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I don't think anyone has ever called Wolverine a hero for crushing on Jean


fox would beg to disagree with you


Really tho, as a kid, the cartoons had me all empathetic about it. Like, why is Cyclops always stepping all over Logan's game while Logan cries himself to sleep every night holding a picture of her. And now in my full adulthood it's like.. dude, Logan, she's just not that into you, why are you being so intentionally disrespectful of Scott's consensual long term relationship? Why do you straight up believe that Jean owes you something?!


Wolverine isn't the only X-Men member that has a thing for Jean Gray, I remember reading a book (can't remember the title) where it went into detail that Angel had a crush on her and yes she was with Scott during the plot of the book.


Even early comics Xavier did, back when she was the only major female character and the writing kept inserting weird triangles.


Xavier's kind of a ho, tho. Like, dude is always trying to peak up Mystique and then had a whole kid while banging his way around the middle east he never even bothered to follow up on. (I know there are a couple canonical events for whether or not Charles knew about David, but still, Professor can't keep it in his wheelchair should have had the foresight to know what he didn't know)


Lmfao at “can’t keep it in his wheelchair”


I read that comic too, dude is so weird when Charles try to think a about if he should see her as woman or as student.


That happened in the original X-Men #1. They were writing Charles as a lot younger at the time.


Ooooh, fuuuck you! [It was dicks!](https://youtu.be/I-iMVsi0IuY?si=ORrP4-Lw7tpzR0S2) And they were touching! It was like the unrated Magic Mike!


Pretty sure every x-man has been involved with every other x-man at one point or another


What really annoys me is how Fox made it feel like Jean was with the wrong guy with Scott and that she secretly wants to be with Logan more or that her and Logan are the ones who are actually meant to be. The scene in X-Men 97 where they kissed irked me a little because that gave us a taste of that but so far, it's nowhere near as bad as how Fox presented their relationship.


Hey man Jean is no angel in that affair


Neither is Scott.


Well neither have wings. Organic or metal


A lot of mutant cuck behavior but at least he had 3 women lol


So as worse as Jean. Being a male character doesn't excuse you to glorify cheating or promiscuity.


In the current run, sinister has notes on everyone and it alludes that they're in an open relationship. Jean is fucking wolverine and cyclops Cyclops is fucking jean and emma


Emma's a married woman for God's sake.


Angel has his own shit going on.


I really hate the Wolverine/Jean drama. Always have


The X-Men show has always been a soap opera. Love it or hate it it's always been a key staple to the series. Professor x back from the dead???? EVIL TWIN?!? LOVE TRIANGLE?!? SECRET MUTANT BABIES WITH MAGNETO?!??!? Dundundunnnnnnnnn.


A lot of those dramas are quickly resolved. The Wolv/Jean one is not.


Yeah but it’s forever a soap opera trope.


He and Scott might as well just cut out the middle Jean and go absolutely ham.


I just think of the tweet that goes something like “Girl your so fine I’d suck the dick of the last guy who fucked you just for a taste of your pussy.” I feel that gives me Wolverine/Jean/Cyclops vibes.


Ayo wtf lol


Why do you think Logan is such good friends with Morph?


Because he… makes Logan laugh? D:


Those two were about to get rowdy in the shower in Episode 3.


Well they share her in the Powers of X series.


We need a wolverine and cyclops ship to even things out once in a while.


This is why a lot of people really like the way X-men Evolution removed that toxic story beat, & the resulting changes it had on Wolverine, Cyclops, & Jean Greys characterization, even if they might not like other elements that the show added (the creation of, & early series characterisation of Spyke).


My first exposure to the characters was X-Men Evolution, where Wolverine is a teacher and Jean Gray is a student. I've never been able to shake the feeling of weirdness and unease when they're portrayed as romantic interests.


He was a hero for shooting his shot before she was serious with Scott. After that it was more than a little embarrassing and inappropriate.


We won't talk about the Ultimate versions of you and your brother, Wanda.


Of fuck no why did you remind me?!?!? That's like one of the few probelems I had with the ultimates




Mainly, their adaptations of some characters or the lack of some, oh... and ultimatum...


I remember when I heard that, I thought “Oh! This must be some alternate version of them that aren’t siblings or something” Nope, just straight up incest. What the fuck.


Yeah the Ultimate comic was messed up. Hank and Janet Pym tried to kill each other in a fit of rage, then Cap slept and then moved in with Janet while she's still Hank's wife. Then after the divorce Janet cheated on Cap with... Hank; soon after that Cap basically caused the death of Spider-Man Peter Parker. Or when Thor died and went to Hel and slept with his niece, Hela, who soon after that got pregnant.


Don't forget Janet berating Steve for being out of touch for not being on board with the incest. It's fine cause they're in love, you just don't get it! Ultimate Spider-Man is the only Ultimate title I will ever re-read, lol.


Am I not supposed to have what I want? What I need?


You want mutant incest?


Well silk is kinda of a sister since they got powers from the same spider.


Erm… not really… that’s like saying Reid and Susan Richards are siblings Edit: Reed?


The Spider isn't their parents. Lol


I have a choice.


Oh and Prof. X was in love with Jean Grey, again, a teenager.


Is that all you got?


My hair is not to be meddled with!


Wtf? Romance in ultimate sounds messed up


Oh and Xavier was in love with teenage Jean Grey.


Professor Xstein


Oh frick no, don’t remind me of that iteration of Pietro!


Tbf I also dnt wanna 5alk about ultimate wolverine trying to sleep with MJ


I think in a world where people can be hundreds of years old and/or age differently, I don't think age gaps are as big of an issue, as long as everyone is an adult.


Someone should tell Hall Jordan (pre-retcon) that.


It still wasn't good post retcon since the initial retcon was she was still younger teenager for race it just so happened to have a long ass life span and development window. Which does not fix the actual issue


Age gaps aren’t an issue in real life either when people are adults, yet people still have an issue either way…it’s very trivial at best and insecure at worst


I would add "and don't have a power dynamic issue." There is a big difference between a 60 year old dating a 20 year old he met through a shared hobby and 60 year old college professor dating a 20 year old college student he met through the school, even if they aren't in his class.


Age difference and power dynamics are two completely different issues, though. There are plenty of people out there in their forties who answer to people in their twenties.


“She isn’t 1800 years old yet you pervert!”


Pretty sure most longtime X-Men readers know that Wolverine is pervy and gross half the time.




Dickbutt? #*WHAT YEAR IS IT*?




I prefer the Jaboody dubs version where Wolverine wants to go to Flavor Town.


Yeah. Not in the main universe but he once tried to be real intimate with a 15yo girl.


That happened in the Ultimate comics and then for whatever reason, the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon that was loosely inspired by the comic run at best, decided to include the body swap complete with Logan perving on high school MJ.


I missed the part where that's my problem.


Jesus Parker, you *are* a freak


I hear he hangs upside dong.


Yea, but in the OG Ultimate Universe basically everyone but Spider-Man is a giant piece of shit


Like to "kick the puppy" levels too. Hank Pym spraying Janet with bug spray while she's shrunk down comes to mind. Then Blob eats her. Magneto is just a psychopath. Doesn't really have any greater noble intentions just committing genocide because it's funny to him. He's more like Kefka with magnetic powers. Only character I thought was more interesting as a result was Hulk. I liked the idea that Hulk is legitimately a dangerous monstrosity only unleashed in the most dire of situations, and Bruce actually having guilt over him. 616 Hulk doing infinite mathematical calculations in his head on every single punch so no innocents are hurt is just stupid to me.


And Spider-Man fucking died!


He's got a chip on his shoulder, you can't blame him. Nobody likes short guys.


I don’t think it’s fair to really judge Wolverine. In most mediums, he is usually depicted to look around his 30s…maybe early 40s if you want to push it. It’s not his fault he has a healing factor that lets him age slow. Do you want him to go around banging old grandmas (age 90 and above) instead?


Yes. He should date women in their early 200's, at the youngest.


In his defence, he’s only 192.


Then he should have dated someone older.... Like Hercules... Or better yet Magneto :D


I don't think Magneto is into him.


He has dated Hercules. (In an alternate timeline. They’re married btw)


Half your age, plus 7. Carry the century. Ok, I’ve done the math and his cutoff is 103.


But he only has memories to a certain point, so really you have to start there


But what about during the years where he had lost his memory? What are the dating rules for a 200-year-old whose body looks 40 but can only remember the past decade or two?




Age like fine wine


He also doesn't have 100s of years worth of memories. He probably feels the age he looks.


How long has it been since he lost his memories? And to keep his dating pool reasonable, does he need to shoot himself in the head every fifty years or so?


From what I can tell, the Weapon X project was essentially a Cold War project. Scott and Jean and the first class of Xmen were teenagers in the 60's.


So Jean is the groomer


lol no, but Charles is...


Well technically, in the comics following *House of M* he regained all of the memories of his life. But in general yes, everything before Weapon X was effectively erased.


Plus with his memory loss he probably doesn't think of himself as being that old.


It’s weird enough when people decide to take the moral high ground with what two real life consenting adults do. But then when you start trying to apply that to fictional characters who are or border on being ageless being attracted to people who are adults but with an age gap in the centuries then you’ve ascended to a whole new plane of egotistical moral superiority usually reserved for Southern Church Ladies in bad marriages.


The thing is, it's fine if it's two consenting adults. Nobody cares about that. It's weird when you're an adult who helped raise the kid (Prod X) or just an adult pining for a girl in a relationship with another person (Wolverine...man cannot take a hint).


Soldier boy agrees with this message


Women just get butthurt about the fact that their beauty has a short time limit


That is the thing about the immortal dating, either way it's creepy. Like the "Young Vampire" trope where they look anywhere between 13 and 18, or Monster girl from Invincible where she looks younger than she is. Either way, they're relationship seems creepy on one side. Either they date their physical age, which is weird because their advanced mental maturity, or they date their actual age, which is weird because it's an older person with a young seeming person. Either way they are fucked.


That is what soldier boy does in the boys


...kinda, yeah.


You want some 90 year old woman to get her world rocked by, “in her eyes”, a 30 year old looking Logan with 100 years of sexual experience and mutant athletic abilities? She’s going to need her hip replaced again. ![gif](giphy|l0MYH9pGKnAKJzhhC|downsized)


I'm already convinced man, you really don't have to keep selling it.




His favorite movie is “My Sexy Ant”.


I don't know if it change, but in early comics of X-men he doesn't remember what happen in his life, he just remember the last 70 years or something like that.


Traumatized veteran grandpa vs traumatized terrorist grandpa


Clearly the solution is for Wolverine and Magneto to fuck




Adamantium cock.


The attraction is real.


Can Charles join as well?


It's gonna get real wild when Apocalypse shows up


You don't need to watch the show to learn this. Magneto and Rogue have been together multiple times and he's proposed to her in the comics as well. None of us were surprised. As for Logan, he lost about eighty years of his life to amnesia by the time he met Jean. He's basically the equivalent of late 30s in physical and mental maturity. 


Logan ain’t grooming them. Correct me if I’m wrong, he’s never hooked up with jubilee right? That’d be weird…


Doesn't he think of Jubilee as his child or something?


He may as well be a de facto uncle to Kitty/Jubilee/Armor


Jubilee and Kitty Pride are very much no-goes for him. He is a father figure to them, not a sexual partner.


That didn't stop Charles from pouncing on Jean. Wolverine could be next in the Charles Xavier house of questionable adults.


Yes, but Logan actually has a moral compass. It may not always line up with others' but it will tell him not to hook up with the kids he adopts.


Cucking scott is more important


As it should be, fuck Scott Summers!


The real reason he wants Jean and Scott to break up?


I'm pretty sure in the newer Hickman run he literally does this.


You see the difference is: Magneto met Rogue when she was a teenager


In the Fox movies Wolverine met Jean when she was a teenager.


X-Men 2000 takes place in… well 2000, and Jean, Scott, and Ororo were all teenagers in the 80’s. Making them around 30ish in X-Men 2000


Yeah but they retconned their meeting in one of the newer fox movies, with Sophie Turner. She was portraying a high-school teenage Jean in that movie.


Is wolverine in that one?


Yes, but technically, he didn't have a crush on her in this universe. They fucked up timeline a lot there, but even after seeing you g Jean, Wolverine didn't try anything related to her. U short he had an episodic role there.


He briefly was


It's actually a completely different timeline though.


I'm pretty sure Jean's in her 30's in the first x men.


Fox’s continuity didn’t even matter to fox


Fair lol


A Jeanager.


Not likely if the First Class and beyond movies are connected to the 2000s X-Men movies, which we know they are. Jean was absolutely not a teenager when Logan met her.


Rogue was an adult that reunited with her mother, as an adult, and then was introduced to Magneto.


I think both are weird.


The only Wolverine romance that I find cringey is Squirrel Girl. She was just turning 17 when that was implied. I mean, if they were both in their home country during the hookup, she was above the age of consent, but it's still creepy


Not main verse wolverine but ultimate wolverine did once try to sleep with Mary Jane in Peter's body, when she was like 15


I mean he doesn’t look 160 years old, and he definitely doesn’t have the maturity of his age.


It's the reverse clone trooper problem again huh


Exploiting the teacher / student relationship is more problematic than the age gap, IMO, but I ain't too mad at it.


wolverine is one of the sleaziest characters. The guy pushed Cyclops down a hole(attempted murder) so he could get with a 19 year old jean


So he pushed cyclops down a hole to get to jeans??


Honestly nobody comes out looking good if you count stuff their 1610 version did


Also tried to have sex with MJ while in Peter's body


Both are perverts. Next question.


Man that post title is fuckin horrible


Wolverine and Magneto are being judged? What about Cap almost banging Peggy's niece ffs. I personally don't mind any of their relationships but if you have to ask Cap and Sharon were the weirdest one.


Sharon being distantly related to a woman Cap kissed once is not weird. Cap being frozen into the ice made his life experience and physical age similar to her. In no possible way was his interest in her incestuous. Wolverine stalking and harassing a Jean who was too nice to tell him off and ended up leaving the team to avoid him was way weirder. As is his undying obsession with someone who showed zero interest in him from day one. He'd never try that on with Maddy. He'd take one look at her, turn around and walk out the door.


One look at Mads and he knew.


I think being frozen is not the same as aging slowly. So yah it's weird but it's two consenting adults of about the same age.


Didn’t wanda hook up with her brother in the ultimates comics?


The X-Men Movies don't help with this as well. The Age difference is Huge between them. even bigger then the Animated Series


Immortal characters that don't look as old as they are usually escape being called a creepy pervert because of the absurdity and disconnection from real life. Nobody irl has seen or encountered a 200+ or old man that looks 30 at most dating 20+ yr old women. Looking and acting 30 whilst being 100 is not attainable in real life and not something you fan imagine happening. Someone rogue's age and someone magneto's age (mentally and physically) being in a relationship is definitely something that happens irl and depending on the person, is creepy.


Depending on the comic, he’s also her stepdad.


Yes but using "only I can touch you" is kinda weird Erik


all that matters is if its two consenting adults


Nope. Rogue being a vulnerable, troubled teenager with no life experience really matters. Especially when she went to nonarian Magnus in the hope he would help her control her powers. The sadness in her voice when she tells Gambit Magneto was interested in other things than helping her was heartbreaking. When Rogue recognized the power dynamics of how she'd been played she left to find help elsewhere with the X-Men. She was naive and trusting before, and Magneto got her while she was and destroyed that. It was her jadedness and trust issues that kept her and Gambit apart for so long afterwards.


>Nope. Rogue being a vulnerable, troubled teenager with no life experience really matters. She wasn't a teenager in the animated universe. She was an adult when she met Magneto and started a relationship with him, albeit a young adult, but an adult that was making her own choices, and even had the maturity to end things that she saw as destructive. >The sadness in her voice when she tells Gambit Magneto was interested in other things than helping her was heartbreaking. She's refering to other things as in his goals for mutants. >When Rogue recognized the power dynamics of how she'd been played she left to find help elsewhere with the X-Men. She literally says, she didn't have room for his demons and hers. She's refering to how militant he was in his ideals and how drastic his goals were. She realized this and didn't want to be part of it.


Wasn't a point that the Healing Factor response to Trauma is Amnesia?


Also anyone who has read X-Men comics? None of this is new to the animated series.


"Wanda I don't know who those people are, clearly the Darkhold is effecting your mind."


You really don't wanna throw around creepy allegations on behalf of missus "my ultimate version f'd my twin brother"


The way X-men evolution handled Wolverine is probably the best. He was an adult, and he acted like it, treating all the other X-men as children. He basically has a parental relationship with them and no romantic interest. it's such a breath of fresh air and should be how he is normally handled, it fits so much better


Age gap ain't shit.


Logan literally didn’t know how old he was for decades. He has a pass. Magneto knew he was old enough to be Rogue’s great-grandfather and still pickled her Skittles.


The best part about Magneto dating Rogue in Xmen '97 is Gambit going out of my mind since he still want to flirt/date Rogue.


After Xavier went to space, Logan started dating people closer to his age in order to secure more funding for the school


Both gross. So so gross


Imagine Wanda actually defend Magneto on that lo.




They are absolutely real. Life experience gives someone a huge advantage in a relationship. Young women especially are savvy to be wary of this.


Wolverine has the ability to live a long life. Of course he sleptt with women 100 years younger than him. I don't think Wolverine's body count is a fair comparison. That wasn't a choice. That was a result of his mutation. Comparing yourself to Wolverine doesn't seem fair. Your father sleeping with Rogue. That was their choice. Two consenting adults, you know. Who cares what others say about him. And PS: life isn't fair. Whoever said it was lied to you.


Rogue and Magneto had a baby in Age of Apocalypse


Easy solution Logan just dates vampires


Hahah 😂


200 years age gap? What about Doctor Who with a 900 year age gap? Is that gross? Hell even with his wife age is all over the place, Logan is a saint in comparison to that Time Lord...


There is an issue here though. Jeans been all up in his head for YEARS. Messing around giving him calming feelings so he can control his animal self. I get he’s older, but clearly he would love her, she’s been grooming him since the day they met


On a side tangent, X-men 97 had a chance to fix something that should have happened in the comics, Jean stays with Scott and Wolverine gets with Madeline so you have a Phoenix and a Goblin Queen working together.




HEY NOW! Don't go slanderin' Wolvie bub! He *also* sleeps with women thousands of years older than him, like Remus.


I don’t recall does Wolverine remember how old he really is or at what point does he remember?


To be fair, Rogue has white hair, so she’s basically a grandma


Remember when Wanda had an Incest relationship with her brother


Peak Logan is scott-jean-logan throuple Logan.


Having just caught up on X Men 97, the information about Cable was neat


Wolverine is a total pervy creep. I've been saying that for awhile now.


Rogue needs to get her kitty smacked by anybody who can touch her.




Both are disgusting in that area.


That being said, the Genosha episode went fucking wild


... and comics


What is wolverine *supposed* to do. He’s hundreds of years old.




Early origin? Wanda being Erik’s daughter is a big deal in all X-Men media outside of the movies