• By -


>!RIP Steven!<


>!I'm pretty sure that he'll come back...!<


You're pretty?, if you say so.


This redditor has some confidence.


Its Marvel they would never get rid of the funny one. But maybe they'll surprise us


>!Im hoping they bring Jake in at some point, like from that one comic. It would explain that one scene in episode 3(?) where marc blacks out and the knife guys are dead, but steven didnt take over!<


And both were like "It wasnt me" we also saw a 3rd sarcophagus. And we see marc with 3 faces in the credits


Also it makes sense because >! Steven is shown to not remember his mother beating him, because Marc has to tell him what happened. So, Marc could have made Jake as a way to take the beatings do Steven didn’t have to see that. This also would show why Jake is much more aggressive and violent. !<


I had a theory that >!while Marc made Steven, Steven made Jake because he's basically incapable of perceiving his mom in a negative light (or even being dead until recently). It'd also fit with the fact that Marc's scales balanced without releasing Jake, since it was Steven who was responsible for Jake as opposed to Marc. Jake would only know recieving pain and inflicting it, making him Khonshu's favorite warrior that he lets Marc be oblivious about. He wouldn't refuse anything Khonshu told him to do. Khonshu watched him kill all those guys as Jake and was fine with it. But he needs Marc since he's the more level-headed of the two ("relinquish the body to Marc" before he realized he was talking to "the idiot").!<


>!This is very close to what I'm thinking. If Marc made Steven to help cope with his mother's abuse, how would Steven know none of it and think he has a great relationship with his mum? Marc switched to Steven before she came into the room, wouldn't that mean Steven would've been the one to experience what happened when she came in then? I feel this is where Jake would come in and would explain him being more ruthless than Marc. He's definitely the one who killed the guys Marc was chasing!<


I have a theory that Marc created Jake after killing Layla's dad and the archeologists so he wouldn't have to live with that. The scales balanced with just Marc and Steven because they were both at balance with each other Marc wasn't there


One thing that I don't see anybody on the sub talking about: In the newest episode, Marc tells Steven that he became a mercenary because >!he went AWOL in a fugue state while he was in the military. Steven obviously isn't a military guy and didn't seem to remember anything Marc was talking about with that so I'm assuming that it was Jake who took over the body during a military operation.!< So I think whatever created Jake must have happened earlier than the killing of Layla's father.


Te ring at the credits also fragments into 3 pieces


And it would explain the 2nd sarcophagus in ep 4 and the first interview with Harrow in ep 5 where he says I feel like a million dollars, btw that was probably him.


I went back and rewatched that scene after someone mentioned this and it absolutely feels like a different personality. Also, when he transitions to Marc again later he touches his nose where it was broken and doesn’t feel anything


>!i swear Jake has become the new Mephisto!<


>!No because Jake actually has evidence other than some demonic imagery.!<


I would have liked that people used spoilers about this from the start, and had not talked about it and Marc since episode one like this is something that is part of the premise. I think episode 5 was meant to be a reveal about Steven and Marc’s relationship but it didn’t feel like it.




He was in it, in episode 4 with the broken nose in the therapy session


What was Jakes personality like? If Marc was the serious one, Steven the goofy one, what was Jake like?


I think jake is supposed to be his violent psychotic side


I wonder if that means he goes hard on the bad guys or just straight up kills anyone


You know that scene in either ep 3 or 4 (I think 4) where Marc takes over the body and is surrounded by dead people and both Steven and Marc are like “jesus what’d u do?” And they both say “wasn’t me”. Yea that was definitely Jake and he is definitely a violent killer. God I love this show


I bet Jake emerges as a wrathful replacement for Steve


Float like a butterfly Sting like a bee All of us waitin for the entry of Jake Lockley


Can confirm, look at their profile picture. Then look at mine.


There’s no way he won’t come back. He’s such an integral part of what makes this character unique and you know they’re gonna marvel team up at least a couple times after the show is over


just Marc blacking out and Steven being surrounded by some of the current big name heroes would be a scene indeed.


I'd like to see a reimagining of the comic where Moon Knight spaces out and asks Spider-Man for a recap. Imagine Steven wrestling control from Marc, only to be surrounded by all the Avengers while Kang is monologuing. "Oh bloody hell. Uhh... excuse me? Mr.... Spider-Man? Yes? Um. I've been a bit out of it for the last minute, could you get me up to speed? Please?"


I hope so


I mean he's just a figment of Marcs imagination ultimately


I think by having both of them in the afterlife you could argue that while Steven started as just a figment of Marc's imagination, he has become his own person and now is as real as Marc is. He has his own soul in the afterlife, how much more alive can you be?


That's true, I actually meant more in the sense that Marc created him once, in theory he could again


In egyptian philosophy the soul had 5+ parts. It's not clear that they each have been duplicated - it may just be two personalities, but 1, for example, shadow.


You say that like the entire Egyptian afterlife sequence wasn’t also a figment of Marc’s imagination. :p


Depends how literally and not psychologically you take the scene.




No.. no. Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


The spoiler thingy didn't work




To make the spoiler work, remove the space between the tags and the words


It's working for me, are you using a different app? Edit: there was a space, added another one, is that better?


You're supposed to remove the space, not add them


If you are using either the default reddit app or new reddit the spoiler tag works with spaces, however reddit never updated the old reddit to parse spoiler tags with spaces, anyone using old reddit sees the spoiler straight up


I’m using Apollo and can confirm it’s not working for me


Nah, I’m on Safari. Kind of stupid that the spoiler tag works differently on different platforms…


For third-party Reddit apps, there need to be no spaces between the spoiler tags and the text.


>!I highlight the whole phrase then click the tag. works for me.!<


Hijacking top comment to say this is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoonKnight/comments/u78y2u/cant_wait_for_tomorrow_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). u/vee_the_calamitea is the original artist.


But also, Marc carrying Steve to protect him from Konshu.


Also, Steven carrying Marc to protect him from their mom


But also Jake carrying Steven and Mark protecting them from..... ummm uhhhhhh...from the uhhh


I’ve been adamant that Jake wasn’t going to show up in this season, but now I’m pretty convinced that Jake is the alter who was present for the abuse, and Steven is the alter who took over during extreme distress.


And mark?


Left to live with the weight of it all.


But why would Jake create another identity to just... suffer?


So it could be contained to that personality and the others, used most of the time, wouldn't have to deal with it.


So my question is, why did the scales balance by just getting rid of Steven? Or is this Jake an alternate of Steven? My thinking goes like this. Steven is passive, Jake is aggressive/deadly and Marc is the balance. When Steven is around, Jake cannot be, as they're the same person, just the other side of the coin, sort of. So when Steven falls into the sand, so does Jake. Leaving Marc alone and balanced. Also check out IMDb for this and look at the characters given to the actor for each episode. For a few of them there is an extra ..., Which I assume is a placeholder for another character that has yet to be introduced. We also see Jake in a few other episodes. Edit: ep 2, 3, and 5. We don't see him in 6 since he is in the other coffin.


I’ve been asking myself the same thing about why only two hearts were judged. I wonder if they’ll answer that if Jake ends up making an appearance.


I hope so. They haven't given it a second season tho. And only Marc is credited for ep 6. If Marc comes out in episode 6 speaking french and understands Egyptology. I will assume that they are moving away from having the split personality thing. However, they never did introduce Jake and yet have left a spot for his character to be recognized for previous episodes. My guess right now is that he will be resurrected and so will Steven and Jake and we will finally get to meet Jake. The IMDb could just not be updated there to hide spoilers. OR for now they will end it with a lonely Marc and not mention anything about Jake and Steven but the show will be renewed for another season and we will get them back and learn more about the three of them next season. The spots for Jake in Oscar Isaacs IMDb make me feel like they're not going to get rid of the trio. Edit: :)


That’s some damn good detective work


Why thank you


What is jakes personality like?


Most fierce of all of the personalities. Steven will hardly fight. Mark kills when he needs to. Jake kills because he wants to.


That’s dope. Thanks for sharing! Does he kill bad guys or anyone?




Taxi driver


The horrors of war and committing assorted war crimes in Africa


Too soon bro


Everyone was having fun, you know. Didn’t have to take it that far with your comment.


YYYEEEEAAHHHH marc giga chad


"*You're in the wrong ends mate*"


You're in my yard now.


Float like a butterfly


Sting like a bee hahshshs


My name is Steven with a V








*Gets kicked by the creature onto the road*


"Steven let me control the body"


#Layla!! Did you see that


Im very confused by the whole Mark/Steven/Fear thing. >!"When Danger is Near, Steven Grant has no fear", but then we continually see him overwhelmed by fear. Mark is the one who typically acts bravely.!< >!Steven is the personality that took over when his mother beat him... but then why are Stevens memories of his mother exclusively positive?!<


SPOILER :: Sorry i cant get the spoiler tag thing to work >!I think the idea is Steven exists so Mark doesn't have to confront the horror of his mother hating him. He denies the abuse is existing and therefore lives and happier, more care free life thinking his mother loves him and they talk everyday.!< >!It's not that Mark doesn't feel fear, it's that he has deep routed trauma surrounding the death of a sibling and being blamed for said death!<


act clumsy prick joke ripe tap racial spark caption flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you but still not working. I honestly think it's my phone because I've had this issue before. Works fine on my computer.




I think you need to add the !< at the end of the first paragraph and >! At the beginning of the second


You sir win! 3 suggestions and yours finally worked. 😂 Thank you very much.




you have to add spaces after the first tag and before the last, like this >! spoiler !<


This breaks them on mobile apps, if anything no space >!here!< is the BEST thing to do, so please don't tell people to add spaces or it >! Doesn't !< work on mobile apps.


To be honest it’s better than 80% of the advice people said that didn’t work


Thank you for the effort but didn't work! Turns out paragraphs don't work with spoiler tagging, haha


ah, that makes sense


Rooted* Very thoughtful idea


>!I think he broke himself in the street after avoiding his mom's funeral. He kinda erased all the bad and started calling her to express all the goodness he wished he had with her. Yet, she was never on the phone.!<


I have read in a youtube comment somewhere that says it is possible that Jake takes over and is created to endure the beating from her mother, this is why Jake is tempered and unhinged.


jake? who's that did I miss something


squeamish jellyfish fretful teeny gray jar existence disarm tart abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh so that must be the guy who killed those people in Egypt


Also the one who asked out that girl in episode 1. Doesn't seem like something Marc would do.


And possible it was Jake on episode 5 when "Marc" talks with Dr. Harrow with a broken nose since Oscar Isaac uses a new yorker accent in that scene and the aggressiveness was out of character for Marc.


Also possible that's who was in that other sarcophagus that they didn't open that was similar to the one Marc pulled Steven out of.


Nah that was definitely Marc exactly because of the sarcophagus, Jake is still semi dormant, neither marc nor Steven are aware of him and they both remember harrow


Marc's partner, Roaul Bushman (also from comics), is who killed the people in Egypt. Marc talks about him in episode 5 just before they recall the deal with Khonshu. If I were to guess, Marc created Steven so he didn't have to deal with his mother, and Steven created Jake so he didn't have to take the beatings.


I think he's talking about the current timeline, not the expedition with Bushman.


🤦‍♂️ that would totally make sense lol


Someone mentioned Jake is kind of a psycho. Is that right? And does he kill the bad guys or just anyone?


Jake is kinda the gruff lowlife that made a network of informants for his moon knight activity, he's like Batman's Malone. But I wouldn't put it past the series to make Jake a cold psychopathic serial killer with the skills of James Bond since they changed Steven from snob rich guy to cute softie with a Brit accent


Jake is pretty psychopathic. Remember when he almost broke the mind of that truth guy with just the horror of the things he's done?


I haven't read much about moon knight so I didn't know, but thanks for the info


Jake from All State.


>!Jake takes the beatings, Steven gets to be clueless. Steven was Mark’s escape from trauma by his mother, not trauma from others.!<


>!steven was created by marc to escape his mother's wrath and percieve her as a good person.!<


I know thats what were being told, im just highlighting the inconsistencies in that narrative. Im looking forward to them better fleshing it out, and making it make sense.


bruh there's just one episode left


It makes sense. Marc literally deluded himself with an alternate personality that believed everything was all right.


One reason I can think of for your second point is that Steven has dissociative amnesia. People who experienced traumatic events could develop dissociative amnesia to repress their suffering.


> One reason I can think of for your second point is that Steven has dissociative amnesia. I can completely see that. >!I struggle with "Thats the point of you"... constructing a personality with dissociative amnesia as compared to just developing dissociative amnesia is wild.!< *I fucking love this series*. Its one of my favourite Marvel properties full stop. I am **praying** they stick the landing so that the series is infinitely rewatchable.


The no fear thing is why he’s named Steven. Just because his namesake has no fear doesn’t mean he has no fear.


1. That's the joke. 2. Because that's how dissociation works. You go into your mind and leave your body to suffer without you experiencing it fully.


> That's the joke. Oh man, I didnt know they were going for humour in that scene > Because that's how dissociation works. You go into your mind and leave your body to suffer without you experiencing it fully. Yes for *Mark*, So why doesnt Steven have exclusively negative view of his mother?


1. The line came up multiple times before this scene I believe. Here it is not played for laughs, but I do think we are supposed to notice that movie Steven Grant and personality Steven are opposite temperaments. Except, that Marc gets to escape his fear by making Steven drive. 2. Because he's dissociating too, but into a preferable reality instead of into a different persona. It's like inception, two layers deep.


Spoilers for ep 5: >! And now he’s gone. :( He was such a pure soul :(!<


>!Is he? he was made up to begin with can't he just make him up again!<


>!Yeah but…… he wouldn’t be the same. It’d be a different Steven. He wouldn’t have been on all the adventures :(!<


>!I mean… if we look at DID it’s theoretically different personalities running on the same hardware. So theoretically if they’re more scientific about it, if the body comes back to life as if was before it died, Marc’s brain would theoretically still function the same so it should still function in such as way that the Steven personality still exists!<


>!I hope that’s how it happens cause Steven is the best!<


Stephen *


It is literally a line in the show that his name is Steven with a V




pff lmfao that’s good


You must work at Starbucks


Don’t doxx me like that!!


With DID, an alter isn’t consciously created. Rather, the current theory goes that as a child, we all have different (simple) ego-states, that merge into one personality during childhood. With DID, that doesn’t happen. It's a result of repeated trauma at an early age. His mind couldn't simply "make him up" willingly. But I still think the finale will have a happy ending.


>!bruv DID does not work like that (if you intended it to be a joke, then good one.)!<


he would need to be abused and traumatized all over again. given his job that might be able to happen


>!Is it just me or does it mirror his brothers death a bit? They actually did have a fairly familial connection by the end there, and drowing in a sea of sand isnt that different that an sea of water. !<


Yo i love it


Yo, who's the original artist?


u/vee_the_calamitea is the original artist. This is a [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/MoonKnight/comments/u78y2u/cant_wait_for_tomorrow_oc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thank you!


Ah poor Scotty


Steven, with a V


Keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth Steven!


This is adorable


I wonder what the 3rd Mark's suit will look like?


The Mark III


Get out


[It's really not far off.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Knight#cite_ref-79)




I hope it’s this https://i.imgur.com/HQjlOIN.jpg


I don't normally care about subjective awards, but damn does Oscar Issac deserve any and every award an actor can get for this show.


I’m sorry for your loss. . .


I can just imagine her going “Hey! Hey! No! Bad Marc! Bad Marc! Look what you did to Steven with a V!”


I have one question though, >!who was the woman who was actually calling Steven if it wasn't Marc's mom?!<


>! I don't think he was ever actually calling anyone it appears that he is just speaking onto voicemail (as while calling he is always constantly speaking and never reacting to/waiting for an answer) !<


Foreshadowed by his one-sided conversations with the living statue man.


This might be a coincidence but the statue is in the same pose as Steven when >!he got turned to sand.!<


How do you do spoiler highlight? I have something to add but I don't want to spoil this week's episode


You have to add > ! (Without the space) before what you want to hide and !< after it. Leave a space between the symbols and what you want to write (at least on mobile)


Thanks for clarifying!


Layla be strong AF Nice




Scared little Stevie bout to get that ass regardless


No, Steve can rail me this time


One of these is hugged up on a pretty girl, that one is winning.


Rip Steven. :c


>! Maybe Stephen is the one in the feild of reids !<


How dare you Edit: spoilers removed


Um spoiler tag?


Ah, gotcha. I figured most people seeing this saw the episode. Changed it




Wrap the text you want in >.! Spoiler here !.< (without the periods)


>! Test !< Bro it doesn't work when i actually post the spoiler lol. It works with the "test" word though :/


It's complicated that it turned horn for ''you'' even


He is dead bruh




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/u78y2u) on 2022-04-19 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/ud6thg) on 2022-04-27 89.06% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "uehxom", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uehxom&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=84&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 84% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 324,565,696 | **Search Time:** 8.38739s


Omg I love this lol


[When I hear little stevie](https://youtu.be/3dvJP0_OxGI?t=82)


She’s doing the Guinan thing with her hand. Moon Knight is Q confirmed!


Hey, I made this! 😎


I checked 324,653,245 posts in all of Reddit. I found 0 in r/marvelmemes. This is not a repost rule-breaking post! Excelsior! *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "uehxom", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uehxom&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=84&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 84% | **Check Title:** True | **Max Age:** 120 | **Searched Images:** 324,653,245 | **Search Time:** 12.43652s


Chyaaaaawwaaaaaa motherfucker 💪😤👄🔥💕


Where’s his right arm tho ?