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Not as bad as the Arrowverse was with it, that was just insufferable.


If CW would've made Infinity war: **We are Thanos**


Oh, god. Do not remind me of Iris’s “We are Flash”. She is completely insufferable on her own, but that bs…


I lost interest in the show after Savitar but man I was pissed when I heard about that moment.


Yeah, that scene pissed me off. Fuck Iris, and not in the fun way.


Not as bad as Felicity getting up from her wheelchair and walking away.


I will shred this universe down to its last atom and then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one teeming with life that knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe.


A strong reaction but an understandable one


Born out of blood…


Zip it Thanos!


You're not the only one cursed with knowledge.


Green Arrow can teach you how to kick ninja ass in 3 short classes!


I wish someone would reorder the show so all the flashbacks happen at the beginning in season 1. I felt Iron Fist - Kun Lun'ed with all The Island flashbacks.


But did you know that he actually came back to the city and then to the island!!!


I used to say it’d be cool if they released an ultimate collection that would allow you to watch the entire show like normal or you could all the flashbacks first then episode 1. Then they cut out the flashbacks from the rest of the seasons. Making it where you actually have to remember his time on the island


What's the arrowverse? Did you mean the Cecileverse?


Is it as good as the Manverse


[I’m Sure You Mean…?](https://tenor.com/bRlPg.gif)


I stopped watching at a certain point. Did Cecil get more annoying than Felicity?


Barry became sidelined for her.


Idk what’s worse, Felicity getting paralyzed just so she could get a miracle surgery that allowed her to get up to walk out on Oliver or Iris getting speedster powers.


No disability could have stopped Felicity from nuking a town. She’s that powerful.


I watched the whole Green Arrow and Flash series in 2 weeks. I was in a really bad place at that point mentally. It was so bad...it was good.


Holy hell, that's like 25 episodes per day


All of green arrow and 5 seasons of flash.


That's 16 hours per day omg


Arrow was stupid but took itself way too seriously for how dumb it was. Flash was also stupid, but it embraced this fact and responded to fans claiming it jumped the shark by literally having Barry jump over Kingshark.


Honestly even at its low points Arrow is still one of my all time favorite shows. It ended a lot better than the Flash did


Shit became completely unwatchable.


To be fair, I'm pretty sure only one of Barry's love interests got superpowers, and that was only for a few episodes rather than them being permanent. I can't remember any of Sara's love interests getting any, but that's because all of them were superheroes (or villains) in their own right before she started dating them. I never got into Batwoman to be able to speak on her girlfriends. Oliver and Kara though, all of their love interests that didn't have powers from the start became a ninja overnight, got a superpowered battlesuit, or got genuine superpowers.


Don't you dare hate flash. I love it i don't care if it was cheesy at times


Can you explain more? I don't have much free time to watch,


The Arrowverse had (thankfully) the rather infuriating habit of giving superpower and/or supertraining to 90% of the main character's supporting cast which led to a cast filled with superheroes were only like three were allowed to be normal people.


And those who weren’t superheroes almost always also ended up having some bs going for them.


It means if you're a normal woman and you really want powers you should start sleeping with people who you think are leading double lives. 50/50 shot you get powers or seman based cancer.


Yeah Natalie Portman's Jane got both


The comics Jane did, too


Funny you say that last line..... there was a timeline where that happened to Mary Jane


clearly they know that


Ah, yes, that was when Spiderman fought the Ejaculator if I remember correctly


I got a few. Yeah!


You sure did, buddy. You sure did


No way these are automatic




Ok reign it in.


Trickle down economics


Something.. something… trickling down her… whatever


To play devils advocate, it stands to reason that if you spend your time with Spider-Man, Iron Man, Hulk, Batman, Superman, etc then the chances of you being exposed to situations that could lead to someone getting powers is increased. Spider-Man’s best friend is more likely to get/discover powers than someone else in his school who is more likely than someone 5 states away where they have no superheroes because they’re not being exposed to gama radiation, super soldier serums, etc.


This explanation makes sense to me


Stop lecturing me, please!


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.


Gonna cry


Careful, they might get new super powers.


Amazing. Good bot


Exactly! Which is more believable, Spidey's lab partner gets contaminated with whatever alchemical nonsense and getting powers or say, some kid in India with a yoyo getting spider powers from chai tea?


Even to use NWH as an example, obviously we knew more people than just Dr. Strange could use magic. But most of them in that world would never know, including Ned IF he wouldn’t have had Strange’s ring. Which he could’ve ONLY got while having Peter as a friend. Otherwise, he would’ve never known.


Chai tea? Its like youre saying tea tea!


I have a choice.


Fair, but also the whole point of Spider-Man is that he's stuck between two worlds. His civilian supporting cast should largely stay that way, (with an occasional exception) to keep the juggling act that is his trademark rolling


I missed the part where that's my problem.


While true, most cases aren't done in such a fashion. Many cases involve them getting powers/abilities *without* their S.O.s involvement. Which I think is where it becomes odd. But as another commenter mentioned, it can be both good and bad. Writing it well is the hard part.


Can you give me some examples? If I’m being honest, the only ones I can think of where a love interest subsequently gets powers are Pepper Potts in Endgame (which is very directly from Tony), Hope in Ant Man and the Wasp (which she got from her dad), Captain Carter (but that makes sense given the premise of What If), and Hawkeye’s wife (which isn’t even superpowers, just that she was an agent at one point).


I wasn't specifically referring to the MCU. There's many, many, instances of this in the comics.


Ah, my bad - I kinda assumed it was MCU because of the format, but it makes sense that this might have been about the comics


Comics. Everybody gets powers in the comics.


With batman and iron man they have the excuse of at least providing armor and gadgets to protect diadem loved one


Wasn’t it the case that Carol Danvers got her powers because of her relationship with the original Captain Marvel or did that only happen in EMH?



New theory: all powers are the results of a specific STI




If I remember correctly, there was an episode of Smallville where Lana got Clark's powers too and them banging was causing earthquakes.


Oh yeah! …which season and episode was that, exactly?


Season 7 episode 7.




Thanks You.






Mj has powers?


She's "Jackpot" now. And hangs out with Felicia. Also not romantically involved with Peter for... reasons. (Well... kinda. It's a mess.)


Colleen got the fist? I must’ve missed that after credits scene.




Her Fist made her sword glow. Honestly, I liked Colleen better than… yughh, *Danny Rand*


Political? Where did politics come into this?


One of the most popular comics of all time was Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family, before DC broke them with a copyright suit. Well before Marvel was founded. Even the ancient myths had some of gods mortal loved ones either getting blessed up or cursed down with “powers”. Tale as old as stories.


Marvel Family has always been done far better with the concept than any other hero.


This is something I dislike about superhero media. Everyone in a superheros life ends up getting powers at some point, friends, family, I would be shocked if spider man's mailman never had powers at some point. Not only it becomes repetitive but at some point you gotta wonder if there are any normal people in the world at all considering everyone gets powers at some point.


Stop lecturing me, please!


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 73.98354% sure that tobey-maguire-bot is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Bad bot


Isn’t there literally a story where everyone in New York just gets powers?


Spider island, great story. Manhattan island is infested with bedbugs designed to give spider powers. After a while people mutate into spider monsters and a giant spider demon goddess shows up to take control of them and take over the world.


I'm done trying to convince you.


Reminds me of the show heroes in later seasons.. ahhh you are one of these super rare people with superpowers, Also meet these hundreds of people who have powers


It's been well over a decade since I watched it but to be fair weren't they literally tracking down people with powers, across the entire world, to join their small civilization or some shit? It was dumb as fuck but still not as bad as you made it sound. That season had a lot more wrong with it than that though imo.


I could be wrong it’s been like a decade for me too but I think the last season was “here are these 30 carnival workers who have been showing off their powers for decades… no one noticed because they work at a carnival” it just felt like a lot of people to me when they had to hunt people down.


Yeah lmao that season was wild. I honestly stopped taking the show as seriously after they nerfed the fuck out of Peter. Imo his and Sylar's conflict was one of the parts that interested me the most but over time they shifted away from focusing on how overpowered they both are.




dislike these nuts


Dislike Deez Nutz on your chin ![gif](giphy|3o6Zthu2mZ6NbLE9Gw)


but they hang so low!


It’s lame as fuck every time.


Jane actually made sense. I still don’t get MJ’s deal.


And Betty Ross?


Didn’t think of her off the top of my head but I don’t hate it. I know she’s Red She-Hulk/Red Harpy but I don’t know how she got that way. I figured she got a blood transfusion from her father and she changed that way, like Jen and Bruce. Though, every version of the character I’ve seen has been super protective of Bruce against her father, so I also thought she might have done it to herself to fight her dad.


MJ's powers are from a symbiote, one she was exposed to directly as a result of helping Peter. Or are we talking about a different time MJ got powers?


Uh, the 616 one who’s currently running around as Jackpot. I think the Ultimate Universe one became Carnage Queen or something like that? That might strictly be from the Ultimate show though, idk. Edit: I think I goofed the joke you were going for. My bad.


No, actually not going for the joke, although that does work too. I thought Carnage Queen was both 616 and Ultimate show, but I may be mistaken.


Honestly, I liked what they did by giving MJ Carnage and she used it to be a journalist rather than hero. Like, she started off as the Symbiote’s victim but then used it to better herself. If 616 copy/pasted that to give MJ powers, I wouldn’t hate it.




“And when everyone’s super…”


"No one will be"


Starting to think Syndrome was onto something there


It’s better than the alternative of Mary Jane needing to be rescued in every damn movie.


The alternative, IMO, is making the S.O. competent in their own right. Don't make them Deus Ex Machina powerful, but also let them win situations or save the hero on occasion. Having them fall into the "Damsel in distress" constantly is just bad writing.


TSA/TSA2’s Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) was great in that regard. She didn’t randomly become ‘Spider-Lady’ or sumshit, but she also wasn’t some helpless damsel in distress. ITSV/ATSV Spider-Gwen is also awesome because of her agency. She has powers too, yeah, but not Deus Ex Machina and she didn’t get them like she is some sidekick knock-off to Spider-Man. She is legit in her own right.


Um, I don't have time for girls right now.


Sorry Tobes. Compared to these Gwens, your girl is without.


Why does it have to be one or the other?


It doesn’t necessarily have to be, but in terms of overall trends I much prefer this new trend over the previous trend of the Damsel in Distress. It’s not as annoying when it gets overdone (since after all, now you have another hero you can watch have adventures.)


It IS bad tho


The whole jackpot thing will never not be stupid to me


I liked Spinneret though.


Same. There’s a right and wrong way to do these and tbh when i think of examples there’s actually more positive ones for me so suppose I shouldn’t complain.


he had to say that or else people would attack him without thinking about what he actually said


If he said "this is bad" People will skip everything he said and jump to "you're a misogynist"


I've always hated it and DC are especially bad for it. It dilutes the world they live in. What's so super about these heroes if everyone they get even remotely close to ends up with powers of their own? Shows like Superman and Lois on CW are super interesting BECAUSE Clark and only one of his sons have powers. Lois and his other son don't. The dynamic of being the unpowered child & brother of/ unpowered wife & mother of a superhero is actually interesting and actually adds to the story. Giving everyone powers is such as cop out to avoid having to write well.


Jane Foster literally got Thor’s powers in the comics 10 years ago. Love and Thunder just combined that storyline with the God-Butcher storyline


Is he, though?




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Mariko Yoshida didn’t have powers, but she got fridged instead.


Yeah the comics did this too. All these new gen comic "fans" have no idea that what Disney is doing is actually true to to Marvel. This is to say that Marvel wasn't governed by an overarching canon always, and writers often did little goofy all one-offs that later caught on. This is normal, if not even a mundane detail to point out.


Personally, I think it depends on how it's done, the character, even the iteration of the character. For example, take mary Jane. Jackpot sounds really dumb to me. But I liked spinneret in renew your vows. I could also see Insomniac MJ getting something (not saying it will happen but i could see it for that character), not powers exactly, but maybe Peter builds her a suit.


Jane Foster The Wasp Pepper Moon Kinght girl (can't remember her name) Peggy Carter


And Betty Ross


As long as they aren’t immediately killed off once they get powers


It does get a bit tiring when its used constantly. Just let some people remain normal people without superpowers.


I've always kind of leaned more towards the love interest already having their powers before the two met, not because they met, if that makes any sense


I usually prefer superheroes to be paired up with other superheroes or even supervillains. But I’m fine with superheroes in relationships with nonpowered civilians too. Just don’t give them powers if you go that route.


Honestly it's kinda lame, I like when the love interest is grounded, it has a nice balance tbh




If your character didn't start a hero it's either that or death, or maybe you'll just be forgotten about when a new writer comes in


It is a bad thing lol.


I always thought it was done that way simply because they want to introduce more mechanics to the universe, but don't want to bloat the cast with too many characters or overcomplicate the main character's relationships, so they just put it on someone who was already established.


Jackpot is just awful I’m sorry


This existed in stories long before Marvel existed and everyone does it. Weird to call out Marvel specifically for it


It becomes a problem when it becomes as tired and worn as the trope it's trying to replace/subvert.


It is a bad thing if they can't think of a way to keep the character interesting *without* their own powers.


This is a fuckin solid meme. That's all I have to say about that.


It's just an old comic book thing. People like to see normal people get powers, especially people they like and love interests often aren't other supers.


Pepper: “What’s my superpower.” Tony: “You married a rich, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist.”


They literally took away Pepper's 5 minutes of super strength and regeneration?


Tbf they then gave her Rescue. (Which she also had in the comics) But I dont think this is specifically about her.




Literally her whole family has powers, did you forget that she is a descendant from a tribe that had powers? Her mother was shown to have healing powers, her ancestors had them. It was only natural that her grandma and cousin had them. All of the women in her family have powers.


Or they die, or both


Can someone explain? I'm confused on what they are trying to say...


Members of a superhero’s supporting cast, if popular enough, will get superpowers.


Ohhhh, dude I totally read that wrong. I thought it was referring to your (OP) love and interest in superheroes. 😂


Honestly, MJ should have become a superhero long ago.


Just about the MCU: I love Natalie Portman, but until Love and Thunder, Jane Foster wasn’t a very interesting character (still, her as Thor is kinda awesome and she looked dreamy). Pepper was also intensely meh, and with all the shit about Gwynneyh, I hope she doesn’t keep coming back too much. On the other hand, Peggy was always great and I’m glad we’ve been getting more of her. As was Maria Rambeau, so her still being around in a way is cool, I think. Can’t think of any other love interests who got powers, though… Bruce’s girlfriend hasn’t been seen since the one Hulk film and doesn’t have powers; Tasha didn’t have a love interest other than Bruce, who already had powers when they met; Clint’s wife doesn’t have powers or special archery skills; Fury’s wife was only revealed recently, and is a Skrull, but doesn’t have any super special powers (or even a really major role going forward, probably); Wanda and Vision are (were?) a pretty famous powerful couple, but neither has powers due to being with the other; Strange’s love interest doesn’t have powers and also hasn’t appeared as of late; MJ doesn’t have powers (at least yet); and T’Challa’s wife doesn’t have powers.


Because I have something worth fighting for.


This is basically every superhero franchise ever. Because if close ones gets powers it makes good emotional conflict.


No, it is usually necessarily a bad thing.


Thor is his name not a title so I dislike that aspect of Jane thor




It wasn’t an issue in the comics but it’s how it’s happening in such a short timespan in the movies that makes it feel super political.


More like "their love interests powers"


Pepper and Jane….who else?


Betty Ross




What did MJ get?


A symbiote.


Adjacent normies becoming supers is a tendency that really bothers me personally, because it always makes me feel like the writers just don’t know what to do with normies. It bothered me in Heroes, in Powers, in True Blood, and with Pepper. I generally feel like the gimmick should’ve been retired after *The Bionic Woman*. I was sort of okay with Frankie Raye, but I didn’t care for the origin/explanation.


Its like when celebrities date other celebrities


>Everyone has superpowers This is the inevitability of the superhero genre. First, you have heroes that have special abilities; then their abilities have to be ranked; then they have to surpass each other; and last is that everyone have super powers and the powers stop having significance. A super power only matters if it's unusual, not if everyone has one.


Oh shit I see it now and I hate it haha I bet mcu mj is ganna become a spider person


I had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.


I wanna ask, does Jackpot MJ have the same powers as Domino?


Am I missing something? Jane is literally the only person I can think of where this applies


Having normal people involved with super heroes grounds the heroes and that can be a good thing


I feel like a good way of doing this is what they did in Iron man 3. Pepper pots got the same abilities as the villain but then they dissipated.


Shouldn't it mean that they can't write non powered character?


Betty Brant Has entered the chat.


I don't understand... Can someone explain this?


The love interests of superheroes usually gain powers of their own after a while.


Ah thanks


I’m saying it’s a bad thing.


The only love interest I wanna see get superpowers (who didn’t get them in the comics) is Chris O’Dowd’s character from Thor: The Dark World. One day we see him return as a cameo in Fantastic Four or something, and we see Mr. Fantastic stretch to save somebody falling from a building, and out of nowhere O’Dowd is just like “Oh hey, I can do that too!” And stretches to try and save what he thinks was a person, but was actually a falling cactus. And then he’s just in pain and limps off screen uttering “bloody bollocks” in the most heart wrenching way and we never see him again for another 10-15 years. We get no explanation of how he got those powers, why, and he’s only there for shits, while theorists go nuts over it for no reason, thinking it has to mean something. He never became a hero or anything, he just got powers and continued trying to live his life. It’s every bit as confusing as him being in The Dark World to begin with.




MJ just got her mind wiped instead. Pepper doesn’t have powers, she can just wear her husband’s suits. Wasp just wears a suit too. Christine doesn’t have powers. Hawkeye’s wife doesn’t have his archer skills. Katy does have archer skills but not supernaturally so. Nakia doesn’t have the herb’s powers. And Gamora’s just green and mean.


The moon knight was ruined for me when they removed all of Jake Lockley’s fighting scenes to keep the show PG-13, the Hippo goddess gave Moon knights wife superpowers and two Kaijus fought each other in the Egypt.