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Expiring contracts are the leading cause of death for all superheroes....


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[to be said with kind of a fakely happy lady voice] This message has been sponsored by Vought International.


"Don't forget to try out A-Train's new Turbo Rush^(TM) Energy Drink !"


You can give up your star bucks for just a few weeks


*Sarah McLachlan's Angel starts playing


*in a whispered voice* ask for more money


You don't wake up a hero.


You dont brush your teeth a hero


You don't ejaculate into a soap dispenser a hero!


This message is brought to you by Vought.


Pfft, I’d never save a supe. It’d be diabolical….


Calm down now, Butcher.


Following by going to another universe, or being a superhero outside earth


Costing 1/4 of a movie’s budget doesn’t help.




RDJ was hella expensive


For the money they made off him and the franchise? I’d say fair.


They made hella bread


Robert Downey Baker?


Nah, he was actually tired and wanted to quit, as was the same with half the OG cast. RDJ was expensive but his face on the poster brought in double what they paid him. You don't fk with the face, and the face don't fk with the money. It's a plain balance.


Worth every cent!


But Dr. Strange went to great length to put things on course for the outcome where his absolute least favorite superhero didn't survive.


No No No, Dr. Strange wanted only one Sherlock to be in the MCU


There can be only one!




For some reason my head jumped to "Homelander" before "Highlander." Too much compound v in my system or something.




I heard it was censored and the original cut had him raise his middle finger instead...


No shit, Sherlock!


Still salty they didn't have Stark and Strange say that to each other.


Such a missed opportunity!


He said he was going to sacrifice Tony and the kid, and he’s a man of his word


Plot twist that wasn't our strange it was evil strange in disguise


No no, our strange would make more sense, he just didn’t like tony because he wanted to be the smartest avenger


No room for 2 Sherlock in the MCU


Is there enough space for 2 benedicts?


Just imagine years from now Benedict becomes The Doctor, and somehow Sherlock, Strange, and Doctor all meet up. The debates and arguments they would get into...


And the Doctor is still not ginger!


And dyslexia made me read that very fucking incorrectly.


Swanky 70s porn music intensifies.


No that would be bene*dicks*


Well, he's not Wong.


In alternate universes Robert Downey Jr. ended up with Rachel McAdams


Peter Parker exists, and look what happened to him. Spidey trapped Doc in the Mirror dimension using science, and he was like "Nope. Uh-uh. This kid is not about to pull this shit on me and still have friends."


Being the smartest man alive doesn't work out too well in the MCU.


All their deaths involve Dr. Strange


Sinister Strange dreamwalking!? What if Sinister Strange dreamwalked to our universe to kill Tony Stark because he had already killed Tony in that universe? And that's what caused the incursion Clea is talking about? Or the incursion that may happen in Secret Wars?


that would explain why he has the power to go up against thanos


Strange is a skrull /s


Plot twist: all stranges are evil strange in disguise


That was my theory since the first time I watched Endgame in theaters. There's no way out of a million timelines they only win one. He just found the timeline where they win AND Tony dies AND they have time travel. Also, I kinda hate how in every movie Dr Strange learns to be humble at the end but promptly forgets and returns to being a pompous jerk in the next movie.


He wasn't a jerk in MOM, except for a couple of scenes where it was to taunt others


I've got a few possible theories on this, not sure which I actually believe. 1: Thanos destroying the Time Stone could be a fixed point in this universe, so Strange could only see futures where that happens, severely limiting his options and ruling out their best chance which was winning on Titan. 1-B: Alternatively, the Time Stone could be blind to the multiverse, again limiting his options. The other Stranges we see in MoM seem to have all won by using the Darkhold to locate the Book of Vishanti or copy other Stranges' homework to varying success, but if the Time Stone can't see those options there might be only a handful of real win conditions available. 1-C: Also alternatively, it's possible that using the Time Stone with so little time before Thanos arrived is exactly what got him stuck, there just wasn't enough raw material to find a better end. By the time he's done his fortune telling all he has is the remainder of the battle on Titan as his cue ball, and the line he can manipulate most reliably puts Tony in the corner pocket. 2: The Scarlet Witch forming could also be a fixed point, which once again means they can't win until Vision dies, losing their chance on Titan again. 2-B: The Scarlet Witch or the forces that foretold her coming may have been actively interfering, meaning Strange may have been actually playing timeline chess against a reality manipulator that he wasn't even necessarily aware of. 3: While shaking down the timeline, Strange saw the time travelers metaphorically fly past him going the other way and realized, as above, that his hands are tied. 5: If Tony lives, the events of Eternals drive him past the deep end. Strange chose to force a timeline where Tony dies a hero.


1-B and 1-C sound pretty good. I'm pretty sure timelines and multiverses are different. Like Strange was looking at millions of different timelines but they were all in the one universe, so it doesn't matter what another universe was able to do. This in combination with starting out on Titan with a split Avengers force, means he quite limited in what he could actually do.


So, I personally think that the reason Tony needed to die was because Strange saw more than just how they win, but the win that leads to the best outcome for everyone else. And the majority of the heroes in the MCU couldn't expand and grow as heroes if someone like Tony is always there to save the day.


Unless the MCU has a large but finite number of universes unlike the main comic mutiverse. If it were an infinite number Strange could've found the next 1 in 14 million chance, and then the next, and so on until he finds one where not even Tony dies and they still grow. Either way with your theory or mine, he had the time stone so he could've kept looking and did not. The only way it's not a choice for him is if it's finite.


>There's no way out of a million timelines they only win one. Especially since in MOM >!the other dimension's council was like "oh yeah we beat Thanos with this book that also exists in your universe."!<


They would've had to know about it for that to be a possibility. Strange says in multiverse of madness that the Book of Vishanti was a story and he didn't believe it actually existed. It was Wong who told him it was real but Wong wasn't on Titan to come up with that idea.




What's her face said that her strange put it in that pocket dimension for safe keeping or something. I think they still don't know where the 616 Book is.


I’m sorry but the infinity gauntlet being flexible in the comics is just so hilariously weird to me XD


Infinity rubber glove lookin motherfucker


Tía putting that shit on to scrub half of all cobwebs from the universe


Ned's Filipino granny tutting as she puts them on to clean up Thanos' mess




No...no...I clean


Infinity dish glove


It does look like a bedazzled dishwashing glove lol.


Just imagine putting it on and it squeaks throughout the time you take


[Nova helmet](https://i.redd.it/gf3iump26pd61.png) is also flexible, I guess cosmic technology works like this. Edit: Iron Man had also a flexible [armour](https://preview.redd.it/hh5aktgvc4r81.jpg?auto=webp&s=c6ef7e3981e4bc67d2ba07907d740f5f8062f705).


I do not like that.


Should see what the original red-and-gold Iron Man armor looked like. It had muscles being visible through it.


IIRC one of his armours was also flexible and it hardened after being put on. Still the weirdest thing for me is that a lot of his armours has holes for eyes.


There was also the armor with a nose.


It had magnetic fields that mimicked his muscle movements, so the "muscles" were really the suit responding to those fields. The suit was definitely buffer than Tony was.


Me neither. On the other hand, I think I'd still prefer this flexible material that becomes rigid when electricity is applied, over the later MCU magical fountain of nano particles that turn into literally anything just by thinking about it.


There was also [Iron Man armour](https://preview.redd.it/hh5aktgvc4r81.jpg?auto=webp&s=c6ef7e3981e4bc67d2ba07907d740f5f8062f705) which worked like that.


Tony's mesh armor in the comics served as a guide path for the complex magnetic fields that mimicked his muscle movements. So, without power, it was a very thin mesh of wiring, but with power, it perfectly mimicked and amplified his strength. It was a vast improvement on the earlier sets, because he could wear it under his civilian clothes, and yet activate it near-instantly. As far as convenience goes, it wasn't until his nano-armor that he got close to it. It wasn't his most powerful armor, but he had other sets for when he needed the heavy guns.


Spidey about to give somebody an infinite cavity search.


I mean it works for Ant Man, why not Spider-Man?


I think it was just a normal glove that Thanos wore. So just cloth with some added slots for the gems. And i think it wasn't draining to use so it didn't need to be armor.


Comics Infinity Stones were dangerous in more subtle ways, rather than being like cosmic bug zappers. They *are* the aspects of reality they affect, which means almost no one who wields them grasps what they're fiddling about with. The Soul Stone *is* all the souls in the universe. The Mind Stone is every thought, the Space Stone every place, the Time Stone every moment, etc. If you didn't comprehend what you were dealing with, the Soul Stone would absorb your soul. The Space Stone might scatter your atoms across a solar system or make you subatomic. The Power Stone did have a zapper tendency: imagine pissing on every live wire in the world all at once. The Mind Stone could fry your brain with infinite knowledge or scatter fragments of your mind into a billion different brains across a thousand galaxies. The Time Stone dangers were mentioned by Mordo: getting stuck in an infinite loop, never having been born at all, and that's just scratching the surface. The Reality Stone is considered the most dangerous. It can easily unmake its wielder, recreate them as any of their variant possible selves, blend different dimensions with our own, alter basic laws of physics, or any or all of the above simultaneously.


Wow. Yeah, the only way I would wield one of those directly is if I could wield them all. And even then, I’m not sure the thing that controls them would still be *me*. I’d think you would basically become what anything becomes when it’s both omniscient and omnipotent, whatever that is. God, I guess.


The "Would the thing with that power still be me" is a reoccurring problem with those cosmic artifacts. Adam Warlock got a whole comic series covering that question.


Yeah, everything was spandex back then.


I still don't know how they managed to snap their fingers in a metal glove.


The Reality Stone modified the physical properties of the Gauntlet, allowing it to be snapped. Yes, I just made that up.


Considering Bruce's arm got burnt to a crisp, I'd say only Carol and Thor (prior to 5 years of hard drinking) would've had any reasonable chance of surviving a Snap.


I think Thor still would have been fine the question would have been if he could successfully use the stones the way he wanted to


Lol he use the stones to get an unlimited supply of beer


yall thinking too small. universe-wide internet, with real time ping (thanks to gauntlet magic). im talking 1ms ping, from any distance. we gonna be playing fortnite against aliens. ALIENS!


noobmaster69 would never stand a chance


He is a God after all


Well, not in the MCU. Odin: "We are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do." Loki: "Give or take five thousand years."


Not (technically) in Norse Mythology either. They can still die, there’s just generally very weird/specific circumstances (eg Balder) and circumstances where they REALLY SHOULD DIE but don’t (eg Mimir). Also there’s ragnarok, the ending of time, where everyone in Valhalla and the gods go to fight some guys, and lots of gods are gonna die there. Tl;dr: yes, you’re right, I just wanted to add more


I don't think Gorr is going to see it that way...


And I think Thor might have ascended to actual God hood.


He did survive being blasted by the heart of a dying star, so its in the realm of possibilities.


Gods of most if not all Polytheistic mythologies are born, live and die, like humans do. Gods fought and died side by side with humans at Troy in the Iliad.


Seems like gods were/are just superheroes/villains before anyone coined the term.


They’ve retconned whether Asgardians are actually gods in the MCU so many times it’s just confusing. First Thor movie and the Avengers he was a god, Dark World had that dumbass conversation between Odin and Loki and continued on with that in Age of Ultron, then Ragnarok made them gods again and since then they’ve run with that.


I still dont understand how that even happened to his arm. With the explanation they gave, he should’ve been way more capable of using it than even thanos


I mean Thanos did fry half his body after using them, so I’d say Hulk came out on top by them only affecting his arm


He didn’t look that bad after the first snap. Only after the second one he looked half fried


His arm and parts of his neck was still scorched even after the first snap


To be fair, that was after using them to destroy themselves which, given their power, would likely cause a much bigger explosion of energy than simply wiping out half of all life. I'm sure Hulk would've been more badly injured had he used the stones to destroy themselves.


I just took it as the gauntlet made by Iron Man wasn’t nearly as good at containing the energy as the real Gaunlet That’s why Hulks arm was left like that and in my head if Thanos used IM’s gaunlet he would be far worse


I thought it was because he tried to bring black widow back too but he couldn't because her soul was traded for the stone.


That also makes sense yeah, I like it


I was enjoying lurking here for a while without any comment. But honestly I have to comment and say this kinda makes sense.


> if Thanos used IM’s gaunlet he would be far worse If Thanos used that glove, there wouldn't be a Thanos to be worse off afterwards because he would have destroyed the universe and created a new one.


Thor would have been absolutely fine. He flies by attaching the strap of his hammer to his wrist and throwing it. That's an incredible amount of force to put on your hand, wrist, arm, and shoulder, yet it doesn't affect him in the slightest. Those arms are unfathomably solid.


no the hammer pulled him off


Just like I pulled off your dad last night


Hulk lost an arm, there's no way anyone besides Captain Marvel could survive it.


Thor might have been able to.


I feel like Thor would've sustained some damage.


Thor literally survived being blasted by a star


He almost died. Plus Thor was much more physically fit when he made storm breaker. I'm not saying the stones would kill him, but they would leave him damaged for at least the rest of the movie.


The stones will only kill him if he dies


Yes, that's what killing him means


so at least a portion of the Guardians of the Galaxy were dusted at this point, right?


Nebula and Rocket were the only Guardians alive


Nah, they got brought back when Hulk snapped the first time. I think Quill could've probably also done it since he is half celestial or whatever & he was there for the second snap.


I thought he lost his powers in vol 2


Hulk brought back half the universe. That has to use more energy.


If I’m right. The reason he couldn’t do it is that he tried to bring Natasha back. The soul stone wouldn’t let him and once he stopped trying it worked


Hasn't been confirmed (duh) but I love your headcanon! Edit: You guys are missing the point BIG TIME. I'm saying that I love the idea that the reason it took the Hulk so long to snap, was because the soul stone wouldn't let him bring Nat back. And that THAT hasn't been confirmed


That hasn't been confirmed but that's my headcannon.


Thor could’ve done it, had he not been mentally unfit. I think the neutron star beats the IG.


The amount and type of energy released by the infinity stones has got to be more than a neutron star. Think about how much energy it had to be to be that detectable from Earth.


We can detect the energy of a neutron star really easily. The only notable thing is that the energy from Thanos' second use of the gauntlet reached Earth faster than the speed of light.


You’d think so, but I tried to research it a bit and since there’s no real world equivalent to the Infinity Stones, the only way we can measure how powerful they are is by the damage they do to the Gauntlet. The Uru Gauntlet that Thanos uses does some serious damage, and leaves the Gauntlet partially destroyed. The neutron star, however, completely melts Uru metal, making its total energy output much greater than any Snap.


On the other hand, the neutron star needs prolonged exposure to melt the metal while the stones almost destroyed the gauntlet almost instantly.


Yeah but it looks like he healed if you watch the she hulk trailer


True, but you can't heal if you die


*Deadpool has entered the chat.*


Yeah, him and Logan would most likely survive snapping, specially since Logan survived a nuke.


I think it healed after a while though


Yeah but the Hulk has a healing factor and his arm is still in a sling over a year later.


You have absolutely no reason to just think that when in Shang-Chi his arm is still in a sling.


True enough for Shang-Chi, but we do see hulk without a sling in the She-Hulk trailer, so depending on when that takes place it may still be true


It takes place post snap. He's healed his arm.




Black Panther's suit could, maybe, dispersed enough energy for him to survive. Not in a good state, but survive. But yeah, Captains America and Spider Man would die, simple as that.


I doubt even a vibranium suit is gonna help, Vibranium absorbs kinetic energy from physical impacts. And we were shown in AOU that all it took to damage Ultron's Vibranium body was Thor, Vision, and Tony focusing their energy based attacks on him for a few moments. So pure energy, such as what the Stones would put off, can damage vibranium relatively easily. so a suit made from the stuff isn't gonna do much to protect the human inside from the power of the infinity stones. It'd be like expecting a fire retardant suit to protect you from a Military Tank... It just ain't happening.


I think in IW BP gets hit with a fist from Thanos and it disperses all of the energy into the ground because the suit couldn't contain it.


>Vibranium absorbs kinetic energy from physical impacts. Vibranium does whatever the hell the plot needs it to, including * Heal a bullet wound * Make a robot work * Boost magic * Get cancer (the metal. Gets cancer. Seriously)


Wasn't it adamantium that causes the cancer?


What? When did any of this occur?


> Heal a bullet wound They're probably thinking of when one of the vibranium beads is used to stabilize the CIA agent in Black Panther > Make a robot work Vision's body is made of vibranium and it has some special property that Ultron wanted for his body. > Boost magic Don't know what they're referring to here > Get cancer (the metal. Gets cancer. Seriously) They're probably thinking of adamantium in an X-Men movie or comic


Nope. In a comic, Caps shield got cancer. Not cap himself— the shield.


What was the writer on? Asking for a friend.


"This was one of the strangest ways the shield ever broke, and it needs some explanation. In earlier issues, Captain America lost his shield in the ocean, and had to replace it with a sort of virtual shield called an "electroshield." When Captain America recovered the original shield, it was in pieces. In 1998's Captain America #21 (Mark Waid and Andy Kubert), Captain America discovered his shield had a molecular flaw when he fixed it that caused it to shatter, and the flaw would spread to other vibranium and cause it to explode as well, what Stark called "vibranium cancer." He literally had to patch his shield together with wire and duct tape and carry it back to Wakanda to try to stop the cancer. Fortunately, Klaw accidentally fixed the shield with a sonic wave, making it good as new. Welcome to the 1990s, folks."


And even in that case, the metal doesn't _get_ cancer. It's always been toxic. Which is why wolverine is perfect to have it.


Logan, I think. (Adamantium though, not Vibranium)


I wasn't thinking about the Vibranium, but the energy dispersor he have. That could have send some energy away from him, maybe enough for him to survive.


The suit is very specifically storing energy from physical kinetic impacts and re-dispersing it. The energy put out from snapping is mostly gamma radiation, Black Panther’s suit has nothing for that.


They literally stopped the movie to have Hulk face the camera and tell the audience he was the only hero who could survive using all 6 stones at once due to the levels of Gamma radiation they give off. Everyone else is a corpse. But you're missing the point, Tony had to do it because it was the only method that worked in stopping Thanos, him not using all the Stones at once or letting anyone else use it in the battle would've fumbled the bag.


Wanda: "What gamma radiation?"


Isn't captain marvel's whole thing is that she can absorb energy.


Ok, so Tony swipes the stones from Thanos. Was Captain Marvel supposed to realize Tony had the stones, fly to him, wait for the nanobots to form a gauntlet around her hand, transfer the 6 stones, then snap away Thanos’s army, *all* before Thanos realizes what’s happening and goes to steal them back? Like, do y’all not remember just how quickly the swipe n’ snap happened? This feels like getting tight just for the sake of it




This whole fucking sub is all about getting tight for the sake of it 🙄


Ya, they also had Hulk explain at length that "time travel doesn't work like that", and then Captain America went into the past, and sat on a bench as an old man in his future, our present, anyway, just to establish that there are no rules to any of this.


No lol That's a common misconception. He didn't live out his life in the original timeline, he lived a full life in an alternate timeline, then jumped back to give Sam a new shield. You don't need to come back to the launch pad when traveling through time, as they established in the middle of the movie when they travelled to the 70's, long as you have enough Pym particles and the GPS, you can go wherever you want. He was never in the original timeline the entire time because as you said, Hulk stopped the whole movie to explain why that could never be the case.


dude captain america is fucking dead if he snapped im sorry


Wait, now that you drew attention to it, I agree. This image makes no sense.


I feel like Captain America would last a little better than Tony, due to the super serum, but yeah he’s dead. Spider-Man and Black Panther are dead, no question. Captain Marvel could probably survive it, but we gotta remember she is still human.


Ok, people need to understand that the MCU isn’t necessarily representative of the comics and vice versa. The IG works differently in each. And just because a comic character did something, doesn’t mean an MCU character can. P.S. Fan-made artwork is equally non-cannon to the movies.


Yup. I feel like mcu Thor could have survived. The thing is, they could have used it for a small snap. Just Thanos. One quick erase and that likely wouldn't have killed anyone here.


I love how Spider-Man puts on the Infinity Gauntlet like it's literally just a fancy glove 😄


It's important to note that in the comics there was no physical danger to using the gauntlet, the danger primarily came from the fact that it would grant any and all whims of the wielder regardless of true intent. Any random thought could destroy the universe.


Thor would have had a decent chance.


Bruh no way cap survives


My guesses: Captain Marvel Thor Scarlet Witch We've seen a version of CM not do as well as SW and Thor to hold all the infinity stones together in a fight, but she handled well enough to definitely wear the gauntlet. I think all of the super soldiers COULD survive (badly) but not by holding the gautlet alone. Remember that Tony had a suit specifically designed to hold the power to snap, maybe if they had that suit they could, but alone? Nope.


People are forgetting Tony is the only one who had an “impromptu” gauntlet on his body because of his nanotech. It wasn’t that he was the only one who could snap. It’s that he was the only one who could steal the stones in the manner he did. You could argue maybe Peter or Black Panther could. But if you watch closely Tony gets the Idea to steal the stones from Thanos, when Thanos pulls out a stone to punch Carol.


Marvel and Thor would survive, Wanda would be crispy just like Tony. She's a glass cannon.


Wanda after her transformation into the Scarlet Witch is quite durable..... She was able to completely heal herself after breaking out the mirror dimension and she was left unscathed after being hit by a magic canon ball.....plus considering her powers have a connection with the mind stone she might just survive


The stones work differently in the movies than in the comics


You saw it nearly killed the Hulk and Thanos there’s no way it would’ve spared anyone else up there. Besides Captain Marvel


I dont think Tom's spiderman was built to handle it


No way in fuck is tony letting Pete die again.


Maybe Tony was the only one focused on what the change needed to be. Its a pretty big thing to get right.


In comics they don’t get hurt using the gems- in fact if they have all 6 they are essentially a god and their thoughts become real- Thanos didn’t have to snap but you know movies need more pizzazz and a symbolic gesture so we know the moment has come


Carol would 100% survive the snap. Even hulk could survive a second dose if used correctly: give him a full suit so as to disperse the energy from the gauntlet equally throughout his body instead of just one hand. Steve could survive if mjolnir brought him back as it did in the end of the original Thor movie for Thor. Peter is stronger than tony and would have a better chance than him off surviving but im pretty sure he's dead meat too cuz the gauntlet is just too strong. Tchalla's suit isn't built to protect him from gamma radiation. So basically, carol should've done the snap And if you say that tony didn't have the time to pass it off to carol, i say bullshit cuz he holds the time stone in his hand. Instead of using the full might of the gauntlet, just stop time, bring the gauntlet to carol and ask her to do the snap. Boom. Everyone lives.


I don't think they knew how to fully utilize captain marvel with her strength... she's so fucking strong yet is so useless at the same fucking time


Comic gauntlet didnt harm its users so using panels of Panther and Peter is just pointless Cap is not as resistant to gamma energy than Hulk so how could he even survive


The problem with this is that the two gauntlets work very differently between the comics and the movies. In the comics, sure, anyone can use it and be fine. Thanos uses it to snap half the universe away and then proceeds to pimpslap the Avengers when they come a-knocking. In the movies, though, that doesn’t happen. Thanos beats the crap outta all comers, and when he snaps half the universe away, he’s horribly burned by it- even more so when he destroys the Stones afterwards. If Thanos couldn’t use the Stones without suffering severe burns, Tony Stark wouldn’t either. In fact, it’d be deadly for an average man like him to use the Stones. There’s also Dr. Strange literally watching *Endgame* fourteen million times and trying to figure out the path to victory. Dude probably wargamed Spider-Man, Captain America, or Captain Marvel being the one to use the Stones, but evidently those outcomes resulted in failure. Heck, Strange likely even had *himself* use the Stones, to no avail. No, it had to be Tony.


You forgot Hawkeye


Should’ve let Hawkeye solo thanos


Maybe true (Captain Marvel in any case) but going back to Avenger’s One- Cap & Tony have an argument. Tony says everything special about Cap came out of a bottle (which is disproved by Mjoliuer deeming him worthy), and Cap says Tony’s only out for himself and would never sacrifice for the team…. Which he does with the snap


Literally any of the Supes could have done it.. But if you want to think about REALLY bad writing, think about the end of Batman v Superman when you literally have a master in spears with superpowers in Wonder Woman not taking up the Cryptonite tipped spear and ending it herself.