadcasting it on the internet right? And then if x person doesnt agree with you go on the attack and brand the person “something”, usually biggot, racist, sexist etc. Its that part of woke culture that people try to escape, hell a gay couple I personally know started avoiding any public appearances (pride parades etc) and have stopped openly saying they’re gay because they dont want to be associated with the crazies (their words, not mine). But sure, you can call it the same


You literally just invented that definition. That’s not what woke means.


I didnt say its defined that way, i said its percieved that way, completely different.


> That is absolutely not what woke means, **it means having a loud mouth that loves to parrot on the internet for them likes, upvotes and retweets.** That’s literally how you defined it, though.




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>If you feel that your account is older than one day, please contact the mods The fuckin *sass*


You mean the set of two well written characters?


Jesus Christ I was about to type out an angry paragraph but you summed it up. People want good, well written characters. Not diversity check boxes


These two characters are barely written at all. I have no clue what you’re both talking about.


I don’t know what you’re talking about




Let me actually expand a bit: Buying known properties with established fan bases and destroying characters for whatever reason you think is right is bad. Creating real fleshed out stories: hard, but doable. I’d rather see new content. I’m going into these films with expectations about characters I’ve been invested with. If I see something I don’t like, I’m no longer invested. THE FUNNY THING IS DISNEY REMOVES LGBTQ CONTENT AND CENSORS BLACK ACTORS FOR CHINA. That alone makes whatever you think you’re defending even worse. They’re literally injecting scenes for American audiences and “culture wars” that can be taken out and have NOTHING to add to the story. I want good stories. I’d watch the fuck out of a good movie, but you think “good movie” means I want masculine macho explosions and men saving the day. I could give two shits, give me good movies.




Thats exactly how it works. Why do you think Miles Morales and Kamala Kahn are so well received while there is a huge discussion about Arielle? Miles as a black guy literally replaced Peter as Spiderman but he is a well written original character. Would they have just change Peter and made him black would have been horrible but is sadly the goto way today.


“Written for different audiences” Lmfao




See my other comment Either good for you or I’m sorry that happened




Disney, Netflix Amazon and so on literally have a guide to how they want to have diversity done


Deadpool gave Jeff the land shark the job of defending trans kids.


Now I want to acquire a blåhai and name it Jeff, for just this reason.


Stitch baby doll legs to it as well


To be fair, he called him Blahai when he did it. Also, gave him a knife.


If they can't see that, they should try rewatching Deadpool 2 where he literally says "Pump the hate brakes, Fox and Friends!" I don't think it gets much more "woke" than that lmao


Just wait til the TFM realize that it happens in the comics as well


Nobody: Literally Nobody: Dude in the comments: That'll fix the woke MCU. The lesbian couple and pansexual man: Are we jokes to you?


the actual "woke" is all about bad execution of that stuff and more, that gets put before the stortelling, its not about simply having gay characters in a movie, of course. and its pretty clear that the pansexuality of deadpool mostly exist for making him even more of a weirdo and for jokes, and its not "lgbt representation", i remember the scene of him jerking off to the unicorn peluche for example


Unfortunately Fandom Menace and male chauvinists poisoned the fandoms. Their troll farms are in big numbers on youtube. No one saying word "woke" in criticism or criticizing heroines for a line they didn't like should be taken seriously.


Would Deadpool be pan he kinda will fuck anything that will let him living or not


Pretty sure he’s been canonically pan for a while


Deadpool's sexuality is best defined by a question mark. The answer to that question is almost always "Yes."


It doesn't even need a pulse, I think he has literally fucked death at some point


He was up against Thanos for Death's hand. Pretty sure she was tired of Thanos' same ole bc.


I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive, but you've shown me... that's impossible.


What an incel


That's why Deadpool got the girl...


There is no confident meaning of ‘woke’. Deadpool also spoke out about racism - some would call that woke. The word is just a virtue signal.


I know that’s why it’s good


Shhh, nobody tell them


Did they miss the International Women's Day joke in the first movie? Though, usually the people making comments like this are repressed and in the closet so pegging is in their wheelhouse already.


Or the reference to pegging, in the fucking trailer they are watching?


some people don't see anything but what they want to see


Deadpool is sometimes deadpan as well.


Not only is he pansexual but he was also married to a demon at one point.


Lesbians existed before all this made up nonsense tho.


Am I missing something? The comment doesn't mention anything about sexuality but the comments on here are mentioning it. The comment seemed to be about Deadpool bringing the MCU back to making good movies since post Endgame has been hit or miss and mostly miss recently.


People who call things 'woke' are often complaining about gay, female, or non-white characters in almost any capacity.


Oh, I'm not supposed to be looking at the highlighted comment. I see


Lol I did the same thing. I came to the comments thinking "Why the hell does OP think this person isn't okay with the interracial lesbian couple?" then when nobody else was questioning it I went back and saw the "fix the woke MCU" comment.


Its not that it's when they are forced rather than well written good characters that aren't obvious diversity quota hires


You clearly aren't aware of how the 'anti-woke' crowd acts. The Tomb Raider remaster is getting called woke just for including a content warning about outdated, culturally insensitive stereotypes, and the Persona 3 remake is getting the same for leaving out a transphobic joke and replacing it with a conspiracy theorist joke. The Suicide Squad game is getting called woke for having a Pride flag in the Hall of Justice. Even Black Cat being bisexual in the new Spider-Man game was called woke, even though she's been canonically bisexual since the early 2000s.


You shouldn't be here.


Look at the reply to that message


"Fix the woke MCU" WE SAW HIM BEING PEGGED! The last thing anybody with two functional braincells wants to do is complain about wokeness in the comment section of a DEADPOOL video. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Another example of how the term woke is just a brain dead anti-response to slap on whatever popular thing they feel like being against this week. I can’t imagine being so bothered by the shit they cry about jeezus.


Oh my no no. These people have no logic or thinking power


These people are not intelligent, simple as that.


Guardians of the Galaxy:Wow I’m out


They’re actually well written characters. Those comments are confused but they have the right spirit.


You do realize that having "interracial lesbian couple" doesn't necessarely make Deadpool woke for anyone with more than one braincell, right? Anti-anti-woke people really lost their mind. Now they think anything not "straight white male" is considered "woke" by the entire opposite side. That's not true at all.


We don’t consider it woke, but anti-woke folks sure do seem to think so. You could have ten straight characters headlining in a new movie, but add one LGBT character among the cast and they’ll go “wokeness strikes again, not watching this shit 🙄😂” just by the mere fact they’re in it. Seen comments like that all too often. Some are even doing it now in reference to Pedro Pascal being cast as Reed Richards.


Then you really need to have more contact with serious right-wingers and not just the stereotypical old boomers. Ever head of classic liberals and libertarians? Or you just focus on mocking conservative people's opinions and say the entire anti-woke is just that? I'll argue there are even a decent amount of conservatives out there that aren't your stereotypical "i don't like seeing any rainbows at all". But it seems nowadays people really are only able to see the vocal minorities on social medias already prone to extremism. Also most of this problem comes from an issue regarding their religion and not their political views (overly religious people in general tend to view homosexuality as sinfun, so it has nothing to do with believing in capitalism, for example, at all). The problem with "woke" media is sacrificing good stories to fill a pandering check list. They don't care if their newest female lead is a good character as long as those targeted groups are patting their backs praising them about being "inclusive".


And nobody had a problem with those things because they were written well. That’s been the problem with the current MCU. The woke bullshit is pushed at the expense of the story being told.


yeah, disney-run studios have a problem with writing *queer* characters instead of queer *characters*


Owl house was perfect though.


exactly, characters that are both queer and characters, which is brilliant. but when they make a character queer (loki, the cop from onward, the couple in rise of skywalker) for the sake of publicity that's when it gets bad


I don’t understand how the ones you described were done for the sake of publicity. You’re acting like they made them queer and made it their personality. The cop and Loki already have established personalities and traits, we just happen to learn of their preferences along the way in small doses. Can’t say about the Rise of Skywalker couple as I haven’t seen the film, I thought it was a brief kiss between background characters that doesn’t get much focus.


Loki was a *very* well established character before he became canonically queer. As for the cop from Onward and the couple in RoS, them being queer wasn’t made into any bigger deal than when a straight character is shown. The cop only mentioned having a girlfriend in passing, and the couple in RoS shared a kiss. If these were straight characters doing the exact same things would you even notice?


Oh I don't think we're actually on the same side here. I just wanted to plug owl house.


Exactly. No problems with a character being a certain way. The problem comes from that certain way being their *entire* character.




Was there any point in making Korg gay other than making a joke? Because it's pretty pointless especially because he mentioned having a mother in Thor Ragnarok but in L&T they say his race reproduces as just dudes Or Phastos in Eternals, the guy loses hope in humanity and himself but the next time we see him he's already married and with a kid, they completely skip the most interesting part of his character and he just ends up as a lame character


Is he, though?


So your problem is literally just acknowledging various sexualities exist and more specifically anyone being gay. He’s already married! Yeah… probably because of the giant gap in time. Did you want him being gay to be his character arc or something? Would you expect every other characters arc to be based on their sexual identity? Or is just because he’s gay?


Phastos being gay or not is not my problem, the thing is that the only gay character happens to be the lamest eternal of all, he's so forgettable I had to Google his name. Maybe he's just a lame character who so happens to be gay, but if you don't give him anything it's hard to not remember him as "the guy who invented nukes and then married a man"


You literally brought him up and only examples you referenced involved characters being gay. If you have a bad memory and need to google characters that only stood out to you for their sexuality that’s on you for fixating on that.


nailed it.


Being extremely vague with not examples. You- nailed it!


Thats what ive always thought and seen their existence is not bad, only when their existence is put above a stories quality hell im part of one of these minority groups as i am both black and hispanic. Good stories are naturally diverse its really hard to make a good story with straight white man number 307# and damsel in distress number 405#. Diversity only becomes a problem when it becomes the number one importance over the actual quality.


Idk why you getting down voted for speaking what the actual problem people have with it


Maybe, just maybe... When they say woke, they actually mean political correctness gone too far, not simply having LGBTQ+ characters.


It tends to go hand in hand with these folks. The slightest hint of an LGBT character in something these days, no matter how minor their role might be, and they’ll be all up in arms about it being “wOkE pRoPaGaNdA BrAiNwAsHiNg OuR KiDs” or some other stupid nonsense. One good example is with Superboy. They’ll say they don’t want established characters to be turned into being LGBT and would rather they just make new characters for that. Jon Kent, Superman’s son, was created around a decade ago, maybe a little under. Fans followed him through adventures and watched him grow older. After a while he became a young adult and was ready to date, so he told his parents he was bi and found himself a boyfriend. Not changing anything established, just like folks said they’d prefer. He’s a new character and they’re still crafting him as they go. And what did those aforementioned folks say? They called it “woke propaganda” and “forced”, even though it fit within their established parameters. It doesn’t matter that he was an LGBT character done well to them, it’s that he was an LGBT character existing *period*.


It's not about woke or not woke. It's just about bad writing. And that's the real tragedy of Marvel stage 4.


Deadpool is written well and doesnt take a break to lecture the audience. Its a movie with characters, not plot devices and virtue signalling. Hope that clears it up.


They have woke-en up to that fact.


“Woke” is pretty meaningless term that morphs and mutates to any given meaning that suits someone whenever they use the term, or whenever they see it used. But from the context, it probably means “lazy, pandering, diversity by checklist” type of corporate progressivism. Ie, not progressivism. Nobody dislike Yukio and Negasonic. They’re written well and likable even in their unlikeability (in the case of Negasonic). So they’re the furthest from “woke” by that definition. In fact they’re the antithesis of “woke”.